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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12865305 No.12865305 [Reply] [Original]

Actually starting to happen. Discuss.

>> No.12865313


>> No.12865317

Idk what this is

>> No.12865322

You call yourself a /biz/nessman?

>> No.12865326

>not a crypto

who gives a fuck

>> No.12865327

Im just here for the pump and dumps

>> No.12865330

Yea but you wont see anything about this until fall/ winter of this year. If anything they might even delay until 2020. Either way little trumpy poo can't hide true economic data forever.

>> No.12865333

where do i buy unemployment coin

>> No.12865336

You think a recession won't affect crypto in any way? You think a lot of people going to lose their jobs in the next few years and everyones salary getting slashed won't affect you?

>> No.12865342

Will make getting bitches easier.

>> No.12865343

do any of u nerds realize why this goes up and down? because after so long you are no longer considered "unemployed". fucking /biz/ brainletz

>> No.12865349

Agreed, will take some time. If Brexit happens (29 March), that could be the trigger already. If it doesn't happen, might take until summer/fall for it to gain momentum.

>> No.12865351

dude everyone knows that. this isnt some guarded statistics lore

>> No.12865362

except 4 everyone in the thread, fag, hence the post

>> No.12865363

1. brexit has already been pushed back 2 years
2. brexit would have limited impact on the US unemployment rate

>> No.12865367


You nerds say this all the time and nothing happens. Go and get laid or something. Dumb fucking nerds trying to read the future LMAO.

>> No.12865370

literally using hurtful homophobic slurs with no context. did your parents raise you like this?

>> No.12865374

yes indeed, people get more desperate for money

Grey bars on the graph are recessions. A lot of people get sacked during recessions, if you didn't know.

>> No.12865380

oh no. :(

>> No.12865386

Agreed. Brexit is the final piece. Imo a Brexit would be a great reason for Italy to default. But these are not my decisions. Either way we will have a recession. But I think the FED kicked the can by allowing price inflation to take place in the meantime. Keep an eye on gas, milk, and the other crap you need for nom noms.

>> No.12865391
File: 48 KB, 873x575, US_unemployment_rate_long.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

US unemployment rate, longer scale
Again, grey bars are recessions

>> No.12865401

And if it doesn't happen then it will happen EoY and if it doesn't happen then it will happen with the new presidential election in USA
and if it doesn't happen then it will happen in 2021

>> No.12865402
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>> No.12865416

HAHAHA look at these faggots and their dumbass predictions.

>if this happens and then this happens this might happen but only if.....

HAHA Forget about all this gay nerd shit. Go and buy the chink vaporware flavor of the week and actually start making some $$$

>> No.12865419

If you got your job in the last few years, then you have less to worry about. Newfags are the first to get canned.

>> No.12865422

Unemployment pumps, economy dumps.

>> No.12865428

Do happeningfags ever get tired of being wrong?

>> No.12865439

The opposite. I get tired of being right but off on timelines. Sometimes things happen different to what is expected, but the brappenings still brappen.

>> No.12865448

I just get a strange satisfaction knowing that the Chinese economic miracle is going to reverse.

>> No.12865450

Crypto has shown to not have any trival correlation to the stock market/ state of the economy in the last few years. This may change in an actual recession, but dont just assume crypto will go up because of it.

>> No.12865474

True, correlation to stock markets has been almost zero. This will be a first time, crypto really sees a global economic recession. Nobody knows what happens.

>> No.12865475 [DELETED] 


Gas yourself you filthy kike nigger faggot.

>> No.12865500 [DELETED] 
File: 53 KB, 680x378, Screenshot 2019-02-26 at 13.53.51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12865512

I do however remember the huge upwards spikes when greece was causing problems for the EU in 2012. Maybe it takes a bit more to cause fear in the normies and thus for crypto to shoot up? Would increase bitcoins dominance over other cryptos by a lot again though.

>> No.12865569

yield curve is inverting
speculative housing markets are down YOY
workforce housing remains out of reach for median wages
Consumer Credit is spiking
Increasing deferred credit payments
Shipping rates are dipping
Warehouse inventory is piling up
New car purchases are thining
stock market has been throwing temper tantrums

writing is on the walls boys

>> No.12865580

lol, i notice that your post was actually deleted after i reported it. was it worth it anon? :)

>> No.12865587

Stop acting like a God damn child.

>> No.12865648 [DELETED] 

he said and I quote

Gas yourself you filthy kike nigger faggot.

now I noticed that in 4channel
if you say nigger
>mods ignore it
if you say kike
>mods ban you

I wonder who could be behind this


>> No.12865656 [DELETED] 

don't even bother by the way, I'm on Brazilian VPN
you will never ban me

>> No.12865681
File: 58 KB, 908x342, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you fell prey to the 4chan shadow censoring feature they just introduced.
The post is still here, it's just that you can't see it.
When you report something, they alter the content they serve you.
The system is getting smart enough to recognize you from your post habits, IP, and other digital fingerprint metrics.
I wouldn't be surprised if the automatic post filter algorithm starts hiding all racist posts from you.
You'll be missing out on content, but 4chan will appear more like you want it too.

>> No.12865688

from the rules:
>The use of scrapers, bots, or other automated posting or downloading scripts is prohibited. Users may also not post from proxies, VPNs, or Tor exit nodes.
want to get your VPN IP range banned too? :)


>> No.12865693

Soon. Soon. :) Glad i have listened to all the doomday boys back in 2012 already and bought into cheap PM's. The writing was already on the walls back then.

>> No.12865722

>Precious Metals
If we go through some hectic financial storms, nobody is going to give a shit about your glorified rocks.
You still won't be able to buy food or gas with them.
Or in the case you can trade with them, the other person will charge you such a premium, you'll be butthurt.
If you go to the store to sell it, the broker assumes no one sells unless they are under duress and will low ball the shit out of you.

>> No.12865793

If Deutche Bank goes down we are all fucked!

>> No.12865812
File: 53 KB, 800x357, 1436971384635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why haven't we got new data out of the FRED? Data hasn't been updated since 2019-01-01.
Take a look at these:
1 - Civilian Unemployment rate
2 - Total unemployed, plus all marginally attached workers...

At the last data entry you could almost see a reversal in the trend, then the government shutdown saves the day and stops anymore data coming through.


Or am I just reading this wrong and I'm actually crazy?!

>> No.12865828

just start reading wolf richter's blog already

>> No.12865896

He sounds like a muppet, spouting shit on zerohedge. Got no substance

>> No.12865982

How can I long unemployment?

>> No.12865993

Start a blog post on how to be a NEET

>> No.12866026

Inverse ETF's

>> No.12866187

short consumer goods

>> No.12866214

Long liquor, cigarettes and pot stocks (after the crash).

>> No.12866941

He cuts through the jargon and misleading information the economic reports broadcast.
The fact that you are familiar with zerohedge, but can't discern the facts and data Wolf presents from the rest of the /x/-tier articles "Tyler" posts shows that you'll never make. You need to be able to discern the signal from the noise and then form your own conclusions.

You'll never beat the market if you don't know how to form your own conclusions.

I hope you other anons will learn from this guy's follies.

>> No.12867004

Fucking hell.
I'm just going to join the Air Force if shit gets particularly bad and I can't pay my rent.