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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 81 KB, 888x726, S&p 90 years.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12865869 No.12865869 [Reply] [Original]

Bros. Let's face it. The crash is coming in the next 6-12 months. Except this time it's going to be a fucking mega crash of the everything-bubble. That band-aid they slapped on ten years ago is coming off. Look at any Macro trend and it's clear as day. The real question is how will crypto fair? Crypto wasn't around really in 2008 with the housing bubble crash. I don't personally see it being the save all so I'm dumping half my investments in buying land and the other half is cash so I can buy low when they dump happens.

>inb4 happening fag
Yeah well I aint going broke, have fun with that shit nigger

>> No.12865894

>the crash is coming for real this time in the next 6 months

You retarded /pol/ doom-and-gloomers were saying the same shit in 2017. Jerome Powell even said in January that the case for raising rates has gotten weaker. Do you know something the chairman of the federal reserve doesn't?

>> No.12865909
File: 91 KB, 569x398, CB3AD694-E1EA-40B8-9565-5DB43AB5BFA1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally someone asking the real fucking questions on this absolutely garbage board.

Here’s my bet OP: precious metals will moon into the crash, all crypto’s will crash. You have to think about who has most of the wealth in the current system: it’s boomer fund managers. When they’re literally about to lose their entire portfolios, all of the wealth they built over decades, so you think they’re gonna run to crypto’s, something they don’t fundamenrally understand, or precious metals?

That being said, this crash will pave the way for crypto adoption, as the entire world realizes the old inanfial sustem was completely garbage from the start.

I expect btc to be worth at least a million before 2021, and link to be at least 1k. After all the tech companies go belly up, including google and fb, crypto and decentralization is going to be rammed down the worlds throat.

>> No.12865915

4chan is smarter. We get genuine insider info all the time + we're redpilled.

>> No.12865926

Let me get this straight.... You're going to take the word of that glow nigger and trust THE CHAIR OF THE FUCKING FEDERAL RESERVE? The same fucking trash that couldnt predict the 2008 crash? Am I reading this right?

>> No.12865929

>t. Retard

The fed is not omnipotent. They can’t stop or even slow down what’s coming anymore

>> No.12865940

>google and facebook (two enormously profitable companies with massive amounts of market dominance) will go bust in 3 years
>but a two man project is going to be worth 1 trillion dollars
holy shit this board is RETARDED

>> No.12865948

I think silver is in a great spot for buying right now. And you can never really go wrong with gold. The 17$ silver eagles are good trading money for any situation and even if its not the end of times most outdoor / gun shops will take silver gold for guns and outdoor gear. I have about 2k$ into silver and 2k$ into gold at the moment but maybe more wouldnt hurt.

>> No.12865951

>THE CHAIR OF THE FUCKING FEDERAL RESERVE? The same fucking trash that couldnt predict the 2008 crash? Am I reading this right?
It's not the same chairman, retard.

>> No.12865960

It's the same position of power retard

>> No.12865966
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the moment I've heard literal shitskins talking about "the crash" and the bubble popping, I knew it's a nothing burger. After doing due diligence I think I have it figured out.
>be kikes
>brainwash the goyim that a crash is incoming
>a small crash happens
>the goyim panic and sell, pushing the prices further down
>buy the dip for cheap
>market recovers in less than 1 year

TL/DR: too many retards think there will be a crash, which means it won't happen, not at the scale they are imagining. This will be the biggest shakeout and the biggest transfer of wealth in history though and the shitheads who sold will be killing themselves. Now if you think you can sell the top and buy the dip, good for you, but don't go full retard and short thinking that the bear market will last.

>> No.12865970

So Obama and Trump are exactly the same according to your retard logic?

>> No.12865976

as far as the glow niggers in the deep state are concerned yes. You think these elected officials know everything? You cant be this new

>> No.12865977

Yeah man, they’re enormously profitable. Based off ads no one clicks on and all the easy credit in the system.

When interest rates are 0% people will chase profits where there are none. You’re about to find out how dependent all these garbage liberal faggot tech companies are on a absolutely bullshit financial system

Centralized machine learning ad based companies are fake and gay. Crypto is what the internet should have been from the start. And it’s a revolution that will result in the extinction of government. There’s no stopping this train whether you or the banking interests or boomers want it to or not. Hop on or get left behind with the boomers.

>> No.12865986
File: 162 KB, 1633x821, hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all crypto’s will crash.
We crash further from here? So your genius idea is something like this? pic related

>> No.12865987

going to be freaky if these autistics are correct

>> No.12865988

I'd feel bad that you're going to lose money on your shitty Chainlink scams if you weren't so arrogant about it.

>> No.12865994

I’m a crypto perma bull, but who the fuk is going to be buying ? Only a bunch of millennials and Zoomers with very little money. The selling pressure will be far greater

All the real wealth will be fomoing into gold and silver. Oh and btw silvers above ground market cap is far less than btc. Let that sink in

>> No.12866000

amen, it's the same principle as when your barber starts talking about buying Bitcoin, it's time to get out.

when random retards on /biz/ think they've predicted the crash, good indication that it isn't likely on their predicted timelines.

>> No.12866005

Nice fud, Hf killing yourself while we’re at the yacht party

>> No.12866008


>> No.12866009

>Do you know something the chairman of the federal reserve doesn't?

>> No.12866012

The fact is literally no news is talking about a crash. This is when it would happen. But do you man... I'm getting out while I'm ahead for now and holding for 12 months.

>> No.12866013

Have fun bagholding with a bunch of losers well into the 2020s.

>t-this year is the year we'll see 1000 EOY, s-seriously!

>> No.12866018

I hope you're right anon and I feel you're right but my FUD gets the best of me sometimes.

>> No.12866025
File: 66 KB, 646x452, retarded poster btfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fact is literally no news is talking about a crash
How retarded are you?

>> No.12866028

So where do you put your money anon? Also how old are you?

>> No.12866041

I'm talking headline news to the masses. There will be an article on recession written every fucking day for the next 100 years sure.

>> No.12866049

You chainfaggots need to die off. Pathetic. Just fucking pathetic.

>> No.12866050

I think the sell pressure in the crypto markets is pretty weak already. The next generation of long term hodlers is made. Difficult to prove or disprove that opinion, but as an indicator: the amount of ETH held by ICOs is pretty much at an all time low. Most of the selling is done. Under 3 mil ETH out of 15 mil raised is currently remaining. Most of that 15 mil was raised in 2016 and 2017.

True that if people start losing jobs and salaries get reduced, the sell pressure won't be big either.

Why would people be FOMOing into gold and silver, but not into crypto? First crypto enthusiast generation is in their 30s now. Fund managers are starting to notice crypto.

>> No.12866054

It's also in the media's best interest to keep said headlines going on a continuous basis so when a recession eventually happens they can point back to their nearest article(s) and say "See? We told you! Subscribe now!"

>> No.12866058

Bloomberg isn't "headline news to the masses" enough for you? lolk

50% private equity, 35% index funds for beta and living expenses, 10% bitcoin, 5% random shitcoin gambling. I'm 31.

>> No.12866074

>Why would people be FOMOing into gold and silver, but not into crypto? First crypto enthusiast generation is in their 30s now. Fund managers are starting to notice crypto.
Agreed. As time passes it becomes a bigger gamble to put any wealth in precious metals as opposed to crypto.

>> No.12866084
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let him be stupid. He has this idea in his head and he didn't stop to ask where did it come from. Cause sure as shit it wasn't him stumbling onto it. I was like him until about a few months ago. Wanted to sell some land cause "muh bubble popping soon" and using the money to buy an apartament for a decent price. A turkroach that was interested in buying "advised" me that I should sell it to him cause there's a crash incoming.
>how does he know?
Back then there weren't many people talking about the so called crash, but it did raise some red flags that some random turk was warning me about it. Shortly after my grandma calls me: "you know, you shouldn't buy that apartament cause people on TV say that the prices will go down". My fucking grandma is giving me advice about real estate. Legit.
After these 2 incidents I started paying attention and talking to people more. Literally 1 in 2 people are aware there's gonna be a crash. This is the reason why it won't happen.

>> No.12866106

you're only talking about anecdotal evidence and just from the housing bubble. The next crash is not going to be about just the housing market. If 1 in 2 people knew then how did so many lose 40%? Believe what you want one of us is wrong. I think the writing is on the wall.

>> No.12866107

everybody being aware of it is the exact reason it will happen. self-fulfilling prophecy.

>> No.12866131

I'm talking about stuff that happened a few months ago. Learn to read.

>> No.12866150

There's only 21 million bitcoins and there's 7 billion people. Bitcoins are actually very cheap until they hit about 1 million each.

>> No.12866191

So everybody being aware of the fact that the market goes up forever makes it true? Because it's a self-fulfilling prophecy?

No, that's not how markets work. Big players with a lot of money use the news media to manipulate the small fish masses and then countertrade them.

>> No.12866253

yeah i didn't read your post. Either way I don't think 1-2 people are saying theres going to be a crash. More like 1-10. Just like you now. You are the majority. That's ok the majority loses when it does crash. There's a common term that creates wealth. Buy low sell high. Right now is high. Right now is actually one of the really high highs. And you want to camp there? You think the market is going to the moon? I just want to understand your logic and reasoning. Not trying to insult your intelligence.

>> No.12866254


Lol... New to what? You are a fucking low IQ mongoloid

>> No.12866285

Lurk more idiot

>> No.12866316

The fact that Bloomberg and Forbes, two extremely mainstream normie publications, are "warning" people about the recession is proof enough you're wrong.

Loom at this thread, it's 13 people screaming about how a crash is iminent (based on what?) and two people that think it isn't.

Those two things hint that bears are not the smart money here.

>> No.12866369 [DELETED] 
File: 53 KB, 680x378, Screenshot 2019-02-26 at 13.53.51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was it worth it?

>> No.12866377

look at this fucking monkey learning how to talk like the 4chan cool dudes. unironically gibbet yourself

>> No.12866383

>I just want to understand your logic and reasoning. Not trying to insult your intelligence.
read here: >>12865966

>> No.12866389
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>> No.12866417

>forbes and bloomberg
>writes about recession at least once a month for the last 10 years
>the masses are being told!
ok buddy ok... lol
You're avoiding my questions anon. Are you just in denial or....?

>> No.12866424

That's a fucking awful picture, i can't believe you dare to post it.
The holocaust did not happen, zyklon was a way to remove the parasite that carry typhus, all photos from the ematiated bodies is a 1 to 1 match with typhus symptom.
Not only did all the jews that died did so due to typhus and starvation caused by the rampant bombardment and so destruction of supply lines, less than 100k jews died in total.

And let's not even speak about the fact that the nazis were both leftists and imperialists, opposed to on the right and nationalists.

Also, fun fact : every single order that Hitler gave have led to the destruction of Germany.
The only times that Germany had successes, like for example the conquest of France and so on ? That's when the generals ignored his orders.
i.e. Hitler was an agent of the jews.


>> No.12866434 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12866452

Oh sweet summer child.. I've been on 4chan for over a decade... You're just too low iq to even comprehend how I'm making fun of you ;__;

>> No.12866483

Literally every major news outlet has some sort of article/video out right now predicting a recession. Just Google for "recession", even CNBC has a video saying that most bankers are predicting a recession. Do you think bankers are telling the masses this out of the goodness of their hearts?

You are not the smart money here. You are being played and manipulated by fear.

>> No.12866495
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>t. newfag

>> No.12866500

I reported all these posts too - enjoy your IP ban guys :)

>> No.12866505

K so you're saying the highest DOW and S&P in history is going higher? So you're keeping your money in? Why do you think that?

>> No.12866522

It’s coming whenever Trump leaves office.

>> No.12866524
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dont forget this one

>> No.12866535

Because that thesis has been right for more than 100 years.

>> No.12866565
File: 189 KB, 831x1000, 508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(((They))) are trying to cause it to effect political change. Convince all the normies that there is a looming financial crisis. All of the NPC's that are force fed their daily bullshit, will swallow every little piece of that shit and start parroting it to others. A few will start to reallocate their finances to safeguard from a recession. Which like this anon said, >>12866107

If enough people swallow their bullshit they can blame the stagnant, or recessed economy on political leaders, while (((they))) attempt to capitalize on the markets, as well as the "optics" that the current puppets are ruining the economy.

>> No.12866577

Why shouldn't I? You're the one trying ro convince me I should sell which is contrary to a passive investment strategy. You're the one who has to make the case a recession is coming which you have failed to do. No, the dow jones being at ATH isn't a convincing argument because it was at ATH in 1987, 1999 and 2008 too but even after those recessions, you still made money a couple years out even if you bought the local peak like an idiot.

>> No.12866594


>> No.12866608
File: 247 KB, 901x928, google2019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google economic predictions 2019 and tell me what you see. There are literally just as many if not more predictions of good outcomes as there are bad. Trust any source other than trends seems stupid.

>> No.12866622

>boomer typing
Watch out guys we got a squirrely one

>> No.12866663

I'm not trying to convince anyone to do anything. I'm selling while its high and while I made a good profit these past few years. You wanna stick around for what could happen in the next year and ride the wave (or tsunami) go for it. It's your money guy. I was more interested in opinions on crypto in crashed market but you fags wanna debate if there will even be a crash.

>> No.12866695

exactly. What better political play than to crash the market right before an election?

>> No.12866723

If everyone predicts a crash in 2019, guess what will happen. Another ATH will be set. As easy as that, and nevertheless (((they))) can just get into another QE phase / level and set a new money standard. As long as the average Joe doesn't care about the new paradigm and modern slavery with inflation, then this can game can be played forever.

>> No.12866741

Dude are you this much of a pathetic fat basement dwelling faggot that you sit around being a fag all day on a forgotten shitcoin forum?

>> No.12866764

Well, I don't think a recession will happen in 2019. Maybe 2020 or 2021.

Crypto used to be very non-correlated to the stock market but that's not really true anymore. Bitcoin is however correlated to VIX apparently.

>> No.12866783

Do you want this board to be filled with racism during the next bull run? Do you think that will help market adoption?

>> No.12866797

>He thinks /biz/ has any influence in the market
top kek, get out more kid

>> No.12866835

Redpilled af

>> No.12867176


>> No.12867316

is this the new meme

>> No.12867341

Get a load of this delusion

>> No.12867404

>Jerome Powell even said in January that the case for raising rates has gotten weaker. Do you know something the chairman of the federal reserve doesn't?
do you know of any financial crash where those figureheads outright said, "oh yes we're having a depression this year" - no, because they want you to feel safe while they're covering their asses; it's a zero-sum game in the end.
literally no politician, chairman, etc has said "oh yes sell your entire portfolios, it's 2008 all over again!" -- even if it was 2008 all over again, you'll hear "strengthening of the dollar, the bottom is near" etc
fear and greed never change anons, don't forget that

>> No.12867508


>> No.12867536

If you're not stacking precious metals now you're a brainlet. The next PM bullrun will make the crypto run of 2017 look like childs play.

>> No.12867578

t. bagholding gold since 2010

>> No.12867635

Stupid shit, they were raving about how good the economy was doing WHILE THE ECONOMY WAS CRASHING in 2007-2008. We kept hearing the mantra "The Dollar is Strong" over and over again like it was some disturbed paean that would solve all crisis. They were right, it wasn't the dollar that was getting fucked. It was liquidating wealth out of the middle class and giving it to the upper class. This time around it will be the Dollar that gets fucked and the super rich will get fucked in the ass as their purchasing power abroad gets reduced. The quantitative easing rebound is going to make the stagflation of the 1970s look like a Sunday stroll through inflationville.

>> No.12867885
File: 23 KB, 474x374, goncern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the super rich will get fucked in the ass

Do you remember a single time in history, where the "super rich" got fucked in the ass even remotely as much as the average bloke?

Why should it be different this time?

>> No.12867915

>This time around it will be the Dollar that gets fucked and the super rich will get fucked in the ass as their purchasing power abroad gets reduced.
Except the super wealthy get access to QE money before anyone else via investment banks, venture capital funds, private equity and are free to invest it before the effects of inflation are felt throughout the system. They take profits when normies buy their bags and transfer newfound wealth into assets (land) and commodities (PM's) at supressed prices. When the dollar inevitably gets fucked they won't even care about the loss of purchasing power because they're already holding all of the physical assets. Once again it's the goyim who will be stuck with worthless paper.

>> No.12868169


Central banks have had +6 years of low interest rates. In Europe its still at 0% and economy just wont lift off as expected. Germany is the most important stone in the series and their politicians do everything to cripple the economy.

I just cannot see how it should be humanly possible to work your way out of this mountain of debt.
It doesnt even have to be a stock market crash, it could just be years of stagnation + inflation followed by more wage slavery.

Sorry my horse is precious metals and holding cash to buy stocks when they are priced in.

>> No.12868241

they're just going to enforce strict money controls
make interest rates negative and gold illegal again


of course no borders and migrants x10 to fuck your women
white men will be made illegal in 2024 and trap transitioning or death camps will be your only option

>> No.12868260

Lol the super rich will just start a war and have people like you die for your country or get shanked in jail.

>> No.12868289
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keep losing money shorting you fucking faggots

Dow near all time highs again, stay mad leftypol, stay mad ancap children

>> No.12868294

Nice to see this posted here. Unfortunate reality at this point.

But making gold illegal? Are you sure? How should they enforce it globally?

>> No.12868319

Your going to be the mad lad here soon anon

>> No.12868332

Sure I will buddy, keeping dooming like a little kid while my cash flows increase

>> No.12868339

Wouldn't the application of strict monetary controls inevitably push more people towards digital substitutes like btc and stablecoins?

>> No.12868341
File: 679 KB, 1057x1650, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk but they were arresting americans who tried to take gold out of their safety deposit boxes
Venezuela stops people at the boarders and airports with gold to confiscate it
they would probably just tell you to trade it in for fiat paper to the central banks

>> No.12868360

I hope so
they're not going to just lose control without a fight
so I'm sure they'll continue the CP and funds terrorism fud
maybe do a false flag and kill some innocent people

>> No.12868371

Not yet, Trump probably has to get reelected to get his ego even higher to be high enough to cause a world war with his retardation since China and NK relations have improved. There has to be something like a civil war to start it. wait for 2020-2021, this year is still ok for bulls

>> No.12868618

NESARA nigga. Donald "golden boy" Trump ends the Fed in 2020. Puts us on a precious metals backed crypto. All taxes and government spending on a public blockchain with smartcontracts for maximum accountability. Dod ansible hardened decentralized oracle nodes handle all data for all government contacts.

>> No.12868633

Checked based and redpilled

>> No.12868664

>jerome powell said
>yellen said
>bernanke said


>> No.12868732

Absolutely based and goldpilled

>> No.12868734

That's okay with me. I'll tell you what I don't want is fucking Sharia SJW patrols reporting posts all will nilly cause "muh racism".

>> No.12869022

According to your blog the IMF is planning for negative interest rates on bank deposits coupled with E money that is automatically siphoned at a policy rate. This intends to promote the desired Keynesian behavior which is regular consumption without any savings. Meanwhile cash in circulation is charged an exchange rate vs E money which slowly herds the population into being entirely cashless at which point the E money will exert additional controls such as tracking/prohibiting transactions. They will automatically deduct tax income and normies will probably see this as a good thing because it means less work calculating taxes EOY. This sets the stage towards making class mobility impossible. I just don't see how people wouldn't flee to alternative stable coins which don't automatically deduct fees. Not to mention the prevalence of digital, anonymous cash would probably grow as well.

>> No.12869062
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Initially all commodities will crash... but then gold and silver will MOON like in 2008. then, the government will announce some kind of stimulus/QE, and then gold will crash again. But then, hyperinflation will set in as the government prints money, and overnight you will be able to buy a house with one gold ounce.

Screenshot this for posterity

>> No.12869088
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>I just don't see how people wouldn't flee to alternative stable coins which don't automatically deduct fees. Not to mention the prevalence of digital, anonymous cash would probably grow as well.
yeah it's interesting and these proposals set the stage on what they're thinking in the future
we need to build out better alternatives, I'm building my raspblitz lightning network node today to test out the network
I'm into bitcoin but respect other coins for trying, I just want the best alternative to win

The stablecoin idea interests me, eventually I want to find a balance of assets for a stable currency that works
old money in the 1800s were set up in private stablecoin notes
>Boone County Bank note, Lebanon, Indiana 1858. "During this era the U.S. had no central bank and paper money was issued by a variety of private banks. Some was even issued by manufacturing and retail companies. This money was backed by gold, silver, real estate, stocks, bonds, and a wide variety of other assets.

>> No.12869112

>buying in after an 11 year bullrun

lol. just lol

>> No.12869318

>The stablecoin idea interests me, eventually I want to find a balance of assets for a stable currency that works
Perhaps we will witness a stable coin that is backed by a basket of currencies/commodities such as btc, oil, silver, and gold secured at market prices via smart contracts?

>> No.12870131
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Absolutely this - most mining stocks are already up

>> No.12870140


Dunno what will happen to crypto, but central banks are already stacking gold like crazy. Silver is historically very undervalued, so I may start to stack some silver also.

>> No.12870153

We have a ways to go before a crash. At least 50% higher from here.

>> No.12870171
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the USD situation can't keep going forever, only question is when it will happen

here's a great somewhat recent Andreas Antonopoulos video related to the upcoming crash:
it's a fun presentation and i recommend anybody to have a listen, especially if you think the crash won't be that bad (or that it won't happen)

>> No.12870376

Glitching out?

>> No.12870804


anyone have the graphs of the unemployment rates and recession period overlaid onto each other?