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12858488 No.12858488 [Reply] [Original]


Post your XRP /comfy/ bags

10,000 XRP here. so comfy atm.

no coiner shitcoinbag holders can fuck off. i have no pity for nocoiner losers

go buy pajeetcoins with 100k$ volume

>> No.12858505

Picked up a small bag of 2500

>> No.12858528

I’m gonna dump this shit back to low 8400, might fall into the 83’s. Give me a bit.

>> No.12858559

Pretty sure the bots are about to turn this into a rocket ship so you better hurry

>> No.12858569

I have 6000 xrp and 15000 TRX am I going to make it?

>> No.12858571

>talking in sats

>> No.12858579

Yes. even 100XRP you will make it. in the long run.

>> No.12858612

Thanks anon!

>> No.12858666

Picked up 11k xrp. Pray for me

>> No.12858865

Ok satan

>> No.12858880

10,000 XRP was 100 bucks when I bought it. Nothing personal kid.

>> No.12858947

you do realize that the potential coinbase add was the only thing keeping the price above zero, right? Now that whales bought in and cause 10% pump but nobody is buying their bags this shit is going to below zero. Enjoy jewish scam bags.

>> No.12859007

so shortsighted. the jewish bankers love xrp. its going to blow up to unimaginable levels. im in 50/50 neo and xrp. i am redpilled. neo is chinas coin and xrp is the jewish bankers coin. both will be fantastically valuable within 10 years

>> No.12859044

yeah and BTC was 8 bucks when i bought it so what. you cant change the past.

>> No.12859154

TRX is the chinks coin you are mistaken

>> No.12859267

I have 70,000 XRP and 90,000 XLM. Will I make it?

>> No.12859276

its my biggest bag 70k worth. bought at an average of 15 cents

>> No.12859290

No you’ll be severely in debt Feb 2020

>> No.12859301



>> No.12859310


Lol. Idiots. All of you.

>> No.12859374

why the fuck you still own XLM? i dont even wanna know. i would go 99,5% XRP and rest to shitcoins.

>> No.12859382

1 XRP will be worth 20,000$ so count that you little prick. i hate myself not to buy 50k when i was able to. glad i even bought my 10k

>> No.12859410

0 xrp here. enjoy that visit from the irs.

>> No.12859415

in the future normies use their salary check to buy 0.2XRP and they feel fine. if you don't undertand this you are a retard

>> No.12859432

why cant you even buy 30 $ worth of XRPit's like 30 bucks. fucking tard GO AND BUY 30$ WORTH. this will be the new BTC.

>> No.12859455

i mean 100XRP is like 30 bucks fuck im drunk af right now. never gonna sel my XRP's

>> No.12859632

jews wont let you keep it if it moons. they will take most of it. then the irs will shinr a flashlight up your ass and look for other backed taxes.

>> No.12860162

i will hold until im dead i won't sell FOR THE FUCK SAKE!!!!!!

>> No.12860679

bought back for the time since early 2017. now pump this up you kikes.

>> No.12860753

80k here, looking for like minded people to start a citadel.

>> No.12860769

when moon sirs?

>> No.12860773
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>Post your XRP /comfy/ bags
Finished the transfer from Binance to Coinbase.

>> No.12860840 [DELETED] 

thats overpower. really. 60k$ you need super iron hands to hodl that.

moon in next five years. just hold and buy the dips.

>> No.12860846

>0.32 cents

>> No.12860848

80k is overpower. where i can contact you so we can start making business like bank or something.

regards: OP. (i am planning one)

>> No.12860866

moon maybe in five years. just hold.

>> No.12860886

Not giving my info until I hire private security.

>> No.12860939

20 k stack here AKA: “The life changer”.

Feelsgood and comfy.

>> No.12860948

Amazing insight. Please post again and often!

>> No.12860983

6k XRP and 14k XLM here

>> No.12861217

those stacks are going to change your life anons. you need a hands of steel and balls of tritium to hold those stacks to the ATH. most of you kids will sell sub 10$

>> No.12861247

When it's time to sell we won't need to mein nigger

>> No.12861414

i got 800 is this going to be enough? should i try to swing trade my stack?

>> No.12861432

Not enough. Need more.

>> No.12861444
File: 187 KB, 1437x1142, Screenshot_2019-02-24-21-44-10~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please leave pajeets. No white people own XRP anymore.

>> No.12861452

im redpilled to and have a stack of xrp but you think the jews are going huge with this? thatd what im banking on

>> No.12861755

Why is Pepe dressed as a waiter?

>> No.12861944
File: 216 KB, 1000x1000, 1546891033090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when ripple hits triple digits and those pajeets are richer than you

>> No.12861955

fuck you even 100XRP will be enough. even pajeets will make it when they realize this coins potential and buy all in with their 30 bucks or 100,000 rupees what they will get working couple months selling henna tattoos and street food in the streets of delshi. fucing western pigs you will cry and buy rakeesh bags for 10000x screencap this.

>> No.12862620

9k baglet here :( used to be 10k but I felt the need to diversify a little. Got about 500 link and 60k btt. Thinking about selling them to buy more xrp tho. what should i do

>> No.12862637

>being this new

>> No.12862725
File: 36 KB, 788x699, 1550575905114.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top 1% xrp and xlm 30yo boomer hodler reporting in

>> No.12862743

Even if you make it with XRP your stellar losses will nullify all your gains.

>> No.12862753

Collecting literal shit =\= wealth

Pajeets will be screaming from Mumbai to Punjab province trying to convince each other XRP will moon.

>> No.12862769

apparently you must have a pickle up your ass because you're one salty as bitch

>> No.12862782
File: 43 KB, 407x405, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo bro i found you

>> No.12862828

I have a 5k bag of stellar I picked up for like two cents should I buy more?