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12904341 No.12904341 [Reply] [Original]

Hello Anons,

In this thread talk about odd things to do with Chainlink. For example I sometimes talk about Link around my family and of course none of them understand it (they would first have to know what a blockchain is, then smart contracts, then oracles and the oracle problem, and then chainlink). For a week last summer my grandmother came to visit from far away and she said she had heard of Chainlink before. And in very sketchy detail she explained that her brother's daughter's husband, who lived far away from both of us, was living in Vancouver with a degree in finance and computer science and was going to "set up" chainlink for a business run by two young millionaire chinks. She didn't know anything more about it.

Second wierd thing was when i was hanging out in a youtube live stream chat for a link talk or something. I saw in chat a guy with the youtube username identical to my real name. Granted, its a fairly common first and last name in the anglosphere but still.

The chance of these things happening is uncertain but with around 14k wallets (and prob around less holders because of multiple wallets) in a world of 7 billion people the chances of this happening are very low.

Another weird occurrence unrelated to my personal life. Two different anons on psychedelic trips seeing prices around $360-$370 in the future. The crowd knowledge thread returning a price of around $370 one of the times. If link were to have the marketcap of ethereum at the peak of the last bull it would be around $370. This number occurs quite often...cosmic significance?

I am suspicious that god will not let chainlink moon until i become a better person.
Anyways, thoughts on chainlink and my accounts? This is not a FUD thread, this is not a breadcrumbs thread, this is not a trips thread, this is not a pee pee poo poo thread. I just want your thoughts as i feel wierd thinking about this stuff. Inb4 "i think youre a fag"

>> No.12904344

also this isn't reddit spacing i just like how it breaks up paragraphs

>> No.12904347
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>> No.12904359

Weird is spelled weird, not wierd.

$370 would be too much, I don't want that much money.

>> No.12904362
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>> No.12904369
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>> No.12904381

You realize a lot of these threads are just us shitposting, right? Think about it, do you actually have any evidence that would demonstrate these anons took a psychedelic trip and experienced their noted insights? Surely someone wouldn't shitpost on the internet for memes and (You's), would they?

>> No.12904397


You’re fucking schizophrenic
>a coincidence happened to me, it must be divine intervention

>> No.12904446

I apologize. Eth went over 1000 at one point tho, y dont u want cool cars and eat good food

Why would somebody do that???? just go on the internet and tell people lies?!??!? To be honest i think they were telling the truth. and i dont need physical objective evidence to believe their account's of their trips...read 'will to believe' by william james

i was also going to put inb4 schizo, im mentally sound anon. I just believe in god and I beleive that the universe (aka 'god' not in a christian sense but in a creator of the universe sense) has happened in a way to allow me to take this opportunity, i will use this money as a way to make the world a better place for myself, my friends, my family , my country, race, everybody in the world

>> No.12904469
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>> No.12904491


You just said that you believe god won’t let chainlink moon until you become a better person. That is a delusion, and the recreational drugs you use aren’t helping your mental state. It’s time to take some financial responsibility for yourself and stop hoping that some outside force will make everything magically better for you.

>> No.12904499

holy shit please post your blog post somewhere else this isnt reddit my dude

>> No.12904509

/x/ is that way ->

>> No.12904510

nice FUD pal, quit trying to box me in and trying to define what i beleive about god and the universe, I'm not deluded and i have a perfectly healthy mental state and I've never done any drugs in my life. I created this thread to talk about strange coincidences and occurences and not have to deal with half-assed fudding accusations of delusion get the fuck out of my thread

>> No.12904517

you didnt have to read my blogg post and you didnt have to respond to my blogpost, use the hide thread button or filter link threads

>> No.12904530

I literally brought chainlink up on a date one time, that’s how bad it really is. All chemistry was instantly lost. I tried to spin it off as a sign of intelligence and in my futile attempts to scrape together the fleeting shreds of her interest in me, I realized the enormous wealth I will have in the future will not buy my happiness. So I sold my stack

>> No.12904552

I don't believe you sold your stack anon, if so please reconsider. The reason i don't believe you is because that doesnt make sense at all??? Sure money might not buy your happiness but would the absence of money make you happy? I think not.

>> No.12904553


Lmao, did I touch a nerve? You’re a bitch and you’re going to die poor, your parents will never be proud of you because you will never take responsibility for yourself. No woman will ever love you, because you’re pathetic, but you’ll blame them for your shortcomings. You’re like a child.

>> No.12904556

i actually didnt read your blog post at all because i immediatly knew you were from reddit , its really not hard to fucking tell. Please leave and come back when you make a thread thats above 10 IQ points

>> No.12904572

they show a picture of this post beside teh dictionary definintion of projection lol, I'm already wealthy and set to become neo-elite due to chainlink, my parents are proud of me, i have a wife and kids. you make me laugh anon, why do you hate yourself? please seek help

and yet you're still in my thread? lol fuck off, been on chan for 6 years

>> No.12904584

I literally found about chainlink when i had like 90 days of nofap, with huge redpills about christianity and demons falling up to my face during that week, i was going to kill myself and then found christianity and then found chainlink, it's unironically too huge for our own minds, im scared bros

>> No.12904594
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It doesn't get any weirder than the massively obvious Ducks in a Row meme/connections.

>> No.12904601


I have one. Been holding since 2017. Last year it dawned on me that every time I visit my parents I enter through the garage door entry and I remember the combination because it spells L-I-N-K.

I got chills when I realized I’d been entering LINK for years.

>> No.12904611

>proud of being on 4chan for 6 years
you dont actually feel like this do you? i mean is this serious? how are you not rich yet? how did you miss the hundreds of moons? This literally shows me that you are as dumb as a reddiot. You have to go back man you have to

>> No.12904612


>I have a wife and kids
If that’s true then I feel even worse for you. You’re risking your family’s finances on a god damn cryptocurrency. Why not ask your wife what you should do with the money? I’m sure even a female could give you a better answer than “invest it in internet meme tokens”

>> No.12904632

finally someone who isn't a pathetic fudder. I totally get you bro, recently been more prone to belief in angelic 'good' spirits, demonic 'evil' spirits, god and the devil, and I know that chainlink will moon regardless of what I do but i have a suspicion that i must improve mysellf before it does in order to serve god, nofap, lifting, become more confident, read a fuckton, etc.... i want to become a poltiician eventually and the money from link will buy me more time to improve myself. Im scared too anon but just know that we're all in this together :)

cosmic significance aka ducks in a row breadcrumbs

this is the kind of thing im talking abnout lol, spooky anon

read the thread man,, i am wealthy but havent been in crypto or that interested in money for a long time, stop fudding, lying corrupts your soul, please stop hating yourself

i have enough money that a 100k loss wouldn't even be that bad, stop fudding, lying corrupts your soul, please stop hating yourself

>> No.12904647
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Oh and lets not forget that most trips and 777's go to $1K EOY

>> No.12904665

the only thing strange about LINK is that anybody still buys it.

>> No.12904706


>most trips and 777’s go to $1k EOY
Wrong, you’re just seeing what you want to see.
How many of those posts reference chainlink? Fucking retard.

>> No.12904710
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Honestly, I’ve lost hope that we moon this year. I know I won’t sell until 2020 but yet everyday I come to this shitty board.

>> No.12904713

HOW? I PICKED A COIN WITH A REAL USECASE(link) BUT IT WONT MOON...how can i not hate myself?

>> No.12904714


People who call you schizo have already lost spiritually. They have no ability to believe in something and are always skeptical. Good for you for listening to the universe and trusting in the unknowable.

>> No.12904733

thanks man,,,,u delphi 2?....this fud is annoying though

>> No.12904749

Disipaite the negative energy in this thread op. Tbh I haven't really had any weird experiences. First time I just felt weird about it, then once I was baked and decided to read the thread. It was very technical, somewhere in May 18, and I got more and more into the idea. Weirdly I had a dream where the devil was trying to offer me something, and I immideatly declined and with anger, and then he got angry and I woke up. This was during November. Now I feel that I'm more closer to Christ and God, and I plan to donate most of the gains from link into charitable organizations for humans and animals. I feel like you just need enough money and the rest is just being greedy, and I don't like that.

>> No.12904768

Very similar thoughts but im not too keen on the idea of charity, (poor people and large bureaucracies are terrible with money), I think i have to operate on a case by case basis of charity aas well as use my money to make more money that i can give away.

>> No.12904807

Yes that's what I was also thinking. What I meant by charity was like giving to the society directly, building schools for talented individuals, basically offering opportunities for unfortunate people who have a vision in this world for good and also want to transform things for the better. I figure if I got lucky, maybe I can also let other people get lucky by providing them with the opportunity. I believe that we are all interconnected with the choices we make, so that kind of excites me (I'm meaning like how if you travel in time and kill a bee alot will change kind of thing)

>> No.12904821

Ok yeah we exactly agree

>> No.12904822

And also building alot of animal shelters and farms

>> No.12904837


Here’s another failure of intelligence
Nobody knows if the butterfly effect even exists since there is no way of testing it, killing that bee might have almost no effect in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.12904847

>a coincidence happened to me, it must be divine intervention.
This. The Lord has led me down this path for a raisin. Riches await!

>> No.12904862


Seriously, this thread is full of retardation. I’m pretty sure I’m the only American in this thread.

>> No.12904898


You should practice what you preach then. If there is no way of knowing the outcome of an action then you shouldn't have even posted a reply since it doesn't matter.

>> No.12904901

did you need to read more than OP's title to figure that out?

>> No.12904914
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I have 2400 links am I gonna make it /b/ros?

>> No.12904919


>reeee stop ruining my fantasy
Grow up kid

>> No.12904948

At one point evidence and proof and science fail, and what remains is beliefs and faith. As long as those things are postivie, and do not cause negative things towards other life and earth, then they should be allowed. So everytime I make a decision that affects other beings than my self, I think twice and try to make a choice that has the most good as an outcome.

Dude I honestly hope I can see the day where ayys come to earth, because at that moment everyone will unite since there would be another species to interact with. Sorry for my English but I hope you get the point

>> No.12904976

>So everytime I make a decision that affects other beings than my self, I think twice and try to make a choice that has the most good as an outcome

Okay I can’t fault you for that, you sound like a kindhearted person, I just wish people would stop believing in fairytales. Find a better way to deal with existential issues.

>> No.12904990

somebody knows audio sauce?


>> No.12905049

They are already "here".

>> No.12905203


Holy fuck i was going through the exact same thing, in fact I have been wondering how is the best way to help people to have hope with projects that gave them knowledge and proper christian values using money

>> No.12905229
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>> No.12905294

everybody in this thread is a sweetheart with good intentions, but you all sound really stupid. still love you though fellow marines

>> No.12905351

Thank you anon. I usually try to be kindhearted, but im only human and sometimes I am not. I feel that what matters is your core. You either have a positive or negative core. Also as for people who believe in fairy tales I assume you mean religion. My father always told me that religion is the opium of the people. Still believing in a fairytale while simultaneously interacting with people who don't in a healthy and positive way is fine. It is when you try to force people in to your fairytale and convince them it is reality, and the I lt reality, that is where problems start to happen. Well I must go now anon, I wish you peace and positivity to your life.


>> No.12905384


>> No.12905410

'make it' is subjective

>> No.12905497

I fee like this would be the best thread to post this in.

There are rumors around San Francisco of Ari Juels being involved with occult’s. Specifically an occult dealing with Ancient Greece. Think oracles of Delphi type occult.

Ari Juels has written a book

The books description:
Cryptographer and classicist Ambrose Jerusalem is a UC Berkeley graduate student with a beautiful girlfriend and a comfortable future, until the National Security Agency recruits him to track a strange pattern of computer break-ins. Individually, they might not mean much a State Department official discovers a peculiar series of incriminating appointments in her computer calendar dating back to 18th century France; a corrupt president of the International Monetary Fund is startled by an oracular voice from his computer charging him with crimes against divine numerology and God but together, they provide disturbing evidence that someone has broken RSA encryption, the security lynchpin protecting the world s computer systems. Even more bizarre, a secret cult of latter-day followers of Pythagoras, the great Greek mathematician and philosopher who believed reality could be understood only through a mystical system of numbers, appears to be behind the attacks. With his deep knowledge of both cryptography and classical antiquity, Ambrose is the government s best chance to uncover the cult. Soon Ambrose discovers he is not only the hunter but the hunted, and the game is not simply code-breaking, but a deadly plan to alter the fate of the world.

This is spooky. Ari Juels also graduated from UC Berkeley.

Does anyone else have any information regarding the teams ties to occult’s?

>> No.12905518

Life would be empty without link. I see link everywhere. When I’m driving through traffic and realize how everyone is clueless on the 4th industrial revolution. I see dubs and trips when I travel. Addresses, license plates. I feel like I have a 20 foot cock but no one can see it’s dragging out my pants. I’m reading history/logic and I see we are part of a new world class. I feel delusions with a better life and better job, buy sadness knowing I want more Link.

>> No.12905533

Holy kek.

>> No.12905536
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>a secret cult of latter-day followers of Pythagoras, the great Greek mathematician and philosopher who believed reality could be understood only through a mystical system of numbers

>> No.12905556
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i've experienced the same feeling too anon; I feel like God has been guiding me this past year and a half to be a better person in the build up to making it. I truly believe that if this hadn't have occurred gaining such wealth would lead me down a dark path, but I am certain that this won't happen now.
I will always have some way to better myself, but I know God knows that I am ready, pure in heart and have good intentions for my future.

>> No.12905623
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Interesting anyone got a copy? Libgen was dry.

>> No.12905705

Well recently, I always see Chainlink related things at an increasing rate. Like seeing my boss wearing a flannel for the first time. Seeing real and toy ducks at random times. Also for this month I've been dreaming about Chainlink once every week. I've been all in LINK since mid 2018 and never experienced these things before. Maybe somethings gonna happen in the near future. (Singularity?) Lol

>> No.12905742


> first published in 2009
> in 2014, a section of the book goes missing for readers

What's in there, lads?

>> No.12905818 [DELETED] 

>Ambrose Jerusalem is a UC Berkeley graduate student with a beautiful girlfriend and a comfortable future, until the National Security Agency recruits him to track a strange pattern of computer break-ins
What kind of lame self insert is that
>a secret cult of latter-day followers of Pythagoras, the great Greek mathematician
Remember the thing with Ari Juels being part of the cult of Demeter?

>> No.12905830

This is beyond bizarre, the thing with Ari Juels being part of Cult of Demeter and now this book basically him confirming it.
Why do we out about this only now

>> No.12905848

The better question is, what happened in 2014?

>> No.12905859



>> No.12905861

What do we know about secret societies at Cornell? And how widespread was the removal of the section?

>> No.12905899

There are rumors of the team being involved with the cult of Demeter. Yes, even Sergey himself.
It’s very odd, especially when considering 4chans cult like following to chainlink and their obsession with numerology. Demeter occult centers around the goddess demeter and was a centeral figure in the Eleusinian Mysteries of death and rebirth, where I believed she birthed an incenturius daughter with Zues named “Kore”, who is a character in Ari’s book. It’s hard to deny that he is at least aware of these themes.

I was searching for books about cryptography and ran across Ari Juels. Read the description and I was shocked. Really odd this has never been discussed before. It’s all a bit unsettling

>> No.12905910

Also I’m the same poster but my is changed for whatever reason

>> No.12906164

>Secret Societies
Book is out in the open. Goes against secrerecy

But it is alarming that it is only now that desu is bringing this up. Ive been here for the past 3 years and I haven’t seen anyone bring this up.

Ima buy the book and read it. Possibly some clues and connections

>> No.12906182

>Book is out in the open. Goes against secrerecy
A section of the book goes missing in 2014

look what this poster points out

Part of the book removed due to secrecy? Many of the reviews on amazon claim the book ended suddenly or that it seemed like huge parts of the book was removed. Try to get your hands on a pre 2014 publication if at all possible.

>> No.12906203

Regardless of your level of power, you can't erase a book from the library of congress once it's been printed. It was reviewed in the NYT for god's sake.

You can, however -- if you're really dedicated -- alter some of the contents in future editions or the circulating supply. If Ari joined Cornell and some organization found his book had content they didn't like/they thought would be compromising, much easier to vandalize the books in circulation than to try and wipe it from existence.

>> No.12906979

>I am suspicious that god will not let chainlink moon until i become a better person.

I think I've been feeling this but couldn't describe it in words...wtf does it mean?

>> No.12906988

We're all receiving the same transmission.

>> No.12906990

is this real

>> No.12907129


>> No.12907175

it means ive been waiting since 2017 and its guaranteed that link will be worth over 100$ (making me a millionaire many times over) but god wont let it moon until i deserve it more

>> No.12907240

>>12906990 its not, theres the based "chainlink" then theres a shitcoin called "linkchain"

>> No.12907459

So btc dropped '09 and ari wrote the book, then eth dropped '14 and he had to edit it? Holy fuqqq the implications, definitely purchasing a copy even if its edited

>> No.12907719

Ari was not a big fan of BTC until 2014 or so with smart contracts being discussed


>> No.12908566

Lots of schizo cope in this thread

>> No.12908735

$370 is gonna be peanuts

>> No.12908764

>Why not ask your wife what you should do with the money?


>> No.12908850
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OP plz livestream when you eventually anhero

>> No.12908861

This sure is a fucked up thread

>> No.12908929
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>ChainLink is a literal cult