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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12826587 No.12826587 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /biz/ i started slaving my life away at PwC This week. I have a masters in Management but The firm lingo and how things are done here is so abstract and difficult to comprehend for me. They say it takes like 3 months to learn how to work ? Should i be patient and hang in There? Or leave? I joined The firm out of boredom. My family is well-off enough that they dont require me to work. Thanks for The insights

>> No.12826683

Honestly, if the job doesn't feel right in the FIRST WEEK, you should just quit.

The first week is the honeymoon phase. If something is wrong there, it doesn't bode well.

But yeah, let them know you quit as soon as possible so they can get ahold of the other applicants and you don't cost them any more money than you already have.

>> No.12826931

with this attitude you're never gonna make it

>> No.12826940

Ask your bosses why the fuck my REQies haven't mooned yet

>> No.12826985

Stay for a year.
Buckle down and make some valuable connections before you leave.
PwC is big time man.
If you leave on good terms you can find smaller boutique firms that might find your time there to be an asset.

>> No.12827023

Honestly man, if you don't believe in the mission, don't stay. If you don't believe you are making the world better by rooting out problematic accounting practices, find a different company where you do feel like you're making a difference.

It's about the mission, not the job.

Also, you'll get used to the lingo.

>> No.12827097

Takes a while to bed in but after a few weeks you should know how to do some things at least. Big corporations love initialisms which is annoying plus there's loads of red tape and unnecessary bullshit.

I spend my time giving the illusion of work. The last year has ruined me for motivation. Crypto is my way out.

However that said I have left a job after 10 weeks before because I hated it.

>> No.12827142

With auditing firms it's especially bad because there's so many form names to learn and then you have to learn what they mean and why people file them.

But knowing them helps when you start getting more into the stock market. :)

>> No.12827327

If there is anything in your life that is slightly difficult, you should always avoid it. This is very important in all areas, including family and personal matters. Good luck up, hand in that resignation.

>> No.12827361 [DELETED] 

>masters in Management

1982 called they want there knowldg bak

>> No.12827438


>masters in Management

198o called they want their knolege bak

>> No.12827549

PWC is about to have a meltdown because they have been signing Tesla financials. It’s like Arthur Anderson after Enron get the fuck out of there it’s going down

>> No.12827596

What practice you in?

>> No.12827616


>> No.12827924


i agree with other anons. if you really need the experience, tough it out for a year and jump ship with the big name in your cv into a firm you will be more happy with. i say be patient and once you actually start understanding the work you are doing make the choice to leave or stay.

>> No.12827933
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You in the US? What are their 401K matching like?

>> No.12827941
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Agreed. When you find your passion you'll know it right away. Quit without notice and tell your boss to fuck himself publicly for the lols

>> No.12828839

how much do you work? I started at BCG and work 70-80hrs every week

>> No.12828880

Wow thats impressive for me it is 40h per week only