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File: 50 KB, 500x660, Ca_h_Money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1288134 No.1288134 [Reply] [Original]

I was asked to leave an interview because I had a cup of coffee and rolled up sleeves. I was told that I would be asked to come back and interview again. I politely thanked him for the second chance and left.
>it's a sales position
>selling cars
>75k a year

Is this an acceptable email?

Dear Frank R:

I most sincerely apologize for my casual approach in our last meeting, and for not portraying the upmost professionalism that I am certainly capable of. I am grateful to have be given another chance at representing myself and am ready to meet at your convenience.

Thank you again
- Tim R

>> No.1288141


>> No.1288161

Why would you wear anything even slightly casual to an interview? My office has a no tie policy, but I wore a fucking tie to my interview for an internship. The email looks fine but second chance or not if someone was that offended that they sent you home I doubt you'll get the job.

>> No.1288163
File: 7 KB, 227x222, Timmy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to a job interview while unironically wearing rolled up sleeves and holding coffee
Get serious Timmy

>> No.1288166

>not wearing a suit to an interview
>not having a glass of water
It's like you wanted to get declined.

>> No.1288177

I wore a tie, the sleeves on my dress shirt were rolled up.

This was the 5th interview with the owner. I have passed the others with flying colours. Why would he mention having me come back? Other then just pretending the interview went full course.

Can you read? I'm asking for input on my email.

>> No.1288183
File: 78 KB, 405x482, Timmy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off

>> No.1288191

Thanks for bumping my post.

>> No.1288195
File: 21 KB, 400x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your boss is a fucking loser. You just stated you already had 5 interviews and did good. Seems like he's a piece of shit. This might be a good warning sign to GTFO.

>> No.1288196
File: 21 KB, 480x360, hqdefault[3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wore a tie, the sleeves on my dress shirt were rolled up.

>> No.1288206

Yeah that's what other keep telling me but l'll kiss ass for 75k.

I'm going to bring that up in my second interview. Say something like "surely your other employees have seen value in my salesmanship to have waved me on the this point".

>> No.1288213

Wear a suit you fucking retard

>> No.1288252

Don't suck your own dick in an interview like that, try rephrasing that in a less cunty way or he'll think you think that how far is what you'll never be as far as you want to go and he might not want to take you as there maybe as you need to want to think as far as you've gone.

>> No.1288281

There won't be a second interview. He told you that so you wouldn't flip out and kill him.

>> No.1288283


today on /biz/ i learned: you've got to be a cuck faggot cumguzzler with no self respect in order to make it.

this is my similar story:

>really want to work at company X
>apply for internship, rejected
>apply again, rejected
>apply again, get interview, rejected after
>apply again, get interview, rejected after
>go my own way, become self employed
>company gets in touch with me, wants to hire me as a junior
This was my exact reply:

Dear XXX,
I'm not interested.

obviously dumb af from a biz perspective but i don't regret it one bit.

>> No.1288285

5th interview?

what the fuck

>> No.1288288

Or just wear a suit and don't act like you're sitting in your own living room...

>> No.1288292
File: 29 KB, 620x413, Lloyd-Blankfein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I hope this is bait.

Tell them to go fuck themselves. They didn't offer you coffee?! Fucking peasants, I tell you. Sleeves rolled means I'm about to haul some ass.

What you should state is "Dear Frank:

It's quite unfortunate that you ended the interview prematurely. I'd be willing to consider significantly boosting your bottom line by working as a at your dealership, provided you meet me at ___. You have 24 hours."

They're fucking poors. If they don't see your power level from this email, it's fucking war. And they probably will be able to tell as much.

>> No.1288299


OP, 5 interviews? To be on the most hated and least knowledgeable rung of any ladder?

Wow. Glad there's people like you to distract the dumbfucks by agreeing to this, I guess

>> No.1288548

>there are people in this world who actually play along with these rules

>> No.1288581

Put in your email that he is a fucking cunt and you didn't want to work for the cunt factory under the top cunt.

>> No.1288583

I interview with all 4 of the sales managers. They each waved me on with high praises. The 5th is the executive sales manager. He's the one that told me to go home and try again. His reasons were because I brought a cup of coffee and my sleeves were rolled up.

Here's the thing. If 4 people HE hired all say I'm a perfect fit and they were ALL WRONG. doesn't that reflect poorly on him?

>> No.1288590

Please elaborate

>> No.1288634

If you want the job the email is fine. Personally I wouldn't go back. Car salesman jobs are not exactly scarce.

>> No.1288639

I wouldn't attend the 2nd interview as I wouldn't enjoy working for someone like that.

You're not going to get a salary of $75k

If the world is upside-down and you do, but your sales commission doesn't meet or exceed $75k/12 per month, you will be fired after the 1st or 2nd month.

>> No.1288642

it's utmost fucktard.

Do you have sales experience? If so, mention that and what an amazing addition you'd be.

Anyway. If you're good at sales, there'll always be other jobs, so don't feel like you have to cowtow to some fucker just because he's in charge of hiring for a position.

>> No.1288654

5th interview, for a car salesman? jesus christ.
Wait, are you counting everytime you get kicked out as an interview? Are there 4 other fails? Are you even being interview or do you just keep walking into the office with your sleeves rolled up sipping a cup of joe?

>"Hey, I told you this area is employees only!"
>"Jesus Steve, I know its Monday, but take it easy! Any news from weekend sales?"

5th interview guys, didnt go great but pretty sure he wants me to come back tomorrow

>> No.1288772

have been

showing up lazy and kissing ass after? they'll prob hire you for bottom bitch. gotta do what you gotta do, my man.

>> No.1288802
File: 62 KB, 421x421, 1451585987586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was asked to leave an interview because I had a cup of coffee and rolled up sleeves.
fuck this slavery shit
never gonna happen in my life
I'd rather sell crack for a nigga pimp

>> No.1288828

Well first of all you're a huge fucking moron to show up like that to an interview. I wouldn't hire you either. I've sent people home for tons of shit- not knowing the job description, not wearing a tie, not bringing copies of their resume. If you can't even give a shit to look professional, how can I expect you to do your job?

>> No.1288837

>If you can't even give a shit to look professional, how can I expect you to do your job?
ask the guys who made your computer and the softwares running on it, fagtron

>> No.1288845

Interviewer sounds like a asshurt powertripping cuck.

wasting his own time to reschedule so next time you can show up with your sleeves down? even if you were out of line that is pathetic. and even if he just said that to be polite and has no intention of giving you another chance, 1 he gets cuck points for not telling you to your face your done and being a passive agressive beta, and 2. passing on someone hes seen 5 times because he was so offended by rolled sleeves is also cuck tier.

Overall grade : cuck

>> No.1288846

My current boss told me to take off my jacket and tie when I interviewed with him. I was "making the room feel stuffy".

Best company I've ever worked for, hands down.

>> No.1288866

make up an excuse dumb ass dont admit that u were just being dumb. he knows ur bsing him but u sound liek a jerk if u dont say u werent have a bad day

>> No.1288872

Rolled up sleeves I get as looking unprofessional but if anyone ever told me holding a fucking cup of coffee was somehow a problem I would have got up and left

>> No.1288873


>> No.1288875


>> No.1288878


>> No.1288890

Literal cuckold-tier.

>be me
>get interview with large company
>show up in sweatpants and stained t-shirt; haven't showed in a week and you can smell my tate
>three people interviewing me (two men and a woman)
>ask me to describe myself in 10 words or less
>look at the woman and say "the best"
>get hired immediately after they are in literal tears laughing
>never show up
>get paid for a month of not being there
>find another job

>> No.1288896


>> No.1288913

You sound like a bitch, anon. Shoulda took the gamble and defended yourself. Now you're just that dude who got stepped on and sent an email to further pussify himself.
I wonder if in the next interview he'll just tell you to bend over?

>> No.1288941

Email seems fine. $75k to sell cars? Is that making some assumptions about your commissions or is that base pay?

>> No.1288973


All memes aside, if I were you, I would go to the second interview, but I wouldn't send this e-mail. Not only it sounds way too brown-nosing, it also REMINDS him of what happened. Just come back for the second interview dressed correctly, no coffee and don't mention at all the first incident, just act as if nothing happened.

>> No.1289021

Do I need to shave my beard if I want an actual career in sales or finance?

t. Student

>> No.1289025

The fact that they're giving you a second chance means they're desperate for suckers to sell cars for them. A reputable company with many options would immediately terminate any interviewee they didn't like and just move down the list.

With that being said, if the interviewer really didn't like just you having sleeves rolled up and a coffee (drinks are sometimes even offered to interviewees...what is he smoking?) then that company is garbage. Why would you even consider begging for a second chance? Do you value yourself so low?

>> No.1289311


Yeah you could have been a little more professional, but who gives a fuck.

You weren't interviewing to be CFO of Goldman Sachs, it was to fucking sell cars.

Furthermore, that $75k number is if you're the fuckin Jordan Belfort of car sales. Even good car salesman rarely crack $60k.

>> No.1289325


>This was the 5th interview with the owner. I have passed the others with flying colours

Are you sure you're not just being paranoid here? I understand what you did could give off a really bad first impression, but for a 5th interview as a car salesman there is absolutely no way he'd judge you for that.

If you can speak for yourself and you can look presentable you'll get a tryout as a car salesman. If he gave you 5 interviews that means he feels you could be a good car salesman, and no car dealership turns people who know how to sell cars away over nothing.

>> No.1289354
File: 8 KB, 222x227, Pops Slurpee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>not wearing a morning jacket with tails, top hat and monocle
>expecting to make it.

>> No.1289458

Um, no. You're going to be a car salesman. What badge hanging on the window? Unless it's something in the supercar-hypercar market, you're not making that without busting some serious, near impossible balls. Mercedes dealers usually pay about $300-400 per vehicle sold in commission, plus spiffs for financing and add-ons. A "big" sale will gross you $1k. Add onto that a pay rate between $10-15/hr, and you tell me how many cars you'll have to push to make $75k.

Combine the bullshit they're spewing up front, AND the extra hoops you're having to jump through, and I'd start looking for a different job.

>Mercedes dealer I worked for had two interviews. 1: General manager to get a feel for you overall. 2: Sales manager, to see if you had the chops to sell. DONE.
>Any dealership with four 'sales managers' and an 'executive sales manager' is too top-heavy
>Did I mention tell this 'job' to kiss off?

>> No.1289480

>The email looks fine but second chance or not if someone was that offended that they sent you home I doubt you'll get the job.

eh idk, I find that sometimes people like to put people in their place as it makes them feel better and like they're molding an employee to not make further mistakes

>> No.1289497

It's the over the top commission fantasy they push to get bodies on the sales floor.

>> No.1289695


>> No.1289700

go to the second interview in a wifebeater and MAGA cap holding a can of Monster energy.

>> No.1289734

find the nearest retard department and submit yourself

>> No.1289737

best post in this thread desu.

OP just look for another job. cut out this dead weight of failure it'll make you look bad.

>> No.1289741

i fucking laughed

>> No.1289760

Some employers are stricter than others but you might as well play it safe and shave.

>> No.1289761

Top Kek

>> No.1289764

5 interviews? Are they a Bugatti dealership?

>> No.1289789


It's kowtow, fuckstick.

Also, Muphry's Law FTW

>> No.1289794

Is Cash his actual name or it's just a nickname (i.e. like Dick is for Richard)?

Google tells me it's a nickname for Christopher, but it's just one random website.

>> No.1289815

>having to wear a suit to an interview
>having to wear a dress shirt with tie
>having to wear even just a fucking dress shirt
>getting the boot for rolled up sleeves

Holy fucking shit are all sales position interviews like this? i use to show for an interview in a pair of jeans and whatever graphic T shirt i had on hand for all my IT interviews, no one gives a flying fuck about how you dress for IT positions..

and 5 fucking interviews? jesus..

>> No.1289844

Jesus, anon, I usually wouldn't even do a second interview. In 2 interviews, I asked for the job outright and said I would consider a callback a 'no'.

I honestly think he may have been testing you.
Maybe he wanted to see what you're made of - if you recover or close him - if not, sounds like a dick
It's not unusual for the first guy/interview to be a 'filter', but you're talking to the decision maker.
They don't always respect aggression or assertiveness, but they respect proactive decision makers

You're not giving the impression you have options, which makes your position seem weak.
I would go all or nothing at this point. Sometimes I go for Job interviews just to stay sharp and have fun with it. Shit is so cash, you can say some movie bullshit from Boiler Room etc

Show up tomorrow, before they open. (Maybe offer/bring HIM a coffee?)
Say 'Hi, (name), it's okay, this coffees for you - do you have a minute?'
(everyone has a minute, it's almost rhetorical)
'(name), I've given you time on this, but I really need an answer - I've had a job offer but ideally, I want to work here. Besides, (name) would you want me to keep walking away from a prospect so easily, or (pause)...to follow up and close?'

Y - 'well, (name), I guess my sales style is a little more aggresive than yours, but I can do soft selling if that's what you need. When can I start? Is today or tomorrow best for you?'

N - 'Good, (name) sounds like I'm a good fit for what you need. I can do what you want. Is it better for you if I start today or next week?'

Key points -
1) ABC - Always Be Closing.
You have had 5 interviews. Stop dicking around.
2) Don't walk out until he tells you to fuck off (literally) or gives you a job.
3) use 'you, you're, your' rather than 'I, me, my' -
4) use 'want' and 'need' a lot.
5) make him commit clearly - 'get out' or 'you're hired', no more fence-sitting
6) watch a clip of Jordan Belfort on YouTube, anything about tonality

>> No.1289893

E-mail sounds fine.

But idk what will happen. That guy sounds like a twat.