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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 577 KB, 1078x1041, Screenshot_20190227-190328_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12881057 No.12881057 [Reply] [Original]

It's like looking into the future isn't it NEETs?
>No education
>No skills
>No job experience
>Mommy finally kicks the bucket, leaving you with no money and nowhere to live at 40 years old
>Have to suffer existence as a 40 year old delivery driver
>Finally crack when you get tipped 89 cents for a delivery that takes an hour round trip
>Literally having to pay money to work
>Try and get revenge on the customer
>Gets arrested

Something like this is the future for each and every NEET on this board. Keep lying to yourself about how great being a NEET is. It's hard to grasp the scope of the length of your life when you're 20. Make good decisions now, reap the rewards later

>> No.12881070

nice agenda pushing

>> No.12881089

I don't tip at all on Uber eats but give 5 stars everytime that's more than enough

>> No.12881090

>Assuming all NEETs live with their parents
The absolute cope.

>> No.12881103

>>Mommy finally kicks the bucket, leaving you with no money and nowhere to live at 40 years old
I only need to work until my parents die and I inherit there money. It's a weird feeling cause I'm grateful for there help and don't actually want them to die.

>> No.12881110

I am Jack's salsa covered testicles.

>> No.12881131


>> No.12881133

how does he still have their salsa if he already delivered the food and recieved the tip???

>> No.12881154
File: 400 KB, 1024x576, animetaco.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so glad we dont tip in my country. fuck you if you expect tips or if you give tips to some professions and not to others (ever tip your bus driver?)

>> No.12881218
File: 11 KB, 420x387, pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw always pick up my delivery

get fucked drivers

>> No.12881271
File: 320 KB, 630x505, Am_I_Retarded_II.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't tip your boss or landlord??

>> No.12881316

Just one of many ways in which corporations have cucked the usa

>> No.12881322

Literally anything and everything is an agenda to you mentally ill fucks

>> No.12881345

This has nothing to do with buisness
You're the mentally ill one for posting this trash clickbait here

>> No.12881352
File: 1.34 MB, 640x1136, CD609B10-441B-4A3F-BB67-11AB230131D3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never tip regardless

>> No.12881377

>isn't tipping landlady 22% for March
>not treating boss to fancy lunch and a Rolex tomorrow
They're not going to make it.

>> No.12881393

Was gonna ask this.

>> No.12881396

It has to do with NEETs and you looking into your future

>> No.12881582

This true. Chances are you wont have the balls to off yourself at the age of 35 so you'll end up a very lonely depressed and dirt poor 40+ virgin working fast food or delivering pizzas. At some point you just gotta suck it up and find something to get into.

>> No.12881601

And the earlier you do that the better off you'll be. Literally pick anything that interests you and just do it.

I started writing articles on medium a while ago because I like writing. The first week I did it I made $4.50. Now I make 800-1200/month just writing good articles from time to time.

>> No.12881610

>depending on boomers
terrible idea. boomers didn't give a fuck about your future in the 60's what makes you think they give a fuck about you today? When boomers get old and cenile they have been known to do crazy shit like rewrite their wills so everything they own goes to the church or israel. you better watch out man. you need a plan B.

>> No.12881650

You sound very salty. Are you an orphan?

>> No.12881680

>Pick anything and do it
>writes on medium
Boomer advice.
Picking something to do is having a trajectory of 10-15 years down the line. Just doing anything that interests you is idiotic. Finding a place how that ((thing)) fits into a marketable idea is more telling

>> No.12881743

No. This is self limiting bullshit. Pick anything that speaks to you, that you enjoy doing, and do it:
Crafting something
Making music
Making comics
Editing videos
Editing audio

Pick something up that you're passionate about, hone it until youre good or excellent at it, then you can worry about monetizing it.

>> No.12882004
File: 408 KB, 754x1158, 1551038740784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting. It's like contrarian tipping. Tip people who are usually not tipped but avoid buying things in situations where tips are expected

>> No.12882607
File: 200 KB, 700x700, 65BBEEA2-3843-43F9-A09B-C1BE617AB811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Point taken

>> No.12882647

So did the driver dip his balls into the salsa before or after getting the tip?

>> No.12882649

>doing illegal shit and posting it online
why is this so fucking prevalent

>> No.12882665

After, he went into the house and did it in front of the customer
Why do you think he got caught

>> No.12882692

Boomer cope

>> No.12882723

You tip on the app when you pay (submit order). They see what the tip is at the start of the job when the order comes in.

>> No.12882739

>boomers didn't give a fuck about your future in the 60's what makes you think they give a fuck about you today?
Yikes, I wonder how your family situation is?

>> No.12882845
File: 60 KB, 1280x720, 1550102115817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been thinking about this lately and this is actually the major flaw of capitalism that no one seems to notice, the fact that people can be psychologically abused and forced to make the market inefficient, therefor destroying the benefit of capitalism and capital. And it's not just being robbed of their tip money because popular culture and peer pressure forces them to do so, it's also stuff like advertising which essentially abuses psychological holes to push products that would literally never sell and have the companies who deserve to be bankrupt and to not exist actually become profitable and several times more competitive than those who do not employ marketing. In a way, that is essentially the definition of cancer - inefficient cell that shouldn't be there is draining all the money from the efficient ones by abusing a weakness in the system. This is also exactly what our modern society has become - mediocre and inefficient companies that have no idea what they're doing are dominating the market because they excel at marketing.
Just think about it, Hitler's videos keep getting taken down from youtube because they're too good at influencing and people like Alex Jones are getting deplatformed for the exact same reason, yet ads and marketing, which are literally that but capitalized, are perfectly fine and encouraged to the extent that there's a massive circlejerk culture around them of people PROUDLY admitting how they're baiting dumb gullible people into being inefficient and handing over their capital for shit they never needed in the first place. The worst type of a dystopia isn't the one where everything is in ruins and everyone realizes that they're in one and tries to fix it, it's the one that no one actually realizes what's happening and is content with the dystopic status quo.

>> No.12882857
File: 28 KB, 316x475, 15827124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How sad is your life that you have to lecture to strangers on 4chan? And why do you think everyone here is a NEET?

You're a worthless joke of an idiot.

>> No.12882862


I imagine that for every pink wojak I see or sob story about how their parents disowned them a few years earlier they posted something like this

Lifetime plans can change in a matter of weeks, and life has a way of kicking you in the balls while you're already down.

>> No.12882904
File: 61 KB, 435x501, 1508960143393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>neet posts starting again
>market makers don't want people to get jobs
>means bear market is ending and the shills don't want you to be able to participate in the coming bullrun

Based on the above, it's the right time to get a shit job for 5 months and put all your wagecuck tokens in crypto

glhf neets, starting a shitjob tomorrow myself

>> No.12882910

protip: go to a temp agency, they don't give a fuck about your age or qualifications, they just need walking meat puppets

>> No.12882925

I would of put some extra special sauce into in.

>> No.12883868

What jewish bullshit is tipping even supposed to be. Nobody has ever tipped me because I can move pallets around so well in a warehouse.

>> No.12883878
File: 2.96 MB, 544x714, no straw.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are wagies so violent?

>> No.12883892

isnt the whole (legit) reason for tips to address the good service, how does it make sense to tip before any service is completed

how about not depending on tips for your salary fucking burgers

>> No.12884726

Joke's on you
I was never cool enough to be peer pressured into getting shitty ear hoop things (at least I assume that's what he has, those ears are tall holy shit)
and don't even have a car to deliver food on :)
I'll be more of a homeless on the beach type of fella

>> No.12884751

He literally assaults her and then gets recked how the fuck did white people conquer half the planet?

>> No.12884800

Disgusting she boon

>> No.12884813

>retarded tipping culture
Tip is based on service, how do you know what their service will be like before it's performed?

>> No.12884851

Are you a fucking idiot? (Yes, you are) He assaults a wagie out of entitlement he deserves a reaction, she wasn't even overly violent, he didn't let go

>> No.12884876

Apparently, courtesy for tipping is just 20% of whatever the total price is.
Retarded Americans paying for workers when the big boss CEO man should be. lol.

>> No.12884883

Except as a NEET you forget that our intellectual pursuits will make us at least 30 IQ points smarter than the average wagecuck, easily finding any job we want with $300k starting. Check mate, wagies

>> No.12884931

Don't destroy my only cope, pretty please...

>> No.12885250

she punched that faggot into submission. moral of the tale, don't put your hands on people you don't know, especially if you're a dweeb.

beaten by a girl on camera and uploaded forever on the internet. if that's not KYS-territory i don't know what is

>> No.12885292

>become financially independent and retire early

the absolute state of nevergonnamakelets everyone

>> No.12885314

tipping is literal bluepilled söyboy trash. the sooner we get rid of it, and all of the worthless "humans" that rely on it the better

>> No.12885406

Shit, I kind of look like that guy and I'm a NEET AND 30. OP unironically made me think. Today is the day I will unfuck myself and take risks and get things done.

>> No.12885462

that guy definitely posts on /ck/

>> No.12885518

Well that's fucking retarded.

>> No.12885595

The one fucking thing millenials could contribute to American culture is to knock this tipping shit off in the first place. It's an entitlement mentality because their employers want a bargain and the servers want to expect to get paid more than what they contract for.
Black people already don't tip. When I was growing up (yeah, I know I'm old), 10% was expected, more if service was great and no one had a problem leaving a little shy of 10% if things weren't up to par. Now it's 15% for shitty service, 20% is expected, and it takes 25+% for someone to consider that they're getting paid what they think they're worth.
As for drivers, same deal. Enter into a contract with your fucking employer that pays you to get shit delivered on time. If you don't, the customer complains and employers start to see that you're the fucking problem.
I can't even fathom a fucking app that has you tip before you even know what the fucking service is going to be like. That's not a tip, that's a fucking perceived entitlement. Piss off.

>> No.12885619

Because it wasn't an assault, it was communication in the only language she's capable of understanding.
No harm, no foul.

>> No.12885676

Take the Kaiji pill.
Keep pushing no matter what. Your life is worthless only if you dont know how to gamble it

>> No.12885753
File: 15 KB, 251x242, 1496864966808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>it's the customers responsibility to have to top up skillless wagies shitty wage

fuck tipping culture completely, I never tip. I work as a carpenter no one tips me. why should a waiter/waitress earn the same as a skilled worker cause you know they fucking do some of them do anyway.

bartenders in new york can make upwards of $200k a year cause you retards give them money.. more than doctors do where i live in the UK.. fuck that nonsense.

>> No.12885781

How did he refrain from making his söylent grin in his mugshot? Its instinct for a bugman like this isn't it?

>> No.12885832

Kek'd and nearly check'd

>> No.12885850

If you have no skills and want to work and don't get a job in construction you're seriously making a bad move. Yeah its hard work but after 2 weeks its nothing and as long as you stay busy people will act like you're a great person and promote you regularly.

>> No.12885851

I wanted salsa, not guacamoles dip.

>> No.12886375

If tipping is removed and becomes an expense for the owners the price of the meal will just increase. There's no way of avoiding it.

>> No.12886403

Not everyone who looks like that is a Basedboy.

>> No.12886417

Then why not price the food at 120%? What kind of faggotry is this ameritards?

>> No.12886436

Enjoy your ball salsa

>> No.12886445

Why give free money to someone who already gets paid?

>> No.12886468
File: 32 KB, 450x327, Architalks-32-Eureka-College-George-Costanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If youre ball dipping salsa for Chipotle you have problems. It's not any more complicated than that

>> No.12886530

Nowadays they charge exorbitant "delivery fees" so i just drive and get it myself.

>> No.12886582
File: 27 KB, 480x443, 1551366546515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny when nonathletic blacks throw lots of fast, slappy jabs. Those dont do anything. If that dude hit her once it would crack her jaw and eye socket open

>> No.12886611

those first couple were actual punches and he felt them then the sloppy hammerfists were ineffective. i had hopes she'd cut an eyebrow or something. disappointing

>> No.12886616

White men back then had really high levels of testosterone. Before (((they))) flooded the food supply and enviroment with estrogens.

>> No.12886618

How did he know in advance?

>> No.12886665
File: 72 KB, 1280x720, Jussie Smollett hate crime allegations under investigation20190219224801.jpg_19901064_ver1.0_1280_720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe she should've focused more on getting his order right.

>> No.12886686

Thats sad af senpai

>> No.12887156

The most underrated post on this stupid fucking board

>> No.12887163

but i learned to code

>> No.12887182

>getting mad
>not just calling the cops and sueing the dude for assault

>> No.12887203


>> No.12887243

Even though my stories dont reach the news I've been super obnoxious to delivery wagie of all sorts, having many delivering to open areas and not my house. I proceed to high five them and then give them a tip about life, and then sing the wagie anthem (amazon) every time. Either they stand there like idiots thinking that they haven't already got their tip, or they leave out of embarrassment. One older boomer guy got mad though and tried to hit me.

>> No.12887263

Hey Retard! You should probably do something with you life. It sounds like you’re pretty stupid considering you can’t even use the proper their.

>> No.12887290


There are 80 year old neet rothschild sissy boys who live in their great great parent's mansion for decades.

Stop blaiming neets because they are poor and live with their parents. It's tiresome.

>> No.12887441


Looks like the dude started it.

>> No.12888358

I tip only cuz I used to deliver

>> No.12888463

Also no one tips in Europe and its even rude in Asia

>> No.12888511

fuck you got me, just dipped my balls in salsa

>> No.12888528

I tip but it's fucking stupid to tip at Sonic, its not fair to the actual workers who make the food

>> No.12888574

>penis salsa tastes soooo good XDD

>> No.12889447

I know rite, he hit on that palahniuk pretentiousness nerves very accurately

>> No.12889764

>pretending NEETs don't live with their parents
nice cope