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File: 78 KB, 718x630, dan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12901457 No.12901457 [Reply] [Original]

Dan Lok is a cringe fat little hamster and he teaches plebs how to get rich. I don’t “hate” Dan Lok, I just think he’s cringe. “Muh background story”. He would get his face smashed in a cage fight.

Most self improvement book is recycled garbage repeated over and over again. Read the classics and follow the principles. There is no need to read another self help guru book.

Be aware of “thoughts influencers” because they’re simply spreading memes that infect other minds. Note that some faggots like to fake their riches so they rent a mansion and lambo to shoot a video (what Tai Lopez did). Also Mark Cuban is a Jew.

>> No.12901459


The American Dream is that you have to be asleep to believe it. “America is great” itself is propaganda. You’re simply a tax cow to fleece so America can fund it’s war machine. American soldiers die for Israel’s interest.

Jews control the banking system but people are ignorant of this.

People with big hooked noses and funny little hats control the banks and banks print money out of thin air.

>> No.12901549

Jews have weird facial structure. At first you can mistaken them to be white but eventually you figure them out. They have big hooked nose, have Asian like eyes (sometimes) or they have uneven eyes. They also talk with a hitch pitch, screeching voice. It’s best not to do business with a Jew.

>> No.12901554


People love to talk about humans being “civilized” and “America is full of freedom” but they conveniently forgot that white Europens killed off the native Indians and stole their land. And now the Jews have invaded America, not through violent but control of something more sneaky -- their money supply, their media, their big corporations, their politicians.

>> No.12901573

There’s people who are “woke” are understand the current system. Then there’s those who are asleep that have been conditioned by society, by the media, by feel good authors on what to think and what to buy.

It’s time to wake up. And see the system. Not from what I’m telling you but ask yourself “is this true”.

The Jews got you by the balls. Ask yourself how can you exit from the system.

>> No.12901590

The Jewish deception. To understand the present moment, you need to understand history. But you need to be careful because history is written by the victor. Jews own the publishing houses and they do re-write history into their own narrative. Always ask yourself what’s true and never trust the history book.

>> No.12901644

Another one of those "motivational speaker" wannabe?

>> No.12901822

GTFO plebbit jew
Whiteman gave these Indians civilization whom where doing nothing but fucking and fighting and spreading diseases
Where are all these new fags coming from ?

>> No.12901871

>He would get his face smashed in a cage fight.

Well most people would fighting at that level is hard. Its like saying he would get smashed in a formula 1 race. No shit.

>> No.12901952

I meant to say "he would get his face smashed in a boxing ring with an amateur boxer"

>> No.12901979

>doing nothing and fighting and spreading diseases
might is right but that is still an arrogant way of viewing things. American indians (and even australian aboriginals) lived in close connection with nature and the immaterial

There's still a lot we can learn from their spiritual teachings and beliefs

>> No.12902107


>Literally worships airplanes as gods
>There's still a lot we can learn from their spiritual teachings and beliefs

The naivety and arrogance of you idiots is astonishing.

>> No.12903123
File: 246 KB, 861x698, 1551201544852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even though I agree, pic related is obligatory

>> No.12903135

hes just your average chink. something about chinks, the way they look, the way they act, is just 100% cringe.

>> No.12903141

Guy's onto it, but needs to settle down a little.

>> No.12903144

>The naivety and arrogance of you idiots is astonishing.
>Projecting so heavily
Now tell how the cargo cult is relevant to the post you are referring (it isn't).

>> No.12903153

he puts on an artificially deep voice and squints his eyes to look alpha. guys a total cheeseball. what that guy said about the jews is completely accurate.

>> No.12903163

>lived in close connection with nature and the immaterial
That's literally every nation everywhere at an earlier point in their history. Nothing unusual whatsoever.

>> No.12904073

>gave them civilization
>not realizing Europeans landed in the Americas a few years after after disease wiped out 90% of native american civilization