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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12889104 No.12889104 [Reply] [Original]

How do you guys work in offices and not go crazy?

>> No.12889122

We do. I am becoming a drunkard insane person. Marriage doesn't help either God is cucking me

>> No.12889125

I did actually go crazy, quit with no notice and haven't worked in 5 years

>> No.12889132


>> No.12889133

I work in an office and it’s lirterally driving me crazy. A woman I used to have a friendly rapport with has been giving me hostile vibes and it’s so fucking awkward every time I see her. Plus, just the constant drone of people coughing, sneezing, talking, and sighing is enough to make me want to bash my head against a wall. The one plus is my boss is pretty chill and lets me work remotely pretty often.

>> No.12889139

OP this is /biz/ we are all crazy if we are in an office or not!

>> No.12889160

by posting on biz all day

>> No.12889176

Eventually you pass through crazy into something else entirely.

>> No.12889188

I work at home
I can't imagine working with other people next to me

>> No.12889217

I only managed to do it for 3 months before i went insane.
It's not worth killing yourself over fren

>> No.12889248
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It's better than working in a factory. I did nothing but factory jobs before landing a comfy office job with my own office and no heavy responsibilities. No complaints desu

>> No.12889320
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all those people that post 100k office jobs literally do this in actuality

>> No.12889342

Turn off. Turn back on after work. Only choice

>> No.12889452
File: 48 KB, 689x624, Egor is sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a waiter/bartender. I have the opportunity to work in an actual corporate office. I'm scared I'll end up like a depressed/crazy drone. My current job is kinda shit. I hate dealing with drunk asshole, but I feel like working in a office might be worse.
I know it depends on the company, but what's the pros and cons of working in a office?

>> No.12889730

stop caring

decompress at home every day with light drinking/vidya/cooking/fapping

think of the tuxedo pepe

>> No.12889744


You can listen to music while you work
Comfy desk chair


Awkward, forced social situations with coworkers
Everyone can see if you're on your phone or on a site you shouldn't be on
Having to commute into the office

>> No.12889775

have a good job. I work in advertising coming up with corporate normie-tier memes all day. shit's fun and the pay is good.

>> No.12889778

I had to quit my office job. Joined a union and now make more than I did plus I get to be around based men all day instead if fat liberal women. This is what a degree in Mechanical Engineering gets you

>> No.12889788

Honestly the only thing that keeps me going is this; benefits, job security, and I got only 14 more yrs till I can retire w/full payout,etc.

I'll be 50 years old and able to walk out in decent shape both physically and financial wise. I'd prob kill myself if I had to work the same shit job till age 65 or older.

>> No.12889838

have my own office with a door and a window. can sit and shitpost all day if things are slow. only need to interact with coworkers for about 15 minutes a day on average. can't say i enjoy being here five days a week, but the money is pretty decent.

>> No.12889857
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And become NPC

>> No.12889866
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>> No.12889897

Are you a brogrammer?

>> No.12889958

no, i do tax-related consulting work for local businesses and wealthy individuals/families. it is a small company and we pretty much just handle our own projects unless we run into problems and want to bounce some ideas off each other.

>> No.12889963
File: 1.70 MB, 4032x3024, E86200BA-1782-431C-9770-91D50ED14B4D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i work in an office and it's great!

I take enough caffeine pills to keep me motivated so I can process paper faster. You really need to time it because the pizza and carbs that will sit and fester in your stomach will cause massive bolating and diarrhea. So if you eat the free pizza BEFORE you take your caffeine pills you can double down with advil to knock out those side effects. Thank God for employee health care!

Sure I cry EVERY SINGLE DAY in the upper floor parking lot where no one can see me but it's really the side effects of doing to much drugs to numb the pain.

My boss always tells us how IMPORTANT we are to the company because without us how can they take vegas trips?

Plus you always have the company parties to look forward to where you get to dress up and pretend you enjoy hearing your boss talk about that vegas trip they took while you were working and all the sweet deals they got at the luxor.

Just watch what you say because hr will get you. They're here for the company not really for you. Hence the name Human Protection Department.

Honestly it's not bad. your just trading in your freedom for security.

>> No.12889972
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>he changes he's precious time for MONEY

>> No.12889994

What is your job where you make 6 figs in your own office with only factory experience? ',:^/

>> No.12890012

Anyone here do construction? Might quit my front desk job to do carpentry. I'm hard working but have not developed skills with tools yet. Am I too low skilled for an apprenticeship?

>> No.12890014

Mortgage banking?

>> No.12890053

>185k/year lineman here
>one of the greatest cities in the world is my office

u mad plebs

>> No.12890442

Corner cube, then, eventually, my own office.

>> No.12890467

You need a job you like with coworkers you like, and a flexible schedule (work from home, etc). Then it's good.

If you're stuck in a job you hate/aren't very good at, boy is it hell.

>> No.12890896


i work in mortgage banking. went from wagie, to half work at home wagie, to full work at home wagie. I can work anywhere now. Although being a desk jockey gets old it still is nicer than being on my feet. it's pretty comfy too.

>> No.12890910

based and redpilled

>> No.12890946

i'm pretty busy most of the time, either with daily operations or taking on new clients. work in international shipping btw. there's always problems popping up that need to be quashed. feels good when shipments go smoothly. it's a small office and everyone is pretty chill. when things are slow, just dick around on the internet or talk shit with friends in group chat. in the summer, leave early a couple days a week and go drive on the beach to "fish" and crack some brews.

life's not bad frens.

>> No.12890953
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>> No.12890962


>> No.12890963

>6 figs
Never said that, mr. jealous faglord. I don't make a lot of money, but the work/life balance is perfect for the amount I do get paid.

I mean, it sure as hell beats working in a factory. I would even prefer this job if I made a little less than my highest paying factory job. I sit around in my office, fuck off on 4chan, until the company owner (local business) brings a piece of paper with things that need to be changed on the company website. He does this once a day. It's usually tedious shit nowadays like adding product listings or changing prices, but when I first started, I was hired to completely overhaul their website because it was broken. I got hired because they see that I'm studying comp sci at uni.

>> No.12890970

Because I work in an office/warehouse and supervise both simultaneously, making or allowing me to run back and forth. I'd go crazy if I were chained to my desk for 8 hours a day.

>> No.12891020
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Why is it that offices make people go insane is it the lack of autonomy and arse kissing?

>> No.12891030
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just chill out with everyone

>> No.12891036


>> No.12892367

keep a few nitrous cartridges in your desk, and find some very normal looking shit to get off on. i get really turned on by videos of women gardening.

>> No.12892499

Anon, I..

>> No.12892512

By not being whiny entitled sensitive fragile snowflakes.

>> No.12892877


Both of those. However the final straw for me was trying to take a dump in a stall with five other guys also dropping deuces, farting and coughing in surrounding stalls with those paper mache tier walls and big gaps under them.

My last job was a nightmare of cunty management, insecure work, endless restructuring, extreme monitoring (including getting a 'please explain' if your messenger icon went to inactive/away for more than 15 minutes) and tiny workspaces. But the bathroom situation was just the nail in the coffin.