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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12845373 No.12845373 [Reply] [Original]

Besides being a multimillionaire and being a 7/10 clean white male how else do i need to be successful to attract 9/10 girls or is it impossible if you are slightly autismo?

>> No.12845384

in my experience guys who rate their looks 7/10 are actually 4/10 at best, so good luck lol

>> No.12845387

hey anyone remember that christian dude that made a massive fundraiser for some african thing and then had a meltdown and ran around naked shouting at people ?

>> No.12845388

A big cock at least 7 inches

>> No.12845389

Women rated my looks 7 or 8 and i just mean in general.

>> No.12845390

Kony 2012?
He wasnt just shouting he was masturbating in public

>> No.12845395

Yes he made kony 2012. Nothing happened.

>> No.12845400

Cool im 8 inches long. 5 inches girth. Anything else i must have?

>> No.12845402

yeah that was the one, ah people sure are fucked up.

>> No.12845409

Im surprised no one has told me i need to be 6 feet+.

>> No.12845424

That should go without saying.

>> No.12845431

sure champ. Pro tip: date a fat girl it’s all you can do

>> No.12845435
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Oh yeah of course. Good thing im 10 feet tall without even trying. Was thinking if chopping off the legs below my knees to make me closer to the optimal 6 feet.

>> No.12845439

7 - 8 is the normie average

so your 4-5/10 on the psl scale

>> No.12845442

>white male

>> No.12845452

Why would i lie on the internet? I would attatch a pic but this is a worksafe board.

>> No.12845455

> Being anything else

>> No.12845460

Psl scale is out of 8, not 10

>> No.12845490

It's easy if you go for spics.

>> No.12845535
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Never going to make.

>> No.12845547

I'm only 5'9 How effective would i be at attracting hot women if I wore dressy boots with 2-3 inch heel inserts for added height?

>> No.12845554


>> No.12845559
File: 821 KB, 607x609, 1550699071923.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you think the girls you go out with will realize your actual height and yell rape when you take them home and take your boots off?

>> No.12845562

Just be yourself, anon.

>> No.12845563

all these average looking plebs thinking they'll make it, is delusional. You need to be at least 9 or 10 to make it.

>> No.12845572

I was thinking i would take them home for a sex and turn the bedroom lights off before getting my boots off then wait until the next morning and remove 1 inch from the heel inserts every day we have sex until zero inserts. Then i expect her to say something about me being shorter than she remembers and i just pretend like she's crazy and hope it works out for the best.

>> No.12845581

based and heelpilled

>> No.12845599


>> No.12845605


>> No.12845611

Based sex id

>> No.12845617

My wife's a 9/10 despite me being a 7/10 white and rarely showering and a nearly broke student in college with no job when I met her. Believe me or not it's fine. I made a shitload in crypto 2 years later anyway so she's pretty happy about it.

>> No.12845633

praise kek

>> No.12845654

Your wife is not 9/10

>> No.12845678


Lol, what a coincidence having spanish as mother tongue

>> No.12845689
File: 32 KB, 500x500, 1547949987695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is an ugly fuck incel that needs the internet to make feel better about himself.

>> No.12845701

Couldn't be more wrong. Maybe in the club, but in nearly all scenarios, an averaging looking dude who's well put together and is personable and even a little funny or charming stands a chance with almost any girl.

>> No.12845707
File: 776 KB, 699x955, amazon nee-san.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is to me

>> No.12845726

this guy knows whats up

>> No.12845734

Yeah, she pretty objectively is. Stay in denial though, it's fine. /biz/ has a hard time believing that lucky or fairly rare things happen to anybody.

>> No.12845746



> t.90s boomer

>> No.12845757

>white male, dark thick hair, square jaw
> 24 yo, graduated master in mech engineering, programmer
>solid 7/10, a lot of 4-5-6 /10 girls had crush on me thorough high school and uni but I never smashed them
>had a 8/10 looks and 9/10 character (6/10 sex thou) gf my age who I trusted. Suddenly when we grew up she became bitch when realized she's getting older and older and we still didn't achieve nothing. She got a shitton of attention from 30-35yo boomer guys who show her the best they got larping as chads, and she believes it. I've never been so disappointed. NEVER EVER TRUST A WOMAN. NEVER FELL FOR A LOVE MEME GUYS.

>$3k in crypto, $1k debt in fiat, actually I have no fiat in my wallet - that's all I have (also $1k car)
>no job or idea what to do next (probably programming)
>also 16cm cock, regular girth

Am I going to make it? I am a poorfag now, but many people see potential in me. Just have no idea what to do with my life now. I'd like to run some business but I'm lazy. Lately I've been neetbuxing, playing WoW and lifting like crazy, just to show that bitch I'm doing good

>> No.12845771

Post her tits then faggot and I’ll be the judge of that

>> No.12845863

I'm not gonna post my wife nude online I'm not some fucking cuckold like 99% of you faggots.

>> No.12845917

Lmao uggo confirmed

>> No.12845919

Date a fat chick and work your way up from there