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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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12907208 No.12907208 [Reply] [Original]

People still keep their entire crypto portfolio on exchanges

if you do too, just remeber this. I had thousands of bitcoins lost from Mt. Gox.

I was a wagie working at a chemical company just for fun, all my extra money was going into bitcoin at the time, i didnt think it would ever get up to this point. even still at its current price

if you belive in your chainlink or whatever just take this second to think how much you will lose.
if the exchange you use gets gox'd.

remember me.

>> No.12907212

dang i love that movie.

Fantastic Planet

>> No.12907253

Fucking coincheck hack($500m) destroyed NEM at a crucial moment. Unironically just bought 100k.

>> No.12907296

funds are safe on binance... not to worry :)

>> No.12907306

Like coinbase or binance will ever close down. There's also this thing called insurance.

>> No.12907310

Same here. I actually found out about this movie when I listened to boomerang by big pun and wanted to see where the original sample was from. Im glad I went down that rabbit hole.

>> No.12907326

I saw this high af last month, I’m French and had never seen it, blew my mind. I wish it went on for a couple more hours and the ending felt rushed. But that last scene was 10/10

>> No.12907373

Got to see a screening of it at my local arthouse, cool movie but the last 20 minutes or so feels really rushed.

>> No.12907453

why don't you try watching it sober faggot

>> No.12907711

Just keep it on Binance.

>> No.12907746

Shut the fuck up nerd

>> No.12907973
File: 59 KB, 640x1136, 6663341531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit did Alex Jones make this movie?
AI humanoids adhering to a cult, getting guidance from off world entities, enslaving humanity.

>> No.12907981

How to remember something that never happened to a person I don't know?

>> No.12907983

Binance is the safest exchange you noob

why spend money for ledger when I can keep my 80k Link on Binance

>> No.12907991
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>He thinks that dev-team made wallets are trustworthy.
How fucking new are you? Do you have any idea the amount of shady shit that coin developers do? These fuckers will "coincidentally" disable any withdrawals from their wallets when a coin just HAPPENS to start mooning to prevent people from dumping on exchanges. They also will hold a shit ton of the total supply and spread it over several wallets to make the premine look smaller. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

>> No.12908681

pajeet, we're not talking about your bitcointalk shitcoins. the few genuine projects in the great sea of scams these days are ERC20, so any respectable Ethereum interface works; and that shit is secure