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12808427 No.12808427 [Reply] [Original]

Is computer science the path to making it?

>> No.12808441

If making means "programming" and it means "software", then yes.

>> No.12808479


>> No.12808491

Please to join the club on the path to successes sir

>> No.12808502

It's one of the easier forms of wageslaving but it's still wageslaving.

>> No.12808523

only if you sell your own shit

>> No.12808572

>Is computer science the path to making it?

Only if you're black. My company will literally hire any blacks that can even spell J A V A or S Q L for "diversity" quota reasons. 2/3 of our new hires this year so far are blacks.

However, if you're asian or white, you're fucked. Get ready to compete with a billion smart Indians & Chinese H1B candidates, and be prepared to compete against their pay lower expectations.

>> No.12808590

If 'making it' means only be able to find employment in a few cities, topping out at $120k, and never rising above middle-management.

>> No.12808610

All 4 people with "manager" titles in my department are black women, and only 13% of workers here are white males. Our company gave our department a "B-" in diversity during a departmental review, and recommended we focus on more diversity...

>> No.12808612

I thought anyone who could spell “python” was making 200k+ After a couple years

>> No.12808615

Basically this. CS is pajeet tier.

You're better off opening a Real Estate Limited Partnership or Hedge Fund if you wanna get gauranteed riches. Just obtain the correct licensing. Private Equity is really hard to get started, so I would avoid it.

>> No.12808623

I have a Mediterranean phenotype. What if I identify as a Hispanic?

>> No.12808625

>topping out at $120k, and never rising above middle-management.

Which is why nobody stays a programmer past 40. You move onto being an architect if you have full stack skills or product manager if you have business skills. Can easily pull in 200k+

>> No.12808636


Honest answer... just put yourself as Black, even if you're white. It gives you a HUGE advantage like you wouldn't believe in hiring... especially at tech companies.

btw: we've never ever "validated" if someone was black... (think Elizabeth Warren). Too much risk for lawsuits so we just take the candidate at their word.

>> No.12808668

I've worked as a hiring manager. Our filtering software automatically forwards any applications from blacks, and we also dont send that info to the department managers. So it would be really easy to lie and say you are black to beat the software. The managers that interview you here at least would never know you lied.

>> No.12808674



>> No.12808682

Would this work for college too?

>> No.12808707

I'm curious, how does this work technically, do you filter the applicant's pictures or names or what else? I mean there can't be a field "race" in which the applicant enters "black", "hispanic" or whatever, right?

>> No.12808720

>Our filtering software automatically forwards any applications from blacks, and we also dont send that info to the department managers. So it would be really easy to lie and say you are black to beat the software.

Like I said, there is zero need to lie. Even if you are the whitest cracker that ever lived and claim to be black, no company would force you to take a DNA test. That would be highly illegal and get the company sued.

Even if you are a little tan, put "black" as your race in job applications.

>> No.12808722

You can tell by their fucking shit-tier names

Its not hard to spot a nonwhite instantly

>> No.12808725

Most applications ask for your race

>> No.12808735

There is a field for race. Its voluntary to be legal of course. But we used a software package called like APX or something that assigned scores to resumes based off experience and keywords, and any resume under a cutoff never got manually reviewed. The software was configured to automatically forward all black and hispanic applications for manual review though. We'd still manually reject a lot, but some with low scores would get hired.

>> No.12808736

>Would this work for college too?

Yup. There's a pretty famous senator (elizabeth warren) who went to Harvard by claiming she's "native american" and literally nobody ever checked.

Listing yourself as one of the "favored" minorities is one of the only ways you'll get a fair shot at jobs in the Silicon Valley nowadays.

>> No.12808746

>I mean there can't be a field "race" in which the applicant enters "black", "hispanic" or whatever, right?

Yes. It's on every single HR form in the US. Companies in this country are openly racist while pretending it's "equality."

>> No.12808750

Isn't this highly illegal? I'm not from burgistan obviously but if some employer in europe explicitly asked for the race of an applicant he would be sued to oblivion.

>> No.12808758

Okay thank you very much for answering guys, I honestly didn't think employers would be allowed to ask for race explicitly

>> No.12808765

Its legal if it is voluntary. And it says on the application that it is voluntary.

>> No.12808772



>> No.12808774
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>Isn't this highly illegal? I'm not from burgistan obviously but if some employer in europe explicitly asked for the race of an applicant he would be sued to oblivion.

Every single job application here in the US has one of these to fill in. Notice how some questions now state "what race do you identify as?" Again, if you're asian, indian, or white, just put yourself as "black." It's the only way you'll have a fair shot.

>> No.12808784

Not at all. Our census asks for your race. The government awards contracts preferentially to “minority owned businesses.” Blacks, Hispanics, and indigenous Indians are given huge favor for college admissions, employment, promotion, etc. We have something called “affirmative action” that was designed to integrate blacks into society after segregation, and it never went away.

>> No.12808798


BTW: never, ever identify yourself as "Asian" if you're a job applicant. You'll put yourself at a huge disadvantage. Just leave it blank or identify as "black."

>> No.12808851

>mentioning race in job applications
>the absolute state of amerikkka

>> No.12808864

t. Someone who has never had a real job ever

>> No.12808896

Nice projection. Go ask anybody who hires for a government agency or big corporation if they have a brown quota

>> No.12808924

All the big tech companies are like 90% white or asian. You'd know that if you'd worked or even interviewed at one.

>> No.12808972

>Real Estate Limited Partnership or Hedge Fund
>gauranteed riches

lol you fucking stupid dickhead

>> No.12808997


Unironically, accounting and finance is a good career. They can only automate is so much, and no one wants to learn this shit anymore for some reason. A lot of jobs in both, especially in smaller banks, which no one ever looks at.

>> No.12809074

Because only nerdy whites and Pajeets go into CS. The blacks and Hispanics that do are on easy mode. Do you seriously think blacks and Hispanics account for 20% of the applicants to Google?

>> No.12809561

yes. I listed native american without a tribal number(I actually am) and nobody checked. better to larp as black because you dont need an african tribe number

>> No.12809601

many black people have white last names like jackson or whitherspoon because they decended from white ownership. dumb nazi

>> No.12810392

Fuck, why are we grouped with whites. (sand nigger)

>> No.12810399

Yes, but in the Data Science direction.

>> No.12810433
File: 73 KB, 516x284, 20181218_220727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one transition from programer to project manager. I have a 10 years Dev exp, CS undergrad, MBA, and CAPM... Just apply for jobs that require 5 years management experience for entry level management job...

>> No.12810439



>> No.12810454

Should I switch from a pure math major to a CS major? I’m fine with being degraded and coddled for a cushy high paying job.

>> No.12810522

No because data science is the new CS and they love math majors.

>> No.12810591

just get a promotion bro

>> No.12810615

No such thing as promotion in public sector... Will just go back to the linkedin / spamming job boards

>> No.12810661

Is it as cushy? My brother interns at some healthcare company and he said half of the employees do jackshit all day.

>> No.12810681

It’s a path to wagecucking at a reasonable salary that will plateau when you’re in your late twenties and you’ll be stuck doing it for the rest of your life, the days all blurring together, the voices in your head getting louder and louder until one day you can’t take it anymore

>> No.12810697

Is that when you go full workplace shooter?