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File: 52 KB, 298x403, 1127B0F6-846D-4BD7-821B-87CE2AAF2AF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12835366 No.12835366 [Reply] [Original]

How will you be able to look yourself in the mirror after letting LTO pass you by?

>> No.12835396


>> No.12835406


you need to be complete fucking idiot not to jump on lto. do the needful

>> No.12835409


>> No.12835417

Imagine being this dumb, even now.

>> No.12835424

Buying in at the ATH lol

>> No.12835437

That’s what you fags say EVERY SINGLE DAY. Tomorrow will be a new ATH, and the day after

>> No.12835441

sounds good to me

>> No.12835460

It's reaching the limit of sensible price discovery fully expecting a retrace to 90 and I'll fill my bags up again, look at the competitors price and supply limits.. your crazy if you think this will keep going

>> No.12835475

That’s what they said last week, and the week before. You’re a fucking idiot if you sell

>> No.12835654

yeah and shit coins like augur and bitcoin trash deserve to be top 100? Wait until you are watching this go 20x from here hoping for a retrace.

>> No.12835750

every day is a new ath you fucking retard ath dont mean shit at this marketcap u dumb fucking inbred piece of fucking shit. god nothing can help you

>> No.12835760


I made the same mistake with holochain. Orginally, I was saying I would buy on binance. I saw other exchanges listed it, but I either didn't trust them or understand how to use (wtf is idex i said at the time). I saw holo get listed on binance and it was pretty high and I never bought because the coin looked like it had already pumped. I didnt own any until 700 gwei! I fomo'd in, but held so at least i am up now.... could have had so much more if I just got in when it was on idex. You probably could still get in LTO once it goes on binance and sell for a 5x eventually... or buy now and get a 40x.

You can't just base your decisions off of meme TA. You have to look at the product itself to decide if it has potential.

Im so glad I took the time to buy lto on a dex. Already up 4x

>> No.12835781

>you must urgently buy my coins now sir not later

>> No.12835790

Buying later when the price is much higher is absolutely fine.

>> No.12835804

> not buying ath
market cap 8 mil while shitcoins like verge are at 100 mil, stay poor faggots

>> No.12835819

Lmao this. So many regrets not jumping on the rocket early... not missing LTO network

>> No.12835831

What exchange is this piece of shit even on?

>> No.12835852


>> No.12836130

it's /biz/

buy high sell low

>> No.12836265

You’re going to fomo in around $.50, thinking it’s a good deal. it seems

>> No.12836967

$0.25 tonight

>> No.12837030

in since 6c and comfy waiting for $1

>> No.12837082

There isn’t anyone to DUMP! Any smart investor isn’t taking a 30% hit. Especially now lolz

>> No.12837139
File: 16 KB, 675x107, IMG_20190223_162809_379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no no no

>> No.12837154

Imagine being a discord cocksucker with a carefully crafted gaymername and a faggoty avatar you unironically spent hours looking to find just the right one

>> No.12837480

Didn't they say this is exactly what they weren't going to do? Name dropping and announcing partners before they are partners.

>> No.12838207

stupid pajeets, buy muh bags

>> No.12838215
File: 132 KB, 936x442, Screenshot_20190219-035156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine a life where you have never had money, never felt the urge to DYOR, never felt that magnetic admiration to someone who was good at making money, and wanted to imitate and ultimately make it like him. Just nothing. Literally all you do in life is exist. Occupy space, pass the time, and lose money. You're an Indian.

You're bored, as usual, in telegram chatting about your fucking shitcoin bags and not even feeling any kind of happiness from it, just soothing your constant need to be poor and stupid and petty. Every single thing you've done in the past year was mundane, disgusting, and boring. You spent the last six hours watching youtube videos about cryptoniggers who lost their ass buying shitcoins or some stupid bullshit that you don't really understand since you can barely comprehend english. You're just sitting there, gestating, fermenting, with a pain in your gut that guarantees you'll have to run out and take a shit in the street very soon.

And then you see it. White men, over in some corner of the internet, making money. You've never seen this before. What are they even doing? Instead of bagholding and complaining to the "developers" of a scam shitcoin, they are imbuing their conscious energy into making memes and discussing the qualities of legitimate projects. All the bitterness and stupidity you feel nonstop seems to be absent, as they congratulate each other for being victorious, and happily learn from someone who bought high and sold low. These creatures are truly content to be alive. They have found gains.

And your gaze turns back on itself, on your self, and you realise you've never had that. You can never have it. You're just a stupid fucking Indian with shitcoin bags on some obscure low volume exchange.

So you get up, you walk over there, and you shill your shitcoin to them. Just shitpost and beg all over their whole fucking image board. The .2% bump your tiny bags get will be worth destroying it. Because you're an Indian.

>> No.12838260

someone posted a chart of LTO at 1600 sats and it got fudded and i didnt buy it because it looked like it had already run up. now its at 4650 sats what the fuckkkk

>> No.12838347
File: 1015 KB, 1080x2811, LTO Network Clients.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally just getting started

this coin has stronger fundamentals than majority of top 50

>> No.12838362

>literally just listing the revenue of companies they have called the reception desk of

>> No.12838596


>> No.12838782

That was your dip. I hope you capitalized on it.

>> No.12838823
File: 86 KB, 500x500, 1550942097061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0.2% ? try 400% cracker. this thing only goes up

>> No.12838854


>> No.12839198

trying to get couple hunned a .00111 eth

it'll dip again, right guise?

>> No.12839317

You missed it I think.

>> No.12839325

It’s hitting $.30 within the next 24 hrs. Take that to the bank bitches

>> No.12839676

copped some at .00126 , not as much as id like but at least I'm in so I can wait in case of another dip. I feel like it will;l keep rising