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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12805987 No.12805987 [Reply] [Original]

how do i pull myself up by the bootstraps? i have no money, no job, no skills, no prospects, and i can't drive

>> No.12805991

but you have time. And you can get fit. Start with that. Erase all drugs. Start running, get your mind in a good place. And then focus on the rest

>> No.12805992

bootstraps is a boomer meme

>> No.12806038
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>no money
>no job
>no skills
>no prospects
>can't drive

become a Chainlink node operator

>> No.12806066

Public transportation to community college is your only plausible hope. Take out a small student loan, spend every free moment in the library reading, and get a wage slave job that doesn't require anything but to show up, and save every penny you make. Good luck, you've got a hard road ahead.

>> No.12806096

Enslave yourself to a trucking company (assuming you're American). Most will train you to get your Commercial Driver License (different kind of driving than passenger cars) in exchange for one year of servitude. If you leave all behind to do over the road trucking you can listen to a lot of audiobooks and courses and stuff while you drive. Since you'd also be on the road you could potentially be saving a ton of money while you're at it to invest in something worthwhile later.

>> No.12806104

>i have no money, no job, no skills, no prospects, and i can't drive
do u even have bootstaps?

>> No.12806158

Firm handshakes

>> No.12806184

unironically learn to code, ~500 hours should be enough