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12803638 No.12803638 [Reply] [Original]

I just got liquidated on my entire Bitcoin stack (12 BTC). I shorted at 3430 because all the TA indicators showed further downside.

I am financially ruined.

>> No.12803644

no one cares faggot now fuck off

>> No.12803648

TAfags btfo.

>> No.12803651
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I care. I think it’s funny as hell, but that’s a form of caring.

>> No.12803657

Good thing it was only fake money
You just successfully cashed out congrats. Shits rare

>> No.12803658

You deserve it for not knowing what risk management is.

>> No.12803661

who's fault is that?

>> No.12803670
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OP is now free. Free to get a real job. Did I mention that I find this funny as hell?

>> No.12803671

higher lows. tone vays is a cuck who'll never time the bottom. :D

>> No.12803678

>shorting the bottom
>shorting something that's already 85% down

>> No.12803697

TA is a bit of a meme - nothing prevents a sudden bart from a whale or whatever. Make sure you have a good method of gauging other factors (sentiment, depth etc), and learn about risk management. A stop loss system that can really make a difference. Money management is more important than always guessing correctly tbqh. But F your stack anyway.
Literally a board on finance, fuck off if you don't want to discuss it, including when somebody dun goofed and made a mistake others can learn from.

>> No.12803774

>mistake others can learn from
>stubbornly shorting against a confirmed uptrend
i have no sympathy or patience for dumb greedy jackasses

>> No.12803828

Sounds like you need to watch some more Philakone videos

>> No.12803843

Congratulations. It cost you only 12 BTC to learn that TA is about doing high probability trades, not certain trades. Now if you just pair that TA you have to some solid risk management, you are golden. Good luck Bobo.

>> No.12803847


everyone is greedy, otherwise you wouldn't be investing or on /biz/. but fuck you for shorting this societal and financial world-changing technology. and a big fuck you to anyone who sells their bitcoin on the market. we are down 80% from ATH thanks to you. i hope you all get financially ruined. only the true hodlers will experience the financial prosperity of the golden bull run.

>> No.12803858

>further downside
What the fuck? What retard dumpsterbrain TA are you doing, thinking we'd drop any significant amount when we've kept bouncing off the 200-week average?

>> No.12803866


>> No.12803868
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LOL get fucked fag fuck you

>> No.12803876
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let me guess.... BitMEX?

>> No.12803915

>shorting this societal and financial world-changing technology

Sorry but bitcoin is primarily known as a get-rich-quick scheme.

>> No.12803940

Based bitcoin. Whoever shorts this deserves to burn. Go short some shitty currency or shitty company

>> No.12803957
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Buy CoinMetro faggot. No need to thank me later.

>> No.12803981

see all you retards at 2400 by mid year and 1300 by eoy

>> No.12803985

KYS Bear faggot. Do it on video and make it messy.

>> No.12804035
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>> No.12804345

thats what you get

>> No.12804376

30-40k isn't financial ruin. It is a very serious setback, but it can be built back up from. Just don't make the same mistakes.

>> No.12804457


Are the apples supposed to represent your assets frozen in tether?

>> No.12804517
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>> No.12804526

Or some hardcore parkour

>> No.12804545

he fell for the 1800 meme, choe is that you?

>> No.12804550


>> No.12804566

There was an anon here who perfectly predicted this small rally using TA. I'm still kicking myself for not screen capping his thread. He said we would go up to maybe 4-5k, then dump back to 3.5k. After that, well be seeing some new post bullrun lows.

>> No.12804606
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Yes, you hit the nail right on the head.

>> No.12804614

larping bull

>> No.12804745
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>> No.12804753

TA toddlers

>> No.12804755
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>> No.12804896
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Aaand it will be under OP's entry price in one month.


You deserved to get rekt for trading the whole stack, over leveraged, no stop loss, and poor TA (any decent TA would tell you that a correction upward was due when we were ranging in 34xx and kept bouncing off 200wma)

>> No.12805175


I thought it was pretty clever

>> No.12805453

imaging betting money based on pseudoscientific divinations

>> No.12805463

free rope, giving away some free rope here.

>> No.12806308



>> No.12806318

I did the same and only lost 0.06 btc and that's only because I didn't cut my losses and end the trade when I had only lost 0.03 btc. If you don't manage your shit well you have only yourself to blame.

>> No.12806327

How retarded u have to be to go all in on shorting BTC at 85% downtrend.
U could have bought 6 666 666 of NIMIQ at 15 sats (was hovering around that level for two weeks already), and today its already 18-19 sats and u would have already 1.2 BTC. but lets say it will hit the levels of last network hashing ATH (3.5 GH, now its around 1.2 and increasing due to GPU mining) the price back then was 35 sats. x2. so u would have 2.33
U fuckin mong u deserve it.

>> No.12806353

Pure delusion

>> No.12806361
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>> No.12806584

even a broken clock is correct twice a day

>> No.12806643
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that's why i don't gamble. i only invest. you fucking retards think this is a endless money making machine. why to fuck even gamble with all the wealth u had. stupid.

you can lose everything as fast you made it.

picture is OP next few years. you have to start from the bottom or give up.

>> No.12806732

TA is a self-fulfilling meme and it's easily broken by just one whale. It isn't something you bet the farm on.

>> No.12806743

You've had an entire year to short and you short now WITH YOUR ENTIRE STACK?

>> No.12806754

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Sorry your loss, but that's what happen when you use way too much leverage. You're literally the equivalent of someone who bet 50k on roulette and lost.

>> No.12806764

>not having a stoploss
had it coming. Even if I lost 25% of my stack in late December due to the pumps and me being retarded and entering all the time, it's still far better than getting liquidated and lose all

>> No.12806852

what is a stoploss

>> No.12806962

This. I'm sorry but anyone who uses the market to gamble and inevitably lose their money, when you could easily put that effort toward TRADING instead of GAMBLING and actually make money, is either stupid or has a psychological problem.

>> No.12807190

This is what deluded bearfaggots actually believe lmao

>> No.12807258

You should have just staked bridgecoin, with 12 btc staked you'd earn about 0.05BTC every 2 weeks or 12% ROI a year. Shame you had to be a permabeartard and short the bottom instead. I'm 25th richest BCO staker feels good man: http://bco.cryptobridge.io

>> No.12807268

It's bear hunting season boys

>> No.12807279
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gentle reminder if you:

>ignored day trading
>ignored crypto
>ignored stock picking
>ignored dude weed stocks
>bought indexes

you would be at all time highs right now

>> No.12807428

>he Perfectly predicted we would go to 4k-5k.
>Haven't even broken 4k yet.
Bulltards like you who take rallies for granted are why we have to break 1k before this bear market ends.

>> No.12807620
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>> No.12807645

>he thinks we're gonna break below the 200 week moving average

Lol no, bottom already in

>> No.12807692


>> No.12807695

Bitcoin is shit and going to zero.

Ethereum will be #1 by 2020

>> No.12807786

>meme indicators
You know casino's love people who walk around with the roulette cards and use a "system" right?

>> No.12807825


Larping faggot.

>> No.12808065

this is why you use stops, Now get a job you have a year before it recovers and can put that 30k back in and make it. Go oil fields if you no education

>> No.12808088

> because all the TA indicators showed further downside
You're just bad at trading

>> No.12808203

If by Bitcoin you mean BTC and Ethereum you mean Bitcoin SV then yes, yes indeed.
Read the goldarn whitepaper you bizzy fidgets.

>> No.12808220
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Is there even any room left on stupid OP face for me to spit on ? Haha

>> No.12808242
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Thank you for your service!

>> No.12808443


>> No.12808458

You deserved it. If you don't educate yourself before doing something you can go to hell, esp trading something tha could be worth 12 million some day just by holding. You are a huge fuck up.