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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2.34 MB, 9584x4752, Bitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12796692 No.12796692 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12796700

It’s gonna go lower

>> No.12796706


Not likely.

>> No.12796722

But we still haven't touched $2979

>> No.12796725

i want to believe

>> No.12796726


It's not a perfect science, it is just generally correct.

>> No.12796738

my bet was like 300k until EOY 2021 so this one is also possible.

>> No.12796756


You can use many different predictors and reach a similar conclusion.

>> No.12796758


>> No.12796760


Yeah, actually.

>> No.12796832

this is unironically probably true

>> No.12796842

do you have targets for ETH and LTC?

>> No.12796866

LMAO you dumb internet faggots.

You're all a bunch of niggers.

Buying internet coins thinking its gonna make you rich? LMFAO Everyone lost money and no one is gonna touch this dog shit anymore, THE FUCK DOES A BITCOIN EVEN DO? LMAO ITS BACKED BY NOTHING, WHY WOULD ANYONE BUY IT? YOu fucking people are dense, literally niggers.

>> No.12796871
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also need to know for a fren

>> No.12796876

people have been getting rich from bitcoin for a decade. Use your fucking brain and understand it is a commodity with limited supply that is open to the full forces of supply and demand, even goes through halvening events every few years.

You are definitely black i can tell.

>> No.12796901

Commodity backed by nothing.

nice guess, but try again anon.

>> No.12796906


If you don't believe me or don't get it, I don't have time to try to convince you, sorry.


That is Top secret clearance.

>> No.12796916

Fren I don't need ANYONE to convince me to buy this scam. There's a reason its down 80%+

>> No.12796939

no one cares fuck off

>> No.12796942
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>There's a reason its down 80%+

This right here, this never gets old.

>> No.12796957
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>TFW you would've made more money keeping your money in FIAT and no other investments than the whole crypto market.
Is ok fren, when your internet money goes down 90% more, just know I won't be thinking bad about you.

>> No.12796971


yeah maybe if you were dumb enough to buy at 20k. You're one of those, weren't you anon. Not to worry, buy in again and forget for a few years, don't be bitter.

>> No.12796978


You know, not everybody buys high and sells low like you did.

I will see you again in 2022 when you are fomo buying Bitcoin at $348k... Only to sell when it is $50k.

>> No.12796985

*Bitcoin (BCH)

>> No.12796998

Anon... look I'm sorry to tell you this.

But there will be no fomo in 2022 or in a few years.

Crypto is dead, and it's going all the way to its roots. Aka zero. but its ok frens, I be here to cope for you.

>> No.12797014


Just like it was over in 2015 right? Or 2011 for that matter?

Are you actually this dense?


>> No.12797034

he's larping don't waste your time

>> No.12797041


Fudding I think, looking for a lower buy in price. Heh, I wish him luck. Though I doubt he will attain Bitcoin at much of a lower price.

>> No.12797051

Anon, BTC had its one time shot at real world adoption and failed because it was so slow and cost so much. In 2015 it wasn't that mainstream so when it failed people barely noticed. But now Crypto's failure has been broadcasted constantly to the mass.

It's over Anon,


Yes, I'm larping because I'm stating facts you don't like.

>> No.12797074

>t. Boomer

>> No.12797077

to be fair he probably will get a lower price or at least another chance to buy at these levels. This bear market will still be longer imo.

But its not like anything he's saying here is going to affect the price. Surely he knows this...

>> No.12797093

An Anon has guessed correctly for once.

I'm not gonna actively put money into a liability that I know is going to go sub $100 to zero in the next couple years. And no I don't care if what I say affects the price, I'm trying to help you guys not lose money

Most likely you're in your twenties and don't understand how the real world works. So you think this internet money is life changing or some dumb shit like that.

>> No.12797094

do you plebs understand that if a digital asset gains such value, there's no point in committing any other crime than hunting down bitcoin owners?

>> No.12797104

It aready did. It can happen again.

>> No.12797111

I guarantee you don't understand fiat or the federal reserve
On top of that you don't even understand bitcoin
You just sound like an idiot boomer who's pension will be inflated to peas and carrots while blaming millennials for not competing with all the immigrants you displaced us with

>> No.12797122

Backed by energy used through solving computer algorithmic puzzles. Proof of work and bitcoin uses that to secure itself. JP Morgan's CEO hated bitcoin. Now he praises it. We havent seen the true golden bubble. Yet.

>> No.12797123

Right back at you boy.

Blockchain only has one valid use case, which is peventing double spending. Bitcoin and every other cryptocurrencies are shit, which is why there's 1000s of them

>muh limited supply
Oh ANON you can just fork it and make 21 million more

>Dont understand fiat or the federal reserve

Oh but I do anon, which is why I hold mainly gold. But the point still is, you'd do far better holding FIAT than crypto.

>> No.12797129

Backed by energy? You mean pollution? OH ANON but its US BOOMERS who are killing the earth.

>> No.12797133


Lol thats a reasonable point. If buttcoin was ever to be worth, say, £500k a pop, it would be a death sentence for it to be open knowledge thjat you invested in bitcoin

imagine advertising you got millions in untraceable technology.

>> No.12797137

That's something you will never have to worry about, you'll never get millions but investing in this shitty technology.

>> No.12797148

I want you boys to screencap this whole chat and on January 5th, 2022, post a thread with that screenshot. Be men about it and dont bitch out just because BTC is under $100 at the time.

>> No.12797155

it never reached 2K faggot

>> No.12797156

>I want you boys to screencap this whole chat and on January 5th, 2022, post a thread with that screenshot.

I consent to this.

>> No.12797164



>> No.12797166
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>why I hold mainly gold.
Not gonna make it

If you think a fork represents bitcoin you're dumb, it's all about what the consensus recognizes which gives it its price and security

>> No.12797176

Boomers lived in a time where the dollar had more buying power and cost of living was much more manageable. Bitcoin dies more times than we can count sheep before passing out. Every bubble pop gets bigger and each bull takes longer. There are lots of shit going on in the crypto space. Id bank on ethereum more since its more than just currency. People said Visa cards were stupid. People said the internet was a joke...until the tech couldnt be ignored. This is nowhere near the true potential. But go on you fucking noob.

>> No.12797190

I just wonder how many ETH will be mined after the 72m premine
And who makes that decisions

Then I wonder why people would consider ETH a currency, and a better one than BTC at that

>> No.12797226

>more than just a currency

>> No.12797252

It's not a currency and its "blockchain" is so horribly designed it would be better if it was just a company
Which it basically is with the foundation making all decisions
They've got a good marketing department though I'll give them that

>> No.12797276


That's why you hold gold jewelry anon.

Again see my earlier reply, screencap this conversation and on January 5th 2022 we can talk all about how you lost your money.

>> No.12797298

Hard to expect a lot of projects to be ready to go from the start. Theres no gun to our heads forcing us to buy. Theres a greater fool theory at play because its unregulated and open 24/7. Theres dozens if coins with premines and icos yet theyre constantly being shilled and they keep building on their coins. Awkward dao hack and some scammy events but still the markets alive. Its still for the programmers until they can create better systems than we use like paypal and console gaming. We've watched dial up internet and cassette tapes go to fibre and a decentralized currencies backed by cpu power. Banking systems use much more energy to run themselves than bitcoin mining. Precious metals and treasury bills are a different kind of safe investment. Theyve stood the test of time. Bitcoin is still here because it works. It just needs improving. Keep your eyes on everything thats going on. Barely anyone uses btc but that should change. Its not ready for worldwide adoption. More work to be done.

>> No.12797565

After btc hits peak it will settle lower as alts moon. Whatever the price of btc is at that point calculate eths at .1 to .11 of btc value.

>> No.12797579

I made 50x my money in 5 years and cashed out in 2017 you braindead faggot

>> No.12797598
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Crypto death declarations are unironically buy signals.

>> No.12798445

Suuure you did, that's why your sitting here posting on 4chan.

>> No.12798615

I find it more plausible that the rate of increase will decrease over time (as it already has). If you take into account the increase from the 2011 low (2.20) to the ATH of ~1170 this throws your calculations into disarray. Wouldn't you expect a similar rate of growth decrease between now and the next ATH as happened previously?

>> No.12798816

You'll convince yourself to FOMO in around $12,000

>> No.12798858

>So you think this internet money is life changing or some dumb shit like that.

yea its not like internet information, comunication or entertainment changed the world, right?

>> No.12799194

>13 posts by this id
Boy he sure is mad.

>> No.12799450
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opinion disgarded

>> No.12799516
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I'm planning to put roughly 300 a month into crypto. Eth mainly and some bitcoin

Am I gonna make it or should I max out the credit card and 401k?

Hold me bros

>> No.12799589

Will I make it with 71k REQ

>> No.12799621

Muh dick

>> No.12799643

Is that affirmative consent? Will you sign on the dotted line?

>> No.12799804

friend of mine fomo’d in with 1000,- EUR one week before ATH in Dec2017.
Now i tell him he should buy more cause its ridicously low. Product got even better only price changed.
He’s totally sour and hates bitcoin bow. Feels cheated and has some internal resistance. He says its Dead (lol yeah, literally he means it) and will be forgotten soon. Cant wait to see his stupid face when it passes by last ATH - which will inevitably happen. Man there are soooo many idiots who dont get what bitcoin is but still put money into it just when it has some of its bullruns. Tell you this shit will (likly) never die and go to 100.000,- USD a coin at minimum.

>> No.12799835

>you will stop posting on 4chan because you have more money
>everyone here is poor like me

>> No.12799893

normalfags are programmed to be risk averse and, through media memetics, accept the world as it is displayed not as it could be. can you imagine getting upset over losing 1k euro or USD? It took a lot of internal bootstrapping to break this mold myself.

>> No.12799980


he will get swept up in the fervor again next time anon. when it hits $15k again everyone who got burned in 2018 will anticipate what is coming and fomo in driving it to a new ath.

nearly everyone gets burned immediately in this market. they hear about it from people making gains, then buy with the late majority. if they don't panic sell in the beginning and they hold long enough to see a good bull run and return on their initial investment, the cycle isn't hard to recognize after that point.

>> No.12799984

I'm not wealthy but I went from NEET, never spending a single dollar, to concerning myself more with amounts in the thousands. It's a complete paradigm shift.

>> No.12799991

this guy fucks right here

>> No.12800000
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bitcoin will be the new reserve currency

>> No.12800009


>> No.12800020

I'll cap it and post it in 2023 to remind everyone to buy back in after the crash from $250k ATH in 2021. I'll post it alongside the exact same conversation that took place in 2011, and 2015.

>> No.12800029


>> No.12800034

Don't jump in the fire if you're afraid to get burned. Think before you sink. The greater fool theory has gotten the best of mankind since we appeared on this planet. It's allowed greed and corruption to flourish while morality and trust is broken. Just because you were dealt a bad hand doesn't mean you can't achieve a royal flush if you put your mind to it.

>> No.12800039


checked and upvoted

>> No.12800053

Kek's will be done

>> No.12800079

>which is why I hold mainly gold.
You're never going to increase your buying power with gold. All it means when the price goes up is that the dollar has lost value.

Meanwhile, Bitcoin is on its way to becoming the global reserve currency while you shitpost your Old Testament financial strategy.

t. 41 yr old boomer.

>> No.12800080
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Absolutely confirmed.
We all make it.

>> No.12800105

I have a similar friend. Won't listen to it now. He will be back when it's too late.

>> No.12800117
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>> No.12800141

Just sold my house for bitcoin.

>> No.12800167

2022 lines up with the 4 year cycle crypto has had since its inception.

video explanation for those uninformed


>> No.12800184

It will reach $348k because the dollar will be worthless. $348k wont buy shit in 2022

>> No.12800186

t. Based anon

Completely agree, and once you have this mindset, risk assessment become much better too

>> No.12800188
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>> No.12800193

My rough calcs just using first touch of weekly 200 ma, halving dates and increase from previous ATH to next ATH has BTC reaching ~300k on January 18, 2021.

>> No.12800209

If anyone read the Bitcoin standard, and understand why gold's such small supply doesn't tank it's price, you'll get why when astroid mining is developed and this supply greatly increased, bitcoin will truly be the only thing left with reserve status

>> No.12800227
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imagine still caring about physical elements at the digital age right before baby boomers die

>> No.12800231


Yep. I felt so stupid buying btc at 1k when it dropped to 100 bux again.

>> No.12800239


Checked for 800.000 BTC in the next Hyperbull

>> No.12800261

That whole market is boomer market manipulation bullshit
Take a look at silver though lol.
Most electrically conductive metal on earth and it's fucking 1% of the price of the shiny boomer metal.

Jesus christ the digital age is about to fuck some people up.

>> No.12800283
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And obviously just rough distance and percentage increases once I noticed the 200 ma touch relative to halving dates was so close this time relative to last time.

>> No.12800312

Forgot to add New ATH date, but I have December 27, 2021.

>> No.12800323

It`s backed by demand and use as a monetary unit, just like gold

>> No.12800353


Better than gold desu

>> No.12800362


And yes i also own a literal bag full of gold inherited from my gramps. Fuck if i know where i would sell it without getting absolutely JUST'D by some greedy kike.

>> No.12800382



YLYL /biz/ edition

>> No.12800384

Why would you sell real money for fake money?

>> No.12800402

Anybody not all in on Crypto/Silver right now is not going to make it.
Literally the perfect bet against Baby Boomers.

>> No.12800417

meme magic is real, bros

>> No.12800577


I cant buy shit with gold.
I want a house and property to have some beehives. How can I exchange the gold for a little honey kingdom?

Btc is instant and quick, and i wont get robbed off it when I drag my treasure from its hiding place.

>> No.12800631

No you’ll just get robbed by a hacker or someone who says give your private key or die.

>> No.12800719

Was recently catching up with some old high school buds of mine and one of them mentioned ripple to me. Altogether this I may not have faith in ripple or any alt coin even btc I still know the technology is beneficial and it’s only time till it is, I feel rn it’s just about patience and examining white papers to find the coins that are actually working for a better future

>> No.12801298


These things are not an exact science of course. Just generally correct.

>> No.12801336

manlet cope

>> No.12801354

>Just because you were dealt a bad hand doesn't mean you can't achieve a royal flush if you put your mind to it.
Your mom lied to you kiddo. Starting position is very relevant. If you're not dealt at least one Ten or better, it's impossible to win with a royal flush.

>> No.12801365

>It's allowed greed and corruption to flourish while morality and trust is broken
That's not a problem with some theory or idea. People are products of their genes. Theories and their prevalence are products of collective phenotypical expression.

Fuck off /biz/, normtard.

>> No.12801407
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>> No.12801415

Well... Technically untrue. There can be one on the board.

>> No.12801507

not with a 1MB cap

>> No.12801521
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and by Bitcoin you of course mean BSV

>> No.12801522
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This whole thread

>> No.12801535


>> No.12801703
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300kb good
1mb bad

>> No.12802300

bought at $29, went to $32, then to $2

>> No.12802939

>there will be no fomo
you're an idiot and you don't understand anything about psychology
you're not gonna make it

>> No.12802966

le what bout le eth

>> No.12803078

Do you anons honestly think bitcoin can pull a 100x?

>> No.12803095

>Do you anons honestly think bitcoin can pull a 100x?
why not, its done it many times, trillion is just a number

>> No.12803141
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>done it many times

>> No.12803162
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only the real bitcoin can do it now

>> No.12803172


never gonna happen. If it ever gets close 20k again everyone will sell, because they'll be expecting everyone else to sell. Incase you all forgot, the reason it got that high is because people were saying shit like 100k EOY for sure! 200k EOY for sure! So yeah, no, its never breaking 20k again.

>> No.12803177

Yeah, why not? 1 BTC is just an arbitrary number of satoshis. Why not ask, can 1 satoshi be worth 1/3 of a cent?

>> No.12803186

Yeah, this happened in 2017 too when Bitcoin reached the previous ATH of 1200. Immediately hit that and dumped. Then it 15xed in a few months.

>> No.12803187

Diminishing returns...going from 1 to 3000 is much easier/requires less volume than going from 3000 to 300k.

>> No.12803198
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>> No.12803200
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if USA enters hyper-inflation bitcoin might 100x next week.
and then 100x again the week after.
let's not forget the end goal here. no USD or any other fiat to compare to, only BSV.

>> No.12803228

every year more zoomers graduate and invest in shitcoins and forex rather than boring boomerstocks, because of this eventually stocks become crypto assets

>> No.12803231

I have some BTC's set aside but i really have no hope of ever hitting 20k again. I hope so but...i just dont.

>> No.12803236

i kinda like you but you are fucked in the head if you think bsv will go anywhere
nobody trusts a scammer and everyone wants to see scammers burn

>> No.12803258
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What's the scam in BSV?

>> No.12803265

Like ever? Just assume the mining hashrate stays the same (basically impossible). It will be twice as expensive to create a new bitcoin every 4 years. BTC should AT LEAST double every 4 years. But more likely it will 20x and then the bubble will burst and a new market cycle will start.

>> No.12803696
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>federal reserve printing bitcoin

>> No.12803911

I'm a poorfag who is bad at math, what would $200 worth of BTC today be worth if one is worth $348k in the future?

Pls no bully.

>> No.12804022


>> No.12804111

Checked and thanks, can you tell me how you calculated that so I can do it myself in the future?

>> No.12804129
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>> No.12804152

ps i actually messed up because i did mental math. its actually closer to 20k for some reason i thought btc was ~1000. 348000(future value)/~3840 = ~90. 200(your stack) * ~90 = ~20k

I don't really do absolute math unless required

>> No.12804199

2k to 10k for ltc
10k-30k for eth

>> No.12804257
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Something is telling me to trust you..... so I will. Should I buy ZRX and any other alts or just BTC?

>> No.12804341

BTC right now is $4000
$200 of BTC is 0.05BTC
You can calculate that yourself by taking the amount you're spending and divide it by the current price: 200/4000 = 0.05

Now if 1 BTC in the future is $348k, you can calculate the value of 0.05 BTC by multiplying the price and 0.05 together.
So 348,000 multiplied by 0.05 is $17,400

All that being said, $200 worth of BTC today will be worth $17.4k if one BTC is worth $348k in the future

>> No.12804401

Thanks, I don't have a mathematical mind so these things simply don't come naturally to me.

t. English major which is why I am a poorfag

>> No.12804469

good luck frend
While I'd love to see this, I don't think it'll happen along the same timeline. Instead I think it'll be the same pattern extended 20-50% longer because of how it flattens out on the non-linear regression chart
Instead of 411 day from ATH to ATL, it'll be 493-616 days for the bottom. (April 24th 2019 to August 25th 2019)
Instead of 1069 day from ATL to ATH, it'll be 1282-1603 days for the high. (Oct 27 2022 to Sept 13 2023)

>> No.12804728

>you can just fork it and make 21 million more
forking bitcoin does not create more bitcoin, you incapable dolt.

>> No.12804919

checked and kek'd

praise kek

>> No.12804928

>Backed by energy
You don't know what backed by means. You can't trade your bitcoin in for energy, so it's not backed by energy.

>> No.12804944

so when people say the dollar is backed by the us military does that mean you can trade your dollars for military?

>> No.12804988


>> No.12805027
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>he thinks btc will be 6 gorillion

>> No.12805178
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we all gunna make it

>> No.12805205
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checked & based

>> No.12805235

Does that mean you spend hours on a nigger platform?
Brain dead white man thinks this forum is made up of 100% whites. LMAOOOOOOOO
This board is filled with different races.

>> No.12805259


>> No.12805275

ommmhhmhmhmhmmmmm please

>> No.12805909
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>> No.12806024

*you lost money

>> No.12806338

Go get a huge loan and dump it on bitcorn then, genius.

>> No.12806405
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>> No.12806467

This analysis gives bitcoin a linear ATH path which is incorrect. It’s growing at a diminishing rate, so to compare the ratio from ATH to ATH isn’t correct.