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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 150 KB, 1383x628, 1543731760250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12790322 No.12790322 [Reply] [Original]

It only takes 10k to make it. This is well established. But realistically, you'll need 100k to make it. Why is this?

You will never find the iron hands to hold to $1000. You'll sell 90% of your stack by the time we reach $10. This is just a plain fact of human psychology. Especially after the last bear market, you'll be terrified of losing your gains again. What this means is, if you start with 10k, you'll sell your stack well before singularity and be 'satisfied' with your $50k-$100k in gains, but you'll never escape wagecuckery. You might even have the discipline to hold onto a 1k suicide stack, but even if you hold THIS to $1000 that is still only a million dollars. Not enough to make it unless you move to a third world shithole (which isn't REALLY making it).

If you start with 100k, you'll still sell 90% of your stack by $10. But that means no matter when you sell, you can still afford to hold 10k as your suicide stack. That's enough to net you $10MM after we reach $1000. So even after you succumb to your glass-hands weak-ass cowardly ways, you'll still end up making it, due to the brute force mathematics involved in retaining a 10k suicide stack.

I'm sorry for all of you who only have a 10k stack. You WILL sell too early. Me, with 150k, I can sell 93% of my stack literally whenever I want and still have enough to make it. That's a lot of breathing room that you 10k linklets will never be able to enjoy.

>> No.12790330

I only have 200k Link which is nowhere near enough to actually make it. All these Linklets with 10k stacks singing about 1k eoy are starting to piss me off with their propaganda.

It was a joke and they are actually believing it and causing FOMO in newfags preventing the dump. I need to make it to 500k before mainnet for fucks sake. Link is only going to $5 max. Right now I might make 1MM before tax on that, but tax will take a big chunk out of that then inflation will fucking ruin me over the next decade.

Even if I chuck the 1MM into a dividend stock that pays out well and I get 70k a year of it, it's not enough to beat inflation unless I basically live in poverty as a neet and keep my wagecuck job in the meantime so I don't have to sell any retirement Link. In 10 years that 70k a year will feel like 20k a year. You need a minimum of 2MM, but more likely 3MM to make it.

The upper predictions for Link where about $60 but that was made during the bullrun of last year, and it assumed that the overall crypto market cap would still be expanding and BTC would go on to 1MM a Bitcoin and that we would be in a full blown crypto FOMO hype bubble when mainnet came out and we got our price singularity.

All of that isn't going to happen anymore. The singularity is cancelled. Now we will have a slow growth to $5. And the sad but ironic thing is most people on this board will hold from 20 cents, to $5 and then hold all the way back to sub $1 again because you all believe the 1k eoy memes, and just like the retards who held BTC and didn't sell at 19k, you will do the same with Link at $5. Looking at the current charts depresses the fuck out of me when I know I only have 200k Link, nowhere near enough to make it.

At best I will have 1-2 sweet years, and then return to wagecucking after that. But it will be worse because I will have tasted freedom and know what I am missing out on.

>> No.12790336

you either see the big picture or you dont. thats up to the investor. youre not responsible for when other people sell.

>> No.12790337

i think youre wrong because we know its going to reach $1000, its not an if like with everything else, it will, and i will still have the majority of my stack. dont be a dummy OP we know this is a long term hold moron

>> No.12790348

I'll be cashing out my BAT little by little so I won't need to cash out any of my LINK.

>> No.12790349

This. 5k to make it

>> No.12790358

I got 20k and have multiple suicide oracle notes in place that prevent me from selling below 1k.

>> No.12790385

Of course it will hit $1000. But that's your rational, weaponized autism self talking.

When this shit starts going parabolic your limp-wristed, noodle-spined panic-selling inner moonboi is going to emerge from the trapdoor leading to your subconscious and start smashing the sell button before you can even talk it down. We're all rational agents until we're not. Everyone here has felt what's like to ride a green dildo during peak euphoria. You turn into a different person, you get drunk on gains and do stupid shit you wouldn't do if you were sober.

>> No.12790401
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>Not enough to make it unless you move to a third world shithole (which isn't REALLY making it).
/biz/ thinks only "third world shitholes" like Africa or Asia are cheap countries to live in where in reality they could move to pic related and live for 1/4th the costs theyre used to

>> No.12790414

I will admit that looks pretty comfy. Is that poland? romania? croatia?

>> No.12790420

Isn’t that krakow? Fuck me that city is beautiful. nice parties too.

>> No.12790423

This. OP is right. None of you Linklets will hold your entire stack to $1000. You WILL panic sell if shit starts getting rocky. My goal is to accumulate about 50K. Sell half around 300-500 and let the rest ride. I can afford to be less rich. I cannot fucking afford to ever wagecuck again and I only have about 3-4 years of NEETlife reserves before I am genuinely fucked.

>> No.12790425

Link token will never become so high because it will become too volatile. Volatility is a dangerous thing for companies staking link into contracts for any length of time which could be affected by large volatility.

Also it doesn't make sense for the price of link to rise high and fast either.
Imagine this:
>You need to place a multi billion dollar derivative contract.
>You stake $10billion thus increasing every link token by about $10.
>4chan neets all market sell their links and crash the price making your derivative contract worthless by the time it executes.
>You cry because you thought tokens would be "locked"

change my mind.

>> No.12790489

It's amazing if you really sit down and think about it in depth. The average normie will be blindsided by the singularity. I see it everyday. I'm just your average wagecuck. I interact with the public on a daily basis and I talk to hundreds if not thousands of random Joes every week. How many do you think even know what a smart contract is? On top of that, how many have the foresight, the knowledge, and the sheer balls to not just invest lunch money but to go all fucking in on the fourth industrial revolution?
I did an experiment one time. For one shift I asked every other customer casually if they had heard of bitcoin or cryptocurrency. Most said yeah, they wish they bought in years ago. Then I asked if they had heard of Chainlink. Literally 0 out of 115 people I talked to had a clue. Crazy, right? Here I'm sitting on a fucking 75k bag and these poor pricks barely know how to log into Coinbase.
So yeah, I fake a smile and ask them how they're doing today. But I don't give a shit. I just have to keep up appearances so my boss doesn't shitcan me pre singularity.
I can't wait to see the look on my coworkers faces when they find out I'm leaving. They recommend you give 2 weeks notice so you don't burn any bridges. Fuck that. I can afford to rebuild any bridge I want. I own chainlink, mother fucker..

>> No.12790500

kek, good thread anon.

>> No.12790503

Got 10k. Holding it to $1000. Watch me, bitch

>> No.12790511

>sell 1k link at $100
>keep 9k link till singularity

Just kidding, I will sell half of my stack at $100. 5mil is enough

>> No.12790537

Nice maths idiot

>> No.12790570

you mean 500k? Lmao fucking linkies are so retarded

>> No.12790572
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speak for yourself little boy, i will not make the same mistakes as you, im close to 30k, my "make it" stack. 10k to cash out between $5-100, next 10k is cashed out $100-$999, and the final 10k cashed out from $1000-10,000. not everyone is as dumb as you bro

>> No.12790575

100k is pretty comfy, but if you're not a stupid nigger whp dreams about living like a rapper, 20k LINK is plenty, 15k is pretty good. Just don't live above your means, read some damn personal finance books if you have to, just don't blow it all like a dumb nigger that just won the lottery, thats why some talk about reading Ecclesiastes out of the bible and similar writings on that path.

>> No.12790648
File: 373 KB, 1053x1092, slowly losing my mind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've done the math, I know what I have to sell at to make a mil after taxes. Made it to 700k and didn't sell during the bull... that hurt so much. You're right. It's going to be hard to hold if it's a slow build. Then again it could all crash to nothing like before... I need to stop coming here.

>> No.12790695

That's Krakow, Poland. This country is rife in 100 year old architecture like that. There's no niggers, muslims or trans anywhere because they get their ass beat by chavs when they dare show themselves in public. Western feminism hasn't hit the women here so they're nice and submissive. Housing and utility are cheap as dicks. I love this country. I'm gonna retire there when my LINK stack moons.

>> No.12790709
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>cheap as dicks.

>> No.12790710

most of you will not make it, sorry anons. you have this predetermined notion inside your heads that its gonna hit $1000. me? id rather play the market and read the charts. god speed autists.

>> No.12791023

>just like the retards who held BTC and didn't sell at 19k
unironically they are going to make it

2017 was just a preview, what's gonna happen in 10 year is yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge

>> No.12791047

>cashing out all of it instead of leaving 10K for the long haul
t. retard. get yourself a 40K stack and leave the final 10K in forever

>> No.12791064

same copy and paste mumbo jumbo in every link thread. sad.

>> No.12791070

>read the memecharts
You must be kidding me

>> No.12791082

My plan also, 30k also. I'll sell 10000 around 100 because I can retire once I do that.

>> No.12791088

This is me. 40m HOT and 40k LINK. Keep 10 of each for the long haul.

>> No.12791102

I’ve got 1.5k I’m holding till $1000. Try and stop me.

>> No.12791220

>stake $10 billion thus increasing every link token by about $10
>price goes from $1417 to $1427
>neets market sell their link for some reason, dropping the price to $1417

yes this does sound awful

>> No.12791238

I've got 34k due to this. I hope I will be able to hodl 10k to 1000usd

>> No.12791536
File: 51 KB, 400x580, 1542069409530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The true trick is holding 10k LINK til 15k$ +, 1000$ per LINK will not be the top of the oracle bubble.

>> No.12791549
File: 107 KB, 1240x820, Bildschirmfoto 2019-02-18 um 22.37.24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

REQ value growth is outpacing chainlink currently.

>> No.12791606

I’m never selling and will be going to my grave with my 16k linkies

>> No.12791621
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Does everyone have autism on this board? Like seriously what the fuck is wrong with you people?

>> No.12791665

You dumb niggers are going to sell your link for useless dollars...the point is link will replace money

>> No.12791683

Do your parents not love you? How do you grow up to be such a mentally incompetent piece of shit?

Monopoly money has a better chance to take over as a currency

>> No.12791698
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Chainlink was never really a sure thing because of the amount of competitors they have for decentralized oracle networks. I know you guys like to ignore this fact but ethereum was way more of a sure thing because they had hundreds of the most well knows devs building it from scratch and it had zero competition. Chainlink has so many competitors i can't even remember all of their names and their team is still pretty small all things considered. We don't even know what their user interface will look like. Will it be easy to understand and use? They are trying to build an oracle marketplace. Face it, the marketplace that will succeed is the solution with the best business/consumer user interface. It's just the way it is. Amazon succeeded as the go to online marketplace for goods because of their great user interface their predictive software and huge range of goods. Chainlink only sells oracles. There isn't any predictive software to help users and companies find the oracles that they need faster. Pic not related.

>> No.12791800
File: 93 KB, 900x740, kisspng-pepe-the-frog-kermit-the-frog-pepé-le-pew-clip-ar-dubs-leaves-4chan-until-2018-starting-new-years-5b65187dc2cbb8.0192282315333520617979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't you hear? Chainlink is only going to 370 if its a complete success which i personally highly doubt. This means to have 10mm you will need about 30k linkies. People will sell most of their stack at $10 and then try to hold the rest until 1k which will never come. Then in the next bear market people holding hoping for 1k will be completely wrecked as chainlink will fall 95% from 370 just like ethereum did this run.

>> No.12791817

Did you use all of your 12 brain cells to come up with that paragraph of garbage? Fuck me get a job

>> No.12791833
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The board collectively chose ~370 in multiple different threads though.

>> No.12791843
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>> No.12791860
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Even is it is successful most of us will not make it.

>> No.12791862

This is the only type of link fud that makes me worry

>> No.12791872

That's why I own Linkpool, I wouldn't even know how to sell it if I wanted to. So even after my linkies are gone I'll still be in the game.

>> No.12791890

idk what to make of all this. blockchain is valuable because its decentralized. but Link is partnering with Celer, which is ethereum's version of lightning network. anyone who has actually analyzed how LN works under the hood should understand it can only work when centralized. If you don't believe me, look at the current LN network, and ask why they put transaction size limits on it, and why they need to do that, and why basically all of their transactions fail, unless it's node to node (defeating the purpose of LN, because it requires on chain transaction to open a connection
So if link partners with Celer, and the LN becomes the main way of doing business, then what's even the point of migrating from current banking systems? Do we just maintain the current hierarchy with faster banking transactions and drop the whole "decentralized" uncensorable free shit?
>inb4 niggers

>> No.12791901

I legitimately only need LINK to reach 5% of this crowdsourced guesstimate to make it beyond my wildest dreams. Fuck I love having a six-figure stack.

>> No.12791914

7 figures reporting in

>> No.12791922

I unironically will be selling 140k in batches between $10 and $20. So that would weigh down your average quite a lot if you included me in it.

>> No.12791972

die poor fag

>> No.12792004

I got into LINK over a year ago. At that time a 10k stack was a pipe dream. I'd never been able to save that much income before in my life and missed the previous bullrun. I hit my accumulation goals. I am thankful.

>> No.12792053

close to 20k here.. as soon as it hits 20$ im selling all

>> No.12792141

ITT short sighted pajeets who aren't going to stake every link they have. never gonna make it

>> No.12792262

Polish women are ugly

>> No.12792421
File: 85 KB, 1980x260, Screen Shot 2019-02-18 at 4.12.27 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my current tally after collecting data from multiple threads

>> No.12792469

This is stupid to think this but even if you are right you need to cash out some for gold and silver to be hedged.

>> No.12792481
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Did you add these guesses in to your mean as well?

>> No.12792482
File: 63 KB, 1436x244, Screen Shot 2019-02-18 at 4.19.09 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made a mistake with the combined calculations. update:

>> No.12792492

yes. I'm concerned about tallying the same anons predictions over multiple threads but i suppose according to theory it should even out in the averages.

>> No.12792561

Thanks for sharing anon. What concerns me is the wide range of the average price predictions. I wonder if there are ethereum or btc price prediction threads on biz or the technology board in the past. We can compare their accuracy to chainlink predictions.

>> No.12792604

i'm not willing to do that much work but it would be interesting to see the data. The large stdev is an important part of the calculation because there will always be outliers far too large and far too small- like the jar of jellybeans example, where some people said there were like 500 and some people said there were a million. they cancel each other out; hence the outliers should not be culled.

>> No.12792625

chainlink will be $10^74832748273847234023794
fuck yo data goy

>> No.12792659

Would you mind sharing the standard deviation? I don't think ut can be calculated without the exact predictions.

>> No.12792728

I think a large standard deviation is to be expected with completely speculative guesses. Some people on biz have no concept of market cap and give outlandishly bullush guesses while other are deliberately underestimating the future price. The less info that people as a whole have to make a predictiom that larger the standard deviation will be.


The jelly bean jar predictions probablg also had a large standard deviation though i suspect not as large as chainlink's predictions.

>> No.12792735
File: 81 KB, 1498x296, Screen Shot 2019-02-18 at 4.46.51 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like i said, stdevs are irrelevant for this expiriment. i'll assume you want them for some purpose unrelated to the validity of the prediction averages.

>> No.12792744
File: 44 KB, 238x326, Screen Shot 2019-02-18 at 2.36.27 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's you isnt it moneyfren

>> No.12792748

sold some of my LINK for BLOCK to diversify... better financial upside hodling BLOCK right now

>> No.12792773

shut the fuck up nigger

>> No.12792783

would never dump my stinkies, but i did swap my 0x for BLOCK months ago, sitting /comfy/

>> No.12792808
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>> No.12792817

sorry allin but you're never gonna make it as indicated by your red ID. mine, however...

>> No.12792836

eat a chode cunt fucking link fanboi

>> No.12792849

Add my prediction

>> No.12792867

kek deluded LINK onionboys are so easy to get a rise out of

>> No.12792915

BLOCK will take over. Every blockchain can use it to communicate with others so it's utility extends past it's chain onto all others. This is a cash cow and will blindside anybody that hasn't been paying attention to what they're doing

>> No.12792965

ok link price will be 10^74832748273847234023793
Ea4t a G4y DoG you effeminate rice nigger

>> No.12793990
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I want to sell 1k at 10€
So i get my intial money back

10k at 100€

14k at 1000

And keep 5k

>> No.12794022

Chainlink isn't a toolkit for consumers. It's a toolkit for developers.

>> No.12794164

Actually its closer to 10^74832748273847234023792

The reason being you are deviding by a number in the hundreds meaning you are deviding by (a(10^2)) where a is a constant so you subtract 2 from the exponent.

>> No.12794188

It's literally 1 Million Nauticus to make it; Without any joking whatsoever. The price is up 30% against BTC during this pump I suggest you look into it before it's too late.

>> No.12794212

It's 100k Linkies and 200k Nauticus as suicide insurance

>> No.12794247

Is link going to be listed on Nauticus soon mate?

>> No.12794260

>You WILL sell too early.
maybe not, stack size is subjective, not in absolute value but in % of personal net worth.
if youre wagecucking at mcburger then 10k may well be hard to hold on to if it starts getting into $5, $10 territory but if youre making 6 figures and your 10k is a fun gamble then youll ride it out. me personally im a poorfag but at the same time i only bought link last year up to the $ amount i dont give a shit about, if it wasnt for 4chan i wouldnt even know the price as it moves around as i never check.

youre whole op reveals more about yourself and where you are in life than anything you could teach us about the rest of the stinkies, i hope you make it for giving this some thought.

>> No.12794326

Chainlink will be $-10^74832748273847234023794

>> No.12794513

>200k Nauticus

>> No.12794615

No. What should concern you is that all those predictions are from a collection of biz NEETs and not a varied sample.

>> No.12794907

>cash out 500k to enjoy gains
>hold 5k linkies to $1000 and have 5 mil

>> No.12794939

Dude we have had these kinds of shills come & go for the past 20months. And guess what, nothing ever ever happens. Partnerships with literal whos and Sergay just exit scamming. There is no sign of mainnet, there is even no communication from the known russian scammer. All the newfags dont fall for the linkshills. We are all stuck holding bags cuz we tought this scammer would pump us but he really played us all out. He is a mastermind at work and taking the advantage of the weak. Just like a bully you know? All of us 4channers were bullied In real life and the bullying has manifested itself In /biz/ as 'crypto' 'lambo' 'we moon' 'making it' it is all a psyop of the strong for us weak to put all our savings In to shit and getting dumped on, making the Chad bullies richer. We should have a meeting with /biz/bros and make a mass suicide.
Its all we are good for

>> No.12794960

>another price speculation thread where we imagine what life will be like when we "make it"
This board is pathetic.

>> No.12794993

It's fun for people like me but im part of the problem.

I make 130k/yr so am throwing in 5k to day dream about it hitting 200-1000x

I believe in smart contracts and chainlink but also know I only have "faith" in it because I want to day dream about not being a wage slave

>> No.12795280

Nice pasta. What fucking decentralized oracles are there competing with link?back to discoed you pajeet

>> No.12795330

Poorfag cope

>> No.12795741

Why the fuck would I sell my stack when I am making free Link stacking them???
I won’t be selling shit under $300 a link.
t. Only have 13k link

>> No.12795754

oh but i do posses the hands to hold this

>> No.12795789

If link gets to $370 i will be incredibly happy with that result.
Id personally be happy with $100 which is over 200x its current price.

>> No.12795810

Owns 0.0004% of circ supply.
Thinks selling early will weigh down the average quite a bit.

>> No.12796082

Maybe this is true for some. But I'd assume the majority of people here who understand the project are most likely all in right now and are in it for glory or death. Why the fuck would I put everything on the line to take the quickest exit point? I literally do not care anymore, I've already bet my life on LINK and either I get it back with freedom that my soul screams for or I go out with it. If you have your place in LINK you will make it. I truly fucking believe we are all in this together. Always remember where you came from so you don't fuck this up frens.

>> No.12796094

Nice try. True marines will NEVER sell under 1000

>> No.12796126

Y'all really think this shitcoin will pass over 5 bucks ???? you should gtfo of crypto if you think so

>> No.12796138

The only way to not sell before 1000$ is to be in a fucking coma or buy at 800$ or whatever. Most of us are real human beings with obligations, debt, families to support, etc...buying this shit at 20 cents and not selling at 100$ would be retarded to say the least. Unless you already have money to live your life normally, of course. Gonna keek 10K LINK forever though. The rest I'll sell if I need to.

>> No.12796551

>Western feminism hasn't hit the women here so they're nice and submissive
polish women are bigger whores than russians and ukrainians
t. actual pole

>> No.12796566
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Great can't wait to hit up eastern Europe. The yacht party sounds good but a big boat filled with neets newly rich ready to do something stupid sounds well you know

>> No.12796600

any locations in the East that still have reserved girls? Or areas in given countries?

>> No.12796796

tfw been in since a week after ico and only have like 500 because im a poor fag