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12838401 No.12838401 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12838430

hello hemmerhoid my old friend

>> No.12838433
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And it is always disappointing, shit always taste like chemicals.
Black people that have those huge trailer grills have the best bbq, they were America's first NEETs and a lot of them used their time to cook meat all day and tought their kids the trades.
T.florida nigger

>> No.12838436

good deal
is that dickies?

>> No.12838440

Looks fucking delicious. No way I could eat all of that though

>> No.12838446

That would last me a couple of days

>> No.12838458

That bread is mouldy

>> No.12838459



>> No.12838513

More like $500 plus tip

>> No.12838523

Looks like killens bbq in tx outside of Houston. I live very close to there. Shit is godly.

>> No.12838537

Franklins In Austin texas

>> No.12838539

>Barbecue without Mac N' Cheese

Fuck off

>> No.12838549

BBQ is actually for fat crackers

>> No.12838550

>All that wide bread
The meat looks p. good though

>> No.12838556

Where's the fucking cornbread dumb ass?

What is this gimmicky wonderbread shit?

>> No.12838591

Cornbread and Mac are too heavy why be a plebeian and stuff yourself full of fodder when you can be a patrician and eat mostly meat with only a bit of bread

>> No.12838699

You should primarily compare the cost to the quality of the ingredients of the food. The amount comes second.

>> No.12838740

>cup of beans with chilis on the side

It's like you're trying to brew the world's stinkiest shitfart.

>> No.12838764


Thought that was a beer

>> No.12838792


>overcooked cheap cuts and stale white bread

>putting quantity over quality

discusting desu

>> No.12838813


>> No.12838843

shut up you homo

>> No.12838889

Diabetes and cancer included

>> No.12839284

when i make it, i will eat at brooklyn bbq every day

>> No.12839299

Looks pretty good except for the bread. Americans suck ass at making bread. Enough food for 2-3 people so it's not really that bad.

>> No.12839332

bbq is over rated anyway. the only things worth eating are ribs and texas brisket

>> No.12839333

As usual the yurofag is jealous of America. Only a faggot cares about the cost of something. I don't care if someone sold me gold at $100/ounce,I'd still buy it. Meat is the same way here. Every cut is cheap, so why hold back? Only reason is if you're a poor yurofag and can't afford the cheap stuff like brisket or primerib.

>> No.12839370

Black people food is always disgusting. Never once has a nog made something even halfway edible. This goes doubly so for traditional southern food, it's cultural appropriation and they can't even copy something as simple as potato salad without fucking it up into a bland disgusting mess.

>> No.12840081

>burning the meat so we can enjoy all those cancerous free radicals.
the absolute state of low taste americans

>> No.12840097

Dude, that wouldn't be more than $25 where I live. And yes, I do live in the south.

>> No.12840190

your food is completely filled with carcinogens and chemicals, nigger. your palate is shit just like your culture

>> No.12840209


>The eurofag seethes in his stale, concrete block row house in the middle of some run down industrial city in Germany.
>His extreme anger at the fact that he'll never be able to afford the copious amounts of pickled vegetables, meats, and cheeses like his ancestors were able to enjoy merely 50 years ago.
>So he sits, stewing in his rage, completely incapable of appreciating a meal his ancestors would have loved (considering Texas BBQ is an entire style of BBQ invented by anglos and frenchmen).
>He may, if he's lucky, be able to afford 1kg of beef per month, but at 99 euros /kg it's a dicey proposition.

I pity you. I pay $9/lb for USDA prime ribeye and I doubt you've ever eaten any beef that would qualify as fit for human consumption in the USA.

>> No.12840244

What the fuck are you talking about, where do you live in FL that the best BBQ you can find is nigger tier? I'll take FL cracker BBQ any damn day.

>> No.12840253

> I don't exercise daily

>> No.12840419


That's the new meme in cooking. All the new wave historians are playing the "black people invented modern BBQ because of having to cook tough cheap cuts as slaves".
"bbq" as a method of smoking meats over a fire has existed since grug shared a meal of venison smoked over a fire with krug 100,000 years ago.
"bbq" in the modern dry rub presentation has existed since the 17th century when french settlers smoked beef and wild boar over fires and seasoned it with various new world spices.

Sauced pork bbq was, however, predominately a product of the antebellum south. Whether it was the blacks or the slavemasters who decided that it would be sauced is up for debate. For the record the best pork ribs I've ever had were from a black man who sold bbq to raise money for his church down in deep east Texas.
If your beef bbq isn't from Texas, Oklahoma, or New Mexico, it's shit. If you don't get your sauce on the side, you're shit.

-t Texan

>> No.12840448

Food prices rising every year. Inflation rising 2% every year.

>> No.12840451

In 10 years that's going to cost close to $100

>> No.12840480

The bread is for mopping up sauce and meat juices.

>> No.12840601
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>> No.12840643


>> No.12840648

SC>NC>TX=TN>shitty florida knock offs>shit>Kansas

Can't spell kansas without anus.

>> No.12840728


don't you dare lecture me you fucking insolent common core mutt. your inferior 'meat' is cheaper because it is of a much lower standard and quality than european meat.

>> No.12840829

$500k hospital bill for your triple bypass surgery after all the chemo you'll need to kill the cancer the meat gave you.

>> No.12841631
File: 3.07 MB, 2400x1815, franklin bbq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I ate more BBQ in Texas. There's only one place in California I've tried so far that compares, and it's too far away from me to have often.

>> No.12841649

Niggers actually suck at cooking for the most part you just think youre good at it cus youre retarded. Southern nigger chefs are the worst

>> No.12841786

Absolutely delicious looking man food and 90% hascto mince around and say its shit.

>state of biz

>> No.12841862


>man food
>gendering food

fuck off back to /r/theredpill to wank off over who's acted more 'alpha' this week you fucking weirdo

>> No.12842108

All the white people who own bbq joints here aren't good at cooking it, what more do you want me to say? Might be different in Texas, but TX sucks ass and you couldn't pay me to eat there.

>> No.12842116

Never said potato salad, just the meat. Sometimes they make good mac and cheese.

>> No.12842192


This actually explains a lot about this thread, I was wondering why there's butthurt anons complaining about the best kind of food on this planet (other than pizza).

>> No.12842206

imagine being so söy you think you get masculinity from what you eat

>> No.12842345

>the cancer the meat gave you.

if meat give one a cancer there would not be a human civilization

kys fucking degenerate

>> No.12842537

Who are these retards saying blacks can’t cook? lmfao blacks are damn near the GOAT cooks especially with barbecue.

>> No.12842605

i dont think nobody ever doubted the black mans ability to make BBQ in the states, also your probably not a nigger in a real sense to browse here, but know that alot of niggers arent niggers and some niggers are just niggers if that make sense. niggerism unfortunately goes deeper than skin deep, infact, most people/normies are niggers in general. only care about saving their face when people are around, and when they think nobody can see, they're true face comes out.

>> No.12842693

depends, if u like heavier flavour most def. if you like melo or "bland", then probably might be abit overwhelming. probably unhealthy as shit, but they make shit taste good usually

>> No.12842720

Ahhhhhhhhhhh nooooooooooooo I dont want the truthhhhhhhhjj

>> No.12842772

>they were America's first NEETs
They are almost always on welfare

>> No.12842799

Aaron Franklin is a white guy. That restaurant is probably the best brisket restaurant in the world (inb4 Argies complaining, falklands will never be yours). The average line is ~4 hours to get in and they have sold out of brisket every day they’ve ever been open. The only person thats ever skipped the line is the president of the US - Kanye tried and was banned from the place.

All you cunts talking about burnt meat have no concept of the smoker - no open flame ever touches the meat you inept mongloids.

The brisket itself is beyond description. It is sublime, melting, perfectin a way that has no linguistic approximation. The burnt ends are even better. I pity you small minded savages that cannot see the glory of this. Perhaps you europeans can ask your ‘new germans’ for some halal beef and dream of American bbq while you chew and chew and chew and chew through your subpar garbage cut of scrawny cow.

>t ex east austinite

>> No.12842828

>All you cunts talking about burnt meat have no concept of the smoker - no open flame ever touches the meat you inept mongloids.

It's still fucking unhealthy to eat that black stuff.

>> No.12843294

do americans really eat all that bread

>> No.12843732

Nigger, wut? Come to 4-Rivers here in Jacksonville for bbq so good it'll make you smack your mammy

>> No.12843744

what a rip off

should be 20 at best

>> No.12843771

Well, its in texas, might as well be on the fuckin moon, I hate Texas and hope one day God or some crazy men destroy every last square inch of that shithole.

>> No.12843777

Ill have to remember to check it out when LINK moons.

>> No.12843785

You're not paying 50 dollars for the meal, you're paying that much to cover the cost of all the restaurant's stupid cheap hipster decorations and mason jars for cups.

>> No.12844113

if by "GOAT", you mean "put on a fuckton of every single store bought seasoning salt in the cabinet" then yeah