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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12852274 No.12852274 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12852298


just lie

>> No.12852309

literally this.

>> No.12852312

don't they check if it is true?

>> No.12852327

larp as a black guy when you apply or start your own LLC with a friend as the CEO. after a few years you will have a few years of experience at said LLC. better know what youre doing or they will find out quickly. or connections, which is the safest bet

>> No.12852332

that would cost money or time and would require competent people, and no HR department has any of these unless they are established and important business (which you wouldnt be shooting for with no experience anyways)
just fucking lie, if they catch you and try to fire you just sue them for something
fuck these boomer faggots requiring 5 years of experience for entry level garbage, they are trying to fuck you so give them the dick right back

>> No.12852340

thats cool advice plus I will laugh my ass off if I get the job

>> No.12852954

Lying is a trick of the trade my friend and if you’re good at it you’ll go fucking far
Start getting good

>> No.12852961

Good ol boys network.

>> No.12853021

you accept an internship and work for free, you lazy spoiled millenial

>> No.12853255

Just lie about your experience if it's a job anyone can do.

>> No.12853938

You get paid in xp

>> No.12854519


Companies are run by sociopaths.

Play by their rules.


Thats what i did. I was a neet for 5 years. I filled in the gap on my CV by saying i was a data analyst for 5 years. All they did was email the company asking to confirm my employment duration and position.

>> No.12854526

The secret is to kill yourself

>> No.12855191

pretty good
larping as a former ex-start-up worker or freelancer (any untraceable shit) can work

>> No.12855587


>> No.12855749

Embellish the fuck out of your resume, stretch it hard, but stay in the realm of reasonability
For example I had a shit throw away job which had a bunch of computers there. Said I helped a bunch of customers with them and they took that as "time in the field" for the length of the job

>> No.12856444

this is accurate. Also on forms claim to be black or non-gendered because places have to hire a certain number of non-whites and non-men but they can’t legally question your ethnicity or gender. I have been claiming to be non-white on applications since 2013 when I learned about affirmative action and the systemic racism toward whites. Works like a charm. You can’t imagine how easy it is to be a black applicant until you try it

>> No.12856459

good ol boys network is a racist myth that died during the boomer era, if it ever existed at all. It’s illegal to have a white male network now. The only “good ol boys networks” that exist are jewish and they will not be accepting your dumb goy ass

>> No.12856623


>> No.12856651
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beg to intern for free
>bring kneepads

>> No.12857323

> he thinks the boomer era is over
>doesn't realize he's living in the golden age of the boomer

>> No.12857346

internships. It's a boomer scheme to get free slave labor out of millenials and zoomers but it's pretty much the only way to get an entry level job these days

>> No.12857516

So basically the real price of labor is $0.00 an hour?

>> No.12857539

I thought slavery was illegal

>> No.12857545

slaves had to be housed and fed. unpaid interns not even that

>> No.12857578

My cousin couldnt get an imternship for espn because he was overqualified
They wouldnt hire him because he hadnt gotten any experience as an intern

>> No.12857644

You have to work for free some years.
Thaf is basicaly it.

>> No.12857656

glorious, you even have to pay transportation to be treated like shit by people who do shitty jobs that anyone can learn in 1 week at best because "you need 5 years experience dude hehe"

>> No.12857942

Lie or do a "free" internship for a biz owner in your town, become friends and then ask him to allow you to use him and his influential friends as a reference

>> No.12858082


>> No.12858582

>CTO at stealth startup
Badda bing badda boom