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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12784610 No.12784610 [Reply] [Original]

>imagine being so poor he owns a sub 2 million dollar home

How does it feel to live in such mediocrity?

>> No.12784707


this must be where all the fallout 76 money went

>> No.12784710

top one looks comfy

>> No.12784747
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That would be cool...A cool 6 mil...

>> No.12784757

Did you know that the economy is based off of people selling houses to one another?

>> No.12784817
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>TFW $600 monthly paycheck

>> No.12784865
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why even live?

>> No.12784886

That is more than 80% of people in the world make.

>> No.12784923

This and outstanding student loans.

>> No.12784953

why is every fucking post bait nowadays

>> No.12784961

I always wonder how much these mcmansions would cost if there was no access to easy credit. Ie: what would they be worth if people had to pay cash upfront?

>> No.12784975

I make 10k usd a month, what percentile am I in?

>> No.12785062
File: 31 KB, 725x547, USA-House-Price-Change-And-Mortgage-Credit-Change.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah. Your instinct is strong. Credit heavily distorts the value of property. Even more so than speculation.

>> No.12785071

I get more than that in Disability haha

>> No.12785126

I also have these same thoughts when some billionaire's net worth is brought up. For example let's say bozo has $50B. But it's mostly tied up in a company stock and he had to get his actual $50B he would have to liquidate all of it, which would completely decimate the stock price and his net worth as a result. A lot of these things are [tricky].

>> No.12785133

Having a roof over my head and air conditioning is all I ever asked for. So it feels pretty damn good.

>> No.12785159

Imagine living in a big house with a small mortgage instead of a comfy 100k house paid off with low taxes. Enjoy the big air bill and depreciation of your mcmansion whilst I sit in my chad brick home with symmetry.

>> No.12785166

I meant to say high mortgage, But yeah you get my point. Also did I mention I have an acre behind my house and it's still in suburbia and not in bumfuck nowhere. Gotta love Texas.

>> No.12785170 [DELETED] 

Yup that fact that everyone has easily obtainable credit they push the price of everything up even if tge home buyers refucing the total supply can't afford the homes they take debt out for.

>> No.12785176
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hydro is unironically the killer dapp people have been waiting for, and now they don't know about it. this will be going on binance inevitably

>> No.12785181

Yup that fact that everyone has easily obtainable credit they push the price of everything up even if the home buyers reducing the total supply of homes can't afford the homes they take debt out for.

>> No.12785212

>not bumfuck nowhere

pick one

>> No.12785220

I do live near houston so it's quite urban. You'd be surprised if you visited sometime. Plenty of things to do.

>> No.12785417

Are boomers just completely detached from reality or something?

>> No.12785837

pls explain the graph for us brainlets

>> No.12785881

that first one is overpriced so much
if cuckshed like this is $6M then why BTC is not $1M is beyond me

>> No.12786310

The blue line is basically how much money households are "good for" when they go to get a loan. The red line is the price of houses. Looking at the graph you can see a correlation between the two. Basically what is happening is that households are able to borrow money, so landowners/banks take the opportunity to charge more on houses/mortgages.

>> No.12786398

Should we have a conversation about equity, or is this thread really about who has most effectively leveraged most of their earning potential for the next 30 years (or until their company moves them)?
A 2 million dollar home, regardless of your source of income, is essentially the upper middle class equivalent of spinning rims on a Honda civic, until you own it outright, and most (painting with a broad brush here) people who could buy it outright, opt for something more modest so they can channel their wealth into more productive avenues.
Great 10,000th iteration of this thread though!

>> No.12786704

Why would you shell out that kind of money for something so obviously made of plywood like #1 ?

>> No.12786741

Holy shit, I'd pay 500k max for these shits