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12863960 No.12863960 [Reply] [Original]

His name is Craig Steven Wright.
Did you know that in 2008 he released the whitepaper on bitcoin? It was the culmination of a project he started in 2001, namely "blacknet". The project, now called metanet, was always his main goal. It allows for a new internet where every exchange of information is secured through a bitcoin transaction. This way, every action on the internet can be priced, and thus opening up a new paradigm where you don't need ads, your privacy will remain private and hacking becomes greatly reduced. Bitcoin was merely a necessity to make metanet a reality. It is being built as you read this, and you can already use bitcoin (bsv) as a dropbox, webpage host and much, much more. You can even play games like Super Mario, Tetris and Pokemon on it. The internet as you know it is about to change on a fundamental level. Questions?

PS! I'm on a low sodium diet so please limit the salt

>> No.12863982
File: 45 KB, 741x254, cswtweet3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Metanet is just the first step anon

>> No.12864113

This is actually quite based. CSW is def /our guy/

>> No.12864135


Won't ever take off
Won't take off in my 20s or 30s
The government will declare it illegal and central banks will shut it down
You'll need a quantum computer which will cost like ten k

>> No.12864161


Fucking based

>> No.12864182

Thanks for your efforts! 0.002 BSV has been credited to your accounts

>> No.12864198

Faggots, here is the craig fag fraud exposed:


Hahahah you are all fags, he cant sign a fucking message! He is not Satoshi!

The day he signs I’ll believe him, his lie goes based on all the retards in the world who dont understand anything about crypto signatures.


>> No.12864199

Kek hes a scammer

>> No.12864206

The day he signs BSV has already flipped BTC and you have missed your one chance to make it

>> No.12864207
File: 135 KB, 620x387, 36FE5F2C-F54F-451B-A12C-14273E5E0916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much salt you could brine a cow

>> No.12864230

BTC: #1


BSV: #11


“BTC will be 0”
“There will be no BCH fork”



BCH: #6
BSV: #11




>> No.12864251

Imagine being such a brainlet you don’t know how to trade. BTC up .2% today, BSV up 10% it’s like you fags hate money

>> No.12864268

Imagine being so brainlet that you believe in a fucking compulsive liar, a scammer piece of shit. Thats what that craig clown is. Only a fool doesnt want to see.

Oh BSV up 10%? Cool cool.... whats the position? Still #11?? BAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA

and btw I also hold bsv just fyi, its part of my shitcoin collection. Stiff faggot!!!!!!

Fucking low iq brainlets

>> No.12864269

How do I do so

>> No.12864438

Please go easy in the salt guys. My clogged up arteries can only take so much before they rupture

>> No.12864499
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>> No.12864615

Enjoy being a dumbass faggot scammed and raped by that craig scam clown fraud piece of shit.

Fucking low iq brainlets

>> No.12864716
File: 47 KB, 640x640, 7B5E6D16-C69F-4813-A2F9-F91257391FF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you can do is resort to emotions(sensing a lot of anger in your posts) and ad hom attacks. Proves your IQ in itself, mine is 145 btw ;) Enjoy being in my screencap when BSV flips king shitcoin next year, two words faggoy Tulip Trust

>> No.12864731

>mine is 145
Nice man! 130 IQ brainlet here. Not enough for mensa, but sufficient to know what's the real bitcoin and who the creator is.

>> No.12864745

What skills do i need to learn if i cant cod

>> No.12864768
File: 33 KB, 600x688, B0721807-47AF-44AF-974D-CAF41DEA2D8E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel you man, sensing a higher IQ from team BSV for sure forget Mensa though, I want to be Bogdanoff level IQ

>> No.12864795

Stating your eventual IQ is a sign of low IQ by itself.

kek kys


>> No.12864823
File: 510 KB, 770x789, 2AD87E70-198B-431B-8866-EE0DA93B63AA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All that anger and Reddit spacing, overusing words like kek, kys and stiff to try and fit in, wew faggot you need to go back you don’t belong here. Anyway I’m out, hope you have a great day, you seem very angry, anger is bad for your heart and blood pressure :)

>> No.12864827

stfu faggot kek kys stiff!!!!

>> No.12864848


>> No.12865195

Guys stop shilling SV! I’m still trying to buy more |:\

I need to get at least 8,000 ...

>> No.12865270

What an angry little manlet you are. Can show me on the doll where Craig hurt you?

>> No.12865329

Can you show me on the doll where the craigpill got in? fucking low iq brainlet faggot kek kys faggot. STIFF!!!!!!!!