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12810096 No.12810096 [Reply] [Original]

What does FUD mean?

>> No.12810115

Fat Uterus Dog

Also known as your mom

>> No.12810127

fair uncertainty distress

>> No.12810128

Foolish Utterance of the Desperate

>> No.12810142


>> No.12810154


>> No.12810164

alternate way of spelling food

>> No.12810172
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Fat Ugly Dipshit

>> No.12810179

Fuck U & Die

>> No.12810185
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F is for fire that burns down the whole town
U is for uranium, bombs
D is for what you'll suck when-

Sergey, those things aren't what FUD is all about
Now, do it like this
F is for frens who shill stuff to-
Never, that's completely idiotic
Here, let me help you
F is for frens who shill stuff together
U is for you and me, try it
D is for downsyndrome which every linky has,
Down here in the depths of 4chan

>> No.12810445


>> No.12810802


>> No.12810848

Anon, PM me and I'll give you the real acronym. Everyone on here is being mean.

>> No.12810899

PM sent, thanks reddit fren

>> No.12811115

Definitely avoid googling that term... desu, a lot of link fud lately. What's up with that

>> No.12811470


>> No.12811480
File: 150 KB, 1200x750, linkbag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything else goes up, linkies go down. feelsbadman

>> No.12811496

Sent ;)

>> No.12811510

Fear uncertainty doubt

>> No.12811533
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>> No.12811853

Fags Unite to Deceive

>> No.12811872


fuck jannies because of this thread

>> No.12811890

Faggots Unleashing Dicks

>> No.12811952

Little dicks.. fixed it for you

>> No.12811962

FUD, (fear uncertainty and doubt) is /biz/ code common sense and rational perspective.
Expecting assets to have underlying value (p/e) is fud. Insisting upon a finished project, or at a minimum a roadmap with realistic timeframes is fud. Asking why a company would pay $1000/ instance millions of times per day to access their own data, when they presently do it for the cost of electricity is fud. Asking why a company wouldn't just fork an open source project, if it's ever found to work, and rebuilding it in house using exist personnel and infrastructure (like JP Morgan just did last week) is fud.
By the same standard used on /biz/: misgendering is fud, and calmly telling a schizophrenic there isn't a radio transmitter in their brain is fud.

>> No.12811992

>He thinks 1 LINK = 1 access to data

Fucking LOLOLOL. Is this how stupid nolinkers have become?

>> No.12812130

The guy building it, and the guy who built the blockchain it will run on, are both on the record as stating $.10 is too much. Coupled with the fact that there are services providing unlimited lightning fast monthly api calls for $300/month presently, and eth blockchain moves with the speed of a spreadsheet on a cell phone, in addition to already being 4 times too expensive, you're in a tough spot for adoption. Not that it matters too much; 90% of dapps have ZERO monthly users, and that's unlikely to change ever.

Good luck!

>> No.12812177

>Not actually addressing my point

The model isn't 1 link = 1 access to data which is what you asserted in your post. The amount of link needed for a given transaction can adjust automatically based on links current value.

Also, you're acting as if LINKs only function is to provide data. It's not. It's an intermediate layer that provides data on and off block chains, to allow an entire range of use cases such as smart contracts.

In the example of a smart contract, yes data is being provided which costs money, but that data then executes a contract. What is the cost of hiring a lawyer to write up a contract? Do API calls provide the utility of a contract? No, they don't.

>> No.12812369

Ok, we're presupposing so much here, based on the assumption they ever build this thing, which I'm meeting you even there as a courtesy for the sake of this argument. Also, we'll side step the issue of you globbing on to only one of my several indictments.
Yes, they have not yet determined at which point of divisibility transactions will occur at, but it's a complete non sequitur to use this point to assume that means $1000 token valuation for two reasons:
One - both Sergey and the skeleton have expressed skepticism of any adoption at the present speculation driven price point. As they originally intended a 1 for 1.
Two- they intend to gift, GIFT, hundreds of millions of tokens to node operators at launch to kickstart affordable adoption.

They're on the record with both points, which if anything, is ANTI FUD, that confirms in a round about way that they want this to work.

I'm still stuck on: can they build it, and if they do, will anyone use at any price, when the system can be grabbed from repository and built in house.

We'll see.

>> No.12812371

You forgot to mention TEE, Sergey found a way around the speed of Eth, Link will take care of the heavy lifting to execute Smartcontracts. Feeling very comfy.

>> No.12812379

FUD = Sergeys gonna die before mainnet drops due to the vast amount of big macs he consumes