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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2.03 MB, 2977x3653, IMG_20190216_162917~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12776853 No.12776853 [Reply] [Original]

Today they gave me this.

No shit. They know it was me, and they're getting malicious about it.

What would you do, /biz?

I didn't eat the burgers today. They intentionally are fucking with me now.

>> No.12776858

You have bread, cheese and sauce.

The kids in africa don't even get to eat this fine, you should be grateful you ungrateful nigger.

>> No.12776860

Quit going there then, you fat ass

>> No.12776866

The patties are hiding under the cheese... I don't know what you're trying to show here.

>> No.12776867

Start going to burger king

>> No.12776868

Literally what the fuck are you talking about? The burger looks like all mcdonalds shit

>> No.12776872

call their head office and complain, if you’re a real cunt embellish the story with traumatised and hungry family members, claims of extreme brand loyalty and promotion to others prior to the screwing up of the orders, and personal distress, the employees and probably the whole store will get their shit pushed in by management

>> No.12776875

Look Baxley, stop being a cocksucker to fast food workers and they'll stop fucking with your food.

>> No.12776881

Stop eating garbage.
Also, are you fucking eating off your pants?
You're not eating food served from the kitchen at the Ritz Carlton, its McD's.
Lower your expecations or eat somewhere else.

>> No.12776884

Just noticed that same order would cost 5 dollars in canada. Fuck i hate this shithole

>> No.12776885

He probably lives in his car

>> No.12776897


No - passively claim homophobia or racism. Act as if THAT'S why you're repeatedly getting fucked.

>> No.12776903

complain and get those wagie cucks fired
make the damn order wagies

>> No.12776909

>eating McTrash
Literally one level over eating rodents and insects.
I bet you're a fat piece of shit.

>> No.12776911

holy shit you’re a true cunt- respect

>> No.12776913

The only good advice here.
A true biznessman.

>> No.12776918

Don't eat this trash food?

>> No.12777356

>thinks this is food
Not gonna make it

>> No.12777374

Americans eat that?

>> No.12777383

your first problem is eating that. your second problem is going to the same mcdonalds youre complaining about. stop being a retarded faggot and smarten up.

>> No.12777389

also judging from the width of your leg you need to get on a fucking treadmill

>> No.12777391

Take this stupid shit to /ck/

>> No.12777395



>> No.12777397


>> No.12777415

Stop eating shitty food you fucking neaderthal.

>> No.12777423

You think the managers from a chain of one of the largest food corporations actually looks online about what retarded hicks post about them? They don't give a shit and the workers especially don't give a shit.

>> No.12777427

My cock on firee wgpooooohoooooo incel fucks

>> No.12777432

Nigger nigger nigger nigger bro niggers be niggers all the fuckin tyme

>> No.12777440

>doesn't post review

>> No.12777442

>1 post by this ID

>> No.12777452
File: 172 KB, 720x672, Screenshot_20190217-090025_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this you, OP

>> No.12777457
File: 39 KB, 720x177, Screenshot_20190217-090214_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12777469

What a fucking entitled cunt. Such an extremely challenging and highly customized order being made when the workers don't even make $55/hr? Wow...

>> No.12777539

absolute lmao

Chains do not give a shit about bad reviews and would-be customers don't read them. If I'm going to a fast food joint I already know what to expect- I'm either going there for the brand or because it's dirt cheap. Local places are the only ones positively and negatively affected by reviews since people don't know what to expect.

You're wasting your time, OP. If they keep fucking up it's never going to be fixed.

>> No.12777627
File: 55 KB, 549x577, 1523565408897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sergey is that you?

>> No.12777635

you go straight to Corporate

>> No.12777643

I never once had my fast food orders fucked up. You people must be asking for all kinds of special / complicated shit.

>> No.12777652

My fast food orders are getting fucked up by McDonalds as soon as the order value exceeds 10$.

>> No.12778722

> still buying shitburgers
go back to your cardboard house and endure some freedom

>> No.12778737

Patties under the cheese, but something like this happened to me with Uber eats. I got a Big Mac with no patty and the meal was missing the fries.

>> No.12778739

>wants to pay almost nothing for shitty food
>orders shitty food
>food is shit
you are even worse than I thought

>> No.12778745


i agree with you guys but i know a lot of people allergic to tomatoes and if these guys were jewish enough they could fake some shit and take McDonalds to court.

>> No.12778749

Go to a different McDonald’s you dumb fuck

>> No.12778750


>> No.12778752

>Baxley, GA

post a picture of your hands, im curious about something

>> No.12778805

>1 post by this ID

>> No.12778954

Why would you continue to go somewhere after writing a bad review? Also I doubt the mouthbreathers working there give a fuck about your autistic screeching on Yelp.

>> No.12778968

hi jon s

>> No.12778994

Why would anyone older than 20 eat at McDonalds?

>> No.12779062


>> No.12779193
File: 33 KB, 310x394, dr sage and mr hide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP is literally a nigger.

>it goes in all fields

>> No.12779574

Call the corporation.

>> No.12779575

you're op 100% since this image wasn't found in reverse search, pathetic attention whore

>> No.12779626

>eating (((fastfood)))

Not going to /makeit/

>> No.12779630

>t. nopants

>> No.12779652


>> No.12779687
File: 107 KB, 199x355, ronald gangsta ass clown mcdonald.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting foot lettuce fungus in your mouth and patties made with filtered gutter oil

>> No.12779815

he dipped out so fast it's hilarious. please someone post this thread to his facebook/twitter