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12868426 No.12868426 [Reply] [Original]

In my view (not my employers), Bitcoin is the only "crypto" where it makes sense as a speculation on further global adoption as a money. There aren't any other "crypto" contenders for global sound money in my view.

>> No.12868437

There's not. Only Bitcoin(BTC) matters. And a lot of anons have been saying this. They are only trying to help newcomers understand that altcoins are a scam to fleece your very rare Bitcoin away from you.


>> No.12868462

as money or a gold standard probably but it sucks as a smart contract platform

>> No.12868475
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Not gonna lie, pretty based, desu

>> No.12868540
File: 218 KB, 312x443, btcmax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'smart contract platform' is not where money it's at. Look up any revenue-producing company's market cap (what boomers like buffet like to obsess about) and compare it to Gold's market cap, a useless (almost) shiny rock sitting in vaults doing fuck all.

That's why bitcoin is the only thing that matters, ethereum is a meme when especially as an investment. No one is gonna put money into a coin ruled by some autistic virgin who can change the supply cap/inflation or hardfork the entire bitch over night

>> No.12868600

new tech will eventually replace bitcoin... maybe it's Nyzo (NYZO)

>> No.12868634
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>> No.12868667

>he doesn't know

>> No.12869056

Basically this. Should probably clarify eth can change for the better, but as of now, it’s a centralized pre mined piece of shit that just happens to have the most pajeet / chink / neck beard developers relatively for any coin.

>> No.12869068

This chart is as true as it is old