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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12803964 No.12803964 [Reply] [Original]

>normies only care about status, power and money
>people will only interact with you based on what you can offer them
>that includes friends, family, and gfs

When did you realize this sad truth that you are just a commodity? A resource? A gold mine to be exploited? That there is no such thing as love or friendship?

>> No.12803977

there is friendship and love. you have to find the right people though. i was a total loser and i still kind of am but after finding people who care about me my life has gotten a little better even though i get upset easily.

>> No.12803996

Thanks Kek

>> No.12804004
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>> No.12804024
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This is your mind on capitalist realism.

>> No.12804150


Friendship and Love are just human constructs made to keep us in a place of happiness. Usually these relationships form with people who are equal to us on the social hierarchy and thus we are able to relate to them on an "intimate" level.
If you improve yourself and surpass them accordingly you feel as though you can "do better" and you feel as though you are driven to pursue better friends or a more "real" relationship.
Think about it: If you never spoke to your SO and didn't give a shit about them; they wouldn't give a shit about you. All humans are the same.

Power and influence are the most fundamental drives of evolution and that is why the people who reproduce the most are usually the poorest and weakest. Since the birth of the internet, we are no longer competing against our local town or village. All human beings are constantly being compared to one another and a ladder and thus 'social rank' is made unconsciously in everyone's minds.

Long story short, you are alone. Companionship and love purely exist to benefit the continuous evolution and survivability of the species for the long run.

>> No.12804161

Get better family and friends. Jesus are all Americans like this? Opi loves me and his entire family.

>> No.12804162

In normies really cared about money, they wouldn't do half of the idiotic things they do. Status is really what's #1 to the normie mindset.

>> No.12804183


>> No.12804188

and the redittor reveals himself.

>> No.12804192

friends are a thing dude maybe not lovers but friends are really there.

>> No.12804202
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Ah this thread again.

>> No.12804250

Wrong again.
Do you really think your 'friends' would visit you in jail if you were framed for murder?
Do you really think your 'friends' wouldn't envy you if you were a successful billionaire and they fell into financial and emotional ruin?
Every relationship you think you have can end as quickly as it began. We are 'social' creatures. We are compelled to work with people and share experiences with one another (who we believe are on the same social level as us) so that we can benefit both ourselves and the other individual for the long run.

>> No.12804256

lol just cope idiot

>> No.12804267

Fuck you nigger

>> No.12804274

>I use nigger or kike then I will blend in

Whatever ho

>> No.12804309


>> No.12804909

who cares, thats why we buy LINK, to eternally BTFO everyone when singularity happens, the looks on peoples faces when they see that a total loser bum has made more than they ever will, is going to be more fulfilling to me than any stupid lambo or mansion could make me feel. sometimes I literally get a boner to how vindicated were all going to be when it all unfolds.

>> No.12805014
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They will all perish like dogs

>> No.12805197

if you're not providing equal or more value you are by definition a parasite

>> No.12805233

that is why with link i will show all the people i made it

all those people who bulied me who thought i was some fucken loser neet i will show them all i will drive fancy cars i wil have biatuiful asian girlfriend and they feel bitter

i dont only want to succeed i want others to feel jealousy

>> No.12805240

Bros have loyalty man. They're just really rare.

Women on the other hand will only "love" you as long as you are performing up to standard.

Except for your mom.

>> No.12805299
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I'm 25 now, will I live to see waifu bots real enough to fill the void? it would be nice if they came to market at a reasonable price before I'm old as fuck thou...

>> No.12805317

Not so fast, sonny Jim.


>> No.12805333


Nah, that's just women afraid of their inevitable obsolescence. It can't be stoped.

>> No.12805365

What's the problem with that? Don't you exploit them for the same goals?

>> No.12805366

Unironically a month ago I had 3 realizations at the same time, 2 of which I've seen on /biz tonight and the 3rd was to start investing which brought me to /biz from /fit and /pol for my first time. The other 2 were this, and the clownverse theory.

>> No.12805593

At about 14 years old, when I learned that private schools receive more taxpayer funding than public schools along with corporate subsidies & lobbyists being behind basically all laws passed, meaning the rich actively scab gibs more than the poor. Ie, the free market is a lie, and we're ruled by a monied oligarchy that deliberately creates underclasses of human trash to keep everyone occupied. I didn't realise (((why))) things were that way, but I was well on my way.

>> No.12805611

Some good weed at your house huh anon? Yeah, right decision though. Get /fit/, understand /pol/itics and start a /biz/ness to escape at least some of the wagecucking. Defending yourself is important too, so become a /k/ommando as well. Others are up to you, just always remember to keep the lulz for sanity sake.

>> No.12805623

That is why I don't socialize, honestly. I don't want anything from anyone, other than pleasant interactions. Other people always want something from me, whether it's my time, my skills, or to put their emotional burden on me. Can't wait until I make it and say fuck you to society.

>> No.12805641

when did you realize that it's just you

it's (you) nobody likes. that's why (they) use you.

wise up faggot

>> No.12805826


What is solitary confinement, and why does it make people lose their minds? We're social creatures whether you like it or not, and no amount of regurgitated nietzsche will ever change that you disgusting pile of hamshit.

>> No.12805842

Sad cunt

>> No.12806010

While not murderer, a friend of mine became a registered sex offender for showing his willy online to a "14 year old" undercover cop at the age of 19.

Paid his bond and visited him while awaiting trial. Send him money and books while he was in jail. Also helped with his younger brother (dad was dead and mom on the cusp of death).

Over ten years laters and we're still friends. Sure he did a dumb thing back the . Thankfully, he's righted his ship since then.

Helped some friends and other friends have helped me.

Even a friend with some of the exes. Went our ways, but on good terms. A couple other exes, not so much.

>> No.12806055

>/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.12806068

a couple of years ago.

>> No.12806087

>clownverse theory

>> No.12806097

>people don't love me unconditionally WAAAHHHH
>the fact that my mommy used me as a depression banishment device means that all people should treat me the same without me providing any tangible benefit to them
You're a cunt because your family allowed you to be a cunt - in a similar manner cats are tolerated.

Commonly, the problem with people like OP is that they constantly try to signal their superiority in some way that isn't relevant to the social hierarchy of anyone besides their tight pack of online buddies.

>look at my Charizard pokemon card
>*starts to act like he fucked thousands of women in front of normies*
>*normie correctly sees that he's being challenged*
>*because he's not an autist, he prefers to simply walk away from the autist freakshow*

>> No.12806105

several years ago

>> No.12806111
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>> No.12806132

Speak about yourself you dipshit.

A lot of truly weatlthy people still have the same friends they had since Childhood since they are the few people they KNOW they can be real with.

You sound like you never actually had friends...

>> No.12806147

you took the blackpill congratulations. every human interaction is transactional (outside of close knit monoethnic villages which no longer exist).

people want something from you in every case. even “friends” only associate with each other based on mutually improving status (which is why Chads don’t hang out with nerds since it’s a one sided deal for them). socializing is essentially just a big game of clout chasing.

to women you are maybe a source of perceived good semen/genetics or money. if you have neither, then no women for you, just like no friends if no status. it’s like going to a store without money.
to your employer you are a reluctant stopgap until a robot is invented to do your job.
to your government you are a potential soldier and taxpayer.

only retards are altruistic in modernity. arbitrage kindness wherever you see it because it’s rare.

>> No.12806173
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oh wow I think i understand social interaction now. Was I supposed to be exploiting people this whole time? serious question

>> No.12806186

no its no true. i haz benis and pepls liek me for my benis

>> No.12806195


>> No.12806237

oh get the fuck out of this thread with your link bullshit Ranjesh
it's getting beyond pathetic now

>> No.12806381

>When did you realize this sad truth that you are just a commodity?
when I started browsing /biz/

>> No.12806403
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>muh evolyusan
I can't take this word seriously anymore. It has completely decimated the biological sciences of the 21st and arguably at least half of the 20th century too. You have retards like this running around laughably thinking they understand why they exist. What a fucking joke. The jews must consider Darwin a Godsend.

>> No.12806626

Yes. If you ask for nothing, you will receive contempt

>> No.12806636

lol let's hear you take on evolutionary history. this should be good

>> No.12807748

>Friendship and Love are just human constructs

but then you go to talk of power and influence as real things lol you are so lost in the sauce you probably don't even realize it.

>> No.12807835

you're the retard that doesn't understand what a human construct mean.

human construct = something that is real but was created as a byproduct of human interaction.

He's not saying friendship and love is not real, just that they are dependent on your place in the social hierarchy, which he argues, is an innate biological mechanism you can't avoid.

>> No.12807862

This is correct

These is miserable people who, in a last ditch effort, try to pull everyone down to their level so they can feel good about something in their pathetic lives. Who hurt you? Probably everyone because you're useless wastes of skin.

>> No.12807893

In a sense yes.
The only reason power and influence are more real is because friendship and love can be constructed by power and influence.

An example of this can be seen with kidnapping victims and how (if they are kept alone with their kidnappers) can end up falling in love with them. This is because the isolated victim grows reliant on the kidnapper for survival purposes; their brains will adapt to the situation and (in an attempt to keep themselves from going insane from loneliness and because humans need social interaction), will force them to have a relationship with the only person around... their kidnapper.

Therefore it can be seen that power and influence are unconsciously registered as real by all human beings and love and friendship are not. (Since love and friendship can be created if it is forced upon an individual in extreme circumstances).

>> No.12807908

Yes, they are dependent on where you stand in your social hierarchy and if you create your own hierarchy (in the case of the kidnapper above) it can be something that is unavoidable.

>> No.12807918

This is the kind of post that bitter individuals try to prove they are superiors to be 3d versions of Sasuke Uchiha, while some others try to imply they are right because their personal distorted experience from reality.

In the end this post is the same bullshit that normies do but with a shady cloack of passive agressivity and e-penis jelqing/masturbation.

>> No.12807929

i have family
i have no friends (don't wanna bribe them)
i have no gfs (i use feminist service which u called prostitution)

>> No.12808057
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>with our pussies devalued men threaten our independence by being less enticed to provide for us in exchange for use of our pussies

>> No.12808069

based and redpilled

>> No.12808677
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>This is the kind of post that bitter individuals try to prove they are superiors to be 3d versions of Sasuke Uchiha, while some others try to imply they are right because their personal distorted experience from reality.

>In the end this post is the same bullshit that normies do but with a shady cloack of passive agressivity and e-penis jelqing/masturbation.

>> No.12808710

Early because i hace nothing to offer so i have no friends

>> No.12808737

Is this picture taken at De Wallen?

>> No.12808928

man this one angry chihuahua

>> No.12808963

False because people commit suicide when they lose a loved one. Its more vommon with older couples though. One passes away and the other loses their will to live. Thats proof of love at least.

>> No.12809031

>Power and influence are the most fundamental drives of evolution and that is why the people who reproduce the most are usually the poorest and weakest.
I don't see how A leads to B.

>> No.12809046


Appears so, yes

>> No.12809106
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>Friendship and Love are just human

And so am I.

>> No.12809354

Hilarious read, my friend. Almost seems like satire.

>> No.12810189

>there are two potential people you can interact with and you have time for only one
>one person has a job, clean clothes and their own living arrangements
>the other is a neet, unwashed and lives with their mom
>they are the same age, phenotype, sex, etc

which one will you choose to spend your time with ?