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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12827687 No.12827687 [Reply] [Original]

What does /biz/ think is a better PM? Gold or Silver?

>> No.12829073

Neither. Both.

>> No.12829076

Why don't you look at the facts? Gold tends to be more reliable at beating inflation but both suck in general as an investment and a hedge

>> No.12829110

Gold is to retain your wealth, silver is more speculative. At least that’s my perspective

>> No.12829285

Silver is Gold's bitch. Rappers don't wear silver chains. If you buy you're woman silver Jewelry, she's gonna leave you for a chad that buys her gold. If you're lawyer says they meet the silver standard, you're gonna lose the case.

Could you tell the difference between a silver watch and a steel watch from at a glance? Because any idiot can spot a gold watch a mile away.

>> No.12829304

We're talking long game here man. It's not sexy, it's not wild, it's metal and it's meant to last and be there in case your currency collapses or shoots into inflation sky high. It's also there to keep away from the tax man. You just hand it to your kids under the table before you die and now they have it congrats now no death tax

>> No.12829452

This. Physical metals are not a get rich quick scheme (if you want to do that do mining stocks or something), they’re a way to secure your wealth. Gold has been recognized as a store of value for millennia. Silver has many industrial uses and also has a long history as money

>> No.12829846

In the European middle ages, gold was worth only 10-20 times as much as silver by weight, and yet gold was almost never used for coinage. Instead, silver pennies or deniers (as well as lower currency like copper alloyed farthings or obules) were used for 99% of all cash purchases. High value purchases were done almost exclusively on paper. Why is this? This can be solved by examining which societies viewed gold not as an expensive comodity but instead the highest form of treasure: West Africa, Colonial Spain, the Aztec Empire. Hording gold poisons the soul. It is no coincidence that ancient tales of dragons and demons tell of their golden fortunes. It is not coincidence that the jews of exodus chose to cast their idol of gold. Even more recent cultural phenomena demonstrate awareness, consider the ring of Sauron, unadorned, unornamented, and yet almost all who beheld it would murder to have it. If you must deal in precious metal, stick to silver.

>> No.12829930

Both will outlive the USSA.

>> No.12830784

>get intuition on valentine's day to buy platinum out of no where
>it was under 800
>it's now around 850

Not sure if I should wait till monday or buy some before it's too late.

>> No.12830792

Aliens use gold. Thats all you need to know

>> No.12830806

are you being serious?

>> No.12830881

Hes only telling you the history of gold. How you interpret his interpretation is for you to interpret

>> No.12830962

kek there is ids on this board

>> No.12832101

Silver. Dat upside.

>> No.12832125


>> No.12832698

Silver prices are being manipulated to fucking hell. Gold/silver ratio is historically 10 or 12, it’s over 80 right now. I think both will eventually rocket, but silver more due to greater industrial demand (esp solar panels) and greater price fuckery. At any rate I’ll trade my fake debt backed paper jew money for real money any and every day.

>> No.12832767

What is brass, poopdick

>> No.12832914
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>caring what a rapper does
You’re not gonna make it unfortunately.

>> No.12832962

extraterrestrialpill me

>> No.12832964

Its why your race was invented

>> No.12833025

now THIS is data-driven analysis

>> No.12833093
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>> No.12833289

copper pipes would have saved Michigan from a neural-toxic death spiral.

>> No.12833524

silver is the color of your dads buttplug, so if you must get a PM, stick to gold

>> No.12833670

I agree on some of those points but please cool it with the anti Semitism

>> No.12833904

It’s counter Semitism you fucking kike

>> No.12833930

What do you think about silver rounds compared to silver coins like eagles? I been stacking mostly rounds because it's still the same weight in silver.

>> No.12833971

Silver and it’s not even close

>> No.12833982
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I think you need to cool it with that anti-white attitude schlomo.

>> No.12834002

Fucking nigger normie. I bet you think diamonds are super rare and valuable just like your gold. The fact is the system is rigged and when (((they))) decide to make silver king then your NPC ass will do a 180 and talking about how cool all the nigger rappers with their silver bling are and how gold is for plebs.

>> No.12834008

>forget your lust for the rich man's gold, all that you need is in your soul

>> No.12834068

Just trolling, I too realize my federal reserve notes are only worth the cotton fiber paper they’re printed on

>> No.12834085


>> No.12834154

Omg can you buy Nazi Bullion? I would pay 4x spot

>> No.12834340
File: 124 KB, 629x560, 0EEF5D03-230D-4BFE-8E8D-EC3D062DD4C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. I’ve clearly had too long a day of thinking about Jews and the destruction of western civilization.
>have a schekel (you)

>> No.12834349

I found it on DuckDuckGo. I wish. Hopefully some minter somewhere makes nazi themed poured silver bars. I’d love to buy some.

>> No.12834512
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its .900 but still from the 3d Reich