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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 457 KB, 1280x1280, shet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1288945 No.1288945 [Reply] [Original]


Criticism welcome.

>> No.1288948


>I'm going to buy this stock because I don't think it will ever be worth what I'm paying for it

If you don't believe you'll earn enough to pay off the debt, you may want to rethink the degree program you're investing in

>> No.1288950

why is that a period and not a comma?

we went to school for thirty dollars and fifty cents


>> No.1288955

>a randomly increasing number with no sources

>> No.1288958


I just bought the domain and put up the site. I'll be updating with sources later.

But here is your source: http://www.marketwatch.com/story/every-second-americans-get-buried-under-another-3055-in-student-loan-debt-2015-06-10

Thank you for point it out though.

>> No.1288959
File: 3 KB, 400x200, 200_s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thirty bucks? Just suck one dick

>> No.1288961

She'll never be able to afford a house or even a modestly priced vehicle either then. Why the fuck did she go to school?

>> No.1288967

>I borrowed a bunch if money and now I don't want to lay it back, feel sorry for me
While we're at it, I'd like my truck loan forgiven. Oh, and I'll keep the truck, thanks

>> No.1288970

I like it. What are you going to do with the site?

>> No.1288972

>can't pay back 30k
>biggest mantra is student debt sucks and therfore can't buy a house
>houses are usually 150k+

Fuck this cunt right in the cunt

>> No.1288974

>that face
>30 bux

She'd be lucky to get 5, senpai

>> No.1288975

mark cuban already own a website who does the same thing


>> No.1288979


Thank you.

I'll be turning it into a site dedicated to raising awareness and solutions on what you'd be able to do now to decrease the burden.

>> No.1288982

She will be able to pay it no problem. Just do what this guy did.


Stop paying for 90 days and your loan stops accumulating interest. Wait 20 years and $30.5k will be a very manageable sum.

>> No.1288995

I say we make it such that if someone wants their student debt forgiven it is done, but they forfeit their degree

>> No.1289001


Well aware.

Though I'm in the biz of forming a website dedicated to assisting people, lessening their burden, and raising awareness.

Just an FYI this is a project of feministsoftwarefoundation.org.

>> No.1289009

>Wait 20 years
Why not just wait forever?

>> No.1289019

Credit rating

>> No.1289026

I'd fuck her right in the cunt, if you catch my drift ;)

>> No.1289027

Gr8 b8 l8y

>> No.1289030

Then don't spend the money, you dumb slut.

>> No.1289032

It's a european thing, but then again she uses $ so she's either a hipster or an expat.

>> No.1289033

>implying 30k is a lot
>mfw i have 45k and have calculated i can pay it back in 3 to 5 years at worst

Maybe you should have thought of that before you decided to major in Unemployment Studies. what kind of loser cant even get a measly 30k together?

>> No.1289034

.t future alimony payer

>> No.1289035


I don't get it m9.

>> No.1289038

To get gangbanged at the frat parties and then marry some guy.

>> No.1289042

>stop paying
Won't you get into legal trouble

>> No.1289043

That doesn't matter when you're dead.

>> No.1289046

30k is fucking nothing, who can't pay back that little over a lifetime? Did she major in underwater basket veawing?

>> No.1289061

Not for 20 years.

>> No.1289065

>all these people whining
The principle is that they're doing something they need to do to have a good life (i.e. get a good job) and that society wants/needs them to do (i.e. have specialized skills to fill a role), and they're not happy about being penalized for it so much. If you think that's whining, that's fine, but it's a reasonable thing to take issue with when looked at that way.

the fuck are you talking about
houses around where I am cost a third of that
also have you never heard of interest rates?

>> No.1289068

feminists are the boogeyman around here, people think if you bring it up it's to bait people into replies (which it usually is, and which it usually does whether intended or not)

>> No.1289077

You are 100% faggot

Average tuition in a community college 4 year degree is $9k per year so that's the OP cunts entire debt

It evidences she did not participate in any gainful employment for the entire duration.

Even a minimum wage job, 10hrs per week, could offset her final debt by half ($16,000)

Stop being pathetic

>> No.1289089


It was actually a satire project developed by /g/ and /pol/ in making fun of feminist.


I'm the owner of said domain. As the project has died, wasn't sure what to do with the domain n' decided to make it into a fathers rights movement project. Thought about ridding of it, but I don't want it to land in the wrong hands. Thus I'll be linking different projects together, such as this one, to fsf in an effort to raise awareness to issues in our society.

Hope that clears it up.

>> No.1289091
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> expecting to make six figures with a bullshit degree

the gullible snowflakes won't ever understand that they could be out there making good money doing trades or climbing the corporate ladder at, oh I don't know, any fucking company rather than 1. bitching and 2. hedging everything on a presidential candidate who claims he'll pay for their shit and subsidize their passion for mediocrity

these people are the direct result of never telling your kid 'no' and giving them a fucking trophy just for showing up

life had consequences, so if you expect to have voting privileges at 18, you damn well better be able to suffer the consequences for financial and academic immaturity

>> No.1289094

You guys are missing the point.
Education prices have been jewed to hell and back, and back to hell, and back.

You don't need even $30k per student to run a womyns study program. But jewniversities will charge 3x that and make students take pay with government grants or private scholarships, slave labour or parent's money, AND student loans combined.

There's new books students have to buy every year even on static subjects like fucking calculus because jewniversities make contracts with book publishers for kickbacks.

Jewniversities have connections with industries and pull strings to prevent hiring people without degrees at all costs.

And the money isn't even going to teachers or better education, it's pissed away in redundant but still useless administration and million dollar football coaches.

The healthcare industry is the only one more despicable.

>> No.1289097

No one owes her shit. She could have worked summers to pay half that off, but odds are she traveled Europe or some shit banging Frenchmen and "discovering herself." My wife's son has a friend who "studied abroad" on a Caribbean island for 6 months and took out a loan to pay for it. She also financed a brand new car and now is graduated and complains about her student debt. Give me a fucking break. My nephew graduated debt free by working summers and nights, living with his mom, and plowing through school in 4 years flat. No one owes you shit in life. Live accordingly

>> No.1289104


Oh those poor poor students being forced to go to university, how dare they be taken advantage of

Such a shame that things like community colleges or trade schools dont exist

>> No.1289105

Why do these always assume it was a bullshit degree? There are lots of good degrees with shit job markets, especially for people fresh out of college. (You could say that makes them also shit degrees, but I mean they're for useful jobs, just not ones with a lot of openings.)

>> No.1289116
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The only people I feel bad for are STEMbros

Anything else is a waste of money, time, and serves no pragmatic purpose that couldn't be done by someone who has trade skills or a STEM degree

>> No.1289130


Shouldn't have to work summers and nights in order to get a higher education. If the government wasn't handing money out as if it were candy, your nephew wouldn't have had to work nights.

You're simply missing the point of the "guaranteed return" in the eyes of universities. It means there is no need for competition and books costing $200 is completely normal, as it is guaranteed. My college now has spinless books that require binders to be purchased separately. If there was actual competition, that wouldn't be in our reality. Why? Cause' who the fuck wants to buy a spinless book that you have to buy a binder for AND you're still paying $200 for it!

Please do your research senpai, it's a serious issue.

>> No.1289132

>you shouldnt have to work summers and nights
Yes, you should. Why do you think you are too good to work?

>> No.1289135

> hurr durr how dare literal children drilled with the idea that universities are the only path to success for 13 years not recognize it as a lie immediately
fucking retard

>> No.1289138


No you shouldn't. Yes I think I'm to good to work myself to death. I think that I should be able to work a 9 - 5 and live comfortably. And people like you make excuses like "well it is what it is", "should have done x instead of y", and so forth, when in all reality it can be changed. Nothing we do is set in stone, we all just agree on the same thing and go with it. If we all agreed not to work tomorrow, no one will hold us responsible - besides someone else.

>> No.1289142

> why do you think you are too good to work
good goy, remember you must always be breaking your back or you're worthless.
never question anything.

>> No.1289143

If we all decided not to work tomorrow, none of us would eat. The power would go out, water would stop running and people would die. Fuck off with your commie tactics. There's nothing wrong with working in the summer to put yourself through college you lazy piece of dogshit

>> No.1289145
File: 57 KB, 484x253, 1464306955891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> b-b-but they were told to go to college for 13 whole years!
> implying an 18 year old is legally a child
> Bernie 2016 populist bullshit

18 year olds aren't children, they're adults

Bernie supporters are people who don't like the consequences of their own actions

here's your (you)

>> No.1289150
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Sounds like a plan ...

>> No.1289151


>> No.1289157


Taking it a little to seriously senpai. Just sayin' change isnt impossible.

> Lazy piece of dogshit

No senpai, no need to get upset. But I'll have you know I work 40 - 60 hours a week year round and go to college full time. Plus I just made that site, so your point of me being lazy is rather invalid.

And yes I hate every moment of it and wish people like you weren't cucks that just took it in the ass each and everyday while blaming others for their own problems. You are truly the only piece of shet here.


>> No.1289165

>I work 40 - 60 hours a week year round and go to college full time
Nope. You don't that, but it's nice to know you're getting so BTFO you've resorted to making up ridiculous lies

>> No.1289170
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What the fuck are you even talking about you cum guzzling mouth breathing retard?

How does attacking the obviously rigged and corrupt education system make me a Bernie supporter when leftists made the system what it is you illiterate cuck?

It's just another example of how shitty our education system is that ostensibly grown men can so completely and unwittingly fail to comprehend a basic argument and just resort to stupid memes and name calling because you're too confused to understand it, even though we'd probably agree on what needs to be done.

I pray to God you're just trolling, but I'm hiding this thread because I'm terrified you're not.

>> No.1289176
File: 114 KB, 557x305, gb2reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>be 18 year old
>Need something/service
>Can't afford
>Find lenders
>Agree to THEIR terms
>Presumably didn't read small print or T&Cs
>Now in debt
>No intention of paying it back


>> No.1289180
File: 4 KB, 595x328, cope_more_boomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> coping this hard

Pic related baby boomer.

>> No.1289184

Yea. Then we have to smoke enough weed to forget all the education & skill sets.

>> No.1289187

Just move to another country. Sure, the debt collectors will harass your family, but hey it's free real estate. A white person with a a Master's Degree (funded entirely by the banks and government) could probably make a pretty comfortable living in Goa or something.

>> No.1289191

You're right, indoctrination isn't an actual thing.

We should stop complaining about the promotion of degeneracy, interracial couples, dindu nuffins, trannies, etc in every media outlet too because literally everyone is going to be unaffected and it doesn't make a difference.

>> No.1289198

So youve worked all year 40 - 60 hours a week and have made $7000 net in 5 months?
>22 weeks
>50 hour weeks
>1100 hours worked
> $6.36 an hour


Are you done lying yet? You arent even good at it

>> No.1289200


> indoctrinated

Funny, I never saw this propaganda, been lectured by the political commissars or been so gullible to believe the slightest thing anyone ever told me

Such a shame we live in a country where people can't be rational, skeptical, and to think independently

but hey, maybe that's just survival of the fittest

>> No.1289201

Could have just started the job, dumbass.

>> No.1289205

> smoking weed isn't the education a liberal arts degree provides.


>> No.1289206



>> No.1289207


>I work 40 - 60 hours a week year round

...dumbass. You Bernouts are all the same. Bad at numbers and cognitive functions

>> No.1289211

How about find a job in your career you chose and live with parents or live cheap for a year or two and Pay it back in full. Dumb ass people man.
Uh uh uu I only make 65+k a year now how am I ever supposed to pay 30k back? Waaaaaaaahhh

>> No.1289213
File: 19 KB, 480x246, Okay-Meme-Waka-Flocka-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm sure the dude has a paystub generator on his comp just to prove you wrong.

> thinking you're this important
> saying he's lying about working those hours.
> posted a pic
> now you're saying numbers don't add up.
>doesn't factor insurance
>doesn't factor taxes
>doesn't factor IRA
> must be lying


>> No.1289216
File: 143 KB, 900x948, 1444669295164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> heh it's just survival of the fittest kid

>> No.1289223


> Are you done lying yet?


>> No.1289224

I don't even mind not going to college despite being a STEMfag dropout (couldn't afford), I just wish parents discussed alternatives growing up. I got told by literally everyone in y family growing up to go to college, but when they back stabbed me and made it impossible to go without approximately $100k for my engineering degree, I'm suddenly on my own (oh, but anything that isn't college is a waste and you're disappointing your family.)

>> No.1289230


> the fedora meme

my understanding of your 'argument' is that due to "brainwashing", the poor children didn't do due diligence for their futures and thus somehow ignored their tab during their college years, and thus shouldn't be held responsible for the balance

got it


You must have at least been smart enough to at least look into doing community college for your gen ed

would have saved you thousands

>> No.1289236

Gen Ed was free; scholarship.

>> No.1289244

I've paid off over 40k in debt in the last 24 months without being all that frugal and just dropped 10k on buying a house. Sure I make 70k/yr but even if you made half that, you'd think you could do it in at most 5-10 years. What is wrong with people?

>> No.1289245


Don't know what to tell you then bro

I did 2 years of CC and make 60K year doing trades

My brother lived at home (thus paying in state tuition), worked full time, and just graduated with his bachelors in mechanical engineering with only $4k worth of debt to his name

no help from parents or relatives
no scholarships
some assitance from FAFSO

hes just as redpilled as me on this subject

>> No.1289246


> derp


>> No.1289251

That explains why she wouldn't be able to pay back a measly 30k

>> No.1289252
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it was your $$ you seined for it , why should I care that you blew it on something worthless.

>> No.1289263

What's your plan for that, senpai? I'm 40k in the hole myself and have been putting 600/month into this. Assuming no raises, return on investments, or anything else I'm on an 8 year path with this shit.

>> No.1289269

My parents make too much for fafsa but won't be helping with school lol

>> No.1289273

Its obvious he works a part time job, which was the whole point. He doesnt work 60 hours a week and isnt killing himself to make it through college. Congrats on spending the time to write that whole autism post without taking the time to grasp the point

>> No.1289275

Also, all those things come out of your net pay. Way to prove you've never had a job

>> No.1289287


I like it.

>> No.1289295

>houses are a third of that
Fuck dude, I live in suburb/rural MA and my 850 square foot condo was 139k, everyone congratulates me on getting a steal.

>> No.1289300
File: 24 KB, 570x411, 1428507726590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are limited resources, the Earth is designed for 4 billion, not 7.5 billion. You have to work twice as hard as your grandparents because there are twice as many people and the same (or less) resources available, especially land.

Your competition is working harder than you, that's all there is to it.

>> No.1289381


>> No.1289431

Simple fact is, the US can more than afford to pay for higher education for every qualified American. Period.

Instead we (as in the government,) spend our money on crap and waste, especially in the military. Look at the DD(X) project. Was supposed to create the next generation of American naval supremacy, and it will fucking sink in 40 foot seas. Good thing we don't have to worry about the North Atlantic. And, they're running four billion a pop to make, not counting the 30 billion in R&D that went into the thing. The LCS boats, 24 "ships" that can't stand up in 20' seas, none of which are fully operationally capable (since the "mission modules" that go to make them work aren't fully loaded out yet,) at a half-billion each, not counting the 25 billion that went into that project. That's 100 billion, wasted on ships that can't fight their way out of a bag, when we could have saved money and bought another fleet of 3rd flight Burkes instead.

And that's not counting the $2 trillion dollar boondoggle that's the F-35. For that amount, we could wipe out all student loan debt, and give free college to every qualified American through 2020 (or if we weren't going to wipe out the debt, give free college to every qualified American until 2048.)

TL;DR - too many shitty programs having money spent on when higher education and trades schools would be a better return on investment

>> No.1289433

>I'll take "Salary" for $500, Alex

>> No.1289545

>"Yeah, I forfeited the paper but here's my transcript proving I got through 4 years of college with a 3.9 GPA."

>> No.1289639


I think if you could make the picture of the student bigger so people can read what they have to say, and make it change every, let's say, 4 seconds (quick enough to be 'interactive,' slow enough that they can be read) that'd be great.

It'll engage people more if they can see real people, with a real message. What do you think?

>> No.1289648

>the Earth is designed for 4 billion, not 7.5 billion.

>> No.1289699


> part time job
> $551 take-home

Man I feel sorry for you not ever working a job in your life. When I was making $10 at my actual retail job, my take home was only $360 a week. That was without a 401k too.

You can read more about reatial pay here: http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/4405756.html

> being this much of a downy

Your parents should have just gone fishing.

>> No.1289701

How the fuck can you not pay back 30k?

Any half-decent job requiring a college degree would allow a quick repayment. If you're to make us think that 30k is a debilitating amount of debt, how the fuck do you think people can afford cars and houses?

If you can't pay off 30k with a college degree, that just tells us you're a bottom tier performer.

>> No.1289704

I don't understand what people do with their fucking money. I graduate in 3 months and Ive worked through uni so that once I graduate I have at least half my student debt saved up, but I ended up saving all of it because I decided to sell my car and buy a shittier one. Its not the system, its the fuckers that don't know how to use it.

>> No.1289723

Yeah we told OP that and he acted like it was a heinous that crime college students had to work summer jobs to pay for school

>> No.1289724

It isn't that way here she is just stupid

>> No.1289727


Summer & nights sweety. Stick to your original story now.

>> No.1289730

Yes, if you want to graduate debt free that is completely reasonable. There's nothing wrong with some student debt however, seeing as someone essentially bought you a ticket to a good paying job.

>> No.1289744

If anybody studies any kind of 'art' - you deserve what you got.
Ever wonder where the phrase 'starving artist' comes from? All the old masters were poor and had patrons, none was rich in their lifetime. Fewer authors too. Suck it up and learn to bullshit.
If you study philosophy, politics, economics, etc either became a politician or salesman.
meanwhile, in /biz/ and reddit, infographics all over the internets, marketing is still considered a low tier or pleb tier degree.
Marketing and sales drives every company and successful person.

Protip - you will learn more about marketing in 1 year by selling products and services, than any graduate.

While they are playing mathematical games with their debt and job-hunting, you can be tweaking your campaigns, positioning, pricing, etc

Nothing has the potential to earn money like effectively selling a product or service, even if you didn't build it, create it, have a monopoly, have a sales job or permission to sell it.

Nobody will pay you $5k a month, but that is considered peanuts in marketing terms.

The time and mental energy it took these people to write out a few application forms and take pictures of signs could have been spent making a value proposition or business plan.

>> No.1289749

M8 Ill develop a gay looking BootStrap tier site (So that the SJW's will see the typical BS frame work and think its so awesome and modern before they read the bullshit). If the bantz you plan on putting on the site are funny enough ill do that shit FO FREE NIGGA

>> No.1289751

Is this bitch retarded? $30,500 is nothing.

If she'll never be able to repay that, how the hell is she ever going to be able to get a mortgage?

>> No.1289759



Universities dont offer competitive tuition because da evil banks and da government just dole out some high loan to every fuck that walks through the door because defaulting isnt something purveyors of student loans have to worry about. So every dumb titfucker has the capital to buy an overpriced tuition, and universities who would have had trouble getting enough students because of their jewish tuition now dont have to worry about that, because Carlos, Jamal, and Cleatus with 2.2's in high school can pay 15k a semester now for a double major in slutfucking/beerbonging. Then the next semester they raise tuition because the demand is so high, higher loans and interest rates given, and so on and so forth.

>> No.1289765

Not with that handwriting that's for sure.

However, at $10 a blow job you could pay it back eventually.

>> No.1289795

OP is a genius by falsely crusading for a prime demographic for adsense, while being a troll in this thread to further advertise?

Good potential for some passive income.

>> No.1289812

This. I agree that people who take out loans should pay them back; I really do.

I also think there needs to be a stop to tuition gouging, though.

>> No.1289828


>earth is the only ressource in the universe
>earth is """""""designed"""

some strong points there, aaron

>> No.1289973

>Jewniversities have connections with industries and pull strings to prevent hiring people without degrees at all costs.
i've always thought this but never seen proof myself.. wondering if you could elaborate?

>> No.1289997


She didn't really learn much either by the looks of it.

But really, I don't think a $30k debt is going to cripple you financially for the rest of your life.

My Dad was actually in $97k debt at one point about 10 years ago and now has close to $100k savings.

>> No.1290000

Then should not have taken the fucking loan you stupid fuck

>> No.1290019


What else was she suppose to do you Jew? I mean you have these kids that were taught all their life by liberals to go to college after high school. All during high school kids are harassed about college, the future, and the "perfect job". It is made out to be that if you don't go to college, you're a retard bound to be a janitor living in your moms basement.

Thus kids go to college and pull out loans, as they are unable to pay it themselves. And it's not like their baby boomer parents are worth a wank. They couldn't even teach them financial guidance, as them themselves are in a mountain of cc debt. I mean what do you really expect when the schools don't even teach you to balance a check book, parents can't even manage their own finances, schools and parents are memeing college all day everyday, and the government is giving out loans as if they're candy.

I blame the baby boomers. Thx guys.

What a wonderful future you've left all of us. Please continue blaming your children for their own problems though. Worthless.

>> No.1290020


How much spare money does the average
American have in a year? $25,000 or something right?

>> No.1290022


> American
> Spare money

Pick one.

>> No.1290031
File: 2.33 MB, 161x149, 1386627023907.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are there SO MANY entitled fucks who act like its some evil consipiracy that they have to pay back money they borrowed?

>> No.1290242

That's the problem with these people. They don't look at it like an investment. They say they do (I'm investing in myself hurr durr), but they don't look at it like an actual investment: "will this make or cost me money in the long run?".

>> No.1290244

Wow, you're expensive. Is that before or after taxes?

>> No.1290263


Cause it's the same principal as a wolf in sheep's clothing.

>> No.1290271

No, it's a not a wolf in sheep's clothing. Nobody tricked you. There was a line of sheep to choose from and you picked the wolf because you're an idiot who doesn't think. Now enjoy getting eating by it.

>> No.1290527


Who is suppose to teach them this you inbread?

>> No.1290542


Yes actually I was tricked.

I was told going to college would land me a good job.
I was told getting a student loan would help me pay for my learning experience.
Getting a good job would help me pay back the loans.

Well with a degree I can't use, I'm stuck in debt cause' I was told by the public school system to go to college and get a good job. Even my parents had told me the same.

It's like you don't do research. And all of how this happened is besides the point. We still have an issue, the issue of 1.3 trillion dollars worth of student loans.

What is telling me "it's your problem", "should have done x instead of y", or w/e bs you can come up with help anything? The problem is still present.

>> No.1290550
File: 6 KB, 243x160, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In some counties, people will use a period instead of a comma.

>> No.1290555


Umm... Mortgage is 15 or 30 and you have a roof over your head. Student loan just gives you 1 paper, not even a frame!

>> No.1290912

Right... Cause law school and med school apply to your situation.

>> No.1290922

Obviously to get plowed by all kinds of farmers, while disappointing her dad.

>> No.1290924

>Still having to pay it back

How does this help anything?

>> No.1290948

Yeah but she used the dollar sign which means she lives in a country that uses commas.

Unless shes a european who decided to put a dollar sign there instead for some reason

>> No.1290959

You weren't tricked. You're just a stupid person. But blaming "the system" is easier and allows you to live in that perpetual state of delusion and entitlement you enjoy so much.

Noone is supposed to "teach" you this shit. It's common sense.

>> No.1291031

i think he tricked himself

>> No.1291049

What did she major in?

>> No.1291063

Basket weaving.

What would happen if they did forgive millennial's loans. What would the people that paid theirs off but didn't get a refund do?

>> No.1291068

Except there literally isnt a problem. Nobody tricked you, you absolutely can gain access to a number of high paying positions now. You aren't going to be handed them, but let's face it that's what you millenials really want. Everything handed to you because you deserve it just for being alive

>> No.1291075

>But blaming "the system" is easier and allows you to live in that perpetual state of delusion and entitlement you enjoy so much.

This is how you 'mericans control your niggers so well.

Have your liberals keep telling the Nigs that it's the MAN, the System, the Schools, the Banks, the Corporations keeping them down. Welfare isn't a handout... it's reparations!

Why do you think 'merica has so many fucking racist, hate filled niggers who don't work? Liberals. that's why.

>> No.1291077

This is /biz/. >>>/pol/ is that way

>> No.1291082

To be fair, out system is kinda shitty.

To elaborate, the people responsible for raising millennials got gamed by the system so hard they fucked up their entire generation of offspring.

And now they look upon the craft they'd shaped and molded for 18 years and cry: "Why is this so shit!"

As if they had nothing to do with it.

>> No.1291088

No one's saying these students are owed something beyond an education, and no one's saying you shouldn't have to work to support yourself.
Again, why is there this assumption that this person (and most students) didn't work hard?
Also can we not put people who just study and work with math in the same group with people who solve practical problems? I respect them and a lot of practical jobs lean heavily into math but it's... different. It should be SET or something.

>> No.1291099


On the flip side, we have a whole generation of millenials who didn't listen to their parents and study STEM...

Now we have a flood 50 Million liberal arts majors with "African American Studies" as their background and the only jobs they're qualified for is McDonalds or toilet scurbber.

Hard to shed a tear for these losers student debt when they CHOOSE to study a fun major instead of a major that will.... you know... actually qualify them for a job.

>> No.1291115

That's true.

>Your uni won't admit you if you study any Engineering major.

Pure mathematics I guess.

>> No.1291127

>implying learning new math isn't fun a shit
fite me irl not online and see what happens

>> No.1291145

>being penalized for it so much
What the actual fuck. Having to repay what you borrow is now a penalty? No one forces you to take a loan you cannot repay. The only backwards part of this whole student loan system is that with the government backing them there's no incentive to ensure that people taking them will likely be able to repay. All you turbofaggot fuckers who think you "deserve" a college education took the rails off the system and now you throw a fit when you steer off the road. It's double your fault asshole.

>> No.1291148

Even if you go to community college the books still cost an arm and a leg, and sometimes there are additional costs that are stupidly high.
I took a Linux course at one that required a subscription to a website/service/software package called LabSim. The software running through the site fucking suuuuuucked. Sometimes it would run slowly, sometimes it would crash, sometimes it would fail to register you'd done what you needed to do for the "simulation", and it was always missing around 90% of what you'd expect from an actual functional Linux distro. Even the teacher didn't like it, but he couldn't replace it, because he couldn't find another product that did the same thing, and no one wanted to code one from scratch, and there wasn't time enough in a class period for him to go around and watch everyone do the exercises (and who would want to do that anyway).
How much did I pay for the privilege to run this piece of shit across a network? It was $111.25, plus tax. That's on top of the book, which was $59.99, plus tax. That $171.24-- but that's just one course! The other course I took that semester had a $140 book. That comes out to $311.24 for a semester just on required shit. That was one of the more expensive semesters I had, but I'm pretty sure all of them went to at least about $175 in books.

>> No.1291203

I tried to stay away from anything too loaded and you still twisted what I said.

I didn't say anything about deserving a college education (because I don't think that's some inherent right), and I definitely didn't to anything to create this system.

I didn't call paying back loans "punishment" or "trickery" or "harassment" or anything, I thought "penalty" was neutral enough.

How about this: These people think paying for college for years and years is too steep a price.

They think it's too steep a price for something that they believe they need to do, and which society wants them to do, and which many of them-- not all, maybe not most, but a lot-- will actually need to get a stable job.

>just work while you go to college
Have you ever gone to college full time? It's like a job in itself. They expect you to spend a lot of your free time studying, doing research, solving problems, writing papers, etc., and to pay for the privilege to do that with their special book and 1-3 hours a week of contact with someone that, once upon a time, did what you're learning to do (or sometimes still does in their free time). That's not to say it's unfair or it's trickery or it's inhumane or anything, but it's rough. I would not want to try to work while doing that.

What about part-time college and a part-time job? Well then you're going to be in college about twice as long-- I hope what you're majoring in still has good job prospects when you're 32 and you're not fucking sick of it already!

>> No.1291218

oh also
what can I say, cheap housing is Pure Michigan™

>> No.1291242

>30,500 is a lot of debt

Man, you younguns have no fucking clue what debt is. Wait until you buy a house, car, or even sign a lease.

And did she actually go into a field that was hiring or even look for a job in the field of study she did? I know of a guy who got an agricultural degree and ended up driving a truck. I asked why he didn't pursue the career he studied for and he said that no one around was hiring. I asked him why he didn't move to places that were hiring he said it was too much trouble. When I asked why he didn't take out a loan and start his own farm he said he didn't have time. So he basically thought that life would be handed to him when he graduated and gave up when he found out he had to work at it. Which is no reason for my tax dollars to bail him out of his bad decisions.

>> No.1291349

>All you turbofaggot fuckers who think you "deserve" a college education
>took the rails off the system

I just can't understand how these politicians we've put into office said:

Goys they're bitching about no free college.
What do?
Simple, we give them money at an interest rate, a pell grant, and let them write off college expenses on their taxes!
But these are just children Sir.
Doesn't matter, they'll learn the hard way and we'll blame them! Plus their baby boomer parents will too, cause they still believe in government. Cucks.
That's brilliant!
What about prices of books and tuition if we're giving all this money out with an interest rate? Plus what about the 5.5k pell grant we give out? And the money we give back for spending on college?
Well of course it will raise tuition prices, books, and other necessities for college. Why wouldn't it? You have an influx of people with money just handed to them and they want a higher education. We raise prices, they pay up. Duh.
Sir I think you're onto something. Now we can give our football coaches million dollar salaries and splurge on buildings, sidewalks, more buildings, bigger football fields, and everything else that doesn't help our students!

Just a note that this money ends up in the economy. Now you have a huge amount of money in the economy that's not suppose to be there that people owe on. How is this not understood? It also decreases competition.

>> No.1291353

I think people are missing the bigger picture that it doesnt matter how many people have post-secondary education. The amount of jobs in the market is not going to change. Suddenly everyone has a degree and guess what? Oh that's right, there isn't enough high skilled jobs for everyone in the first place. You're still going to need guys that work the shit jobs.

>> No.1291359

they can just buy off the credit and write off the "debt" which is just money to a third party entity like the government or the federal reserve or some third party like a rich guy or whatever

>> No.1291409



>> No.1291523

everyone, get a load of this guy

>> No.1291533


>> No.1291559

0/10 would not rape

>> No.1291568
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>> No.1291588

Im in Canada and I went the trade route but definitely in Highschool they shove post secondary down your throat as if its the only difference between poverty and making it. I guess a lot of kids bought it.

>> No.1291601

I bet she spent the entire student loan on escorts.

God damn these bitches now a days...

>> No.1291633

Fuck them. Pure and simple.

>> No.1291637

>Fuck them. Pure and simple.

It is the easiest way to make girls go sell themselves for some cash.

best meme ever made in the US, to put the fresh meat at debt.

I adore the one who thought about this, from here I want send him all my greetings and thank you so much for these cheap whores.

>> No.1291640

If the females in debt are even half decent looking they could go the prostitute/stripper/escort route.

>> No.1291642

>they could go the prostitute/stripper/escort route.

Which they do.

>> No.1291646

They could work as a manager in a fast food joint and pay off the loans, what. I know people that didn't even go to college or trade school that net around 50k a year as fast food managers.

>> No.1291652

>They could work as a manager.

>dumb hoe to get big debt
>find to work as a manager at what ever

Nice joke.


>> No.1291659


>I know people that didn't even go to college or trade school that net around 50k a year as fast food managers.

You say it like, in your world, there are more manager job offerings than regular worker employee for a fast foot joint.

yeah dude, in every fast food joint there are x3 managers per each 1 regular worker


>> No.1291664

No, but someone with a degree and even part-time fast food experience can get fast-tracked for manager training over someone without a degree.

People should at least consider the option.

>> No.1291675

Were you living at home or in your car before buying the house?

>> No.1291683


The last fast food job i had back in the 90s had me slotted for manager training as i had prior restaurant experience. Virtually anyone with any kind of food service job experience will be looked at as potential management types.

>> No.1291863

>These people think paying for college for years and years is too steep a price.
Maybe they should have gone to a cheaper college, or worked more part time, or maybe if they truly couldn't afford it they just shouldn't have bought something they could not afford in the first place. Where the fuck do you even get logic like this? Hell, I think a Lamborghini is too expensive. Maybe if I take a loan out for one I can't pay it should just be forgiven after a certain number of years of trying REALLY hard to pay it off.

>They think it's too steep a price for something that they believe they need to do
>that they believe they need to do
>they believe
Aha, here's the source of the problem. "I believe something therefore I shouldn't be responsible for any consequences of being wrong and society should give me free stuff to help me support my belief."

Look, people got fucked by a system that was DESIGNED to fuck them (not disputing that in the least). But their own choices were critical to their fucking. Being taken advantage of still requires you to be a fool and fall for it. And when someone asks Uncle Sam to bail them out of poor decisions THEY MADE (regardless of whether the government or society or whatever egged them on to make it) who do you really think gets the dick?

>The people who made the poor choices?

>The people who exploited those poor choices?

>Everybody else
Lol, of course.

You'll have to excuse me if I'm more than a little unenthusiastic about the prospect of paying for the mistakes of a bunch of stupid teenagers when I just graduated from college debt free a few years ago, because I'm who it really affects, not the aging boomers who are finishing their careers and about to live out the rest of their comfortable "I got mine" lives paying next to no taxes.

>> No.1291892

That's very true, and there's another thing: it raises the bar and you get situations like mine-- I didn't finish college and despite trying for 9 months I have yet to even get a job cleaning toilets and pushing carts despite applying for positions like that a bunch of times.
That said I think there's... if not a valuable idea, at least a valuable drive, in this.
Unless you take AP classes or college prep or advanced electives, high school does not and probably will not teach for things higher than so-called unskilled jobs, and those unskilled jobs are falling by the wayside. They might not ever go away completely, but the job market is going to keep shrinking for a good while. It will never get back to where it was before good, cheap automation, and it probably won't even get back to where it was very recently.
>they won't automate away janitors
That's one of the next 5 jobs that'll start disappearing, I'd stake my neetbux on it.

>> No.1291923

The thing is they're not entirely wrong. You can get good jobs without college but it takes longer, and if you have some technical you like (or are good at) it can be essentially impossible to break in without a degree.

but sure, the matter of the system fucking you over

How did you know this going in? Why do you expect every student to know it?

I knew because of my mom. I'm not sure it was even a student loan thing, she might have just been really worried about loans period, but she was adamant that I wouldn't take one. If it wasn't for her the chances are quite good that I would have taken out a loan eventually, and now I'd be in debt.

So, what, if you have dumb parents (and maybe a bad school district, because I sure did and they never brought it up), it's your fault?

>Hell, I think a Lamborghini is too expensive. Maybe if I take a loan out for one I can't pay it should just be forgiven after a certain number of years of trying REALLY hard to pay it off.
Is that really what you think the logic is? You think they don't think they can pay it off? I can assure you lots of college students truly believe they're going to be living the high life months if not weeks after graduation and will have money to spare. I can also assure you lots more fret and worry and run the numbers three times before taking a loan-- and then hit bad luck or just find they were too optimistic in their math.

I'm not saying either of those groups (let alone your "fake it 'til you make it" example) should be utterly and immediately cleared, but let's not demonize them either, let's treat them like human beings in a tight spot who acted dumb and almost definitely now feel dumb and regretful, even the ones ranting about debt forgiveness.

>> No.1291933

>let's treat them like human beings in a tight spot

Fuck them.

They went into that shit with both eyes open.

>> No.1291956

>Willingly agree to take classes for $30K+ (likely for some worthless degree as well).
>It's someone else's fault I'm in debt.

Here's a concept: work. I worked shitty part-time jobs during school and I wound up graduating with minimal debt (like $3k), which I paid off within a couple months.

>> No.1291998

>So, what, if you have dumb parents (and maybe a bad school district, because I sure did and they never brought it up), it's your fault?

>> No.1291999

We told OP to do that and he said he's "too good for killing himself working all day"

You cant make this shit up

>> No.1292013


These people honestly believe they're supposed to get "free" college and then make 100k+ with their art and diversity degrees

There's a reason /pol/ no longer engages then with serious discussion anymore

>> No.1292097

In or out of school? Because depending on your major, trying to take on full employment isn't asking to succeed in both debt-free school and work, but to fail in both.

>> No.1292140

Getting men to take you out on dates is basically prostitution lite

>> No.1292157


The problem comes from all sides.

Government isn't funding education they way they once did. Boomers got cheap education and now they don't want to support Millennials since everything is about individual responsibility, except for their social security, which is the public's responsibility.

The new business model of education is fucking over students. Deans, provosts, presidents are multiplying at alarming rates and with insane salaries. The development of a million middle-managers isn't good for the bottom line and unnecessary.

Students want to live in luxury dorms

Also, university isn't about learning a simple skill, this is what trade schools are for. University teaching a broad range of topics is important to their development as a person being worth a shit and being a decent citizen. The hope would be that society as a whole could move in a better direction since the population wouldn't be easily swindled by fast talking politicians. Also, the level of political discussion could be raised if everyone had a decent understanding of Keynes and Friedman as well as Rawls and Von Hayek. Not to mention businesses continue to complain that graduates can't think critically and can't write (not surprisingly business and education suck the most at critical thought)

Also, I don't think most students really expect to make 100K out of university, I think what they want is a path towards a decent income. A path that is shrinking for most people. Technology and globalization fucked manufacturing. The low level service sector is about to get completely fucked and the higher levels are getting pushed in on as well. Doctors, lawyers, professors, etc. can be replaced with technology on some level. People are upset that the path to being middle class isn't there.

Yea, maybe they could all get degrees as engineers but if everyone has a degree in engineering it isn't worth anything.

>> No.1292173
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>My wife's son

>> No.1292301


> Being this retarded
> In 2016


>> No.1292325

>Universites are supposed to be for intelligent people who can think
>omg I cant pay back my 150k debt with my 13th century lesbian french poetry degree, theres no way I could have predicted that, save me Bernie

>> No.1292351

Kids aren't sold that, though.

I wish people talked about trades more. Kids are told "You go to college no matter what, or you'll be flipping burgers your entire life"

They aren't even told "Pick a non-retarded degree"

So they go to college for something dumb because they're fucking teenagers and parents don't hand out life advice at all these days, get a shitload of debt, and then can only get hired flipping burgers anyway.

>> No.1292366

They didn't have to do a degree, they shouldn't expect to get an education without paying for most of it themselves. $30k is fuck all over a life time. It costs more not to go to uni.

>> No.1292371

It's probably better long run if education is partially subsidised/ free for the poor.

>> No.1292397


Asking a baby boomer about other's lives is like wanting to know who killed JFK - it's pointless.

>> No.1292399


You see, this guy gets it. But baby boomers will shindig all-day everyday.

>> No.1292407


Not even. Higher education should be a challenge to achieve and not be given to anyone for free. Basic public education should be free and manual labor jobs should be acceptable by those who've graduated with just a hs degree. That's how it use to be; that's how it should be.

>> No.1292412


A big difference between boomers and this generation is that boomers could get a job with just a hs degree. Plus they'd just declared bankruptcy if they choose to go to college and needed loans. On top of that no one really went to college, as it wasn't necessary.

>> No.1292416
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I'll just leave this here...

>> No.1292422

You seem to have an inferiority complex

>> No.1292424

>68% of millennials didn't make an effort to get free money for colege

32% master race checking in

>> No.1292465
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this thread

>> No.1292496
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>2016 debt college meme
>picture of niglet/shit skin in cap and gown
>modern day slavery

and people say the Jews dont control the media?

>> No.1292497


> twf a wild Boomer has been spotted.

>> No.1292498
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Top 1% of 32% checking in.

>> No.1292501


>modern day slavery

Well it's their own fault they're black.

> Tfw boomer logic

>> No.1292504
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This anon gets it.

>> No.1292511
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> Your life

>> No.1292513


> Maybe
> Maybe
> Maybe

Maybe you should make a fucking time machine.

>> No.1292517


No kidding. But it's their fault for believing their elders. Bunch of retards if you ask me.

>> No.1292539
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>implying common sense is common

You're on a board filled with mostly smug know-it-all college kids, what do you expect? Gotta admit it is entertaining to watch them cry though.

>> No.1292550

>Muh lump of labour fallacy

>> No.1292552

I'm sympathetic to that idea, but what if one is bright enough to do well but can't pay? Parents can't pay? Private funding isn't legal as far as I'm aware.

>> No.1292573


Than they'll be bright enough to find a way, just as the ones before.

>> No.1292680

Not full time. He said hes too good to work summers and a few nights while school is in session.

>> No.1292713

>Gotta admit it is entertaining to watch them cry though.

It's more like it's fucking jaw dropping amazing to watch them bitch. No college bound student can possibly be so dense to not be able to suss things out before committing himself to a certain course of action that doesn't have many upsides when all is said and done.

>> No.1292767


I work in Government Contracting and am a supplier for vital equipment on the LCS program.

Anon speaks truth, it's a complete nightmare. Ships are garbage, out of spec, two contractors making them (Lockheed and Austal), and there is a huge clusterfuck over shock testing standards.

>> No.1292797


> implying op prob doesn't web design on the side

>> No.1292825


> As if they had nothing to do with it.

As a way to cope, they also blame their offspring for their own problems.

Shall rename them to "the coping generation"!

>> No.1292834


Just how your shitty generation Cry's "mah bailout", while taking it up the ass while you cry about your 30% loss. Than you cucks pull your 401k out and have to pay a penalty and taxes!!! While the economy is crashing?!! Your generation is such shit tier it's not even funny.

>> No.1292903


Bet this tard right here lives in Texas.

>> No.1292938

I would impregnate this one and pay her debts.

>> No.1292946


> Implying everyone can pay off 30k np
> Implying people don't Ave problems paying off even a car
> Top kek

>> No.1292950

maybe she is game ask her
women like this sort of thing

>> No.1293244

>Implying the 30k for the degree is worthless
>Implying she has no skills
>Implying she can't get an unskilled job

She could pay it off in less than 2 years at McDonalds and be a on her way to a career but since she is a millennial she will gripe for the rest of her life probably with a Nigger kid. Fuck y'all degeneracy and sloth

>> No.1293247
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So you're saying instead of bitching about kids we should teach them to be better people? What a novel concept.
>appeal to tradition
>manual labor jobs mean something
pic related

>> No.1293267

>The people who were responsible for him and provided for him since he was born told him to do something.
>He actually did it, the absolute madman!
you right now

>> No.1293313

>Simple, we give them money at an interest rate, a pell grant, and let them write off college expenses on their taxes!
I got to write off lots of taxes, because i worked in college. Graduated with almost no debt (albeit horrible grades) because of that.

>But these are just children Sir.
18 to 21-year-olds are not children. Sadly, they often have an immature mindset.

>Now we can give our football coaches million dollar salaries and splurge on buildings, sidewalks, more buildings, bigger football fields, and everything else that doesn't help our students!
Don't be a patron of that business (read: university) if you don't agree with how they spend their funds. There are plenty of schools that don't dump money at football.

>> No.1293316

>Self determination is a lie
>Only those sufficiently enlightened can or should be held responsible for their actions
You right now

>> No.1293321

>It will never get back to where it was before good, cheap automation
And Mexican immigrants, legal and illegal.

>> No.1293337

>he didn't know the law, so he can't be guilty of a crime

Ignorance does not excuse you from anything.

>> No.1293475


That's not true; this isn't 1968 anymore grandpa. Now go take yourself a nap.

>> No.1293481


But the majority still do. You're simply making excuses for the problem. Why work around the problem and avoid the problem?

> Just go to a different university they said
> The hyperinflation isn't stawpin'!

Great plan there buddy.

>> No.1293489
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Your dad shouldn't be responsible for your death when he told you to drink the cup of poison.

> dat logic

>> No.1293539

Working after school is just asking to fail in a STEM field. I got a part time job about 25-30 hours per week while I was still in school so then i'd have something for the summer. I had pretty much no time to study and barely enough to sloppily complete my assignments on time, hell some were late. My grades dropped a bit but ended up strong cause most the semester I was not working.

If you're in something like liberal arts though then there is no excuse really.

>> No.1293540

Debt forgiveness is like your mom stealing your neighbor's kid because your dad poisoned you.

You have a responsibility to not completely fuck your own life even if you've never learned how to or the people you trust encourage you to fuck it up. Now, having a poor education might make that difficult, but if being ignorant itself immunizes you to all consequences of your ignorance why would you ever want to be knowledgeable? What benefit is there to managing your money wisely and making sure you spend carefully or invest in a good education when all you get is a part of the bill for some shmuck who did none of those things?

>> No.1293544

>You're simply making excuses for the problem.
What problem?

>> No.1293556

Shitty analogy, and you're putting the offspring back into victim status, not to mention qualifying college as 'poison' which presumes that college is 'harmful' to everyone.

My STEM degree got me a great job, so I appreciate my mom telling me I need to go 'drink that poison'.

I educated myself and understood the risks of doing a liberal arts degree, so instead of music, I did information systems.

No, these adults in debt are not victims. They were shown an opportunity that had controllable risks and fucked it up.

>> No.1293571


But they should stop offering loans on degrees that they KNOW for a fact are bad investments.

They are offering a bad investment to a naive customer, that they know full well is a bad investment.

So obviously the student is to blame, but the system needs to change.

>> No.1293576


100% agree.

>> No.1293581


> Stock broker: "anon I have this stellar stock for you, you will definitely make money on it"
> Naive Anon: "okay sure let's do it, lets put $50k into it"
> Stock Broker: "great just sign here"

3 years later...

> Naive anon: "fuck fuck fuck"

How is this any different than the student loan situation?

The economy took a massive shit and the University world promised a desperate generation that if they get degrees they will get high paying jobs.

>> No.1293600

>ban anything that is likely to be a bad investment

Nah, you're a cunt.

>> No.1293608

Nees any help? Developer for hire, low wages as I'm not in murrica
>inb4 pajeet

>> No.1293615

The military spends less than $600 billion per year.

You would have to literally permanently remove the US military to pay for college for everyone every year.

>> No.1293621

Are you arguing against the Stock Broker in this scenario?

If he can convince someone to give him $50k on a risky investment, he deserves every penny.

That's natural selection in the modern day.

Millions of years ago, it was attempting to put your penis in a bear. They didn't ban bears.

>> No.1293828


I would, but I already have that skill set.

>> No.1293842


I'd love to see your reaction when your "natural selection" heuristic leads to you getting eaten like tuna.

>> No.1293844


> ban someone selling something they know does not work, but convincing a customer that it does work

Fraud has been a concept in law since the 1800's

>> No.1293845
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> 226 replies
> 214 unique views today
> 465 unique views in two days
> 2,590 hits in two days
> 1 person confirmed whois the site

Welp than.

I shall make this site a great site for awareness!

>> No.1293848

Would you rather owe $1500 in 1987, or $3500 in 2007?

>> No.1293885

How is this thread still up?


If an 18 year old finances a $30,000 car, is this also somehow my problem?

Explain how college debt is "a huge problem" but other forms of debt are not. Is it because you guys have college debt and not auto debt? Because I'd like my truck paid off while we're blaming other people for our financial decisions

>> No.1293887


A car is gauranteed to get you somewhere.

>> No.1293890


How is it not? It's clearly a controversial topic worth discussing. It's clearly a huge problem among this current generation.

> If an 18 year old finances a $30,000 car, is this also somehow my problem?

Yes it is when this 18 year old uses the money left over from the pell grant as a down payment.

It doesn't effect you directly you NEET, but it effects you long-term. What is hyperinflation? What is an overvalued stock market? Both economical issues that effect everyone everywhere.

> Explain how college debt is "a huge problem" but other forms of debt are not.

Seeing that the student debt is bigger than the auto loan debt and the credit card debt is concerning.

> Is it because you guys have college debt and not auto debt?

What's stopping someone from pulling out a student loan and using it as a down payment for an auto loan?

> Because I'd like my truck paid off while we're blaming other people for our financial decisions

> comparing a truck to student loans
> top kek

>> No.1293897

Pay now or pay later. Most of humanity struggles to live, so don't act like a little princess and you won't get fucked like one

>> No.1293900

>How is this any different than the student loan situation?
It isn't. Both times anon's a dumb fuck for not looking into the option more, taking risk assessment, and dealing with it

>> No.1293913

>implying the football programs dont make more money than is dumped into them

There's a reason you get multi million salaries for great college football coaches: they in turn make winning teams which draw in ticket/merchandise/alumni $$$ contributions. It's not like the football programs are money pits, are you retarded?

>> No.1293918

Yeah I'd like to see some actual figures supporting your little theory about how football is a net gain.

>> No.1293921

>be European
>get Bs, total expenses: 600€
>get paid for Ms and PhD, 900€ every month (wich is above minimum wage)
>and the whole system works

You guys are doing something wrong.

>> No.1293931

>Debt forgiveness is like your mom stealing your neighbor's kid because your dad poisoned you.

that analogy makes no fucking sense, you're just grasping for any remotely repeatable analogy, not one that's practical.

The people you surround yourself shape you. That's it, whether in a positive or negative.

>> No.1293941

This. Parents and elders want to get absolved of raising idiots because those idiots are magically 18-24 now. I don't think they should get a free pass on their loans, but boomers and xers shouldn't get a free pass on not being called a shitty batch of parents.

>> No.1293966


Site updated with facts of the student debt.

And calm your titz, it's an PHP array loop. Not like a c+p the spans. Fck that.

>> No.1293999


$dwamp = array("68% of the Class of 2016 are graduating with student loan debt.", "43.3 million Americans have student debt.", "Student loan delinquency rate of 11.6%.", "Since 1999, student loan debt has increased by 500% while incomes for young workers have decreased by 10% since the year 2000.", "Majority of borrowers who are still paying back their loans are in their 30s or older.", "Americans owe more in student loan debt than credit card debt.", "Student loans are the most common form of increasing debt among 18 to 24-year-olds.", "27% of college students move back in with their parents after graduation.", "Student loans are causing young people to get married later and delay major purchases.", "Only 28% of borrowers know U.S. Government can garnish wages and withhold tax-refunds to satisfy unpaid student debt.", "College tuition costs rose 275% from 1970-2013 (after adjusting for inflation).", "284,000 college graduates made at or below minimum wage in 2012.", "The average debt for graduating public college seniors was $25,550 in 2012.", "The average debt for graduating private non-profit college seniors was $32,300 in 2012.", "The average debt for graduating private for-profit college seniors was $39,950 in 2012.", "37 million people have outstanding loan balances.");

Facts go on. How is this not an issue?

Sweep it under the carpet am I right?

>> No.1294227


>> No.1294264
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...and tons of people have auto loans, too, but it's not "a huge problem that is getting swept under the carpet."

You didnt answer the question: how is your debt my problem?

>> No.1294269

Boomers also shouldn't get the fucking bailouts they get.

>> No.1294272

Watch that chart be nothing but student loans in 10 years when the old fucks die off and its nothing but student loans everywhere.

>> No.1294286

I challenge you to find one person who's 20 or younger that's mature-- and not yourself, that doesn't count, plenty of bitch niggas think they were mature at X age.

>> No.1294298
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>> No.1294324

boomers all need to be gassed

fuck those entitled pieces of shit

>> No.1294350

vote for trump

>> No.1294357


I completely agree with this. Neither one of my parents had an education. Looking back, it was fucked up how little life advice they gave me. They really didn't push me to do anything. They were hard working people and fairly intelligent yet I don't understand their parenting logic. I finally got my finance degree and I'm making more than enough to pay it back. Meanwhile, my sister is completely lost, living at home and they act like everything is fine. I tried to help but it seriously pissed me off when I think about this.

>> No.1294358

Grammar errors, fuck it

>> No.1294363

>fuck the economy beyond repair
>complain that the next generations are entitled
>complain that the next generations are lazy
>want to be taken care off until they die
fuck boomers

>> No.1294366

i don't think that's the problem

they just think that everyone that graduates out of college gets a job the first day out and is paid much more than a minimum wage.
its pretty fucking remarkable how so many people think this way

>> No.1294375

>Only 28% of borrowers know U.S. Government can garnish wages and withhold tax-refunds to satisfy unpaid student debt
You know how carnivals stay in business, right?
Only 28% of people know the games are rigged.

>> No.1294377

>they told me
m8 sorry to break it to you but teachers are fucking losers themselves.
if a math teacher can't get a job as a mathematician he is not good enough to compete in the job market.
and i know those teachers that say "i got into tutoring because passion"

>> No.1294388


>> No.1294397

>people complain about not having access to college
>make student loans more available so everyone has access to college
>people complain about student loans

>> No.1294399

i have a friend working at "shit job" and he is making 20k a month and can take days off whenever he wants

>> No.1294415

>he is making 20k a month and can take days off whenever he wants
is that right? I guarantee you that "whenever he wants" is not nearly as flexible as it sounds.

>> No.1294422

Yeah last time I checked, the majority of shit jobs aren't paying 20k a month retard.

>> No.1294440

abseiling does,especially when in my country there are only 500 people doing it in total

>> No.1294458

thats not a shit job, that takes some skill, a shit job would be a floor sweeper as an example

>> No.1294515


You weren't tricked.

A college degree does not LAND you a job. It gives you the OPPORTUNITY to get a good job. If you're socially awkward, uncharismatic and don't know how to present yourself, no amount of education is going to get you a job.

If you've been going to job interviews and not given the job, it's because you underperformed in that interview.

You didn't prepare enough.
Your answers weren't intelligent enough.
You didn't display the right people skills.
You did not show enough confidence.
You were perceived as uninspiring, boring or otherwise...simply lacking in comparison to your competition.

>> No.1294530

I cant seem for the life of me to get a fucking apprentice position. im a 3rd year electrical apprentice and construction is so dead here right now. I apply to tons of places and cold call and never get an interview

>> No.1294545

Where are you? Construction is finally taking off where I'm at

>> No.1294551

Also, try putting stuff about your life outside work in your cover letters/emails. Construction bosses want to see reliability (reliability = boring.) If you have kids or a family to support put that in. Say you dont smoke or drink. Say something like, "outside my family, work is my life." "Electrical work is my passion." They want a guy who will show up every day 15 min early and have a reason to never flake. You need to come up with at least 3 different ways to convey that message in your opening statement. Remember: they can teach a new hire how to do the job, but you can't teach reliability and they know it.

>t. 9 years of tradework

>> No.1294552

>paying off student debt under 5% interest rate
>not paying the minimum and putting all extra money in stocks
These people deserve to suffer the consquences of their shitty decisions.

I graduated 5 years ago, paid off my 6.8% loans and all my others are under 4% so I pay the bare minimum.

>> No.1294557

>You weren't tricked
>You were just misinformed by every authority figure in your life.

>> No.1294586

t. butthole bandit

>> No.1294620

>Houses 150k+

Try $500K plus for a place in the city, $300k-400k in the outer suburbs.

Still degrees are onyl 24k tho, I fugged mine up badly tho.

>> No.1294707
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It may happen, but with I've been fine so far by being pragmatic and generally skeptical of anything.

>Hey kid, wanna make lots of money?
Your answer should either be "No, thank you." or "Show me everything in writing before we do anything, and I'll do some research on the topic and get back to you. Don't call me, I'll call you."

We have the world's knowledge at our fingertips, but people can't be bothered to take a few days and put some serious research into major financial decisions.

>> No.1294709

>How is this not an issue?
Let's say that it is an issue, and that it's our responsibility to do something about it.

What do you propose for the solution?

>> No.1294723

There's a 17-year-old intern at our office who is easily mistakable for a 20-something.

He's very well-spoken, and according to his girlfriend, really has his shit together.

Something must have happened to the guy, because he's got healing gauges in his ears, but certainly doesn't seem the type.

>> No.1295075

So let me ask the college debt ppl something.

Do you feel that college overall was a bad choice for you? Or do you just feel you paid too much for what you got? Also, do you feel you would be better off now without your degree?

>> No.1295084

It's not fraud.

>> No.1295085


I think I speak for a lot of people when I say that college ruined me emotionally, socially, financially. It affected my health and sapped my time. It left me in 40K debt.

However, there is no alternative. You're a loser without a degree in today's world and will not even get a foot in the door without one. It's a social imperative and obligation to get at least one degree, if not a second, or masters.

>> No.1295086


> so much this

>> No.1295093


It could be considered fraud.

>> No.1295094

Can you explain this? Most people say they met important contacts in college and benefitted socially as well as have access to much higher paying jobs

>> No.1295099


>> No.1295100

Not legally, no.

>> No.1295104


I'm sure of a bunch of people got butthurt, it would be considered fraud.

>> No.1295105


If you're going online full-time. How does one meet people in college?

>> No.1295111

>muh feelings

A risky investment is not fraud unless the broker literally puts a guarantee in writing that the value will increase.

Which will never happen.

>> No.1295113

What do you mean you can't pay it back? Dumb bisch, u can take out an additional loan and trade on 1:200 forex - leverage to infinity on USD/GBP - a bunch of normies breh

>> No.1295115

>it would be considered fraud.
Welcome to 2016, where enough butthurt = legal responsibility.

>> No.1295129
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>and the whole system works
Okay eurofriend

>> No.1295133


Access to higher paying jobs generally comes out of the undergraduate qualification.

The "met important contacts" is largely a /biz/ meme. I'm an autist, I'm a loner. Almost all successful people are.

>> No.1295213

Sell adverts to sleazy trade schools

>> No.1295217
File: 120 KB, 500x500, tumblr_inline_o8ezeep0SL1t6h7l0_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live in Germany
>don't have to pay anything to study
>in addition get money from the state so you can study without a sidejob

>> No.1295237

>implying the top 15-25% (i.e. those with an IQ at or above the 75th percentile) aren't already enjoying state, federal and school-specific scholarships that fund most of their ride very cheaply
College studies are not a "right". If you aren't smart enough, study something less expensive and less debt-inducing. Alternatively, attempt twisting reality, graduate with a useless degree and get a job at mickey D`s.

tldr; schooling is already subsidized (or "free" as europeons prefer to call it) for those best suited for studying academic subjects.

>inb4 "idiot american"
I'm Finnish. Americans are more educated than us, despite our "free" education, which poignantly proves my point: government can't cure the stupid.

>> No.1295252

This, pretty much.

Particularly if you're not CIS white. There are tons of scholarships for any flavor of victim status you can think of.

Most people going into college don't really apply for that many scholarships.

>> No.1295267

Sounds great until you realize you get to
>then pay 65% of your income to government

>> No.1295299


then rent books, much cheaper than buying


>> No.1295317

It is actually great to go through life knowing you can pursue education without hesitation, if you get sick you don't have to battle with insurance companies and so on.

30% tax (in Australia) trumps the fucking mess America is in with it's lower taxes

>> No.1295318

Niagara region Ontario

>> No.1295330


Ya America is trying it's best to switch to socialism, just give it time.

>> No.1295340


Not dealing with broker though.

>> No.1295346

What the fuck are you even trying to argue?

Are you just vomiting out the first thing that comes to mind?

Your replies are completely inane.

>> No.1295455


I completely understand with your IQ level, you're unable to comprehend that different laws apply to different things.

We are not talking about brokers stock markets, stocks, puts, derivatives, ect and the laws that surround that. We are discussing college debt.

Your argument is invalid. Doesn't relate to anything in this thread. You, your life,and your replies are worthless.

Go fuck off and die. Thanks.

>> No.1295459

You came late in the argument, cumstain.

This anon: >>1293571
related it to offering a bad investment to a naive customer, which is in no way illegal or fraud, nor should it be banned.

You're the one who can't keep track of a conversation.

>> No.1295468


> Mah dollar isn't worth a dollar!
> My truck full of cash can't buy a loaf of bread!?

Germany much? That's how it effects you, you fucking idiot.

How can you be this dense? You all are so fuckin' focusing on yourself, you can give a shit less about another. This is why our society is a shit as it is. Due to you retards asking "what about me!?", "how does it effect me?", and "what can I do to further myself while jewing others?". It's disgusting. Just like that pleb with his stupid truck.

Go drink some bleach already.

>> No.1295471


Oh rally? Martha Stewart much?

>> No.1295475

Nice job avoiding the questions.

I'll ask again:
What do you propose as a solution?

I genuinely curious to see how 4chan's greatest minds would solve this disaster.

>> No.1295483



It's simple really. Have people pay at a discount rate. Setup offices where people can go talk 1 on 1 with someone about their debt. Stop all government funding.

Simple rally. This is a capitalist country, not a fuckin' eurofuckfest of $8 a gallon gas due to taxes.

>> No.1295488

Who eats all of the discounted rates in the form of bad debt?

The government?

What about loans that were not issue by the government?

We just take that money out of the hands of private companies?

>Stop all government funding.
What exactly do you mean by this?

>> No.1295514

But a ton of assholes never finish a degree

>> No.1295565

>I'm not responsible for my own actions
Thats all I got out of that post

>> No.1295581

If I loaned money that was meant to be paid back, do you think I'd be satisfied if the guy says well I can pay back X amount but its less than what you lent me? I'll give you a hint.

>> No.1295592

Did you mean to respond to the other anon?

I don't agree with student loan discounts or forgiveness.

>> No.1295595

yeah lel

>> No.1295668


Cause your a cuck. Any collection agency would take something over nothing. Tard.

>> No.1295673


Oh do you have a better solution?

>> No.1295713

so what are the best trades to get into right now?
I'm fine with outdoors or physical labor work.

>> No.1295722


Anything related to construction.

>> No.1295773


as far as things you can go to school for, i list pros and cons with each;

chances are that your local 911 dispatch facility (usually your city police or your county sheriff) will hire you and train you for free, they usually make good money/benefits but the job is extremely stressful and a lot of dispatchers burn out quick

you can become non sworn police staff like forensics

similarly, some fire departments staff hire fire inspectors and/or fire investigators, depending on where you live you shouldn't have to do the whole oorah fire academy thing, but again this is highly dependent on where you live (you need to do your research on this)

you can become police-officer/fire-fighter (assuming you live in an area with a career fire department) I do not recommend working for private EMS (ambulance)

diesel mechanic is good because you can go work for a railroad and make good money. you will be away from home a lot though, its like trucking.

auto mechanic is good short term work, opportunities are limited for long term career though (unless you get hired by a high end dealership, you own your own shop, or you get hired by a local/state/federal agency to maintain their motor pool)

plumbing/AC/electrical is okay but you can make bank if you open your own business

there are also other sub trades like flooring/drywall/pool cleaning service/landscaping where you will make bank if you own your own business

radiology tech (xray/MRI/CT scan) is decent pay but no career advancement

respiratory therapy is decent pay but no career advancement

registered nurse is great money and career growth but you're everyone's bitch

there are tons of trades out there, just look at your community college catalogue for ideas and look up pay on the bureau of labor statistics website

>> No.1295996

Solution to what? No one forced you to take on debt. You knew you could avoid it by getting a summer job, but you wanted to explore your sexuality in Barbados and now you want me to pay for your laziness

>> No.1296634


Look at this deadbeat.

Sunshine, when i ran a business a few years back and shits like you would fuck around with the money sometimes sure i would take what i could get sometimes. Then i would proceed to call those i knew in the biz and spread word that you had deep pockets but short arms and weren't any kind of good people.

If you really wanted to be cute, it got a hell of a lot worse faster.

>> No.1296638

Who the fuck can't pay off 30k in 5 years max?

>> No.1296888


And the big old government is going to do that?

Us: hey China, McDonalds, chase, and boa this cuck has short arms and deep pockets.

Hur dur dur dur

>> No.1296894
File: 56 KB, 223x200, So+you+are+one+of+the+meme+spewing+newfags+_3e42a2c28aca368baeb6a7449f5a5823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mmmm hmmm

Gov tells you to pay child support for example:


You and your retarded logic.

>> No.1296898


Did you know the gov takes a certain amount? It's not like you can pay $100 here or $200 there. No, you have to pay $250 (not accounting for interest) every month no matter WHAT. Ya you can call them and say you're going through hardships, but you can only do that so many times. And than you look at, "well damn that $250 could be going towards something else", while you down a 5th.

>> No.1296900

This thread has lasted quite awhile.

>> No.1296901

> this

>> No.1296909

> Who eats all of the discounted rates in the form of bad debt?

And who eats it anyways now?

You have people who will go through troubles in their life, die even, and other things of that nature. At least helping people, understanding, and putting a stop to it would help in one form or another.

If you want to get an idea of what some of these kids do with their loans... this one dude fully furnished an apartment in NY and even used his loans to pay the rent. You have invisible money going towards real things. It hurts the economy and weakens the dollar.

>> No.1296935

Yes, actually.

A business has a credit rating, same as a state or a country or an individual human.

Sometimes it is more beneficial for a company to amputate half of its assets to maintain a good credit.

This is analogous to selling your second car if you are in danger of defaulting on another financial responsibility, so that your credit rating does not tank.

>> No.1296943

In the long term, very few entities are actually eating college loans as bad debt. While there are plenty of outstanding loans out there, it is being paid back. Nearly all graduates, no matter how useless a degree, will eventually find a stable job or a husband.

I agree with the last part of your post. Lending to students should not be unconditional, and the money loaned would ideally be required to go towards directly-related expenses, such as tuition, books, and room & board.

Someone with shit grades, no track record of responsibility, poor standardized testing scores, and who somehow managed to get into an expensive college, should not be able to just take out a $40,000 loan without some major stipulations.

At the very least, they should increase work-study grants for colleges, where the students can earn money while in school in a related field. Impose penalties on those who don't work while in school, and integrate that work into the curriculum, much like trade schooling.

It's unheard of in any other market.

>> No.1297041


There is still the problem of tuition being sky-high and books being sky-high. Plus you still have an issue with universities spending the money in the wrong areas. You also have the issue of book manufacturers not staying competitive.