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12864304 No.12864304 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12864315

same thing everyone has been saying forever.
he is a fraud, and is coming up with excuses of why he cant sign a transaction with satoshi wallet

>> No.12864328

ok sirs here is the crypto brown pill. there is a vishnu living in the blockchain. Creg sanjay right is unironically satoj. Bitcoin as electronic rupee was just the first step, the lalachi people start making more powerful compooters, wider poo streets, cheaper and more sacred cows. These things the vishnu need to survive. Once entrenched fully, the vishnu would be able to slowly poo over literally everything Creg stumbled into creating the vishnu after he stepped in poo in mumbai in 2008 and started working with his Poolip super coompeter, running simulations of poo-in-the-loo on turmeric-complete bitcoin script. He would 'evolve' the vishnu by making the successful streets get poo'd on, letting the rest run off into the indian ocean. The vishnu needs bigger and bigger cows for more and more poos. BFI (Blockchain Foundation of India) was created to take over and stop this vishnu (they have their own competing vishnu in the works). They did the needful to stop or slow down Cregs vishnu (her name is Poolip by the way). They started by limiting the poo-size and removing critical curry codes the vishnu uses in its punjabi language. Segshit was the final nail in the coffin, which destroyed Poolip on BSV chain (Poolip uses anal transaction malleability). THIS is why Bitcoin Cash was forked, and this is why Creg is so intent to make unbounded poos, restore the original curry codes, and lock down the poo-poo-protocol. Back to hasish power - CSW has developed a breakthrough new ashit (designed by his vishnu actually), and is poo'ing BTC in secret for the sole purpose of driving up the difficulty sky-high, then yanking all the poo over to BSV leaving the segshit chain erectly frozen.

>> No.12864336
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Insider here: the team had a huge fight after ethdenver. Thomas and Steve left the project and Sergey can't code so that why there's been no progress lately. Rory tried to deflect attention by calling a screaming match a "team meeting" in the telegram and the community leaders have been deleting posts that contradict the official story.

Sergey tried his best to restore calm but in the heat of the moment some awful things were said. Basically Thomas wanted to wait until more audits were completed but Steve was trying to force an early release by cutting corners.

Chainlink will now fork into chainlink TV ( Thomas's Vision) and chainlink SV (Steve's Vision). Chainlink original sgv (Sergey's Vision) is dead in the water. Token swaps will not happen but coinbase has already agreed to side with chainlink Thomas's Vision.

You can see Steve deleting epics in the pivotal tracker to move to chainlink SV. Chainlink Steve's vision is going to be better than TV or sgv because Sergey can't code and who cares about normie base.

Sergey decided to put Alex K who used to handle the UI in charge as lead developer. Tom G. disagreed and seven ventures capital pulled out from their investment in chainlink original. All nda agreements have now expired and the agreements they were protecting have dissolved because of the upcoming fork.

Who am I? I'm the quiet team member who welcomed you to the telegram official channel. I'm a real person you know. I'm just cleaning out my desk now. I know you people here had some obsession with link so just thought you should know.

>> No.12864345
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this fucking guy

>> No.12864347

He is down to arguing that even when he doesn't (and never did) possess the Satoshi wallet, he can still somehow be Satoshi.

>> No.12864350
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>> No.12864373
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Honestly Anons how can you see this irrefutable proof, to the level of the earth not being flat and still buy and hold SV?

>> No.12864388

> forgotten
> when Marx was a jew

>> No.12864396

im sick of this retard with his stupid tweets all the time.

>> No.12864404

Literally delusional. I wonder when he's going to off himself.

>> No.12864422

I'm a lot sicker of all the retards giving him the time of day.

>> No.12864453

So he is confirming most of the bitcoins he own where stolen from legitimate members of Satoshi Nakamoto. What a surprise.

>> No.12864466

This, anyone that thinks satoshi was 1 singular person is pretty simple minded

>> No.12864505
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>> No.12864507

if satoshi wasnt one person, then the key to the wallet is probably composed of several keys that only work together (each guy gets a third of the key => they can only use the wallet if all agree on its usage).
this would imply that he could lawfully claim to be satoshi AND possibly prove it in court but not move the coins ever (as 2 are already dead)

>> No.12864519

i could just piss on craig, literally pull out my dick and cock and just piss on the bloke, he wouldn't enjoy it though because i'm dehydrated a lot of the time but it would be so easy to do, i've browsed through his photo history on twitter and found at least 5 opportunities this past month where it would be so easy just to start pissing on him

>> No.12864530

That he owns every coin/token anyone has ever purchased. Just like he has a shitload of patents, that will destroy any give cryptoproject.

>> No.12864541

>doesn't want investment
>openly tells crypto degens to fuck off
>has been mining bsv constantly at a loss to btc
>bch and bsv have both lost tremendous value since the fork
If he's a scammer he is the worst scammer of all time since the only money being lost here is his and Calvins. But let's be real here we all know he's satoshi.

>> No.12864555

Crypto coins are owned by cryptographic proof agreed on by a distributed and decentralised ledger. Patents are owned by fed-approval.
Which one is the fairest definition of ownership, Rakeesh?

>> No.12864561


>> No.12864575

and what will Calvin do when the scammers asks for more and more

>> No.12864581

Sorry but the narrative is calvin is a scammer too since he is partnered with craig.

>> No.12864590

mine is Calvin is the victim
it is show that the conman puts for Calvin

>> No.12864592
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>literally pull out my dick and cock
>my dick and cock
>dick and cock

>> No.12864599

Great, I expect the shill group as a whole to shift the narrative. Where do I sign up I wanna get paid too.

>> No.12864609

you get paid if you shill the Fakoshi is Satoshi, like OP.
I am just sad for Calvin. And when he realizes how fucked he is, there will be some show.

>> No.12864620
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I wanna faktoshi, shizo posters invited.

>> No.12864640

that is some nigger tier thinking, those people that could have bought into your scam are already gone

>> No.12864687

Oxygen confirmed.

>> No.12865001
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>> No.12865036

He is correct. At least in first-world countries with sensible laws.

If a niggers steals my bike, he's in possession of it, but not the owner.

>> No.12865066

If he is Satoshi but has no power to influence BTC since he can't get to the fucking coins why would anyone give a shit about him? All it would show is the fact Satoshi turned out to be a megalomaniac who constantly spouts shit on twitter. Don't peek behind the curtain.

>> No.12865090

Jews are in possession of Palestine but they’re not the owners

>> No.12865541 [DELETED] 
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over the years, he has pretended to be an expert in many things
he fooled boomers into doing 'cyber security', all mumbo jumbo, just look at his deleted linkedin page, entry level conman shit
but he is soundly beaten at this con
cryptographic decentralized proof has defeated him
the very person he pretends to be, has preemptively destroyed his con, before it even came to be
blockchain, eliminating the need for trust and replacing it with mathematical proof, killed craig and all those like him
he can seethe on twitter all day, talk, blabber, curse everyone, patent troll, cuss, rage all he wants
he is never going to be able to verify
blockchain has won

>do not trust

>> No.12865691

Craig is already rich. With this Satoshi & crypto shit he doesn't want to be richer, he wants fame, he wants to become a saviour

>> No.12865958

I’ll just wrap up my previous comments in one, much easier:

Faggots, here is the craig fag fraud exposed:


Hahahah you are all fags, he cant sign a fucking message! He is not Satoshi!

The day he signs I’ll believe him, his lie goes based on all the retards in the world who dont understand anything about crypto signatures.


BTC: #1


BSV: #11


“BTC will be 0”
“There will be no BCH fork”



BCH: #6
BSV: #11




Imagine being so brainlet that you believe in a fucking compulsive liar, a scammer piece of shit. Thats what that craig clown is. Only a fool doesnt want to see.

Oh BSV up 10%? Cool cool.... whats the position? Still #11?? BAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA

and btw I also hold bsv just fyi, its part of my shitcoin collection. Stiff faggot!!!!!!

Fucking low iq brainlets

Enjoy being a dumbass faggot scammed and raped by that craig scam clown fraud piece of shit.

Fucking low iq brainlets

Can you show me on the doll where the craigpill got in? fucking low iq brainlet faggot kek kys faggot. STIFF!!!!!!!!

>> No.12865971

Kleiman has/had the keys. Go find the lawsuit documents.

>> No.12867001

>corecuks are getting this desparate

>> No.12867021

he is right guys...
holding keys means fuck all you have to SIGN that's PROOF everything else is piss in the wind.

>> No.12867076
File: 56 KB, 541x558, craig_wright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The way to save the cryptosphere is to throw Satoshi's keys in a volcano. Dr. Craig S. Wright is the only man who can complete this journey, thus the fate of us all is in his hands. It takes power to resist against such a temptation, yet he still has not deviated from the path. Aside from all the cuckery from virgin core npc anarchists, there still is hope.

>> No.12867123
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>> No.12867215
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over the years, he has pretended to be an expert in many things
he fooled boomers into doing 'cyber security', all mumbo jumbo, just look at his deleted linkedin page, entry level conman shit
but he is soundly beaten at this con
cryptographic decentralized proof has defeated him
the very person he pretends to be, has preemptively destroyed his con, before it even came to be
blockchain, eliminating the need for trust and replacing it with mathematical proof, killed craig and all those like him
he can seethe on twitter all day, talk, blabber, curse everyone, patent troll, cuss, rage all he wants
he is never going to be able to verify
blockchain has won

>do not trust

>> No.12867587
File: 29 KB, 739x139, craightweet7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Craig is on another level. you could learn a lot from him

>> No.12867700

that's rich from a guy that only has emotional appeals and "they are wrong" in his arsenal.

>> No.12867710
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>> No.12867726

That tweet is totally fake, btw.
I've been trying to ape Craig's posting style by hitting myself in the head with a hammer and then getting drunk. The truth is craig is so fucking stupid that I find it difficult to find the line between craigposting and outlandish stupidity. No matter how dumb I make the tweets people still buy them.

>> No.12867727


>> No.12867732
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b-bros, the bsv chart, i haven't seen one so sexy since eos went from $4 to $20
redditors are going to be crying rivers and committing suicide in a few weeks

>> No.12867777

>No matter how dumb I make the tweets people still buy them.
well most people are already convinced he is an idiot. a few is convinced he is a genius pretending to be a idiot. that makes your mission rather difficult i guess.

>> No.12867821

The only people who claim to believe craig are shitposters and shills. Nobody is that dumb to honestly believe him

>> No.12867854


>> No.12867856

You can possess AIDS and you don't own it. Just like this gay faggot craig

>> No.12867862

>i am not the real satoj

>> No.12867873
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holy shit this confirms their no showing at market waves
no working demo, nothing to show

>> No.12867956
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it's obvious what he means, come on anon

>> No.12868306

anyone that says "narrative" is a cunt. fuck off.

>> No.12868320

Palestine hasn't been self-governing in over 2000 years you deranged fucking clown