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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12890418 No.12890418 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw wasting away my 20's and my youth browsing a mongolian seashell trading forum staring at charts and watching my money dwindle away
>meanwhile Chads and Stacys are partying with their frats, having sex, driving convertibles taking cool pictures

Its okay. I will win in the end, r-right guys?

>> No.12890463

We all gonna make it.

>> No.12890468

no were not

>> No.12890474

Lots of green. We're gonna make it boys

>> No.12890475

You don't get more time, anon. It's coming off the end of your life every second, and no one knows how long they have. Trading money for time is always a gamble. Losing money and time is a tragedy.

>> No.12890486

I did both those things. Shout out to my homie God for making my autistic ass attractive.

>> No.12890490

Get into developing and find new use cases for the technology
Otherwise you'll want to kill yourself for losing over 80% your money

>> No.12890498

Yes. Better start by continuing to waste your time in this shithole.

>> No.12890507
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>he doesn't hold any chainlink

>> No.12890513
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that feel

>> No.12890519

if I don't make it I will Gavrilo Princip my life

>> No.12890523

Who is the modern day Franz Ferdinand equivalent though?

>> No.12890534

This, I lived a good life for a while but eventually the autism overcomes any other good parts you’ve got

>> No.12890539

This is very true though my life went down hill fast when I hit 23 and everybody had finished their degrees and started real jobs.

>> No.12890544


>> No.12890545

>>12890544 (checked)

>> No.12890547
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>tfw wasting away my 20's...
>...and my youth browsing a mongolian seashell trading forum staring at charts and watching my money dwindle away
That's impossible, you accumulate invaluable experience from the things you will and will not do.

>meanwhile Chads and Stacys are partying with their frats, having sex, driving convertibles taking cool pictures

>> No.12890555

What is even a good way to spend your time? Normies are insufferable after about 30 mins.

>> No.12890561

the feels. was in a good frat, got laid frequently, had good friends. now I graduated and am neeting it up back home. something needs to change.

>> No.12890567

Everytime I force myself to socialize I see disgusting human beings, they can not handle alcohol, they fight, they scream, they eat loudly... ewww

Even taxi drivers are disgusting peasants, spitting, can't drive, smelly, always trying to take you more shekels;...

>> No.12890569

>What is even a good way to spend your time?
By not squandering it.

>> No.12890583


>> No.12890597

i know these exact feels bro. i don't know what to tell you. good luck.

>> No.12890599

Tell me smart guy, by doing what? Be specific please? I was thinking about picking up painting.

>> No.12890607

>What is even a good way to spend your time?
volunteering is good for your resume and your soul

>> No.12890621

>>tfw wasting away my 20's and my youth browsing a mongolian seashell trading forum staring at charts and watching my money dwindle away

Lol.... nearly got me. Mogolia is landlocked, no need for seashells. You loser OP.

>> No.12890625

No, volunteering is good for your boss' wallets and your resume is only meant to be glanced at for 15 seconds like a disopable resource.

>> No.12890636

I picked up python and it's OK but I can't see coding occupying my next 80 years or so of existence.

>> No.12890665
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It was over from day one my friend. At least we know we'll be rich in 5 years when BTC is worth 6 figures in USDcoins. Too late, but we can cope with hookers.

>> No.12890684

bad attitude
>bad attitude
bad attitude
>bad attitude
bad attitude
>bad attitude
bad attitude
>bad attitude

>> No.12890700

>what are fossils

>> No.12890705

>What is even a good way to spend your time?
Having sex

>> No.12890730


My rock hard dick is a fossil when it's in your dads batty

>> No.12890756

>Tell me smart guy, by doing what? Be specific please?

You see, I say "squander" because there are shit things that all of us here do that we know are wrong we still spend time to do. You scoop some of those fuck-filthy things off and your left with a smaller pile of shit than what you had the day before.

Then you do it again.

After sometime picking shit up from your time frame you're left with the things you can't throw out, and that's motherfucking value you found right there beneath the rot and decay.

>> No.12890757
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>wasting away
newfag you haven't been here for a whole year, have you?

>> No.12890771

dont let them fool you bro, deep down inside the stacys and chads are depressed and dead. They fuel the dopamine addiction with social media "likes", cheap alcohol, and meaningless sex. Stacy's fuck their natural estrogen production with birth control and chads destroy their test production with roids. Its a short lived meaningless life. they spend their 30's in a dark depression trying to re-live the glory days.

the real red pill is understanding how much more fun you can have in your 30's. all the knowledge and maturity that comes with age acts like a multiplier and they will envy your life.

>> No.12890788


>> No.12890799

What I'm trying to say is that in a 4-choice multiple choice exam, it is important to be aware that there are wrong choices and to know why they are wrong.

>> No.12891422

>wanting to be a 30 yo boomer

No thanks

>> No.12891429


>wait but why

come back in 6 years

>> No.12891430

Dude where did you get this idea about Chads and Stacys? Superbad? A lot of those frat guys get opiate addictions and fucking die at 28.

>> No.12891441

NAh bro they got jobs at morgan stanley. Its us who get addicted to opioids

>> No.12891464

W-we might

>> No.12891688

Holy fuck, it's impossible to produce a counter argument to this. It really was over since day one.

>> No.12891729


>wonders why he gets defeated

it's almost like your mentality begets your situation anon.

>> No.12891775

I have 12k chainlink. Its not enough bro. Plus it might not take off til 2030

>> No.12891792


This. They will always be better at "networking" so they'll always win.

>> No.12891809

Put your money into BTC and ETH, Nasdaq just put official indexes. Don't listen to the shills and invest in AR/VR companies and the companies that make the components for such products that will replace phones in the future.

>> No.12891818

Yes we'll make it anon. Buying Yachts will be like buying a new pair of slippers. Bitches and cars. You know none of these things will be actual investments, but will be nice to have anyway.

>> No.12891824

how will we make it?

>> No.12891850

Personally 0xBTC and stock options, but you do you man.

>> No.12891924

Im pretty fucking annoyed at how much time I had to waste of my youth simply due to lack of money to do the things i wanted to do

>> No.12891939

this desu

additionally bitter that i had to financially support my mother - who needs a kid when youve got a single mom

>> No.12892128
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>> No.12892191
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This hits me right in the feels. Most of the people I meet my age with nice jobs that pay 80k+ are normie fucktards that know how to bullshit. It's not that I don't know how to bullshit.

>> No.12892318

But it's not "unfair" because networking also helps things get done. So they're just more qualified

>> No.12892430
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>> No.12892448

>staring at charts
>having sex
why not both?

>> No.12892547


I'm in the same boat brother, basically had to forfeit my life to help pay the bills and mortgage and I still live at home at 38.

>> No.12892661
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Play the long game and you might just make it.

>> No.12892713

once you admit you already lost.. then you can at least try to better yourself