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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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12776807 No.12776807 [Reply] [Original]

My guess is $0.05 within 1-3 years.

>> No.12776956

next 1-3? $20

>> No.12776967

https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/zcash/ this coin is att $50 and it is in a lower spot than us, so $20 is no problem.

>> No.12777004

i hold a bag of hot but come on are you retarded?
at $20 $HOT will surpasse BTC, its marketcap will be more than 3000 billion,

>> No.12777074

1-3 $ in 3 years, 20$ in 10

>> No.12777179

it will moon again today

>> No.12777274

i remember back in the idex days, 10 cents was the target of many. with the recent mozilla tweet, i actually think we can reach 5-10 cents but above 1 dollar i don't know.

so many of us would me multi-multi millionaires kek.

>> No.12777329


srsly though I could see ten cents fairly easily.

>> No.12777339

>the recent mozilla tweet

>> No.12777501

most of the current supply will be lost to attrition by being cashed out trough reserve accounts in the first couple of years

>> No.12777670


>> No.12777682

It will have value when millions are hosting and using their fuel points. AWS has to shit the bed.

>> No.12777800
File: 216 KB, 1080x1349, FAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holochain isn't the discovery of fire. It's data persistence applied to Distributed Hash Table systems. You can find plenty of places where this has already been tried with variable degrees of success. Holochain just adds identity persistence across "swarms" and a membrane to lock agents out of swarms. Think bittorrent with built-in usernames. There are obvious drawbacks and advantages to this approach, and the claims about TPS are not very fair by comparison because no one who needs a blockchain would reach for unsigned email IOUs or holochain self-signed attestations...
...How fast can you traverse a tree when some difficult-to-predict portions of it are not held on your local machine and require an unbounded network query to a potentially high-churn network of other network-edge internet devices? The answer right now is "who knows" but if you want to guess at how Holochain will fare against AWS, in almost all cases they cannot really compete. This is a project for people with contempt for AWS/Azure/GCP. I agree with u/foobazzler that Holochain is not good for replacing the large centralized databases that google, facebook, amazon use to serve up content, make recommendations, and enable searches. Sadly the fact that their DB nodes are all on an infiniband connection in one or several top of the line datacenters means they will be orders of magnitude faster for those tasks. This is more for semantic web, small communities, alternative wikis, etc. Once you need verification without identity, anonymity or search-ability you've already lost the ability to defend using Holochain.

>> No.12777847

looks like retards are back on this board and are pretending to be real humans

>> No.12778269

just neck ya self rgrpark
its only gonna go up from here

well, you forgot that the team actively encourages people to run holochain nodes on AWS servers. the network is not limited to holoports, so fuck off with this pathetic bullshit

>> No.12778589

I think it will approach $1 in 3-5 years if they can pull off everything they are claiming.

>> No.12779013

Do you understand the economics they are trying to accomplish? There isnt a fixed token supply after the swap, it will all be market driven.

2-4 years out I can see maybe $1 but not much more than that. All depends on how many people actually use the network. Short term I think we hit $0.01 by eoy.

>> No.12779182

50 Sats EOD

>> No.12779213
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1000 sat by october

>> No.12779994

that max that this coin can go is 0.1. do you really think that a coin with a supply in the billions can ever reach 1 dollar? even if it does go to 0.1 you should not complain because thats alot of money

>> No.12780100
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>> No.12780134


>> No.12780468

The Holochain devs have already made it public that a $1/HoloFuel is their target price.
It will likely take them a few years to reach that, and the volatility of the token will not be linked to BTC, ETC. etc
The value of the token will be based on their ecosystem usage.
So, the price of HOT will always depend on how much the network is being used.

If the network is a ghost town, you will never see any real price action.

>> No.12780470

hes fucking wrong this close isnt even close to getting to 0.1 how do you think it can go to 1 dollar

>> No.12780496


I predict somewhere between $0.10-$1. There is major shit in the works here and it checks all the boxes on a coin that will go parabolic. The only thing holding it back is the state of the crypto market as a whole and lack of a main net announcement.

>> No.12780571


A $0.05 MC is only about $7.2b with the current circulating supply. It’s about $8.7b with the total supply out there. That’s nothing for a project with this kind of buzz. Everything is way down from the ATH, but I think that, at a minimum, $0.10 is going to happen. If crypto as a whole recovers and hits new ATHs, it will go much higher: $0.20-0.50 becomes likely with $1 possible long-term.

>> No.12780590

do you think the laws that govern this universe would allow people who are currently holding 1million+ to become millionaires that easily? get real anon

>> No.12780625


Do you think the laws that govern the universe would have allowed people who held 1000 ETH or 60 BTC to become millionaires that easily? Because they fucking did and Holo has more going for it than ETH did in the early days. Arguably more than BTC did, too. If you can’t see where this is headed within 3-5 years I can’t fix you.

>> No.12780668


Listen to this anon and be patient frens. You will make it.

>> No.12780739

BTC and HOLO arent even comparable. BTC had the first-mover advantage for years with its only counterparts being eth and fucking dogecoin and it has a market cap of 21mil. Along with that its purpose as currency exchange was clear and laid out. What the fuck has holo even done so far that makes you sit back and say wow, this really is a dam good project. it is riding on the speculation that hopefully it will be able to be integrated with firefox but thats just able it. after that it has nothing else going for it. its going to be the fucking BAT of firefox

>> No.12780819


You really have no idea what Holo is or does, do you? I don’t give a fuck about Mozilla because major players in crypto and Silicon Valley are getting in bed with Holo now. As for BTC and its first mover advantage— it was a fucking insane idea in the early days to create internet meme money out of thin air and then expect it to ever be worth anything or useful. A decade later it was $20k.

>> No.12780833

Holo has nothing to do with firefox the internet browser. They are working with the founder of Firefox and Netflix, Tim Cook in designing the new internet that is soon to roll out.

>> No.12781124

>Holo has nothing to do with firefox the internet browser.
actually it does/did
The guy from Mozilla slipped up and mentioned they are building a browser on it. This was before Holo's policy of "no partnerships announced until the network is live". Once that policy was in place there have been 0 breadcrumbs or followups on why is Mozilla building a browser on it and for what purpose. We don't even know if it will be integrated into Firefox or it will be a completely new browser. People have been speculating that they might be making a move in the hosting market, via Holo. Basically all Firefox users could be potential hosts in the Holo network with 1 click. The comparison with BAT for Firefox is not off, but the implications are far reaching since holo fuel is pegged to computational power. ~180 million users can provide a fuckton of computational power and cheap hosting, which means a huge value in the price of holofuel.

>> No.12781135

>with the recent mozilla tweet

>> No.12781144

>No true BFT, consensus
>Permissioned network
>Uses KYC to help "secure" the network instead
>constant p&d shilling

no thanks.

>> No.12781147

major players such as who? I have not seen anything. the future of holo currently depends on how the firefox deal goes

>> No.12781154

Didn't Jim Cook leave Mozilla?

>> No.12781171

Yes Tim Cook was fired from Mozilla shortly after he used their brand to shill Holochain. There has been no acknowledgement from mozilla since.

>> No.12781192

I wasn't aware of this potential happening. Sounds more like a rumor tbqh. I'd be much more interested in seeing a BRAVE implementation of Holochain into their browser than Soros bought out Firefox.

>> No.12781197

>got dubs
>did not get dubs
looks like I'm selling my HOT lads

>> No.12781206

>Tim Cook
Apple partnership confirmed.

>> No.12781247

Mozilla building a browser on Holo is real (or was real until Jim Cook left). Matthew Schutte mentioned it in one of the early AMAs but I cba to find it now. The reason as for why they are doing that, which made people speculate it would be for hosting, is the rumor.

>> No.12781297

You fags can't make a high supply coin dump. Go back to fudding and shilling your shitty low supply scam coins.

>> No.12781305

Well yeah, its obvious that you'd design a piece of software with a built in switch where the user could designate x amount of GB's to host on the Holochain. They'd get paid for how much they chose to host in HoloFuel. It's a great idea and I'm sure that BRAVE (since it is a crypto centric browser) will probably implement it at some point down the road. It seems like it would take a heavy duty dev kit for that to be possible, and we're not at mainnet yet. So I'd expect to see browser implementation AFTER mainnet - but not before its finished for obvious reasons.

>> No.12781316


>> No.12781349

I have 10 million HOT. In my spreadsheet, I see
>HOT amount | price in fiat | total in fiat
>2.000.000,00 0,01 20,000.00
>1.000.000,00 0,05 50,000.00
>2.000.000,00 0,10 200,000.00
Do with that information as you wish.

>> No.12781385

I'm just going to wait for the HCP which will replace the erc20 standard. The Holochain Currency Protocol (or something like that) which makes it easy to create another currency, run an ethical ICO with and makes the HCP-currencies interoperable and easy to add to exchanges.

>> No.12781389


> The e-gold system was launched online in 1996 and had grown to five million accounts by 2009, when transfers were suspended due to legal issues. At its peak in 2006, e-gold was processing more than US$2 billion worth of spends per year,[1] on a monetary base of only US$71 million worth of gold (~3.5 metric tonnes),[2] indicating a high monetary turnover (velocity) of about 28 times per year (for comparison, annual velocity of US$ is about 6 for M1 [3] and less than 1.6 for M2 [4]). e-gold Ltd. was incorporated in Nevis, Saint Kitts and Nevis with operations conducted out of Florida, USA.

>> No.12781488

>I'm just going to wait for the HCP which will replace the erc20 standard. The Holochain Currency Protocol (or something like that) which makes it easy to create another currency, run an ethical ICO with and makes the HCP-currencies interoperable and easy to add to exchanges.
Have they spoken about this HCP? So far, it doesn't seem possible to create a standard currency on Holo to me, much less implement a protocol for doing so.

>> No.12781491

What is your point?

>> No.12781497

.10 eoy

>> No.12781615

$150 bil marketcap based on speculation alone easily.

$1 is the psychologically significant target.

$0.6 is a 4000x increase from ICO price - that would match ETHs run.

>> No.12782220

How much HOT to make it /biz/bros?

>> No.12783017

no shill try to grab whatever you safely can.

>> No.12783668

I have a modest 6 million, lets say in a year or so its at .20 cents and im rich, whats the best way to cash out?

>> No.12784291


>> No.12784367

50 cents

>> No.12784372

I could see this easily getting to 0.005 in a few years.

>> No.12784487

Few days yes

>> No.12784522
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>> No.12784532

That’s why there was a 2 billion buy wall today

>> No.12784547

Wait is this real?

>> No.12784560

Yeah go check on binance

>> No.12785136

Some doesn't understand total.supply and market capitalisation

>> No.12785213

We'll correct to sub 25 sats soon, This growth is based purely on speculation, hype and whales manipulation, we'll pump again before mainnet but it'll be steady run toward the top 10 EOY or early 2020.

>> No.12785434

what happened when they added the link/usdt pair?

>> No.12785454

Link is a utility token it does not matter what has happened

>> No.12785460

>it does not matter what has happened

>> No.12785559

who knows, swinging this is quite risky though

>> No.12785734

Nothing immediately but link has continued to pump. Decent amount of volume coming from USDT too. I think it doesnt change anything but when there is movement it can help exaggerate the movement in whichever direction its going.

>> No.12785754

I feel like this is a sell the news moment

>> No.12785762

adding trading pairs isnt a news event. That would be a conference or something.

>> No.12785770

trying to find a stable level, needs a few hours