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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 7 KB, 161x181, _20190220_010929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12805387 No.12805387[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12805407

Back to your containment board with you

>> No.12805421


What? This is bizness

>> No.12805430

Dont you see all the crypto threads? This is /g/ newfag

>> No.12805454



aslo sage.

>> No.12805461

Anti-sage :D

>> No.12805469
File: 388 KB, 596x953, 1550616939803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This faggot isn't even going to win anything. They aren't even going to settle. He has no case.

1st amendment buddy.

>> No.12805475

libel is not protected by the 1st amendment

>> No.12805479


Explain what was said that was libel?

>> No.12805481
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>> No.12805484

read the definition of libel and I think it will become more clear

>> No.12805486
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>> No.12805489

lmao, looks like your liberal education has failed yet again (no surprise there)
see >>12805475

>> No.12805491
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>estrogen strung face


>> No.12805492
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>> No.12805498

He better win

>> No.12805502


I know what libel is. Explain to me that was said by the press that was libel?

If they reported it wrong then all they have to say it was based on their sources.

That faggots got nothing and soon he will pay bezos lawyers bills, which probably aren't cheap.

>> No.12805503

Now do the indian guy who fixed fridges in ‘nam

>> No.12805504

That he instigated the argument
That he was being racist and aggressive
That he *is* a racist (which can hurt future job prospects, if potential employers believe it)
That he and his friends verbally abused the (((black hebrew activists)))

>> No.12805511

I doubt he wins anything. He’d be lucky if bezos just settles and gives him some change.

>> No.12805514
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Do my bidding, wagie. :)

>> No.12805515


They are going to need more than that. The press is HEAVILY protected. They need to claim their was deliberate intent of their actions.

He isn't going to get shit

>> No.12805523


Guy who needs to read NYT v. Sullivan and understand the difference between public and private figures.

>> No.12805525

bezos is probably laughing at this faggots lawsuit right now.

>> No.12805526
File: 768 KB, 716x716, 1547123474433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're obviously biased and have already arrived at a conclusion, so I don't think it's worth actually having a conversation with you.

Good luck with the purity spiral.

>> No.12805536


And you're not bias?

lmao, you hypocritical faggot. I'm just saying how it is. This estrogen faced boi isn't going to get shit.

Freedom of press is a wonderful thing.

>> No.12805554


Again. Please see this comment above >>12355194

and educate yourself so you understand what you are talking about. Sorry to disappoint you.

>> No.12805565

>And you're not bias?
I'm not the one who leads with an image like >>12805491
and then thinks he's going to get a real response

>> No.12805566

We’re all biased on this shitty Ukrainian missile making forum. I’m going to assume you lean right and the other anon leans left. There’s nothing wrong with having a different opinion, after all, that’s what makes 4chan(nel) better than reddit and other mainstream social media sites.

>> No.12805584


First off I don't lean left, or right. Only sides that will benefit my wallet.

Secondly, I love to trigger magafags

>> No.12805595

And how does bezos benefit your wallet?

>> No.12805613


Thats when the secondly part comes in.

>> No.12805615
File: 49 KB, 448x500, 1548638710539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't lean left, or right.
sure buddy
strong protection for free speech benefits everyone's wallets, because you can coerce rabid mobs of low IQ simpletons to commit acts of violence and destruction and intimidation on your behalf, and never be penalized
social media terrorists are big proponents of the first amendment, and this is also why they are trying to dismantle the 2nd

>> No.12805627

dios mio...
el blanco americana la /pol/iticala..

>> No.12805637


Thats or opinion. But I'll say I love all my god given rights endowed to me in the constitution and bill of rights. And anyone trying to lessen those effects are my enemies.

>> No.12805684

Anybody who thinks its okay to destroy kids lives based on intentionally misreported information is mine. If you believe in God then you should try actually reading the book he gave us, through his servants.
The constitution merely describes inherent rights (up to a point, where it became zogged). It does not account for intentions of malicious actors attempting to conceal their intention, and does it does not exist in a vacuum devoid of ethical obligations.

>> No.12805698

Doesn't matter what you think, small minded bitch.

>> No.12805702


You sound like a massive faggot. Hope you have kids so I can destroy their lives.

>> No.12805711


Law isn't what you think peabrain it's defined and structured. Now cower away and not prove evidence.

>> No.12805717

Say whatever you want. You make it obvious you were raised by a single whore of a mother, I'll simply screen shot this thread and laugh at your nigger ass when he wins.

>t. fag who makes $30k per year

>> No.12805725


lmao, ok do that autismo. You're worthless and a waste of time.

>> No.12805727

It takes 3 seconds to do. Same amount of time your father spent around as a child nigger boy

>> No.12805735





>> No.12805737

I didn't enjoy killing dunecoons when I was in the army, because they were dumb and could barely fight back. Blowing them apart from 500 yards away was demoralizing and did something to me I didn't like.

That being said, I will savor. Savor. Killing deranged lunatics like you when the time comes to purge our nation of your filth, for good. I pray that it comes within my lifetime while I am hale and healthy and can march to a good war, one that we can actually tell our grandchildren about.

We'll show them what you tried to do to us, first, and then we will show them where it got you. Maybe I'll go to hell for what I'll have to do in the coming war, but if it allows my family to flourish for generations to come, then I'll take the hit for them, so they never have to.

>> No.12805742

Let’s tone down the racist terminology and stereotypes, this is 4channel now. Goo- I mean hiro needs advertisers money to keeep this site running, okay?

>> No.12805746


took you long enough to type that simpleton. but TLDR ;^)

>> No.12805748

You're going to die screaming, retard. When the time comes, I hope I'm there to remind you why it's happening.

>> No.12805749

Why are you guys getting so triggered over a troll?

>> No.12805756


tldr ;^)

>> No.12805762

One day it will come. Economic melt down, Whites waking up, niggers like the one we're replying to getting far to uppity, list goes on and on.

>> No.12805767


>> No.12805771
File: 61 KB, 473x648, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this kid is going to be made for life because a bunch of political cultists can't contain their autistic bloodlust for whites

I love a happy ending

>> No.12805776

Internalizing my thoughts and strengthening my resolve to act when the time comes, friend. I hope our nation somehow retreats from the path it is going down, but if it doesn't, then I have to be prepared to act in defense of my family and my future children.

If crypto moons again I might make it, and be able to create a life somewhere that it cannot be destroyed by these demons. If it doesn't, then all I have is what's inside.

>> No.12805781

What is wrong with you?

>> No.12805783
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>> No.12805787

First he's not white he is catholic. Fucking mutts. Second he is already rich as fuck. His school is privately financed and has a PR firm on fucking retainer.

>> No.12805791

That’s fine, but you do know that encourages trolls to bait more responses and (You)s from you right? It seems very counterintuitive.

>> No.12805801


>> No.12805940

lmao these kids are still triggering faggots. wait until they’re driving lambos.

>> No.12806026

What did jeff do, why is he getting sued?

>> No.12806074


Owns the Washington post, which went full witch hunt mode when this story was new

>> No.12806127

So why not sue washington post, but jeff?

>> No.12806180

>17 posts by this I
LOL; it's been a while I've seen somebody this assblasted. Nice that some others got to pull your strings while you danced for their entertainment

>> No.12806185


other way around sweety ;^)

>> No.12806192

>punchable face

what does it matter, you wouldn't punch him anyway you soiboi

>> No.12806211
File: 56 KB, 493x387, 1502572189640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


because I like punching men with feminine features?

Wait don't tell me you don't....

>> No.12806245



>> No.12806265
File: 200 KB, 1174x1004, 1548022550397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Another asshurt customer to the list, welcome. Please stand in line behind the other buttblasted maga fags. you'll be called on momentarily.

>> No.12806287


The left really can’t meme can they

>> No.12806314

no he probably hates trumps minions because trump is a kike molesting new york democrat larping as a neocon, and the magapedes treat him like the second coming, when in fact he is just a ZOG puppet

>> No.12806343



>> No.12806675
File: 23 KB, 690x370, 53955_nino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are they related?

>> No.12806788

>my god given rights
>endowed to me in the constitution and bill of rights
is the constitution god or something? which is it?

>> No.12806952

This a troll you niggers, arguing wont do shit.

>> No.12807816

Why are left memes always so pathetic, are they even trying?

>> No.12807848

it’s just a prank bro just chill

>> No.12807883

telling a native american you're going to build a wall is the most /pol/ thing in history

>> No.12807892

they're not very smart over there. it's sometimes fun to venture to their little zoo cage and laugh at their hideously pathetic "ideas"

>> No.12807895
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Why are Americans so greedy? The judge should just make Washington Post print a correction article on the front page and throw out this ridiculous suite

>> No.12807906

This isn't about winning the lawsuit, it's about getting maximum coverage and hurting the press in any way possible, while simultaneously "clearing his name" - good. Imagine if the kid wasn't rich, his life would truly been ruined. This is what it takes in the USA these days.

>> No.12807981


>> No.12808017

the first amendment to free speech does not apply to libel cases which defame the character of someone in a widely broadcast public manner.
the kid DOES have a valid case and the fact hes gunning for 250 million is just how confident his defense team is that they will win.
the wapo will most likely settle. suing the press for libel is an age old american tradition that happens more often than youd think
youd know that, if u were an american

>> No.12808052

>Freedom of press is a wonderful thing.
Freedom of the press =/= Freedom from consequences

>> No.12808059


>> No.12808085

...the absolute state of not having knowledge of grammar, syntax, and spelling.
never gonna make it, /biz/

>> No.12808107

That kid is now set for life. Guarantee they settle for a fraction probably around 30million.

>> No.12808766

This a rollie not a stopwatch shit don't ever stop

>> No.12808830

does the child on the back extra chromosome ? Certainly looks like it ?

Are these guys mentally retarded, I mean "challenged" ?

>> No.12808899

>I disagree with something therefore it isn't a meme

>> No.12808981


He’s sixteen years old you complete retard.

Post your face, guaranteed this kid has way more jawline at 16 than your undeveloped soineck has right this very moment.

Kid has good faciak structure to develope on as he ages, plus he’ll be doing it in a Lambo Bezos paid for so he’ll bag hundreds of times more puss than you could even fathom.

Kid won at life by wearing a hat and standing still. Imagine being so lucky.

Imagine any of the cucks on this board having the ballsack to put on that hat and HODL your ground against unwashed barbarian hordes.

/Biz/ can’t understand alpha tendencies for obvious reasons.

>> No.12808992

He's already a rich kid so it really doesn't matter what happens. He's set for life. Pretty based and redpilled.

>> No.12809058

Yeah I'm fucking jealous of this fine young man. He deserves it for the discrimination and hatred the media subjected him to

>> No.12809075

Look at all the triggered little leftists swarming all over this thread to shit on this kid cus they're mad he revealed the desperate slandering agenda of their favorite establishment mouthpiece.

>> No.12809133
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i smell black people

>> No.12809179
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>All these triggered people in this thread.

>> No.12809192

I hope he gets rich as fuck and starts a based + red pilled podcast

>> No.12809209

that lonely forced laughter cringe tho

>> No.12809225


JFC. Pathetic.

>> No.12809236
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b-but I am lonely anon, don't remind me.

>> No.12809241

The press makes retractions all the time but that doesn't stop the mouth breathers from repeating muh russia orange man bad
The damage is done pay the magaman

>> No.12809277

>Maybe I'll go to hell for what I'll have to do
I've been thinking about this a lot recently
Sacrificing my spirit for the betterment of my people
Someone has to do something and I'm preparing myself for this sacrifice

>> No.12809353

Kid needs to win just to set the precedent for the media blatantly pushing fake news and inciting violence.

Any journalist, right or left, should be criminally liable if they incite violence through false narrative.

Liberals call anyone supporting the police or rich a bootlicker, but they won't address the other authoritarian regime, the media, because it pushes their agenda.

>> No.12809449

Wasn't the lefts favorite phrase: freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consquences? Suddenly they're champions of freedom of speech?

>> No.12809590

It’s not ridiculous; finding employment for this kid has been severely hindered, all because of this fake news paper lying. A retraction article will do jack shit to help the situation.

>> No.12809625

Are you a street-shitting pajeet? Those are literally the only types of people that I know put a space in between their last word and the question mark. It's so fucking stupid

>> No.12809629

Social media terrorists are the greatest threat to the 1st amendment. They incite violence and intimidation against Americans who do not adhere to their narrative. They encourage blacklisting and bullying against anybody who speaks out against them. They are a communist mob, and they are trying very hard to effectively criminalize any non-media-approved opinion.

>> No.12809654

where the hell were those chaperones? black israelites are cancer.

>> No.12809664


And now they're all going to be sued into poverty. The system works.

>> No.12809753
File: 92 KB, 820x1024, 1545257863189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's literally nothing redeeming about trump or his supporters and yet he's still better than Hillary. How is this even possible?

It was fun watching Trump blow his racist load all over America. I got what I voted for.

But now I want a brown socialist woman in office just so we can drive America into the dirt. Oh god the asshurt is going to be amazing. Will the higher taxes on my gains be worth it? Idk. But it'll be a fun ride, and that's what matters honestly.

People who choose politicians based on "who's best for the country" are brainlets, honestly. Whoever gives you money or whoever gives you laughs should be the candidate.

>> No.12809774

>If they reported it wrong then all they have to say it was based on their sources.

Reckless disregard for the truth of the libelous claims is still sufficient to establish culpability.

>> No.12809954
File: 23 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the lawsuit going to be a hit... or miss? Huh?

>> No.12809977

ain't gonna happen. he went to a public protest and sought publicity on his own. also him "being a racist" is clearly an opinion. they won't even settle

>> No.12810225


Going to a protest does not make one seeki publicity and definitely doesn't make him a public figure so intentional malice isn't required. This is an easy case to win, settlement value in the lower millions easily but WashPo is just the first. Next is CNN, Buzzfeed, Deadspin, all the blue check mark pseudo Twitter elebs, all the real celebs... People are going down for this and it is going to hurt. Only way to change behavior.

>> No.12810281

Bezos is focused on keeping his dick pics out of public view right now

>> No.12810331

>Going to a protest does not make one seeki publicity and definitely doesn't make him a public figure so intentional malice isn't required

He sought publicity after he fact. The state statute says he needed to write to WaPo within ten days asking them to retract, instead he went and appealed to the public via other venues.

>> No.12810376


Link pls. What state statute? State libel statutes in Kentucky? There really aren't controlling statutes for libel as a civil action and the Washington post isn't a state defendant. Not sure you know what ur talking about. This isn't a criminal libel action.

>> No.12810459
File: 10 KB, 288x263, 1550514891435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The defense will call the Black Hebrews who will testify that, in fact, he wuz raycis. Case cloased.

Afterward Bezos will tweet that Amazon is looking to acquire the Black Hebrews and rogue sects everywhere will plummet

>> No.12810498

>Unemployable, unloved, unwanted, shunned
Joke's on you, I'm already all of the above

>> No.12810999

oh look! another meme that tells you EXACTLY what you ought to think. the creator must be really deep and definitly not and NPC whatsoever.

>> No.12811306



I don't think you know what that word means.

>> No.12811320


You can sue anyone for anything. The fact that they are filing a claim doesn't say much and obviously they are trying to settle like the jews bastards they are. but that aint happening.

>> No.12811331


>He’s sixteen years old you complete retard.

so what, I still like punching faggots. Maybe you're next.

>> No.12811335


that literally makes no sense you mong.

>> No.12811346

>the kid DOES have a valid case and the fact hes gunning for 250 million is just how confident his defense team is that they will win.

lmao they ain't getting shit. They are aiming high so they can settle out of court for like a couple of mill. But thats not even going to happen.

>> No.12811356


he mad

>> No.12811358
File: 92 KB, 1000x707, office4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


he very mad lmao

>> No.12811363


The rights are god given. Look it up. The authors even mention it.

>> No.12811367

Niggers & Spics mad as hell, I'm not even White and I want this kid to get every single penny he's suing for.

I hope you cockriding faggots are ready for another 4 years.

>> No.12811373


I don't ride trumps cock. soo no.

>> No.12811381

>jury in Kentucky

>> No.12811390

He's going to ram it in your boypussy anyways, bitchboy.

>> No.12811395
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Im Mirin that 12 hour long sustained shitposting on a static ip streak.

>> No.12811414

Based Black Israelis
Rename this board to /BlackIsrael/

>> No.12811443

>4 more years of Trump destroying American hegemony
Fuck yes. Please amerifats make this happen.

>> No.12811444
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I try my best

>> No.12811465

American hegemony seems to mean giving a free pass to shit tier countries around the world. We don't give a fuck anymore, USA first and USA only. Fuck the rest of the world, especially those faggots euros.

>> No.12811512
File: 43 KB, 634x464, 5957290-6369955-image-a-19_1541721447079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you vegan, fren?
Also how do you feel about AOC? Next president correct?

>> No.12811529

Goddammit that msg was for


>> No.12812312

Wrong. They did put out a false statement. They said The Indian was a Vietnam veteran. He was not entirely false. That alone does make all the others put into the case. Washington Post is going to throw huge stacks at the MEGA kids. Not 250 million but 25 million at least.

>> No.12812332

I think he can win it but when he does, there is no way he will get 250 mil.

>> No.12812677

AOC 4 President

>> No.12812703
File: 33 KB, 600x600, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cock nose Cortez.

>> No.12812834


lol. stopped reading at "Social media terrorists"

>> No.12812846
File: 1.05 MB, 2000x1333, 1522720696387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck the lugenpresse breh

Hope he takes em to the cleaners. Trying to ruin a teenager's life because he's a white guy who doesn't cower in the corner.

>> No.12812957

Standing awkwardly in place is not that much different from cowering in a corner. It's just a kid. Jesus you people and this culture war. America is dying. You don't need to have a cow about it. Have some dignity.

>> No.12812989

This is the kind of mental retardation I expect from euro trash
>don't fight back
>just take it, shows you have dignity

>> No.12813004
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>> No.12813027

>32 posts later and leftypol incels still posting
Yikes lad, at this point you're just hurting yourself.

>> No.12813031


I do not understand what you're trying to say at all. America is dying? Yes it is, and it's cancer like WaPo that is propagating hate.

>> No.12813036


I'm just having fun. After all it's maga fags that will hurt after 2020

>> No.12813038


>> No.12813094


I would punch that face all day long you, turd licker.

>> No.12813398

>Sue's Jeff Bezos for $250 Million

That's chump change.

>> No.12813408

Are you AOC?
Marry me?

>> No.12813422

I'm not alt right. Those guys are nazis
I wear all white
bc womens suffrage

>> No.12813434

>settle for $8million
2.6 to the lawyer
rest tax free
life = easy mode from here on out.

>> No.12813469

>smile at a minority
>become a millionaire

what did liberals mean by this?

>> No.12813594


>> No.12813605

this is like the Navy Seal pasta but unironic

>> No.12813713

im pretty sure that's just a weak strawman webcomic, though it has a point, which can be applied to any party with strongly diverging interestes

the verb meme can be applied, here it is the process of wanting to create a meme
whereas the substantive meme is something that only come from repetition and recognition of an already established meme, but since at this point this is just a webcomic it cannot be applied

i hope you faggots have learned something today

>> No.12813735


>> No.12813754

Who is this faggot and why should I care?

>> No.12813781

You're almost to the 24 hour shitposting streak mark, don't stop now.

>> No.12813898


He's the future president over America and richest teen in the world.

>> No.12813910
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>> No.12813915
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>> No.12813919
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>> No.12813925
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>> No.12813930

bby pls

>> No.12813945


Thats Hubee to you.

>> No.12813946



you have about 3 hours to go, stay strong

>> No.12813948


thanks for being such a psycho and keeping my thread alive. highest post count ive ever had.

>> No.12813955

>Whoever gives you money or whoever gives you laughs should be the candidate

That's two points for Trump though. What kind of point were you trying to make? Do you think Sugar Tits Cortez is going to give you your money's worth? Has the government ever done that? Do you or anybody else find her remotely amusing?


>> No.12813957
File: 104 KB, 501x697, 1550675676867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've had higher

>> No.12813986


We are the same person actually. I'm just same fag bumping my own shit from my cell phone.

>> No.12814001
File: 3.73 MB, 384x216, charliefightskids-two.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I still would punch that faggot in the face.

>> No.12814017
File: 228 KB, 1008x916, 1550300566617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nah you wish you were me. You're too much of a pleb though.

>> No.12814104


>> No.12814233

no he did not you retarded fuck. he was at a monument with school waiting for a bus. his school mates and him were swarmed by the dumbfuck lying loser indian as well as black supremacist mongloids. the protest targeted them and inundated them. they went to a monument. how are people as stupid as you even able to use the internet?

>> No.12815294
File: 7 KB, 318x159, punchkids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Who cares except the maga babies. He looks like a massive tranny faggot. Punch him in the face.

>> No.12815299
File: 1.38 MB, 600x300, giphy (2).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12815310

oh so thats why hes so happy

>> No.12815312

nuck figgers

>> No.12815315


Calls to action are a crime, and people were yelling for their deaths. Big celebs, media corporations, government officials. Can't do that.

>> No.12815323

what is the point of legal laymen discussing topics that are way above their heads?

>> No.12815582


I'm no lay person. He will win. All will be punitive damages pwned into the ground.