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File: 23 KB, 200x200, Litecoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12783438 No.12783438 [Reply] [Original]

You should trade 50%-75% into LTC right now. Sell for 25% BTC 25% ETH 50% BNB at 16:30 UTC on 2/18. Thank me later when you get to keep the gains. See you at the top.

>> No.12783452

>holding (((LTC))) for even a few hours


>> No.12783453

post TA

>> No.12783487

No TA needed. I know it in my heart

>> No.12783550

Sell when?

>> No.12783552

look if you've been in this market for a while you know how it works. If one or two of the big 3 have run and the others have't it might be a good time to prepare a swing. LTC swingers are bastards though and will take all the gains over the course of 2 hours.

>> No.12783557
File: 10 KB, 208x326, brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you even read my post?

>> No.12783558


t. was here in 2017

link is an absolute thieving niggercoin and takes gains from BTC/ETH runs

I'm unironically going in with 50% of my total stack to ride a LTC pump if ETH gets rejected again

>> No.12783577

I mean fucking LTC, goddamn linkfaggots gave me a brain disease shitposting everywhere on this board.

>> No.12783578

Take your fucking pills you autistic retard then try to read the post again

>> No.12783592

Ltc is abandonware

>> No.12783611


who cares what it's actually used for, it reliably acts a certain way on charts

>> No.12783621

if you own anything but LINK, tonight of all nights, you're fucked

>> No.12783633

i'm not attached to any of these coins, i'm just trying to make 10% a day all the way to may.

>> No.12783652

50-75 percent of stack for +10%? wtf anon

>> No.12783658

Do I sell at 25% BTC value?

>> No.12783685

you're in God's hands now

>> No.12783715

well when i see an opportunity, i like to take it.

>> No.12783738

mind answering how you arrived at this call? obviously ta, but I'm interested. bnb, ltc, btc and eth have been very nice the last few weeks

>> No.12783804

just take the advice, reap the rewards and try to figure it out yourself. a 12 hr move on a market upswing is not going to make or break your portfolio. the potential gains greatly outweigh the potential losses yada yada. go big or go home baby. what else do you want?

>> No.12783929

look if you've been in /biz/ for a while you know how it works. OP is a homosexual flaming faggot fuck and swings from cock to cock filling his rectum with poz cum.

Just fuck off.

>> No.12784044
File: 69 KB, 582x424, cryptotips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great entry point at this very moment. i'm just trying to provide all the lost souls some light. buy the dip.

>> No.12784386
File: 771 KB, 1800x1200, 1540943765451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Halving is a meme. There are still 14400 ltc generated per day. And after halving more than 7k. If you want scarcity, take a look at xmr. Right now it has 2100 coins per day and will reach lower inflation than btc this year.

>> No.12784407

Problem with XMR is the asics.