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12780983 No.12780983 [Reply] [Original]

Is this anon still around? He had some reasonable price projections and I was wondering what updates he has since the partnerships and mainnet coming soon.


>> No.12781437

That was my post
Have been busy with life; still post here a bunch

Only thing I'd throw out there is this:
Look into celer as deep as you can
Chainlink doesn't throw around the term "partner" like most projects do
Look into the economics that make their network float, really understand what the "fuel" is for their network and where the value adds are
If you get it, you'll be so comfy
We're all gonna make it

>> No.12781455
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>> No.12781457

Going to watch a movie, will be back in an hour or two

>> No.12781506

can you tell us something of actual value? i could of said the same things you have...is there anything you can say that we know you are not larping?

>> No.12781518

>be back in an hour
damn i knew it was a larp

>> No.12781519

There's no talking during the movie.

>> No.12781530
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dude trust me guys

>> No.12781622

How many to purchase a 500k-1mil house next to a costco in a non shit neighborhood within the next 5 years anon.

>> No.12781888

just a bunch of gobbledygook from some pleb trying to sound smart. chainlink is your typical P&D scam

>> No.12781953

OK I'm back- everything I said in the original thread is still true: I'm not claiming to be anything other than someone who has spent a large amount of time doing research on blockchain projects as part of a private group who shares information. I'm not assblaster and I won't recommend anything but chainlink. If you want to chat, lets do it; if not that's fine too.

>> No.12781977

t. Timo

>> No.12781982

That's grand. Tell us some shit about celer. I couldnt understand a word the dude was saying on the shitty stream. Who are their backers?

>> No.12781995

Also his prediction was way off. 1.50 EOY 2018 would have been a new USD ATH. Not even close baybee.

>> No.12782001

ALSO celer have confirmed in their tg they are NOT using the LINK token. Go look.

>> No.12782019

will teams like Celer allow large portions of the value of their network to be carried away by the CL nodes? what arrangements can they use to deal with this?

>> No.12782032


>> No.12782056

I am not Timo. If I were to state my name you would have no idea who I was
So you have to start with the problem: smart contract executions need scaling. You can either wait for ETH to scale (which Sergey wisely decided against) or start working on layer two solutions
To make a layer two solution you have to make a similar tradeoff call to the classic blockchain trilemma
Celer has made a (at least from the whitepaper and MVP) decision to skew strongly in one direction within that judgement call
Chainlink putting its eggs into that layer two basket is telling
My prediction was a 90% CI from 50c to $1.5
I was definitely off, but closer than most at the time I made that prediction
Also, read the latest in their TG...I can't confirm that but to be clear that entire possibility is codeable within what chainlink offers

>> No.12782084

Finally someone who gets it
What "always on" providers does celer require?
Do you need specialized hardware to be one of those nodes?
What other project will also have a lot of low resource always on nodes?

>> No.12782093

Celer has tens of millions of dollars of VC funding. How exactly are those VCs going to get paid if they don't release a native token? Combine that common sense with statements they have made in the tg and you will see the reality.
It is a working cooperation between two compatible projects, nothing deeper.

>> No.12782102

Stable coin projects?

>> No.12782104

You are almost there
celer runs on two things: celer native token and what else does the network need huge amounts of?

>> No.12782116

Nope, but stable coin projects (which I predict will eventually become pegged to things more stable than fiat currencies) will be one of the first and most important customers of Chainlink/celer

>> No.12782120

traffic and data?

>> No.12782125
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What are your predictions now?

>> No.12782127

LOL let me guess, chainlink tokens. Very much wishful thinking.

>> No.12782138

Interesting. Are you referring to nodes offering price indexes?

>> No.12782172

You all are at least somewhat smart, but you're obviously lazy
You're sitting at a point of opportunity you may never see again in your lifetimes, you need to be disciplined for at least the short term and actually understand the projects in which you're invested.

Watch these:

The answer is that celer is going to require the use of celr tokens (maybe...has anyone looked on etherscan and checked to see if they exist?) and a massive amount of liquidity (locked on chain value).

Do you see now why chainlink fits so well with their project?

>> No.12782188

Essentially unchanged
That said I was wrong before (as above) and I could certainly be wrong again
Full disclosure I'm still buying chainlink at these prices

>> No.12782195


>> No.12782204

My friend, I know more than you. For example
>has anyone looked on etherscan and checked to see if they exist?
I don't need to check, they have not been minted yet.

>> No.12782235

thank you for the admonition and the spoonfeed, taking your advice now

>> No.12782259

Will stable coins be pegged to gold?
How much longer do you expect we can accumulate at these prices?

>> No.12782297

That guy is a complete phony.

Confidence limits are huge, no average, no standard deviation, no nothing. I could've taken the volume of shit that flows through a sewer and I could make a more precise prediction than this guy.

t. Mythbuster

Max LINKS' price = $18.00

Ask me anything, completely open to debunking bullshiters with data.

Also, I'm the creator of the following pasta:
>Alexander used to be smartcontract.com owner (it was his side project) while working at NXT.
>He hired Ellis.
>They had a fight.
>Alexander says fuck it and sells the site to Ellis.
>Meanwhile, the SEC was cracking down HARD on NXT scam.
>Sergey denies being BCNext on bitcointalk.com post and for some reason flies to Russia (It's been speculated that he was running away from the SEC).
>Creates Secure Asset Exchange and abandons it.
>Ellis contacts him and they register smartcontract.com company.
>Ellis CTO and Sergey CEO.
>Create legit business for centralized oracles.
>Want in in the crypto ponzi.
> smartcontract.com company based in San Francisco BUT chainlink is another company based in Cayman islands.
>Literally get free money for the Link token created out of thin air.
>Don't even distribute all tokens.
>Offer only 30% of the tokens on ICO.
>"We gonna keep the rest of the supply, is for your own good".
>Sell OTC to binance and other exchanges.
>incentivize node operators by paying them in link created literally out of thin air.
>Get free data fetching transactions doing literally nothing.
>Scam complete.

Ask me anything technically related, bitches.

>> No.12782364

This is more like it. Are you aware of the Russian decentralisd oracle project from years ago that is basically chainlink with a different name? I'm not even meming here, legit autists will know what I'm taking about.

>> No.12782392

Are you aware that I theorized uber before it became a thing?

>> No.12782423

I'm talking about a specific project with a name and named devs, and code. Not a vague idea.

>> No.12782445

can you point me to where i can spin up a bunch of decentralized oracles for my smart contract?

>> No.12782478

If you know more share, otherwise hold your peace
People have put money into celer and have no tokens to show for it
That is...strange

>> No.12782486

You've already made it clear you don't know. I accept that you're a newfag, you don't have to be so insistant.

>> No.12782498

Tell us about the russian oracle yoke.

>> No.12782506

No prob
More overall purchasing power or world share of wealth
Both of those require price inputs from a multitude of sources
Like only a decentralized oracle network can provide
Price wise no idea. Chainlinks price is set by retail investors trading a third of the overall supply...what happens with the "network incentivizing" portion will be important short term, not much long term

>> No.12782532

my point is it never came to fruition. it doesnt matter if i know about something that never happened or not

kudos on knowing useless information, give yourself a nice little back rub

>> No.12782536

Decentralized anonymous DNA cross referencing
There you go faggot I'm sure I just predicted a highly highly valuable market where you can buy and sell your DNA for genetic engineering
Do I deserve a medal? No, because it's easy to predict

>> No.12782545

Thanks for your thoughts, but that's plenty for me
It appears the intelligent conversation is waning.
For those reading the above: it's meaningless. The achievement of chainlink/smartcontract isn't technical, it's identifiying the critical early stakeholders and getting their buy in before development even started. Link has value because it is the oracle network that swift, docusign, accord and ic3 endorse. If link wasn't the most technologically advanced network, it wouldn't matter (even though it is).

>> No.12782591

Yup, I had its github bookmarked but I lost it. That project was specific to Bitcoin.

>> No.12782613

I am a brainlet and I don’t really understand what celer needs from chainlink. Are you suggesting they need the off-chain computation capabilities of the link network? Because I though celer has off-chain comp.

Or do they just need SmartContract volume?

>> No.12782676

The video has 137 views. How well do you really expect us to understand Celer? I'm not asking for a spoon but if I need to watch 3+ hours of video to contribute to the thread you're going to need some patience.

>> No.12782679

Lost me at staking celer tokens on collateral commitment contracts.

>> No.12782690

Last post from me until next time- you're not a brainlet and you're on the right path

Again, this is NOT insider information, it's just the most logical explanation of what I'm seeing. I could be wrong:

Think about it this way: chainlink needs the scaling that celer provides in order for the vast majority of smart contract use cases to make sense. celer needs a HUGE amount of locked liquidity (that has to be in on chain assets) in order to deliver the scaling its partners need. Moreover, a lot of that liquidity needs to be denominated in non-on-chain values (eg dollars) especially if the main inputs and outputs for chainlinked smart contracts to be in dollars using traditional payment methods (which is an absolute requirement for the business customers who will drive the vast majority of early and mid stage smart contracts use).
So celer needs access to huge amounts of liquidity and needs to know how much that locke liquidity is worth. so celer really needs chainlink. Chainlink has a token whose token metrics dictate that it should have a high value and chainlink has a network that allows for easy access to a dollar denomination of eth, mkr, or any other on-chain asset.
Chainlink and celer also both need a large number of semi-tech-savvy node operators to rape the benefits of their networks being reasonably decentralized.

It would not surprise me at all if most chainlink node operators also were nodes in the celer network and if any on-chain asset for which chainlink had a reasonably reliable price would be acceptable liquidity for staking in that celer node.

Down the line this all may be one network: Chainlink as the decentralized orcacle, celer as the decentralized routing and execution layer (backed up by eth when needed) and polkadot being the intra-operability layer for whatever chain-based assets you want to plug in. The end user will never know any of this, they'll just know it's real and it's amazing.

>> No.12782693
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link is shit

>> No.12782712
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Thank you for spoon feeding us brainlets.

>> No.12782832
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I think I'm reading this wrong. Why would celer adopt link on its own nodes? How would the vcs or celer team benefit financially from that? Unless your implying that all of that vc money is going straight into chainlink? A multi million market buy of stinks.

>> No.12782857
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>> No.12782866

>they'll just know it's real and it's amazing.
nice reference

>> No.12782916

servers. cloud storage

>> No.12782975
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Fuck I don't even have 10k LINK yet!

>> No.12783390

5k to make it after seeing what I saw at ethdenver. No larp.

>> No.12783582


>> No.12783624

absolutely based, and checked

>> No.12783873

How does it feel to be both OP and the responder to OP?

>> No.12783883

What'd you see at ETHDenver?

>> No.12783893

Like a bag of salty pennies.

>> No.12783907

Faggots, which biz has an abundance of.

>> No.12784246

Why would celer network need for"massive amount of liquidity" = Chainlink?

or a fit for chainlink. Are you referring to the Collateralization of the LINK token locked in the nodes during a smartcontracts term?

>> No.12784267

You sunk my battleship.

>> No.12784307

You can't collateralise ANYTHING that is LOCKED. Forget that concept.

>> No.12784384


Per thomas. When a service agreement is created, and the requester specifies that nodes must have an amount of LINK on deposit locked, it's for the duration of the service agreement.

Yes, LINK will be locked for the duration of the service agreement and act as collateralization to a % of the amount of the smartcontract worth.

>> No.12784397

so again, why would the massive mount of liquidity needed for the celer network = Chainlink?

intellegent answers please. Having a hard time with this one.

>> No.12784404

Yes sure but once you have something locked as collateral you can't use it to do other things. For some reason anons are obsessed with this idea that you can screw around and do all this other stuff with link that's locked in contracts.

>> No.12784684

What "other things" are your referring to?

>> No.12784816

to have collateral moron

>> No.12784826
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what did you see linkbro?

>> No.12784862

Poorfag cope

>> No.12784867

Sergey basically dominating anyone he came in contact with.

>> No.12785679
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