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File: 46 KB, 1400x1049, PDP_POWDER_CACAOPOUCH_01-low_1500x1500_crop_center_c6ba683f-588e-470e-81ee-61af00d62964_1400x1400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12792265 No.12792265 [Reply] [Original]

Pic related is by far the best thing to happen to neets
>100% nutrition
>no time wasted cooking, more time for shitposting and trading
>powder is cheap as fuck
>not supporting animal kill mills
>don't even have to leave the house
>increased water intake
What's your excuse anon?

>> No.12792270

Is this a bait?

>> No.12792279


>> No.12792302

it makes me fart

>> No.12792320

crap quality protein, would rather eat out of a tindersloots braphole

>> No.12792321

literal basedboy food. hard pass. don't ever want to be skinny fat.

>> No.12792333
File: 359 KB, 352x390, 1547250210257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am the ideal bug-man - all I need for my sustenance is the nectar of the hive.


>> No.12792392


that's literally the only thing I drink. the best part is it helps keep my T levels down

>> No.12792412

>user was banned for this post
Fuck you jannies
I'm trying to save anons money by keeping them away from the food jews
there are open source diy options available. choose your own protein and make it better. it's even cheaper that way too in the long run

>> No.12792615

Literally eat eggs and oatmeal, fag. It's cheaper than this degenerate shit

>> No.12792627

>barely any nutritional value
you aren't even trying anon

>> No.12792674

imagine being such a huge faggot you drink that shit.

>> No.12792689

>Shilling Onions
>Conveniently when it's 20% today only

Nice try Schlomo

>> No.12792693

imagine being such a faggot you willingly give a giant chunk of your wagebux to the food jew

>> No.12792721

>I am cattle that eats actual food slurry, and I'm proud of it.

>> No.12792737

sure am
got blood work done not too long ago
numbers came out perfect
How's your blood anon

>> No.12792742

Söylent is the ultimate food jew, you fucking shill.
>good goy, now you don't need to leave the cage to eat! Are you angry? Don't worry, soon you will feminize and lose muscle mass so that won't be a problem!

3x3, nice. Bugman hive-nectar is the best description of söylent I've ever read.

>> No.12792749
File: 76 KB, 695x960, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got blood work done not too long ago
>numbers came out perfect

>> No.12792807
File: 85 KB, 480x634, 18699881_1365707410163991_110265783340464162_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get aids from a rapefugee you faggot kike

>> No.12792822

HUEL is much better in terms of nutrition. No shitty maltodextrine.
I eat the this tuff every day for the last 5 months and feel awesome.

>> No.12792834

>muh blood work
Do you know how fucking easy it is to get normal numbers on standard blood panels? Alcoholics, hambeasts, people with crippling autoimmune disease, people who are literally HAVING A HEART ATTACK WHEN THE TEST IS TAKEN, and many other extremely unhealthy people can and usually do have 100% normal numbers on the standard blood panel. You have no idea what those tests mean or how they're used, so shut the FUCK up. If drinking this slimy mold growth medium routinely caused deviations on a standard panel the fucking founder would be in jail for poisoning thousands of people.
Just fuck you, you smug autistic cunt. You have no idea about health, no idea about medicine, no idea about life. Keep drinking your slow-burn poison so you can wage harder for longer. I guess the other upside is that söylent drinkers literally smell like stale tortillas from 10 feet away, so people have some forewarning when your repulsive ass is about to enter a room.

>> No.12792891

been meaning to try them. need a little bit more variety

>> No.12794053
File: 193 KB, 400x370, 1549791638151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an announcement everybody!!!! *HONK* Everybody, I have an announcement!!!!! *HONK* *HONK*

*blows up balloon and makes a balloon dog* This announcement is gonna be monumental!!!!!! *sprays water from fake flower* The biggest *slaps you with rubber chicken* most amazing announcement *pulls string and bowtie spins like a fan* you'll ever hear in your life!!!!!!!!!

Get ready, for *takes off size 30 shoe, inflating a giant balloon hammer, then whacks you with it* the announcement *starts pulling line of multi-colored cloth from throat* to end all announcements!!!!!!!!

And that announcement *gets in tiny car, drives around and then gets back out* is gonna be coming to you *pulls out gun* NOW!!!! *"Bang!" flag pops out upon firing*

Here, just lean your head in closer to this sack of announcements and you'll hear it!!!!!!!



*presses a coconut pie into your face*

And there it is!

>> No.12794214
