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File: 107 KB, 540x960, 4a3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12887651 No.12887651 [Reply] [Original]

>high paying job
>working full time
>girlfriend with big tits
>lifting 5 times a week
>strong and big
>dream job
>"good" future
>2 months nofap

More fucking depressed than ever before

I miss being a semi-incel NEET

I miss my part time fast food job

I miss doing drugs and having fun

My girlfriend never shuts up. I dont want to hear her loud mouth talking, i just want to fuck her.

women are better in porn videos

I want to ride my bike and watch the sunset and smoke weed

I hate having 100 responsibilities, and i hate having to quit drugs because my workplace can drug test me

I miss playing counter strike every day

I miss getting high with friends

Am i wasting my life?

>> No.12887674

Shut up pussie schizophrenic gayretarded

>> No.12887688

>all this reddit spacing
jesus get the fuck out. sage in the fields that matter

>> No.12887696

>counter strike
Go home grandpa you’re drunk

>> No.12887707

stfu cunt
>wahh he made his post easier to read wwhhahh that mean he reddit
newfags gonna newfag

>> No.12887718


>> No.12887735

Yeah sorry Paco but this is an American website and most of us can read left to right. you need to back if you don't know the difference, spacing out your post != reddit.

sage in all fields that matter

>> No.12887778

>you need to back if you don't know the difference

alright pajeet

>proceeds to space out his own post


>> No.12887779

> Am I wasting my life?
Get rid of that mindset, it's impossible to waste something that is inherently worthless. You're depressed because you compromise on what you really want. Get rid of anything addicting and external validation so that you can make your very own decisions. Maybe you would then really mean it if you say you have a "good" future

>> No.12887794

Post gf's tits pls thx

>> No.12887797












As I've mentioned, you need to go back. This is the last (You) I'm going to give to you, and I advise everyone else to sage. You reek of being a loser. sage in all the fields that matter

>> No.12887821


>> No.12887847


yeah gtfo ape

>> No.12887860

Are you all in chainlink?

>> No.12887870
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>> No.12887885

Well, there is your problem

>> No.12887893

Jealous ?

>> No.12888054

Literally me. Life is suffering.

>> No.12888231

Your "big tit gf" is a whale. Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.12888244

disgusting landwhale i hope you're trolling

>> No.12888283

Drug addiction fucks your brain up forever. You won’t be happy without them ever again. You either become a successful, functioning addict or you drink yourself to death. Pick one.

>> No.12888304

Pretty sure that bottom censor bar is superfluous. There’s no way anything is showing under that gut. Unless he has a nutsack...

>> No.12888317

fucking kek

>> No.12888361
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>> No.12888388

posting pictures of yourself again I see

>> No.12888419
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>> No.12888442

Just kys already

>> No.12888470
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>> No.12888495

kys you blind plebbitor

>> No.12888573
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>> No.12888592

Best LARP I've read in 6 months

>> No.12888603

Yeah you fell for the money meme

You need to use your money to buy time. You see, time is deflationary, similar to bitcoin. It's is worth more and more everyday since you have less of it

>> No.12888626

Your vocation is to neet. Come back home.

>> No.12888642

I dont know why anyone would want to have a job

>> No.12888682

That man knows OPs pain...

>> No.12888707

> working full time
> being happy

choose one.

work is literally slavery.

>> No.12888745

Still a grandpa

>> No.12888753

why would he be jealous of a fat cow?

>> No.12888756

Because the milk is free?

>> No.12888776

yeah because unless ur a chad urself you cant see lard in others.

kys fatso

>> No.12888794

>tfw 18-year old is a grandpa because he plays CS:GO

>> No.12888826

>dump gf
>pick up intellectual and creative hobbies
>reading, painting, playing instruments etc.
>live modestly
>save up enough so you can live comfortably off the interest on your savings alone (index funds/bonds)
>retire early
>do whatever you fucking want
it's fucking stupid that people respond to prosperity by increasing their expenditure
used to wear cheap shoes? now you wear expensive shoes. used to drive a honda civic for years? now you drive a new audi every year. still wagecucking as hard as ever before while your life essentially is the same. ridiculous.

>> No.12888854

op women are either for kids or for fuck n dump

not for >relationships

lmfao lad

>> No.12888899

>actually feeding and clothing a useless nagging waste of resources just so you may masturbate inside her body when you can do it for free

>> No.12889568
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>Men rationalize dating these overweight women by calling them "thicc"
I miss the days when guys that dated fatties were made fun of, whatever happened to fat shaming anyways? Oh right, people grew complacent.

>> No.12889690

She's hot as fuck, I would jerk off and cum to uncensored pics of this sex goddess

>> No.12889721

i would hit it but not date

>> No.12889828

I would like to pork that bitch up, but yeah, maybe you need to leave her op. That will help. With that extra time you can do more things you like and be more happy.

>> No.12890239
File: 157 KB, 1200x900, chubbs_-_pasadena_humane_society___spca_-_facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bruh u need more freedom. All you did here is talk about your obligations and cry about how you aren't happy.

Who are your friends? What are your hobbies? Where do you travel? How often?

Life isn't a fucking point system. It isn't:

money + property = happiness

That's retarded. Try this:

Freedom + meaningful work - unnecessary anxiety = happiness.

Notice this formula has nothing to do with your income, your car or how phat your girl's ass is. This is where you should rise and grind every single fucking day. Experience meaningful work. Experience freedom. Experience the elimination of unnecessary anxiety. Each one of these is vitally important. Ignore one and you'll fall apart.

OP: how meaningful is your work? Are you proud of the products of your labor after a hard day's work? Does the money make you proud? If it does: good. If it doesn't: you aren't doing meaningful work. Science has now proven that for men, especially in America, the greatest determinate of life satisfaction is their work. Get your work in order.

>> No.12890258
File: 87 KB, 931x931, 8dfgykK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



How are you maximizing your freedom? Do you get to travel the world? Are you getting the most love and enjoyment out of all of your relationships? If your best friend asked you tomorrow to drop everything and take a weeklong skiing trip with him, could you do it? Would you? Do you have a best friend? Prioritize your freedom over your money. Why CAN'T you do Vidya? Why can't you have your weed and your NEET lifestyle? Freedom.

Finally: how much of your life is just anxiety that could be eliminated? This one is pretty simple. If you're wasting your time chasing your own ass trying to get organized, you're ruining your own life. You're ruining your relationships and taking a fat shit on your freedom.

Read 'Getting Things Done' by David Allen. The man is a certifiable genius and his system is designed to ensure you only ever need to think about things one time. If you're stressed about your lifestyle and you're wasting time stressing over the same thought 10+ times per day, get yourself sorted out. If you don't read anything else in this post, read this: READ GETTING THINGS DONE BY DAVID ALLEN. For additional resources, checkout r/GTD on reddit. This step alone will revolutionize your work, your freedom and especially your anxiety. You deserve the life you want, OP. Never forget that.

>> No.12890389

Become a bike courier and you get to do literally all these things and fuck your dispatcher's gf

>> No.12890452

>I miss playing counter strike every day

>> No.12890922


tell your fattie girlfriend to start working out 5 times a week. marry her. have babies. then your child wish fulfillments will go away and you will have true responsibility.

you are unhappy because you are ready to progress into becoming a father but you are afraid to take the step. DONT BE AFRAID OF HAVING CHILDREN. you will be fine. civilizations have rose and fell with less than you have at your disposal. They were not afraid to have kids in fact that was their ambition.

>> No.12891680

she looks like she's annoying and talks too much lmao

>> No.12891899

She needs to drop about 40 pounds. Even then she's probably going to need surgery to fix the saggy skin. Nipples are probably misshaped and gross since she's hiding them. Disgusting.

>> No.12892064


>> No.12892084

this is what happens when you live your life to the expectations of everyone else. You are a slave and will never be free until you rid your self of external validations

>> No.12892468

Bitches still take selfies with old school cameras?

>> No.12892500

This is thw truth

>> No.12892539

Now that is nasty, I love how she has to push her tits together to make them not seem like empty plastic bags

>> No.12893418

OP ditch the whale

>> No.12893444

>houselifting 5 times a week
>house with big tits
>strong and big dream job
>future 2 months nofap

I'm a chad.

>> No.12893767
File: 60 KB, 600x399, women-laughing-and-having-fun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


LMAO the absolute cope and butthurt from you incels is unbelievable

This was one of the most famous camwhores on 4chan. You are all newfags. Myself and every other man would kill 100 men to inseminate this fertile goddess.

If you are implying shes anything less than 10/10 your asspain is showing

>> No.12893775

you are a chubby chaser and you should kill yourself.

>> No.12893778

Beta as fuck.

>> No.12893787

She's a fucking whale and you know it, but hey, whatever suits you.
Regarding your OP, that's what making it means by normie standards. Slaving away until you are free but also too old and tired to have fun because adult responsibilities. All you need now is for your girlfriend to leave her job as an aquatic center attraction and then deliver an ungrateful little bastard to suck away even more of your finances, add a dog and you'll be the perfect cog in the machine.

>> No.12893793


>> No.12893803

Nothing will ever beat skipping a night of sleep. Watching the sunset drugged up in the morning. Cuddling your favourite animal and banging a crazy borderline chick.

Fuck normal life

>> No.12893811

>reading, painting, playing instruments etc.

I already read a lot (got through everything i wanted to read recently)

and i play instruments (only thing i really enjoy these days)

i tried digital art and got to a beginner deviantart autism -tier level. It was fun but staring at a screen for 8 hours straight without blinking isnt great. plus to get to a pro level you need to study 4+ hours every day for years.

Not an option with a full time job, girlfriend and bodybuilding commitments

>> No.12893823

Watch "the bad batch", it lacks sublety but it's a murrican movie so it's expected. I find it good.

>> No.12893824
File: 111 KB, 975x701, tumblr_oxp0n92mfS1u4xidxo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. dyel beta male who settled for bug eyed insectoid gooks because he can't get a white goddess

shameful. into the ovens you go

>> No.12893833

“t.” isn’t greentexted, newfag. Go back.

>> No.12893839

>how meaningful is your work?
my work is extremely important and has been my dream job. i honestly dont know how i managed to get it, but around 2015 there was a shift in my reality where everything just went "right" for me.

However i miss the freedom of being a "loser" living with my parents with no obligations

>Who are your friends? What are your hobbies? Where do you travel? How often?

I have a few true friends who ive known since i was a teenager, but i dont see them much anymore. We used to smoke weed and do psychedelics together, and i just don't feel its worth meeting up to "talk" or "hang out" without being able to get high and truly have fun.

We tried drinking but its just not the same.

I enjoy music, lifting weights and browsing forums.

I hate travelling. Why would i want to see subhumans and line up in airports for hours with ugly annoying people? Maybe once i have my home paid off and im settled i can travel a bit, but it doesn't really excite me at the moment.

>> No.12893844

>If you're stressed about your lifestyle and you're wasting time stressing over the same thought 10+ times per day, get yourself sorted out.

i think this really describes me. i obsess over the same thought hundreds of times. I feel like im a character trying to play a part in a movie.

>> No.12893865

my hatred for normies know no bounds

>> No.12893870

nvm now i just feel sorry for you

>> No.12893877
File: 138 KB, 576x960, tumblr_phflvavehL1t5etqb_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao so bitter. The closest youll get to touching a goddess like that is masturbating to pics of her online.

I've literally posted a 10/10 and the furious mgtow come out of the woodwork as always with asspained "ugly whale kys" comments

Just goes to show how you shouldnt listen to jealous incels online.

theres no such thing as a "chubby chaser" you parroting nerd. did you hear that phrase from another weeaboo pedo ?

Every normal functioning male would choose pic related over whatever Vietnamese insect you have coped yourself to chase after

now deal with it numales

>> No.12893884

>furious mgtow

>weeaboo pedo
>normal functioning male
Where do you think we are? Go back.

>> No.12893900

>hehh as i have no sensible response i will make up rules as how we anonynous (summerfag from reddit) type here
>you cant greentext when i dont want you to!
>you spaced our your post! That isnt allowed here!

hmmm okay reddit.

dont ever address an oldfag like me again. Come back when you have 11 years service

>> No.12893910

>>high paying job
>>working full time
>I work overtime
>>girlfriend with big tits
>she's fat
>renault megane
>In shitty suburb
>>lifting 5 times a week
>>strong and big
>bro lifter, you can probably at best open a jar of peanut butter for your fat gf
>>dream job
>Someone else's dream of wageslaving
>>"good" future
>Fatty will leave you after getting kids for a BLACK GUY
>>2 months nofap
>no sex drive

>> No.12893912
File: 632 KB, 900x1261, 1548321444933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish i found cellulite ass obeasts attractive, would widen my dating pool.
>mfw imagining having to actually split that monster's buttcheek blubber to reach the hole

>> No.12893913

>Where do you think we are? Go back.

this isnt facebook m8, we dont say "man teh harpoons" here.

look at any board. Bbw/ chubby are loved everywhere and have always been.

its a matter of shit taste (yours) vs good taste (mine)

maybe you should go to 2chan as tryhard pedoshit isnt allowed here anymore. Now shoo shoo beta boy

>> No.12893916

>>mfw imagining having to actually split that monster's buttcheek blubber to reach the hole

>not enjoying that

lmao fag

>> No.12893920

Get a weeb gf with small tits

>> No.12893921

>>In shitty suburb

t.hipster poorfag working at starbucks

>> No.12893924

I’m not your “m8”, newfag redditor.

>> No.12893926

nah thats low test

>> No.12893934

>autist takes phrases literally

take your autism pills m8

>> No.12893968
File: 36 KB, 444x410, 1434013134318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys... thank you.

from seeing how asspained some of you are, it has made me appreciate my own situation a lot more

going to the gym now, then going to suck my gf's fat tits when she comes over

later faggots :^)

>> No.12894140

he didnt really type like that

you fucking faggot

>> No.12894432
File: 36 KB, 582x406, 1531182446672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"""white goddess"""
>tumblr filename
>disgusting landwhale in pic
Are you joking? You must be joking, there's no way this post isn't being ironic.

>> No.12894433
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Yes, if thats what you really want to do. Do it.The grass is always greener though

>> No.12894453

> I was just pretending to be retarded

>> No.12894497
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>> No.12894539

Posting a picture of your girlfriend being a fat tub of lard is a bad look bruh.

>> No.12894612

>LMAO the absolute cope and butthurt from you incels is unbelievable

> flinging insults at incels

I thought you missed out on the incel/NEET life.

>> No.12894617

Why would you miss that?

lol according to you i must be living the dream

>> No.12895458

Read that fucking book I told you about, fo real

>> No.12895503
File: 351 KB, 1538x2048, 1549138394924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Insectoid > landwhale anyday

>> No.12895561

Thats a slampig not a gf

>> No.12895597

Lmao u are retarded bro

>> No.12895610
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>> No.12895643

>Am i wasting my life?
Are you a wagie?

If the answer is yes, then YES.

>> No.12895895
File: 85 KB, 680x680, f5753870a40ccef114a6cb88e7f48531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>insectoid gook still looks liek an insect even with plastic surgery


>> No.12895902
File: 16 KB, 468x386, 1289610457500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gym session done.

just waiting for gf to come over now

wish me luck /b/ros

>> No.12895914

ill read the wikipedia summary
