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12846484 No.12846484 [Reply] [Original]

The crypto market is completely rigged.

You can’t deny it at this point

>> No.12846499
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hold me fren

>> No.12846501

Every market is rigged. Thats what happens when you turn arbitrary value into a casino game

>> No.12846614

Every market is rigged yes. But some markets are more rigged than others. Bioshock predicted it right: in an environment with pure freedom, the assholes soon take over.

>> No.12846622

Rand's "philosophy" is total garbage desu

>> No.12846629

>Bioshock predicted it right
you fucking zoomer, they didn't predict anything, this has been the case with humans since they first appeared on Earth. Hell, even before that, even animals behave this way.

>> No.12846636

a man chooses
a slave obeys

>> No.12846646

>major resistance level
anybody with a brain would have either waited or shorted here.
But hey, market makers make their money off of morons.

>> No.12846649

how is it 'rigged'?
what do you want to do, prevent people from being able to sell? someone holds big bags and has all the rights to sell if he wants to, you think warren buffet cannot dump his boomer stocks if he wanted to?

>hurr durr manipulation
>hurrr big bad whales keepin' da little man down

>> No.12846653

And yet people still thought an unregulated currency market was a brilliant idea with no downsides.

You cant explain that, boomer.

>> No.12846666

yes it's a great idea, if you don't like it go trade your boomer stocks. it's always pussies crying about muh manipulation, gtfo if you don't like it, did someone steal your coins? no? then what are you bitching about.
5% dali gains good but 5% daily loss bad? fucking npc

>> No.12846677

>Stock market
>Pure freedom

>> No.12846678

No shit. Tether introduced liquity and killed the markets forever.

Tether and other centralized coins are not a cryptocurrency.

>> No.12846686

You're such a fag and a bitch. Imagine getting rekt so you cry like a little snitch for more rules.

>> No.12846688

It’s “rigged” with the use of tactics long outlawed (or at least heavily restricted) in traditional markets, for good reason. Yes the markets are still full of shitty practices, despite this. But in a totally uncontrolled environment, Tether anf other shitty stablecoins rise from the scum, a bunch of fake money supported by the hopes and dreams of a million degenerate gamblers, used as the lynchpin to milk the suckers dry.

>> No.12846689
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>just noticing how "stable coins" killed cryptocurrency
Tether should not be listed as crypto.

>> No.12846698

If you have 5% daily gains and 5% daily losses every other day, you’ll soon the broke. Do the math.

>> No.12846699

This. Tether and other "stablecoins" are not cryptocurrency.

It is literally PayPal dependent on 3rd-party banks.

>> No.12846727

It’s like the stock market allowing shady ass chinks to trade with home printed monopoly money against normies with real cash. And worked out about just as well.

>> No.12846746
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Yeah once they realized "stablecoins" don't move they stopped mining and started pump trading using tether as their strapon dildo to fuck the entire crypto scene.

>> No.12846755

and why are you so obsessed with trying to fix it? if you don't like it why not stick to the boomer stocks? why does it bother you so much if we have just one unregulated market? there is like hundreds of regulated ones, why is everyone such a bitch pusyy nowadays?

yeah, you're right, anyway my point was about people bitching only when they get rekt, then it's "manipulation"

Everyone should be allowed to market buy or market sell as much as they want to.

>> No.12846808

>goes up
Muh bull run
>goes down
This is rigged reeee
Never change you faggot autists

>> No.12846842

Im not here to fix anything boyo, I’m just making an observation based on what OP said.

>> No.12846845


>> No.12846859

you still haven't explained how exactly anything is "rigged" here.

>> No.12846877

markets are rigged by the exchanged, not by other traders. exchanges that exist to take money from their users, not enrich them.
with zero regulation they're free to, and have been known to, sell trade order data to the highest bidder before executing them. you basically have a dealer at the poker table selling a peek at your cards to the rich guy at the table.
>why does it bother you so much if we have just one unregulated market?
because people are under the illusion that it's a fair game and it they lose money it's their own fault. while it's functionally no better than a slot machine that gives the occasional pay out to string gamblers along for as long as possible.

>> No.12846888

cant rig a decentralized unregulated market

>> No.12846907

>be me
>know that it's rigged
>understand how it works
>sell it last night

>> No.12847014

>sell trade order data to the highest bidder before executing them
yeah, and evil tether "printing money"

>because people are under the illusion that it's a fair game and it they lose money it's their own fault.
of course it's their own fault mr whiteknight, the average pleb will lose money regardless if he trades crypto stocks or any other bullshit

>> No.12847070


I used to be a huge rand fan. I actually read Atlas Shrugged twice (including the 300 pages of Gaults' garbage ass manifesto) and the Fountain Head a couple times too.

Then I read some real rigorous philosophy and realized how much of a dumb fucking idea Objectivism was. She was such a proponent of personal freedom that she made you smoke cigarettes at her parties to "ignite the fire's of the mind" or some shit like that. Ironic eh?

Her entire philosophy is predicated upon "Every man is an island, except when they can exploit other people". No wonder republicans and conservatives are miserable. They actually believe this shit.

> blogpost

>> No.12847167

so you've given up on claiming that the market isn't rigged and just saying that it doesn't matter if it is rigged?

>> No.12847202

you don't have any proofs just accusations like evrery beta loser out there. Exchanges that serve us customers are subject to NY bit license or whatever it is so they aren't unregulated wild west as you think, and no one forces you to use bitmex or binance.

You have 0 proofs

>> No.12847266 [DELETED] 

Markets aren't fair, markets aren't a game, it can be fun and it can also be hell. Markets are financial warfare. It is deadserious, the only fun there is is when you're winning. The only pain there is is when you're losing.

Don't like rigged markets? Sucks, cause that's how life is in general. It is rigged against you. Complaining about it won't really get you anywhere though.
>Can't beat them? Join them.

Whilst you're complaining about it being rigged you probably sold to someone who frustrated from emotions killed themselves after seeing their money evaporate. It's rigged down? Then it's also rigged upwards. But nobody complains about a rigged market going up. You're not better than them, but likely not worse either.

>> No.12847278
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Just buy ARK, LINK or Iexec

>> No.12847295

You’re right sir, we have no proof. Just like how the initial spikes during the mt gox era was only proven to be triggered by wash trading bots years after the fact. It’ll be a long time before anything can be proven, but here are the facts: the exponential increase in btc value coincided with the rise of Tether. Tether, bitmex and all the offshore exchanges with “no us citizens allowed” signs are all shady as fuck. The constant bart ups and bart downs are not signs of a healthy market. The highly leveraged bitmex casino system encourages fools to lose their money and provides a way to profit quickly from a market if it was manipulated.

Personally, coinbase and other legit exchanges are the worst for me: they know full well the underlying asset is shady, and they profit from essentially saying “maybe it’s manipulated, but definitely not by me”.

In the end, you are free to spend your money as you please, and I am free to laugh at you if you spend it on stupid things.

>> No.12847325

this year or in 2020 major exchanges will be seized by the police and we'll go to 1k and below.

>> No.12847341

Insiders working on the tether case already warned us about this.

>> No.12847378

now you're just being naive. you probably think your used car salesman got you a great deal too.
you think a profit seeking business isn't going to take advantage of it's relative exemption from regulations? even with regulations people are caught breaking the rules on the regular.
not to mention the entire user base is basically anonymous. the exchange itself could be inflating it's own liquidity by running thousands of bots trading between each other and nothing could be done about it because it's a feature.

>> No.12847402

Yes it is nothing but a elaborate ponzi scheme.
But (((they))) are in on it now and will pump it again (((they))) just need enough time for all their (((frens))) to accumulate.
This is very good news for all of us late adopters to be given this chance of accumulation alongside (((them)))

>> No.12847426

You think BitMex is one of them? As far as I understand they comply to regulation. Not sure what they're supposed to be doing wrong.

>> No.12847430
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>> No.12847448

>BitMEX is world’s No1 margin trading platform for Bitcoin. In July 2018, believe it or not, the big broker firm reached 1,000,000 Bitcoin being traded on their platform on a single day. At a price level of round about 7000 USD that’s a total US Dollar value of about 7 billion. BitMEX is the only broker where Bitcoin can be traded with up to 100x leverage which is one of the most outstanding features of the Bitcoin broker.
>No US citizens allowed on the platform

Does this look legit to you, anon?

>> No.12847499

What does it matter if it looks legit to me? I'm heavily biased to say everything is manipulated without even understanding every aspect of the market or even understanding how they function. What regulations are they breaking? Their servers are in seychelles anyway. Only the name is dotcom and they don't let americans trade. All the other exchanges that got busted got busted by americans trading on it. So I'm not sure. You don't think Deutsche Bank is rigging markets and breaking regulations? What happens? They get a fine and that's it. No customer has to fear their accounts being seized. So what does it matter what I think about any of this?

>> No.12847505

Everything is Rigged OP
Open market operations
Dirty floats

Crypto is no where near the manipulation of Forex & the stock market.

Just cause some micro whale drops some BTC & the market follows...

>> No.12847538

It's got nothing to do with freedom, the crypto market is piss all which means it's very easy for actors from other markets to have a large impact with relatively small amounts of money
the only really offensive thing is ICOs and premines, but those are only a problem because stupid fucking retards like you guys keep buying into them

>> No.12847575

>What regulations are they breaking?
the issue isn't that they're breaking regulation, it's that the regulations aren't there in the first place. crypto exchanges aren't held to the same standard as conventional ones so they're free to do shit that others wouldn't get away with.

>> No.12847606

Objectively, conservative people are happy and far less miserable on average
Tbh you sound like a Bible thumper that just became an atheist like they've discovered some overlooked secret

>> No.12847618

how did you know? overbought RSI?

>> No.12847623
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>> No.12847653

so there's no law they are breaking, then they can't get penalized for it. The exchanges that did get busted broke American securities laws.

>> No.12847666

this, ESPECIALLY because of the trips

>> No.12847673

So take your coins off the exchange and stop tethering up back and forth like degenerate gamblers. Take the power away from people like the bitmex nig.

>> No.12847672

RSI doesn't mean shit when it comes to crypto, anon

>> No.12847693
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>The crypto market is completely rigged.
No. The truth of the matter is that 75% percent of crypto niggers do not know what the fuck they're doing. Every 5% pump means "HURRRRRR BULLRUN" when we're not even close to a bullrun yet. /biz/ has been told time and time again since last year that this market was doomed for a bear market but none of you stupid motherfuckers listened.

>> No.12847705

This is correct. All you gotta do is take a look at the retarded looking weekly chart for BTC and you'll see a big retarded fucking spike all the way up to the moon. Bullfags are really the worst.

>> No.12847738

could you explain why? when I look at that, I can see always a retracement as bots seem to be programmed to sell off. Additionally, isn't that how you spot divergences to warn of upcoming sell offs and buyer exhaustion? is there a better way to tell?

>> No.12847797

Look at the weekly chart from June '16 all the way to Dec. '17. RSI stays above 50 for 18 months. The point is that as many are aware it's an extremely new asset and as such hasn't really fit in yet in terms of normal cycles. Not to mention the lack of market liquidity that is the entirety of crypto.

>> No.12847823

Right I see what you're saying. On a weekly tf, it is not a good measure. How about something lower like 15 min, 5 min, or 1 hour? when looking at charts on those frames, I can see tops form when overbought. Surely bots are programmed to sell on overbought signals on lower time frames, no?

>> No.12847835
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Just dont listen to this >>12847672 stupid noob. In this bear market overbought rsi = dump.

>> No.12847850

thanks jews who figured out how to use Bitmex shorts and fake futures settled in USD

>> No.12847861

I personally have no idea about trading bots. I have no idea what the success rates are on those types of things. You are onto something when you're talking about signals for lower time frames, but trading on lower time frames is also risky in case you catch a big buy or sell. You can see "bart formations" for that. And also to touch on what I said last post is that crypto as an entirety has very low market liquidity. This is really what people mean when they say it's run by the whales and such. It's a big free for all out there in terms of where bitcoin will go when there's no big news out there.

>> No.12847869

>following any indicators at all in something as speculating as crypto
You'll go far

>> No.12847905
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The indicators i follow give me a >90% success rate fucking retard. Because you're shit pleb trader who has "no idea about the success rates of those types of things" (guess what cunt; there are people out there with proprietary statistical indicators out there) doesn't mean everybody is a brainlet like you

>> No.12847926

You're an annoying faggot. All you do is throw around ad-hominems, annoying faggot. I'm sure your little trading bot is >90% successful. If that's true, then it should also be true that you don't have a job right? Since you can just dump all your money into your trading bot which you believe in with your heart and soul, faggot. Kill yourself also. You are an example of the annoying runts that a large chunk of this board is.

>> No.12847928

it’s a free market. someone can make a “fair” exchange without front running and make a buck.

>> No.12847975

"dump all your money on a trading bot" how much does python cost you dumb cunt? what is quantitative analysis? Geezus just stfu when you obviously dont know what you're talking about. Not buying an overbought rsi in this bear market is common sense moron, especially when it dumped the previous times. And this is just a simple tip using a simple indicator like rsi. i use it in combination with prop statistical indicators while you sperg out about "following indicators meme". just kys.

>> No.12847989

>dumb cunt
Stopped reading there, faggot. Go play with your little bots in the crypto market. I truly hope you stick to it! lol

>> No.12847991

why would you when you can just send shills around to convince people that the exchanges are already fair. or even if it's not fair, "you" are smart enough to make a buck off every other loser the same message is sent to.

>> No.12848001

you're trying too hard noob....lol

>> No.12848010

I dont trade the crypto markets at the moment since it's a joke of a market with no liquidity. Much more money to be made in traditional markets. Only people getting rekt are ignorant plebs who have no idea about finance and go all in with their 1500$ life savings.

>> No.12848736

>chinks hold 90+% of the coin that is the basis for all other coins and is the basis of almost all coin trade
>this has been happening for years
This is the brainlet containment thread.

>> No.12848811
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If you didn't realize this during the pump to 20 fucking thousand dollars per bitcoin you're a retard and deserve to get liquidated.