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File: 21 KB, 400x400, boom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12821886 No.12821886 [Reply] [Original]

When did you realize that people are not buying cryptocurrencies because they genuinely believe they are going to get rich off of them, but because they are buying "hope" just like a person buying a lottery ticket doesn't genuinely think he's going to win but he just wants to have something to look forward to - even if the chance of "making it" is highly unlikely?

>> No.12821909

it is just...so unlike a lottery ticket in almost every way.

>> No.12821927

It's basically like buying stocks because you are investing you money into a company in hopes that they succeed

>> No.12821932

what about investing in a project that will actually be adopted mainstream? Like a blockchain tech actually gets used for what it could potentially be used for
>hurr the supply chain runs using blockchain now
>we didnt install a private solution
>our company wanted the one that was tied to some coin I guess because it was proven
>our board of directors wanted to make some neckbeards rich and "moon" some coin

>> No.12821938

not really since 95% of coins have the same goal in mind, so it's as if you were investing in stocks only in the same industry

>> No.12821951

Wrong. Stocks have underlying value based upon past/projected earnings. Crypto is just praying someone dumber than you will buy it for more money.

>> No.12821964

90% of the economy is filled with consumerist junk that does not propell progress in any way

when somebody breaks out of that mold and proposes something truly significant it is the duty of everyone to invest in the pioneers

>> No.12821976

We are trying to flip the economy. Or at least model reward ecosystems to remove middlemen.
Sorry you don't get it.

>> No.12821981

I'm in it for the technology.

>> No.12822010

What about cryptos that give you dividend?

>> No.12822038

you mean ponzi schemes?

>> No.12822069

No, like dividends similar to what stocks do. You get more if the company is performing well

>> No.12822106

>when you realize retards "invest" into trash coins but at the same time some smarter guy is dumping his bags on them and then invests in the only REAL thing like chainlink

>> No.12822124
File: 125 KB, 1024x589, sauomwdq2ed21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its better then buying a lottery ticket. so if we take all the money spent in the world on such things and apply it to crypto, its has a self reinforcing effect over time. self-fulfilling prophecies can still make you money.

>> No.12822139

Just realise that this is a good thing and you can accumulate. Bitcoin is 10 years old it's already a proven success of decentralized networks. Smart contracts will be the next use case for the technology behind Bitcoin. You do the math.

>> No.12822146

What you're speaking of doesn't exist yet. If and when it does, congrats! That'll be the first legitimate crypto INVESTMENT. As it stands, crypto is a Greater Fool gamble.
The closest presently is probably eth, but that just powers vaporware dapps (90% of which have zero monthly users). If/ when a crypto solution powers a real world value exchange, for companies with actual revenue, then the dividends will actually be representative of actual work.

>> No.12822155

I'm just swing trading bitcoin for more fiat.
Hurry up and dump again you piece of shit.

>> No.12822981

>What you're speaking of doesn't exist yet
So far there are two that exist:

>> No.12823042
File: 149 KB, 832x690, 0276997A-B2D6-4284-8223-DE62E195452C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dividend paid in shitcoins

>> No.12823070

this but unironically

>> No.12823105

I am in it for the 4th industrial revolution.

>> No.12823123

The only way to make it now is to buy micro cap shitcoins and hope they moon during the next bullrun. Btc won’t 1000x ever again so it’s up to the alts to take us on a moon mission.

>> No.12823522

>>dividend paid in shitcoins
For KuKoin yeah, but for COSS the shitcoins get auto-converted into ETH

>> No.12823618

when i realized what cryptocurrency actually was.

>> No.12823684

I stand by my original statement

>> No.12823695
File: 225 KB, 600x718, 1550654217497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the past doesn't predict the future actions. the company could collapse and give out zero dividends in the next quarter after you bought the shares.

>> No.12823730

The company still has its physical assets, intellectual properly, liquid assets, etc., as well as debits.

>> No.12823733

That’s why you buy companies that have been around a while and have a large, preferably global, physical footprint. Stocks to crypto is a terrible analogy anyway.

>> No.12823768
File: 5 KB, 250x222, BAT JUST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Partly, obviously.

But also I buy BAT in hopes of having a future 4chan-type forum where we can literally get paid for shitposting.

Imagine being able to upboat people and "like" their posts etc., but they'll actually earn real fucking money for it.

That's the future. That's the potential of BAT. BAT specifically, literally not other coin/token has this potential. And it's fucking exciting. I want that future and I want other people to see that vision too, so there's also a part of me that is inspired and hopeful about cryptocurrencies and it's not just some lottery-type feeling.

>> No.12823870
File: 309 KB, 1500x959, BAT signal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Bitcoin lightning tipping on Twitter is a good example of my vision of internet 3.0.

Obviously I see BAT surging ahead because people will be able to "earn" it, but fuck it, BTC being used on Twitter is as solid a use case as you're going to get right now. Being able to instantaneously (in the future) give people currency for internet content, to me, is fucking insanely amazing, and normies just don't "get" that yet. Fuck, /biz/ doesn't even get it.

Whole fucking economic ecosystems should bloom from pure internet content. See an instagram post you like? Boom, 50 cents (x amount of crypto) in their wallet. You like that band's music? Here's $1 (.04 BAT) you like the youtube video? etc. etc.

Twitch has the right idea and Zoomers fucking love it. Fuck, Zoomers LOVE giving random entertainers money. It seems pathetic but it's not all that different than how boomers pay to go watch sports.

Anyways the point is I see crypto slowly, really fucking slowly, becoming an integral part of our internet experience. And it will make it 100x better.

>> No.12823875

Buying crypto to me is like buying lottery tickets. Even option trading involves some good insight on how you think a company is going to perform. I dont have a clue how you can gauge the performance of crypto outside of pure luck.

>> No.12823918


You pick market leaders in different categories. The problem is you have to constantly stay updated in each sector and make sure it has a locked in niche, if it's debatable who will win you could diversify. Example, point click block chain picking between kmd and ark for a bag if you believe in that concept. Eos has gambling dapps for Asians locked down, if you think there's a future in that get a bag. And so on.

>> No.12823987

This seems pretty accurate to me. Thinking of cryptocurrency as "buying a lottery ticket" seems like a really naive, outsider perspective.

The media likes to ignore how eclectic the crypto world is. Bitcoin may be pretty vanilla as far as cryptocurrencies go but not everything is trying to be the next Bitcoin. LINK is nothing like BTC for example. People that just throw money at a cryptocurrency without learning anything about it are bound to lose their money when it tanks, because they never believed in it in the first place.