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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 4 KB, 397x175, networth age 24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12857666 No.12857666 [Reply] [Original]

Post your
>net worth


Professional Motor Coach Operator

1 Rental Property
Kindle Publishing Business - 43 books
1 Bus that does line runs.

>> No.12857729

>Net worth
Just quit my job, going to military
leeching off my parents

>> No.12857781

Networth: roughly $185k

Age: 23

Occupation: finance

Assets: inherited land (2,000 acres)

>> No.12857793

>Net worth

>> No.12857801
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>Professional motor coach driver
Anon, I...

>> No.12857824


>> No.12857838
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>Professional Motor Coach Operator Cope

>> No.12857855

>net worth
Oh, I'll just stop there I guess, lol.

>> No.12857876
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He works
>on the line
The line, man! THE FUCKING .. LINE

>> No.12857893


You all wont be saying that when you ride on my bus.

>> No.12857913

Yeah, because you'll put on an oxygen mask and then let the knockout gas out and drive us to your end of the line rape dungeon.

>> No.12857914
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Here's a picture of my motorcoach bus.

>> No.12857922

What books do you write?

>> No.12857964
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Here's my most recent title.

>> No.12857977
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The fuck?
PIc related is OP.

>> No.12857991

Nice anon.
Do you mind saying how much money you make from that book biz?
I need some shit like this as well.
Do you just copy paste your stuff together?

>> No.12858020

I make around $1,000 a month in cashflow from my business. I actually hire a ghostwriter to write my content. You can't just copy and paste stuff together because you can get sued.

>> No.12858029 [DELETED] 

>net worth


Full time high school junior

3 houses, 2 of which I'm renting to college students
2 vehicles - 1 model S 1 ford f150
$35000 in cash for emergencies
25 pounds of gold bars

>> No.12858054

Age 23
Networth 6.7mil in liquid cash
All self made
Assets : none

>> No.12858063


>> No.12858074

Tell me richbro

>> No.12858081

>net worth


None, bitcoin trader

European townhouse

>> No.12858097

>net worth
8.5 million
Head chef at Wendy’s

>> No.12858521

What type of finance? 100k front office quant/IB analyst or 70k back office stuff?

>> No.12858556

Does your ghostwriter come up with the recipies/ideas as well?

>> No.12858558

How do you get reviews on Amazon ? It’s the most difficult part.

>> No.12858597

Tell us your secrets

>> No.12858605

papi money?

>> No.12858613


>> No.12858694

>net worth
Calculator operator

>> No.12858752


>> No.12858904

$ 105k
trading stocks
guitars and guitar boxes

>> No.12859441
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>net worth



~130k Cash -- buying a house soon, so this will turn to 50k cash and the rest house equity
~250k in the stock market

>> No.12859474

How do you own all that shit and only have a net worth of $12k?

>> No.12859626

my net worth is slightly in the negative and I somehow feel that's better than most of this board

>> No.12860173

so you got most your capital tied up in real estate?

>> No.12860213

do you count your 401k toward your net worth?

>> No.12860236

Age 37

Occupation:tech support



Net worth:-4500

At peak i had 30k in crypto invested 1k initialy.never took gain.could have payed my debts and started a buisness with that money.


>> No.12860282


>> No.12860362

> 23k

> 24 yo

>degree is in an engineering meme and my job title reflects that, but my real job is just "coding" in DAX and visualbasic and keeping decade old spreadsheets running

> like 21k in boomer stocks

>> No.12860431

>net worth


Amazon dropship

4 Rental Properties
200k home

>> No.12860447
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$4k in the bank
$1k silver
$8k crypto
$1k 401k

-$8k car loan



>> No.12860458


>> No.12860468

> $81660
> 24
> professional neet
> small chunk of gold/silver

>> No.12860562

software engineer
prius lol

dang i'm doing pretty good.

>> No.12860739


>> No.12860809
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>software dev

I zeroed out my loans 6 months ago, finally in the green brahs

>> No.12860917
File: 27 KB, 440x398, Ayy+kurva+_c8e500a13cc4fc5836d9542e693ec8d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>net worth
-$20,000 USD
I was at fucking - $8,000 USD but then wife dropped to part time and went on a spending spree. Finally got the credit card locked in a safe tho so that should remedy soon.


Previously a process engineer for a large renewables company. Recently started Freelancing as a process engineer, chemical engineer & water treatment engineer. Making less money but hot damn is working for yourself 10000x better

>assets (all these are included in the negative net worth)
House (150K)
Truck (20K)
Wifes car (6K)
Small fleet of vintage snowmobiles (~3k)
antique tractor & accessories (~2K)
5 Guitars, 3 amplifiers, footpedals microphones etc (~2.5K)
Crypto (1K)

House (130K)
Truck loan (10K)
My student loans: (40K)
wife's student loans: (30K)

debt is the worst thing in the world.

>> No.12861210

>net worth
550k (family nw)
>age 33
software dev
cash, mostly

>> No.12861332

Networth: $12,000AUD

Age: 32

Occupation: Mechanic

Assets: Toyota Corolla worth $4,000AUD

No debt.

I was late to the savings meme.

>> No.12861350

Yeah, i got 1k on the bank the rest is real estate

>> No.12861374

This is my fucking nightmare scenario.

If I were you I’d sell those snowmobiles and everything else I have negative net worth in before I get even more upside down, unless you have a clear path to get yourself back in the black.

Good luck.

>> No.12861384

>Net Worth

>> No.12861437

net worth: 65k (50k stocks/15k crypto)
age: 34 yr old manchild living w/parents
occupation: retail wagecuck

>> No.12861823

Willing to bet dollars to donuts that not 1 active /biz/ user has 1 million networth. Prove me wrong tho I doubt you can!

>> No.12861893
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I'm not that worried about it. I started 2018 at -48K (INCLUDING crypto gains), so we did fairly well in 2018 despite all the "oopsies".

The snowmobiles aren't worth that much and they're vintage so they aren't depreciating (if anything they're appreciating). Same goes for the tractor. Wife's car I bought w/ cash, and my truck is worth slightly over double what I owe on it. House is worth about 20-30K more than I owe on it (depending on real estate market).

a big part of this was my transition from being employed to self employed. I make much more than my wife and so me cold quitting my job hurt us a bit. then she ended up needing to leave half of her job so she dropped to part time which didn't help, and then the holidays hit so the travel and gifts and shit hurt us. I paid cash for everything, but my wife just used the credit card with wreckless abandon. Got that all taken care of now though.

Like I said, i'm actually not that worried about it. Even if (when) housing market flips again, won't bother me. I plan on staying here through that if it's the case, and I've got a pretty good grip on revenue streams for myself. 2019 will be the year I nuke several of my largest, highest interest rate student loans.

>> No.12861926

34 in debts
26 in assets
two years ago it was 26 and 0

>> No.12861942

How dumb are you? Why do you have snow mobiles and a 20k truck when you have 70k in loans? Fucking idiot

>> No.12861954

>net worth
30k stocks
5k crypto
10k various other stuff

>> No.12861969

Ty mommy and daddy :)

>> No.12862054

>1 Bus that does line runs.
I’ve never heard of this type of thing. Do you care to elaborate? How does this work?

>> No.12862121
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the truck is for work. Not workable without it.

The snowmobiles were all inherited. and they're worth less than 3K.

>fucking idiot

lol k

you need to get a grip at some point. Yeah, debt is terrible. But if you're currently enacting on it and following through, and most of your debt is non-consumer and paying itself back (truck, house, student loans) at an appreciable rate (note that >>12861893 i started 2018 way more in the hole and have crawled significantly out of it despite said poor financial decisions).

I'm not that worried about it because I'm headed in the right direction, and I'm still enjoying my life like crazy rn. Seems like the best course of action to me.

>> No.12862132

I'm worth 45k and 25 years old. Definitely don't need parents' money to have that net worth at that age.

>> No.12862137
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>net worth
$5000~ after I pay $5000 in bedts
1 car, a dirtbike, some domains, and some tools

>> No.12862145

I find that hard to believe, I was making 90k a year and saved about 30k in one year. so unless you're making a really good salary, that's pretty difficult to do. last year I was making 50k and I was living paycheck to paycheck, I didn't save shit.

>> No.12862313

What do you spend all your money on?

>> No.12862374


>> No.12862454

car and college and being unemployed. shit goes quick senpai

>> No.12862555


>> No.12862587

I'd double up my debt for a good wife. I'm a lonely man. Be thankful.

>> No.12862649

>net worth


Self Employed/eCommerce

Succesfull eCommerce business
$50,000 worth of Jordan’s
$15,000 of crypto
$2,500 cash

trying to launch another product in a week or so.

>> No.12862689

You don't list the place you rent as an asset. It's a liability because you have to pay for it you mong.

>> No.12862758
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Curious, what field of engineering?

>> No.12862851

>net worth


investment research

around $100k in cash/money markets
$450k in stocks
$350k in home equity

>> No.12863013

he means he rents it to other people

>> No.12863719

Yeah pretty much. Gonna be starting a job I got through nepotism in a couple months, planning on doing some traveling first though

>> No.12863725

>net worth
mechanical engineer
house with $100k equity and $317k left on mortgage
$80k cash
rest is in stocks

Honestly, I am to the point of running out of crap to buy around the house. Me and the wife are too damn cheap to buy anything. My goal now is to just invest everything and retire early. I enjoy my weekends doing nothing and look forward to doing it full time.

>> No.12863939

Question, what comes first, the networth figure or the topkek business plan?

>> No.12864277

Networth: ~150k
Age: 30
Assets: Land/Bitcoin/ADA

>> No.12864913
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Hi satan

>net worth
Around $25k. Soon to be zeroed since I'm helping parents buy a house.

>> No.12865198

>net worth
$210k CAD


working towards dental degree

living with parents

>> No.12865328

nice try satan but no

>> No.12865348

think again whether it's really worth it

>> No.12865470

A wife who goes apeshit on the credit card is not a good wife. She needs beatings and corrective rape, stat.
Checked, and kinda looks like (((Lacey Chabery))).