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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 492 KB, 934x677, Screenshot_2016-06-01_23-58-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1281259 No.1281259 [Reply] [Original]

Looks like we were right all along lads

>> No.1281276


i'd smash bruh bruh kekaroooooniue

>> No.1281317


>> No.1281330
File: 88 KB, 640x640, ucla shooting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who she be

>> No.1281336


fuck you you fucking faggot i just got back from trading all of my stocks and getting mad money from my david ins i seriously dont know what the fuck is the problem with you but you are probably mad that i made over three thousand dollars yesterday on my cryptocoins and trading my mad money over robinhood i will dump your ass the moment you buy my stocks and coins also so buyer be fucking ware i will destroy you with all of my delicious doe that i have created with my mind inside my head this is real life faggot money dont grow on trees best learn that today lest ye be a faggot who wants to stay poor and get his neetbucks and welfare checks for being an autistic sperg good luck bud ha ha ha good fucking luck kid you aint shit youll never be shit and that is just how it is sorry to break it to ya bud but you just dont have what it takes now excuse me as i take my lamborghini gallardo out for a little spin in toronto yes toronto the richest city of all of the world where dreams come to die and i steal all your precious cash you fucking wage slave cuck faggot i am going to take my supercar drive it down to the nearest timmys and get myself a coffe all the normie faggots and beta asians will be staring at me with my hot korean imported girlfriend she is my fuck slave i pay her enough to shut the fuck up and i got surgery on her eyes and dyed her hair blonde she has to act white and denounce her heritage every three minutes she is my fuck slave and i am not a slave i am the king of bitcoin

>> No.1281389


>> No.1281431
File: 394 KB, 900x1181, Elizabeth-Holmes1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She said she has a product that can analyse blood faster than a laboratory test on variety of diseases and one can use it at home, investors believed her and her capitalisation was $4.5Bil only on that claim.

She lied, her product can't analyse shit.

>> No.1281432

Can someone explain to me what the hell is going on in this thread? Cause I really can't tell. Is it a new meme? Seriously, guys help me out.

>> No.1281434

>hospital administrators

>> No.1281436
File: 19 KB, 306x306, baba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two autists communicating in retardspeech or one autist samefagging. just don't reply to them and they'll eventually leave.

>> No.1281440

This will be Tesla next year.

>> No.1281460

Well that serves those investors right for blindly walking into something like this with zero evidence/testing/research.
She looks like a lair. The way she talks, her mannerisms, and how she so gladly stepped into the spotlight knowing her product wasn't what it was are all signs of a scam artist and someone who only wanted attention and fame.
Funniest part was she got all those investors interesting and the media and more all lathered up because she was a woman.
I believe a guy making claims like that first off wouldn't be believed without proof and wouldn't have been celebrated so eagerly by the media.
But good for her she got that attention she was craving and maybe taught some rich cunts to be more cautious.

>> No.1281499

>see OP's pic
>looks like a qt3.14
>look her up


>that voice

Top kek, I think there is a reason she like wearing those turtle necks, somethings hiding there.

>> No.1281503

Looks like Holmes needed a Sherlock.

>> No.1281507

Nah mate the voice is pretty deep but the black turtleneck is to get the audience to subconsciously link her to Steve Jobs (ie she must be a great innovator/leader that will make us billions too XD) You can have a shitty product as long as you look and act the part and throw in a few buzzwords. Its all about the image you project and unfortunately/fortunately people really are that retarded.

>> No.1281510

>Its all about the image you project and unfortunately/fortunately people really are that retarded.

these are golden times we are living in anon

>> No.1281569

Well I suppose theres always been snake oil salesmen throughout history, the internet just means you can reach out to millions of mugs at once :) Depressing for humanity but definitely plenty of opportunity for those willing/able to capitalize on it.... Golden times indeed.

>> No.1281607

his hands are fucking massive

>> No.1281660

so's her dong?

makes me shiver just thinking about it. ew gross

>> No.1281661


>> No.1281720
File: 128 KB, 624x434, interested near eastern merchant frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that she's lost 4.5B, does that mean she's easier 4D?

>> No.1281733
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>> No.1281738

Lol I seriously doubt it's $0 but still funny

>> No.1281740

You're right. It's likely less than zero since I bet the bitch has tons of personal debt

>> No.1281742

I mean how much does hormone replacement surgery usually cost?

>> No.1281743

Fee should look into her like they did with Madoff, sounds like another massive fraud by the joo

>> No.1281749


> woman
> lying

That's written in the DNA.

Makeup, high heels, believing they are a princess, etc...

>> No.1281761

Although, honestly wish I could build literally nothing and steal a bunch of money from silicon valley retards.

>> No.1281772

>That's written in the DNA.
I just remembered OUYA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTqhyHuKVKA

>> No.1281773
File: 6 KB, 226x220, ahaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bwahahahaha what a fucking blunder. women simply cannot do shit

>> No.1281853

Eww. Watch her interviews. She sounds like a man.

>> No.1281886

What an absolute catastrophe. Why did they fuck it up so bad?

>> No.1281918

>btw im a girl, inc.

>> No.1281926

50% shares at 800 m is 400m net worth

>> No.1281950
File: 21 KB, 1602x538, 1372084799724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying it was a fuckup

They made 10mill in preorders alone selling toasters with android. That's some A++ marketing to be fair.

The real catastrophe was their tagline. Literally a slap in the face to the gullible retards who bought this shit.

>> No.1282093
File: 1.86 MB, 335x188, teacup.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that rocco part

>> No.1282112

would manhandle her see her scream like a girl!

>> No.1282163

The VC firms get paid out first, and take priority over Holmes' common shares. The logic goes that since around $800m of venture capital was poured into the company, if the company were liquidated at a valuation of $800m, the prioritized investors would walk away breaking even, but her remaining stake is worthless.

>> No.1282169

it depends how much senior secured/unsecured debt there was in their liabilities.

>> No.1282190

> never trust people with eyes too close together

>> No.1282197

Honestly this woman at least made a half-assed attempt which is more than what elizabeth homes ever did.

I definitely respect the ouya more than theranos.

>> No.1282211

>which is more than what elizabeth homes ever did

we don't really know what lizzy did, she did make a product that could tell you if you have herpes or not, but 20 other diseases were not 'certain according to FDA measures'.

>> No.1282226

moral of this story is don't get greedy, i'd have walked after the first billion.

>> No.1282242

>scream like a grill
joke's on you because holmes looks like someone who went through hormone replacement therapy

>> No.1282271


It wouldn't change the fact that she's last in line.

>> No.1282287


easiest short sell of my life

>> No.1282291

>man voice
>that double chin only noticeable when she lays down next to you and you stare at it
I couldn't do it, man. I had an ex that had a chin like that and it repulsed the ever living fuck out of me. I'd just stare at it while she slept. It would literally keep me awake at night.

>> No.1282301
File: 19 KB, 550x309, 4-format2010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lick my chin anon, LICK IT

>> No.1282309


>> No.1282314
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>> No.1282322
File: 1.70 MB, 210x155, 1455048058566.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enough. That shit triggers me so hard. I broke up with my ex because of it and told her it was because I wasn't ready for a relationship. I swear to god it's so unappealing. I could write an essay on how much I fucking hate the tuft of fat clinging on the bottom of a chin.

>> No.1282523
File: 104 KB, 620x928, MILI620_1706628a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lol, this.

>> No.1282566
File: 98 KB, 1135x911, 1462859531167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crashing this valuation...

>> No.1282575

This is pretty sexist but I am actually pretty sure if you made a short fund of female CEO companies you'd at least do better than the S&P 500.

>> No.1282579

Stating true facts isn't sexist.

>> No.1282627

The cheap, badly fitting clothes...

>> No.1282650

>she did make a product that could tell you if you have herpes or not,
nope, she sent everything to their own lab which was using regular seimens machines.

>> No.1282667
File: 214 KB, 1500x1137, 1438027004906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get out you fucking subhuman

>> No.1282670

actually no, that's not the moral of the story at all

the moral of the story is to not trust fucking females as CEO

>> No.1282853

Theranos is a textbook example of how much malinvestmemt is occurring in the global economy.

Investors gave her company almost a billion dollars without the product ever being subject to peer review or serious testing of any kind. That's how desperate investors are in this low growth ubiquitous cash environment.

>> No.1282854


Every investor is so scared they're gonna miss the next big thing that they throw money at any big idea.

It was only natural that scammers arose from this

You can even see it on a smaller scale with crowd funding. The majority of them are just scams now

>> No.1282875

is this what they call destruction of wealth?
company worth 9 bill one day 0 the next?

>> No.1283109
File: 117 KB, 581x288, I wish I was swallowed .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, why do women even exist?

>> No.1283114
File: 53 KB, 634x422, this stupid fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1283134

fucking UAE princes man classic

>> No.1283182
File: 36 KB, 400x507, 00038254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but honey, I'm not even fat

>> No.1283258
File: 66 KB, 675x483, andthentheresthereanus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Seriously I think her facial expressions of bewildered enthusiasm were part of the scam. Maybe she even, at times, believed it herself.

>> No.1283274

>> never trust people with eyes too close together
Grow up, kiddo. Trust no one!

>> No.1283435

I've got something thats full of blood and that she can analyse if you know what I mean.

>> No.1283569

>0 dollar net worth

look at her

look at her and laugh

>> No.1283586
File: 19 KB, 217x320, j33vesu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen to her !!!

listen to her and cry !!!


>> No.1283588
File: 89 KB, 333x322, 1393616115273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who /richerthanelizabethholmes/ here?

>> No.1283594
File: 98 KB, 432x600, 432full-laura-surrich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When Holmes was 9, her family moved to Houston and then China, where she started a business selling C++ compilers to Chinese universities.

wow, in that age I just figured out jerking my dick

>> No.1283602


>> No.1283651

she looks like tsim fuckis in that picture

>> No.1283652


Because nature wants to punk us by making us deal with them if we want to fuck and further the species. It's a practical joke.

>> No.1283657
File: 51 KB, 600x600, BdQXuSOCYAEoVpq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tsim fuckis
like I just fucking had to google it

>> No.1283662

The fuck out of here. I could rock climb off of that McDouble.

>> No.1283688

Thanks for rehashing that chris rock joke from the mid-90's. Really funny. And fresh.

>> No.1283928

>selling C++ compilers to Chinese universities.
man she is outjewing the jews
selling software to unis
selling software to chinks
selling software to chink unis
wtf am i reading??

>> No.1284939

That's a man right?

>> No.1285160

shit you werent lying

>> No.1285182

/r/ing pics of a young Elizabeth Holmes, I can't find anything off google

>> No.1285836

That's because she is a transexual

>> No.1285922
File: 76 KB, 359x478, image (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>she has a "feminine penis"

>> No.1286056

At least tesla delivers

>> No.1286063

This is my fetish now.

>> No.1286064

I might just start short selling against companies that have CEO's who aren't white men or companies who announce diversity quotas. It's pretty much guaranteed to be a money maker every time.

>> No.1286067

nice meme but microsoft disagrees

>> No.1286093


Ouya is a lesson in misleading marketing. They effectively implied (but without stating outright, of course) from the outset that the console would be capable of running AAA games. They were even running polls on reddit where they were asking people to suggest games they wanted on the system. Morons were suggesting CoD and the TES series and shit like that but the Ouya people did nothing to actually modify these perceptions.

>> No.1286119


The Ouya is a utter piece of shit, but its not misleading marketing if their plebbit fans are retards.

>> No.1286127

Worst is that it was obvious from the beginning to anyone who has had any interaction with the field.
>arterial blood and non arterial differ in multiple ways.
>most of these tests are taken with arterial blood
>theranos takes non-arterial blood
>somehow people think this doesnt matter
>FDA and others start investigating
>ban tests because none of the equipment is even approved for safe/legit testing
>turns out Theranos doesnt even use Edison because it's a roulette machine, turna out arterial and non arterial blood really arent the same for these tests
>people feed her more money
>it goes bust
>people wonder why

>> No.1286214

if she has a dick why did she fail?
now i'm confused what this thread is about.