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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 105 KB, 640x480, federal-reserve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1285524 No.1285524 [Reply] [Original]

Why are they constantly putting out excuses to not raise interest rates? Do they know it will pop the debt bubble? Are they waiting for the election?

>> No.1285536
File: 816 B, 150x150, echo4fox-gsniper-qrcode-SMALL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

War is coming brother. Just those who don't have money won't be told that. Too bad for you bro.

>> No.1285556

Most publicly released reports are padded to paint the best possible picture they can because confidence in the system is more important than actual numbers.

In reality the US economy is doing terribly and not ready for a rate hike, that's why.

>> No.1285575
File: 93 KB, 1200x800, 2234234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are they waiting for the election?
Yep, pretty much

>> No.1285578

>he doesn't understand basic economics

>> No.1286650

Sometimes I wonder if bankers are actually threatening the fed to tank the economy if they din't get rates they like

>> No.1286656
File: 42 KB, 808x446, Fed Rates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still actively learning about this stuff
Can anyone offer a theory as to why we haven't seen catastrophic hyperinflation? Look at this nonsense

>> No.1286670

It's gotta be more of a mutual thing.

>"we'll keep buying your shit-rate treasuries if you keep giving us free money"

>> No.1287265



On US soil

>> No.1287277

Because people aren't doing well for an interest rate hike to be beneficial. Interest rates are great when people can afford them when they can't it further serves as a reason to not participate in the economy. Thats about all I know, I don't know any of the real hard math behind this.

>> No.1287405


I don't know but if they raise the interest rate (on money) then it will cost banks more to borrow printed money and cost you and me more to get a loan.

Besides that, it will drive up the APY on CDs and Bonds from local banks and the government since all lenders ( you are a lender of money when you buy a CD or Bond) can profit from a higher interest rate.

I think if they drive up the rates, then foreign countries will want to buy a lot of bonds, which will put the US in debt to those countries.

Also government bonds become a safer place for money when the rate is hiked up.

Maybe they don't raise it because they don't need people to invest via bonds ( take out loans from the people ) because they are taxing the shit out of them.

Also maybe they don't want the middle class to be able to buy higher interest bearing bonds and CDs so that they have a good nest egg.

Maybe they want people to take out cheap loans and get into massive debt so that when they do raise the rates, the middle class won't have enough money to buy stocks and bonds due to living in debt.

Maybe, just maybe, they are an elite group of Jews that are squeezing the middle class out of existence.

>> No.1287419

>Election ends
>raise interest rates and economy collapse
>blame it on new president.