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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12908431 No.12908431 [Reply] [Original]

Listen up niggers, I've seen a lot of anons asking why /biz/ loves ETH so much.. It appalls me that people need to even ask still..

Some of us truly shall never make it.

Let me spell it out for you ETH hating brainlets. During the last bubble, ETH/BTC ratio reached 0.15 BTC for 1 ETH. That's right. 0.15 BTC each.

It is currently below 0.04 BTC per ETH. By trading ETH pairs on exchanges, you make double gains as ETH's ratio returns to 0.15...
Not only this, but smart anons know that

Ethereum is the platform that the future financial system will be built on. MKR.. LINK... BNB.. every kike stable coin as well.

Name another coin with more speculative potential. Dexes taking over, ETH 2.0 development speeding up, staking on the horizon.

In the future, everyone will stake fractions of ETH on staking pools, securing the network further.

Every trade will be P2P on a decentralized exchange, all processed on-chain.
This is how the kikes will be defeated forever.

Usury is replaced by infinitely scaling freedom.
No one will be able to afford a full ETH by that point. Anons are comfy in Valhalla.

So strap the fuck in and stop asking questions about the future king. He doesn't have time nor fucks to give about you.

>> No.12908444
File: 216 KB, 1200x1163, 6AAD48D1-C822-47A6-BABD-4C9BD41241B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m usually very hateful on here, but I can’t hate on this. ETH doesn’t have it all together right now but they will soon, and when they do, I hope you guys hold atleast 50 of these bad boys.

>> No.12908447

We don't talk about this cause everyone knows it already dude...

>> No.12908454

How many eth needed for staking you think?

>> No.12908465

Lol, nice one

>> No.12908466

~10% of the total supply

>> No.12908474

market need to dump more, too overpriced at this price

>> No.12908475
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>> No.12908478

1 eth = 1 eth

>> No.12908482

This. Most people on /biz/ agree that ETH is a solid bet and you should own some. It gets even less fudded that BTC.

>> No.12908492
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You'll be able to stake with 1 ETH in a pool. Quit asking for the 32 ETH number again and again.

>> No.12908500

this anon knows.
the 32 eth estimate is literally FUD at this point.. you'll be able to stake on pools with fractions of ETH and Vit always said this.

>> No.12908508
File: 63 KB, 640x853, 77CA6078-12F8-4E94-B36B-30F3780D59EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back you go

>> No.12908510
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not a good thing by most metrics.

>> No.12908516

sounds very poorfaggish

>> No.12908523

its fun terminology, stop being such a contrarian and market buy some ETH.

>> No.12908532
File: 83 KB, 560x373, DD65AA79-40D6-4AEF-8917-730953937650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys actually buy eth? Where the fuck you guys been, not playing eth games? Tards

>> No.12908622

pls dont say eth games around me ever again,
I just got over my ethercrash addiction. never have I ever lost 5 eth in such a fast manner.

>> No.12908630

Lol! Dam stay strong my friend, ethercrash is awesome though

>> No.12908653

everyone knows ETH. When the bull run comes t will get astronomical gains. If you’re a semi- adjusted individual with a job, the 10x gains you get from this coin in USD wipild be cool and enough. /biz/ is looking to turn their 5k into 5mil. That’s why no one talk about it. Everyone is trying to ride the next antshares ponzi and cash out at big multiples then repeat with QNT until they become the next bull market miracle story. Know your crowd, OP. Tbf I hold RLC and HOT so I’m not exactly the normalfag safe investor I promised my gf I’d be.

>> No.12908677

Will be much more than 10x. Already 10x’d from this price when eth was even more shit than it is right now. In time it will do a 100x. Mark my

>> No.12908682

suble gf shill, I like it. Basedanon

>> No.12908698

Motherfucker the N word is not to be spoken here. It's forbidden, learn your manners for christ sake.

>> No.12908708

Spbp. ETH has a functional mvp, sensible roadmap and no capable competition. Most of /biz/ knows this.

The rest are either pajeet/chink shills, LINK degenerate gamblers or stockholm syndrome BTC maximalists.

>> No.12908721

exposing yourself to the merits of Vitalik and Joseph Lubin. Having an uncertain inflation schedule which is subject to committees. Talking technobabble and hyping up releases. Failing to scale even though no scale is required with less than 100 DAU for most DAPPS. Implementing POS while ignoring it's fundamental weaknesses, perpetual motion machine comes to mind.

The greatest trick ETH ever pulled was convincing brainlets it isn't an altcoin.

>> No.12908743

Found the link holder

>> No.12908749

The gains will be nice but BTC maximalist tears is what I'm waiting for.

>> No.12908791

I hope so anon. As a fresh grad to the work force, I will only be able to hold about 100 ETH by the 3Q2019.

>> No.12908793

Maximalst ever since I've seen shit like Novacoin or Peercoin die after 2013.

Most of this board should invest in BTC rather than speculate on the next x100. ETH did more damage than good to cryptocurrency. Ever since its ICO became common crypto is a scam-ridden greed land with too much hype.

Most projects don't need their own token. Most applications don't need to be decentralized. Centralized services are more efficient, consumer friendly and work just fine. The only use-case in all this years has been the sovereign bearer asset - eg digital gold.

>> No.12908808

BTC doesn't scale even if everyone used lightning.

>> No.12908980

>ICOs are bad because people are bad
Better not hold Bitcoin since it's used for cp and trafficking.

Fucking retard.

>> No.12909009

>market buy right now
Eh, I’ll wait until ETH fills my order at $70, the actual bottom.

>> No.12910086

>you make double gains as ETH's ratio returns to 0.15...
>Not only this, but smart anons know that
kek so im not the only one eh. are you completely on-chain yet?

>> No.12910122

this, i dont see a timeline were eth never hits 0.1 btc again.

>2.5x gains not even ATH ratio
>would have to fall to crazy low 0.015 for 1/2.5

the risk:reward just seems too good to miss out

>> No.12910142

I gave 100 ETH to my findom in January 2017. She gave me one back because I begged her later that year. I sometimes can't sleep at night because anxiety over what I did. I wasn't able to buy more during the bull run because she also had control of my bank account.

>> No.12910150


Too stupid to grasp this shit but when btc drops everything else drops in usd value even though some have big fiat gateways.

All is calculated in btc. Will that change when another shitcoin takes no spot?

>> No.12910167

Made DAI possible tho.

>> No.12910173

Damn 0.1 at 100k BTC would be niiiiccceee

Either LARP or sub 80 IQ

>> No.12910174

I have been calculating my shitcoin trades in terms of ETH for a long time now.

>> No.12910178

>BTC Dropped from 6k to below 4k
>Link went from $0.22 to $0.41

What did he mean when he said everything drops in value when BTC drops in dollar value?

>> No.12910200
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bitconnect all over again... yes anon put your coins in a staking pool, lmao. I'll hold your coins in my staking pool. I won't exist scam. Promise.

>> No.12910215
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So don't put your ETH in a pool if you don't trust the pool manager. I don't see your point.
Just stake yourself or don't stake at all then. Staking rewards will be very small anyway.

>> No.12910244
File: 2.15 MB, 2448x3264, vitalik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> 32 ETH

32 ETH is like $4K. It is absurd that people consider this to be too high considering dumb faggots blew $40K+ getting shit like VeChain X-Node, ThuderNode, Strength Nodes, Walton Nodes, etc. Even fucking Enigma is asking for $8.5K for staking. 32 ETH if pretty fucking reasonable.

>> No.12910325
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>> No.12910374

lol retards, 32ETH is not set in stone its just a random number Vitalik was throwing out when ETH was trading at like $1500

remember before that it was 1000 ETH to stake. Now that ETH is dead and heading to $4 you can rest assured the amount of ETH required to stake will be in the thousands, maybe tens of thousands.

>> No.12910402

Shitloads of ETH are locked in contracts like makerdao and augur since these days, so 32eth per stake is still very real.

>> No.12910489

low quality bait anon just go do something else.

>> No.12910636
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>hey man good on you for getting clean, drugs are awesome though haha

>> No.12910644

Eth is shit killed crypto

>> No.12910661

The whole blockchain tech is about trustlessness you retarded frogposter. Using a pool defeats the purpose.

>> No.12910668
File: 273 KB, 1200x998, blocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Gold as a store of value: $7.7 Trillion USD
>Offshore banking: $15 Trillion USD
>Credit cards/payments: $770 Billion in Visa, MasterCard, and PayPal alone
>Certificates for Deposit (CDs): $571 Billion in the USA alone, on just those under $100,000

Bitcoin is and will always be cheaper than moving gold. This usecase alone has more upside than any of your dead shitcoins. When you understand this it will be too late.

>> No.12910671

Weak larp

>> No.12910680
File: 40 KB, 1024x214, Vitalik Bernanke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol Joseph Vitalin dictating how much plebs get for their stacks. What a shitshow.

>> No.12910703

nobody is going to buy your bags anon, it's over
this is the bitcoin issue summed up. you're here desperately hoping someone will give you fiat for your useless coins, whereas i'm using my eth daily with so little intention to go back i don't have a crypto->fiat gateway anymore

>> No.12910725

that graph is incorrect, why is ethereums block size exponential? it's linear still, just higher.

weak ass fud