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12858127 No.12858127 [Reply] [Original]

no way!!!!!!

>> No.12858134

>buy my bags

>> No.12858145

Wow he can read a chart!

How do I short financial media?

>> No.12858150


>tfw $10,000 in 1942 was worth 52 million USD today

based boomer

>> No.12858163

Is he thos stupid?

>> No.12858189

if you invested 10$ in btc in November 2009
you would have over 60 000 000 today

>> No.12858199

Buffett btfo.

>> No.12858202

what a retard. 10k in 1942 means you have to put up 155k in 2018 to get the same yield over the course of 60 years. fuck that shit. bitcoin moons ever 2-3 years we'll make it before these retarded boomers.

>> No.12858215

>Warren Buffet says
Why? No one is "saying" anything, you can just crunch the numbers for fucks sake.

>> No.12858220

Meme statement but I’m still going to put my excess cash in index funds regardless. Feels like a nice balance between risk and reward

>> No.12858222

>if you put in 10k dollar in 2010 into BTC you would have had 2.5 billion in 2017.

and this retard boomer is supposed to be the smartest rich faggot on the planet?
nigger what the fuck

>> No.12858230

You still think your internet funnny money will moon?

>> No.12858235

Too bad index funds didn't exist until the late 80s or so, making this comparison entirely worthless

>> No.12858246

Just hold the underlying assets dummie.

>> No.12858255

if you invested $102k (10k USD represented in 1997 dollars) in Amazon in 1997 you would have over 66k shares of Amazon and a net worth of over 100MM. Too bad this boomer doesn't understand investing in growth markets and technology.

>> No.12858259

>He still doesn't get the repeat pattern.

Stay poor I guess.

>> No.12858264

bear in mind that 10$ in 09 is like 12$ today 10000$ in 42 is like 140 000$ today
buffet is truly the king of hodler too this old fart ins a billionaire living in some basic house driving a second hand car

becoming a billionaire isn't that hard if you never than any risk and just put all you money yin stock then poof only 60 years later you managed to x100 you stack who could have seen that coming. but then again you're like 80 now so what's the point ?

>> No.12858272

>be richtest guy on planet
>never actually created anything of value in his life
>buy low sell high in a 70 year bull market
>can't beat the biggest index but doesn't matter
>still shilling mcdonalds and coca cola at age 88

>> No.12858280

But he said that bitcoin is a worthless scam wtf

>> No.12858288
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also what a dick for not buying war bonds in 1942. you have to admit he kind of cherrypicked the date there... yeah just buy a stock index 12 years into the worst depression of all time 3 years before the country in question wins the major ongoing war and ushers in a new era of unforseen technological progress while also being the global monetary hegemon the entire time. it's so easy zoomers! buy my bags! I'm sure it will go just like that next time.

>> No.12858324

I'd also probably already be dead.

>> No.12858345
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awww the seething doomers are so cute. Cant wait for my stocks to continue and appreciate the next 50 years due to cash flow inflation and common sense

>> No.12858349

He created the most valuable hedge fund of all time.
What you done junior.

>> No.12858374


>> No.12858437
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In reality it would be like putting in $162,085.81 back then

>> No.12858440

Only Warren and dinosaurs were alive that long ago.

>> No.12858463

wow and who benefits from it that couldn't just have bought in some other guys fund?
It's like saying I created a nice crypto portfolio, which I did btw

>> No.12858547

>just go back in time to 1942 goys
>stop being lazy goys

>> No.12858575

those entitled millenials

>> No.12858643

warren buffet is great trader:

he traded hes time for money.
i bet he's so obsessive that he cannot quit till he dies. and he just keep winning, he loves money

fucking boomer stocks i hate them.

>> No.12858687

Warren feels a little devilish, pumping and dumping stocks on his followers while praising the hodl meme.

>> No.12858706

Exactly my point as well. Better to short/scalp away than buying and holding for x amount of years, hoping one day it'll go up.
I'll take my profits now thank you.

>> No.12858723


>> No.12858736

Sounds great, until you lose your entire short position to a bog boost

>> No.12858746

That's why I diversify my investments anon...

>> No.12858774

2019 - 1942 = 77 years

Assuming you had to be at least 18 to invest, plus like 2 years of work to save up that $10,000 in the first place, you'd be 97 years old when you took out your investment by his logic.

On a more serious topic, if you took that money out, say, THIRTY FUCKING YEARS earlier to enjoy some profits (you'd have lost a large portion of your gains since a majority of the main market gains have been in the last few decades) you'd sitll be 67 years old. You'd be an old bald faggot whose dick doesn't work, but at least you'd have a few million $$ right?

Fuck this boomer mindset.

>> No.12858909
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Not true.

in 1942 $10,000 was worth ~$154k today.

Unless he meant EQUIVALENT to $10,000 today in 1942, which would have been $642.

But I get where you're coming from, and agree with you. Thought I'd provide better proof for the masses.

2nd, old bastard doesn't understand the state of the economy and opportunities available when he started, vs the modern boomer, doomer, and zoomers today-- where majority of them can't even save $10,000 due to high debt and cost of living.

3rdly, even if I were 18 in 1942, I would've been shipped off to war and be dead today, or, if I lived, I'd be 95 today. In which case, that $51 million would be utterly worthless.

Fuck this guy. Why doesn't anyone understand that a shit load of money at 70+ is basically worthless. You're just living to live. You can't climb mountains, you can't travel, you're certainly not fucking young thots without risk of heart attack and the assistance of boner drugs.

>> No.12858930

>being this retarded

>> No.12859020
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>plus like 2 years of work to save up that $10,000 in the first place
>2 years of work to save 10k

>> No.12859048

I barely saved 10k in the past 2 years desu senpai

>> No.12859079

Lmfao right?! Not to mention men being drafted to the war? Shiiiiit, Buffett must be on some shit.

>> No.12859083

well you have about 150k to go before you can follow this boomer's meme advice, you'll be a billionaire in 2090 though

>> No.12859124


I'm pretty sure he grasps his fortunate circumstances.


>> No.12859193

tfw you miss this
tfw you were here when it begin
what the fuck guys. how do we cope with this. we could have been buying yacht with hookers and 10/10 models salivating

>> No.12859262


>> No.12859283
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welcome to hell

>> No.12859654

but you really wouldnt have 52 million tho after all those decades of paying capital gains taxes
you'd have around 16 million and thats being generous

>> No.12859677

It's so weird watching people shit on "what you could have done". Like when people were complaining Trump was running about how he could be richer investing in index funds.

It's easy to sit in the future and just everyone smugly, but there's ALWAYS a better market choice you can make. Doesn't mean you made a bad choice

>> No.12859756


>be thot
>travel back in time
>demand to join war effort
>Nazis win
>S&P no longer exists bc altered timeline
>England and American thots speak German and Japanese now
>all thots are cute waifu sex slaves to Master Race Super Soldier
>half breeds Goblinas go to the showers
>RIP Ops mom

>> No.12859789

Does anyone else notice how grand the divide is between boomer analysts and the current generation? Who do you listen to honestly?
The boomers are so out of touch they think stocks like Kraft have the potential to boom higher but the reality is NO MILLENIAL BUYS KRAFT PRODUCTS THEY WANT ORGANIC AND FRESH and the young generation have their hands on tech that could potential create a new currency and yet they get shunned by boomers who DONT UNDERSTAND
I don’t care if we’re in a bubble I buy weed and crypto up because boomers are proving more and more how completely lost and finished they are in this world

>> No.12859800

Max Kaiser

>> No.12859841

Meh one out of a million even a broken clock is write twice a day

>> No.12859931

stay poor faggot ass boomer

>> No.12859952

Not buying kraft today is like not buying bitcoin in 2012. Think about it.

>> No.12859961
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delete this please i'm begging you

>> No.12860297

Yeah thats $10,000 of 1942s money. Thats $152,000 inflation adjusted lol.

Why do numales worship this senile old cuck? He lost out on IBM, and now the Kraft fiasco. How hard would it be to hire a dedicated CPA to keep tabs on Krafts books.

>> No.12860317

They fear technology, the uncertain and the unknown.

>> No.12860392
File: 13 KB, 184x184, 22af40d661ff5ddb556efaf63789b73489596cd4_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


another ath today in stocks

>> No.12860417

God stop reminding me
Me and my friends used to make fun of Bitcoin back when it was worth literally pennies and now here I am wishing I was dead

>> No.12860440

thats a silly comparison and you know it. I agree with >>12859789 boomers have no drive to learn about the future and stay in their box of Kraft/ford/steel shares without realizing how much potential the tech we have today is and you have analysts who blindly give sell ratings to growing and flourishing companies because they don’t want people to dump into something that has great potential if a boomer hasn’t given it the seal of quality.
Kraft will see gains for sure but no way like BTC more like GE gains

>> No.12860527

If I had the winning lottery numbers id be a millionaire tomorrow, hindsight is a bitch

>> No.12860570

Saw this interview this morning, this guy needs to just retire. He doesnt invest in anything he can't understand fully which means no companies started later than 1980 and it's showing in his performance lately. Value investing is dead just like he will be shortly.