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File: 2.16 MB, 1442x5000, wagecuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12854789 No.12854789 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you waking up at 4:30 am, anon?

you want to be successful, don't you?

>> No.12854798

To be honest, danes are based af

t. fjellape

>> No.12854812


>> No.12854818

I’ll rather not if it means I must be that fucking cringey.

>> No.12854819

No, just rich.

>> No.12854826

Lets be honest, Every night when he goes to bed he prays that he won’t wake tomorrow.

>> No.12854831

>Doing up both buttons on a 2 button suit!

>> No.12854842

because im a lazy ass nigga?
>Be me
>get rich from 2017 bull run
>about 300k
>learn some basic trading
>trade on margin, usually wrong with my entry
>account size too big to be liquidated
>wait a few weeks
>trade is now in profit
>make 3k every month

.....do I need to make more? Nope.

>> No.12854862

>drinks coffee
hoy boy

>> No.12854869
File: 75 KB, 725x777, 1550506389282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking goyim
proud slaves

>> No.12854879
File: 768 KB, 1920x1080, 3003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, office work. What every man was born for. What excitement. What adventure.

>> No.12854892

cringiest thing I've ever read

I wake up early like that, kiss the wife forehead, check on kids, turn the coffee on, most white men do this

But then he broke into the 24 computer screen Alexa bullshit, woww

>> No.12854895

Not getting enough sleep is bad for your health

>> No.12854919

>I wake up

Ah yes, insomnia is alpha as fuck.

>> No.12854924


>> No.12855013

100% he pays jamal to pound "his" wife

>> No.12855027

what a monster

>> No.12855032

Nobody believes you. Don't worry, I will not stop you from letting your imagination run wild. Larper

>> No.12855043

In my experience, every person wearing a suit to a work is likely to be stressed-out, sociopathic and on the fucking edge. Social media poetry is completely divorced from that.

>> No.12855050

guys like this will buy my linkies for 500$, so i hope he keeps doing what he is doing.

>> No.12855102

Jokes on you. I'm always awake at 4 am because I get out of bed at 6 pm

>> No.12855105


>> No.12855118

What's with the boomers obsession with waking up really really early? It's like they have a competition of who wakes up the earliest..

>> No.12855129

Wakie wakie wagie

>> No.12855132

But he's a 35yo burnt out doomer.

>> No.12855148

Because they don't realise waking up early =/= success.

I'm planning a psy-ops where I convince these 'no days off' niggers that shitting the bed is 'high powered' and 'ultra kinestheically optimal' for maximum 'internal bio-synergy'.

>> No.12855155

No way that guy is 35. I’m 35 and I literally look 15 years younger than him.

>> No.12855160

I wake up at 5:30 at uni. It gives you a really huge edge over all the lazy fucks who get up at 9

>> No.12855169

what a good slave

>> No.12855172
File: 37 KB, 171x255, wagecuck 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guys like this will buy my linkies for 500$, so i hope he keeps doing what he is doing.

"CNBC said it's safe to buy! The Next Ethereum!"

>> No.12855186

>what a good slave
Maybe you're just a lazy fuck?

All shit posting aside it really does seem like getting up early is one of the best indicators of general "success" (wealth, academics, decent social skills) and I'm only 20. I'm sure it gets more noticeable that only losers with nothing going on can afford to waste half the day sleeping with age

>> No.12855190

what a good slave

>> No.12855194

I believe this is called sadomasochism, anon, aka a love of pain

>> No.12855198

t. Loser

>> No.12855203

whatever kiddo, hope you'll grow out of your slave mentality one day

>> No.12855206

I wake up at 330am. Whats this lazy boomer faggot think of that?

>> No.12855211

I love how the ones that post this kind of bait are probably the most out of shapes mutts

>> No.12855214

holy shit you never button the lower suit button, his sleeves are too long and the shirt is a crime against humanity, black buttons? fuck

>> No.12855248

Notice the empty bedroom with the lights on in the background? Where's his "wife" whose still sleeping? Notice his facial expression? His double chin? His red face? I'm sure he's a success and not just pretends to be online.

>> No.12855266

>Up at 4:30
>Better write a poem and take a selfie
Is this 60 year old female-to-male?

>> No.12855280
File: 51 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190225-134248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but I do

>> No.12855297

in any advanced society faggots this huge would get the death penalty. jesus fucking christ. eighth grade girls would fucking cringe at that post

>> No.12855304

I used to wake up at 4:30 am everyday when I was on bail waiting to go to trial. Stressed out cunt.

>> No.12855310

what you did m8?

>> No.12855317

He’s a walking ulcer

>> No.12855318

That’s bullshit because we have not had a higher high in the market for over a year, you most certainly got liquidated on any type of leverage. And seeing you are an autistic faggot you probably did x100

>> No.12855322

Mind your own business

>> No.12855327
File: 23 KB, 320x320, 35F629B9-1AF1-462A-8D53-EB74CFAC203F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does he need 24 screens for?

>> No.12855353

Well I'm Chad so I don't need to fill my life with cope so I get up whenever

>> No.12855358
File: 2.07 MB, 3018x4225, >JUST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Notice the empty bedroom with the lights on in the background? Where's his "wife" whose still sleeping? Notice his facial expression? His double chin? His red face? I'm sure he's a success and not just pretends to be online.

>> No.12855386

I'm 36. trust me, getting up earlier and earlier as you get older is normal and not at all indicative of any beneficial personality trait.

>> No.12855423

I acually woke up 04 am today.

Never again!

>> No.12855429

People are just wired to be early bids or night owls. Only one of these groups are insufferable pricks about it though.

High IQ is linked to being a nigh owl btw. Look it up.

>> No.12855459

can confirm

t. owl

>> No.12855463

I have nothing going on in my life at all so I can't wait to go to sleep at like 7 p.m. after some drugs. Then I wake up at 4:30 a.m. Waking up early doesn't mean you're successful.

>> No.12855472

And still bald.

>> No.12855477
File: 490 KB, 640x905, hold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as a 35 year old neet i struggle greatly with the 24 hour day. only being able to sit in front of my computer for 16 hours before bed is too short, so i constantly flip my day. the only time i get up early is by chance.

>> No.12855491


This is unreal levels of wage cope

>> No.12855585

I woke at 13:00 the day BEFORE

>> No.12855618

Hehe what a wagie coping faggot. hope a nigger puts a clip into this faggot trying to rob him.

>> No.12855673

They would also cringe at your dick.

>> No.12855691

Wagecuck free verse. What a sickening existence.

>> No.12855724

thats a hotel anon

>> No.12855730

He looks so happy.
Maybe writing a cope blog will help, boomer faggot.
Enjoy your coffee bucko lmao.

>> No.12855736

>t. hairlet manlet

>> No.12855741

300k is rich now?

>> No.12856237

I'm not a NEET so our situations are very different.

I get up at 6:55AM without fail now alarm or not whether I need to get up or not.

>> No.12856359

People aren't wired one way or the other. You just develop habits and fuck up your circadian rhythm over time.
t. used to think I'm a night owl for years, reset my sleep schedule to wake up at 4-5am and felt the same.

>> No.12856445

Wagie here, I get up at 430 so I can relax and play vidya for an hour before work.

Am I gonna make it?

>> No.12856452
File: 19 KB, 1280x720, am2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waking up and going to the gym at 4:30 am when its pitch black outside and no one else is up really is one of the comfiest things i cant explain it. The smell of coffee, the darkness, the empty streets etc.

>> No.12856667

hitler went to bed at 4am and woke up at 2pm and almost conquered the world

>> No.12856715


>> No.12856727


300 actors were dyel, gtfo

>> No.12856773

my favorite part was this
>four screen auto-load into various local and global new fees - reminding me that there is a much greater world out there.
kek. when was the last time this guy was outside or did something besides rush to his office, then back home? course there a much greater world out there. for fucks sake, it's for living in. this guy is a zombie...he's not productive, he's just filled his time up with a bunch of shit. his whole life is a rush, from on thing to the next. it's not something to be envied.

>> No.12856817

tfw based owl, psychologist confirmed IQ 151, forever alone

>> No.12856830

So, he works from home with 0 hours commute. Lucky him!

>> No.12856855

This guy thinks he's Tony Stark. This whole thing reads like a greentext shitpost.

>> No.12856866

> Early to bed, early to rise
> Makes a man rich and wise

>> No.12856872

Don't you know what a hotel looks like?

>> No.12856877

Because I'm gay and need gay rest from butt sex

>> No.12856906

He could have slept in ten more minutes if he didn’t take the time to type out this faggy self back-pat of a post

>> No.12856910

If you're over 25 and still on 4chan you're a fucking failure. No way around it.

>> No.12856922

His hair fell off. Waking up at night is unatural and dissrupts the natural circadian rythms causing stress. Strees worsens the gene induced hair loss.

He dun goofed if you want my opinion.

>> No.12856927

I’m 47. And I don’t care what some faggot zoomer thinks.

>> No.12856962

it's ironic because your shallow world view of working makes you the slave, I'm sure you're so happy and free living your worthless existence where you contribute nothing to anything. a shallow husk of a man and human being.

>> No.12856974

So he just gives up all info about his work, contacts and clients to an AI hooked to the Amazon servers 24/7 just so he can have his useless 24 screens flickering when he comes into the office. Boomerism taken to the next level

>> No.12856999

He looks in his late 40s / early 50s at least. Grey hair already.

>> No.12857021

Why? If lectures don't start till past 9, and each student does the same amount of hours of work anyway, (such as working later if need be), exactly what "edge" does this give you? It's just boomer talk.

>> No.12857022


>> No.12857061

>Oh yes let me just give detailed information about my work, clients, contacts, family and daily life to an AI that is directly connected to Amazon servers 24/7 so I can have these 24 useless screens light up upon my arrival into the office which makes me feel like im in those sci-fi movies, what could go wrong ha ha

>> No.12857154

Starting Strength fitizen detected

>> No.12857162

Been tempted to start doing this, gyms too crowded when I get off work at 4pm

>> No.12857227

is this the IRL pink wojak?

>> No.12857392

Taking mirror selfies in a hotel room at that age because you feel so cool in your suit that you apparently don't need to wear because you work from home. Yep, must be a retarded, cringe boomer

>> No.12857425

Gay as hell

>> No.12857433



>> No.12857434

if you can make more, do it

you never know what might happen anon

>> No.12857475

brown shoes with a lounge suit; let me guess, he's american....

>> No.12857486

what do you want? burgundy?

>> No.12857508

>post cringy mirror selfie on social media

>> No.12857538

Yep, that’s a “based” from me

>> No.12857582

>shallow world view of working
“work is deep” t. slave

>makes you the slave
when your opponent resorts to NO U it always mean you struck a nerve

>where you contribute nothing to anything
fuck you, pinko

>shallow husk of a man and human being
“work is the essence of humanity” t. slave


>> No.12857618

>two buttons buttoned down.

>> No.12857655
File: 215 KB, 800x1200, 2a7a8da058a2c9b7e9d026a4dfb0c514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i used to wake up early around 4:30 to 5AM to catch the early train of the day to NYC. Here are the advantages I found.

>4:30 AM
I'm up, groggy but I have to go to school.

>4:35 AM
Welp, I am the first person to use the bathroom/shower.
I get to use all the hot water before my boomer parents wake up at 7-7:30AM

>5 AM
Make some delish breakfast
Get dressed.
Gather up and examine school work.

I leave the house with all my work.
Light traffic.
Takes 10min instead of 25min to get to the train station.

>5:35 AM
Great Parking.
Listen to some talk radio. Opie and Anthony at the time.

>6:10 AM
Train is always on schedule.
Quiet and can find great seats.
Very few spooks and spics if any at all.
[[Sometimes I would take the 6:40 train or 7:10 Train.Those were still good timeframes to take a train to NYC.]]

I am now in the city.
Not too many people walking around.
I take in NYC, it's really magnificent.
Browse a bookstore.
Grab donut or bagel.

>7 AM
Building opens up

>7:30 AM
I start walking my way toward school.
I personally waltz in around this time or 8-8:30AM
I talk with some other classmates about LUE(Life. Universe. Everything.)
We all sit quietly and do some extra studying reading. Some play games/browse internet.

>8:50 AM
Class begins
Lazyass boomer college professor arrives at 9:30AM
Makes George Bush jokes. Pleas for students to vote for Obama.

Damn I miss those days.

>> No.12857663

I usually don't care about this but I don't personally do it. However, this suit looks so shit and worn out it looks terrible buttoned for some reason.

>> No.12857670
File: 6 KB, 320x240, 49BC1CC5-39B2-4034-A5E1-8188FCE61252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like IRL this guy

>> No.12857673


>>getting up early is one of the best indicators of general "success"

actually low-skill and manual labour wagecucks often get up the earliest - for example a lot of low skilled NHS workers work horrible shifts like 6am - 4pm for real shitty pay, builders are often on site before 7:30, same for office cleaners etc.

compare that to people that own their own business that can go by their own time.

>>I'm only 20.

yeah no shit we can tell. get some real world experience and stop watching '6 simple things billionaires do' hustle porn on youtube.

>> No.12857684

>I get to use all the hot water

>living in a house where the hot water can run out

Sounds very 3rd world.

>> No.12857687

He looks like he hates himself and the life he locked himself in. That fucking pressure on the face and its only morning.

>> No.12857702

I work my face off every day. Many people have told me that my output is freakish and I am the hardest working person they know. But I am very clear to myself and everyone that my goal from day 1 has been to retire decades before everyone else. Work is nothing. We largely do it because we are forced to. When I retire I will get to focus on things I actually care about and I'll probably be more helpful at that point than I ever was while I was working.

>> No.12857714

He's just frustrated because he was on his 86th shot, he couldn't get the right pic.

>> No.12857723

Big if jew

>> No.12857732

can't believe anyone would glorify the dude in OPs screenshot. he looks like he's going to cry and have a heart attack at any moment. it's a shitty life and he's deluded himself because we're all forced into this and why take a terrible attitude towards it?

>> No.12857745

So if you're 25...are you ok? So when I hit 26 then I am a loser? Right?

>> No.12857804

You can tell he has early onset dementia. We all need to sleep 8 hours, folks, don't be misled by this bullshit.

>> No.12857821

See you for the next 10 years faggot
>If you are under 25 and in 4chanz you are an absolute failure with no social life in the prime of your life

>> No.12857840

I used to think like this but I got away from it. When I learned more about the world I learned that it's not one I want to contribute to. I still work full time but it kills me to think of what my tax money is going to.

>> No.12857869

And how different is this to working late, exactly?

>> No.12857919

I use to have to wake up at 3:30AM to set up the breakfast buffet at a hotel and get that ready for opening time at 6AM so I can serve coffee (not too hot and not too cold xD) to rich people.

Never again. Fuck this advice.

>> No.12857937

Fuckin based.

Neets eternally BTFOed

>> No.12857951

nah, I dont show my dick to eight graders you stupid faggot

>> No.12858109
File: 59 KB, 640x448, 7d60733a60aa5e460a23c032afc7319a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work late too. Night driving is extremely comfy. No douchebags. Don't need to rush to work. It's nice.

>> No.12858162

thats what a hotel looks like incel link holder

>> No.12858183

>Why aren't you waking up at 4:30 am, anon?
only happens when i fall asleep around 9 but that is rare.

>> No.12858184

what company is this guy with so i know to never deal with it?

>> No.12858192

It’s in the picture

>> No.12858219

he would have conquered it completely if he went to bed early and woke up early

>> No.12858262

for maximum productivity and success, I wake up before I even go to bed

>> No.12858400

Holy fuck

>> No.12858422

Do you ever get those late night traffic lights that stay red forever? Those suck.

>> No.12858428

Why would i wake up at 4:30? I'm not a farmer.

>> No.12858815


Just take care to not lose your soul and body along the way.

I frequently dream about early retirement in order for me to have full focus on music making. However, each passing year my desire for music making is decreasing and if I would postpone any music making activity until after I'm in a "early retirement" state, I'm pretty sure I would never make music again in my life.

>> No.12858836

sounds comfy

>> No.12858842

Also, this waking up early is mostly bullshit and it's a correlation != causation scenario. I think the real life hack underneath that stupid advice is to avoid distractions and time blockers.

>> No.12858856
File: 4 KB, 128x157, sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pure unadulterated cope. He must feel incredibly insecure to put that much value in his ability to wake up an hour earlier than most people and write that much bullshit about it. Just look at his fucking face. That is not the face of a confident man.

>> No.12858924

>I frequently dream about early retirement in order for me to have full focus on music making. However, each passing year my desire for music making is decreasing and if I would postpone any music making activity until after I'm in a "early retirement" state, I'm pretty sure I would never make music again in my life.

don't give up on your dreams man. you'll wake up one day at 60 yrs old regretting that you never pursued them. also what do you write? making a living from music is achievable don't give up hope.

>> No.12858951

nor a healthy man, probably has temper issues and high blood pressure.

>> No.12859077

>Makes George Bush jokes. Pleas for students to vote for Obama.
man and i had to listen to trump jokes and literally watch john oliver segments at fucking uni

>> No.12859103

>it's another zoomer that thinks he'll magically disappear from the internet when he turns 25
You're in for a painful surprise.

>> No.12859146

Senpai this cherry fool looks like a Happy Meal toy.

>> No.12859159

I would disagree with you if he wasnt an old bald chubbyfat boomer who is trying way too hard. A man his age taking a selfie like that/writing that post is just sad

>> No.12859163
File: 40 KB, 434x393, 1546606352507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, though I do it less because of how comfy but more because how fucking full it gets at any other hour starting 6AM

>> No.12859192

I wouldn't have made that assumption about him if he didn't accompany it with a picture that screams "PLEASE TELL ME I'M GOOD ENOUGH".

>> No.12859291


I still play music mind you. I play in a progressive rock band and we're about to release our first album. However, this is more a hobby for me and the other folks in the band. I work as a software developer as a day job.

And I disagree with your statement about making a living from music being achievable. It's getting more and more difficult to have a regular band that plays live because:
- There's less and less interest from people in listening things outside the mainstream stuff, which reflects in ever decreasing people going to gigs or festivals in more alternative genres (e.g. metal, indie, etc.);
- It's way cheaper for bars and stuff to just hire DJs to play some shitty mainstream music in order to sell drinks and stuff in order to make money. Not to mention that the necessary gear in order to accomodate DJs is way cheaper than if you want to accomodate a rock band or something. Also, there's less and less people going to bars so this money making objective is even more important. Business wise it's a rational choice but regretably fucks music;
- Related to the previous point, the worldwide real estate bubble is also fucking up bars with live shows, due to the hike in rents, and there's less and less places to play live (it's being especially problematic for me);
- To have "success" as a musician you need to network (and have connections) and to be a social media manager nowadays. This networking aspect was always there but I have a feeling that things are just getting worse and worse with respect to this;
- Even at a hobby level, it's an expensive endeavour in both time and money and less and less people give a fuck about it;

>> No.12859300

Why do we work?

To have nice things and afford to enjoy life. So when this guy is in his death bed he will wish he worked less and spent more come enjoying the things he already had with the people he loved.

Oh also people who get less than 8 hours of sleep a night die earlier than people that sleep a lot.

>> No.12859340

He's Chief Tech Officer so he had to add some cringy boomer tech in there

>> No.12859469


>> No.12859486

>brown shoes with a suit
>2 buttons done up
>that shirt
>wakes up at 4:30 to read the news on his 24 unnecessary screens and to drink coffee just because
The amount of cope in that picture is breathtaking.
He doesn't even have a proper reason, what the fuck? I get up at 5 because I don't have time in the evenings to go to the gym and most of my clients are in Australia so I can get in touch with them from the office. I don't particularly enjoy or hate it, it just works for my situation.
Why the fuck does that retard need 24 screens? Is he gambling with shitcoins or "daytrading"?

>> No.12859554

Who else wakes up at 4:30 to wack it and lift weights

>> No.12859655


>> No.12859666

Can anyone get a screencap of the comments? There must be some gems in there. I'd try myself, but I don't even know which platform this is.

>> No.12859683
File: 6 KB, 73x228, 1523445557992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wake up when I please, 2 am, 2pm who cares, and I do what I please all day. I can't imagine having to live any other way

>> No.12859924

Ahh what could have been

>> No.12859939



>> No.12859991

>I don't even know which platform this is.


>> No.12860651

I haven't signed in to LinkedIn since 2014. I guess I'll stay logged out, and pass on seeing all of the Indians commenting with employment requests.

>> No.12860681

this, kek

>> No.12860682

Haha. I thought this too once, before 4chan even existed.

>> No.12860757


Oh man, LinkedIn was tolerable in 2014. But since two years ago it just turned cancerous with a shitload of posts like the one in OP.

>> No.12860779

So, it's like some bizzaro "please validate me" Instagram analog for dudes now? I was a recruiter, so I just used it find engineers and low-key troll all the faggy motivational posts big companies made.

>> No.12860849

>So, it's like some bizzaro "please validate me" Instagram analog for dudes now?

I couldn't have described it in a better way. And you see these posts for every situation, when starting or leaving a job, when doing a presentation or going to a conference, etc.

>> No.12860925

That's because you don't tire the body and mind properly, obviously, you know that too. Drug yourself on a thight schedule or do something other than sitting in front of a PC.

>> No.12861016

>I haven't signed in to LinkedIn since 2014.

kek i'm pretty sure i talked with you about this in a different thread about 2 weeks ago

>So, it's like some bizzaro "please validate me" Instagram analog for dudes now?

yeah pretty much, but especially so for boomers and the most pathetic of wagecucks.

>> No.12861034

I unironically want to start waking up at 430/5am but I am always struggling to go to fall asleep. Any tips on how to get to sleep earlier? I'm usually just laying there with my eyes closed for hours without being tired

>> No.12862115

you have to just force yourself to wake up for a few days in a row
t. 21
5:45 AM

>> No.12862134

Melatonin. Dark rooms without blue light starting a couple hours before bed. Blue light filters on phone and computer screens.

>> No.12862159
File: 30 KB, 500x328, NBCs_The_More_You_Know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he'll die before he sees retirement, like my aunt. she was a proud wagie type, just like him. her stress gave her stage 4 cancer.

>> No.12862194

Can I get rich going to sleep at 5am instead?

>> No.12862209
File: 114 KB, 475x536, Jocko-willink-transcript-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12862310

fuck this pussy. i never sleep. ever.

>> No.12862323

I wake up at 4:40 am
is it too late to turn my life around or am i fucked

>> No.12862349


Totally agree. 5am workout is very comforting, hard to explain. It's like after that everything else in the day is just a downhill cruise.

>> No.12862387

Jesus christ that is a cringe post please kill me if i ever even approach anything near that.

>> No.12862448

Boomers really are cringey.

>> No.12862997

What for? Everything is fucking closed - you can't do shit.

>> No.12863004
File: 1003 KB, 883x797, popebadger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stay up late, wake up at 9 AM, roll into the office at 10ish, wear whatever the fuck I want (I make a point to wear collared, fitted shirts, nice jeans/slacks, nice shoes, etc). Or, I could stay home and work remote everyday. Software development is comfy - I get to build shit and earn a small fortune doing it.

This fucking reject is glorifying a losing strategy - a shitty, white-collared, corporate drone gig that he thinks he'll love, excel at, and advance in if he's just "passionate" enough about it, or if he just puts in enough hours. That's not a recipe for success, that's a formula for burnout and disappointment. I'd wager his job will be just another casualty of automation over the next decade as higher wage earners continue to work smarter, but not necessarily harder

>> No.12863008

4:30 is late for me and i only make 70k

>> No.12863269

This. Success begins with getting enough sleep.

>> No.12863836

I'd wake up at 430am if the pay was extremely good and I still got off by 5pm

>> No.12863967

Exercise and cut down on the caffeine jew

>> No.12864535

So much easier to focus in daytime

>> No.12864544

i wonder how many times this guy got a blowjob from some faggot in a public bathroom on his way to work that early.

that suit is too small/tight on him

>> No.12864718

boomer genocide when

>> No.12864726

Peak wagecuck

>> No.12864791

Go to bed at 4AM and wake up at 4PM to the smell of fresh weed and pizza

>> No.12865239

I go to bed at 3am at uni. It gives you a really huge edge over all the lazy fucks who go to bed at 12am

>> No.12865256

Can't take this selfie fag serious at all.

>> No.12865265
File: 169 KB, 1420x1188, 1550235855547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every person wearing a suit to a work is likely to be stressed-out, sociopathic and on the fucking edge

sad, but probably true

>> No.12865831

>early to bed, early to rise
>makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise