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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12761542 No.12761542 [Reply] [Original]

Trumps wonderful economy, eh guys. Bet the people losing their jobs feel stupid now


>> No.12761547

Is it time to bail out brick and mortar stores too? Surely that's the right thing to

>> No.12761555

this is crypto board
if you seek to get anally raped, proceed to /pol/ leftie

>> No.12761563

Those stores are closing because people have more money now and don't have to buy peasant shit. This is great news. You BTFO of yourself.

>> No.12761568

They're closing because they sell shitty shoes that fall apart in a few months, haven't updated the look of their store since the 90s, and are usually competing with like 10 other shoes stores in any given mall.

>> No.12761574

>the president of the USA is responsible for the structural death of physical retail and no-name-brand merchandise in the face of 21st century materialism

seems legit.

>> No.12761575

payless has been going out of business for decades. not really a trump phenomenon


>> No.12761581

>Trumps wonderful economy
I recently got a job making $120k/year, so yes I agree

>> No.12761583

Stop trying to spin this as good, trump is destructive on all counts

>> No.12761597

>outdated stores
>oudated fashion
>Shitty quality
People are literally dumpingw hundreds and thousands into the fucking sneaker hype paradigm.

Capitalism is wonderful, isn't it? And besides that, everyone working in the Branche is lost anyway in the next few years.

>> No.12761625

Look at all the trump supporters not willing to accept they were wrong, overall retail sales have dropped, trump is a failure

>> No.12761645

my taxes went down $15,000, feels good doesn't it?

>> No.12761658

>thinking physical retail sales = status of the economy
How retarded are you? Or do you live under a rock and have no idea what Amazon is?

>> No.12761693

Yes Amazon is killing a lot of brick and mortar stores. I'm most happy that Gamestop is being killed to death by them and pretty much every other digital retailer.

>> No.12761704

Hey if trump manages to build the wall with this emergency declaration, then all the shoe stores in America can close for all i care

>> No.12761722

Stick to:
>Why are houses expensive?
>Why are bosses mean?
if you want to get any lefty traction on /biz/. Most people here have at least a cursory awareness of what the new jobs reports and consumer confidence index look like presently, and your great aunt's discount shoe store restructuring isn't going to impact the general sentiment here.

>> No.12761728

This. My taxes went down quite a lot thanks to Trump's tax cuts; so I'm really happy about that
Some retail stores closing has nothing to do with the economy you absolute brainlet. Zoom out, or are you incapable of doing so?

>> No.12761917
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>> No.12761975

This is why people want to kill communists.

>> No.12762001

quality b8

>> No.12762002

Really its one thing for disagree about things and try to talk about the disagreements. But at this point it is just pure propaganda and completely misrepresenting both themselves and the other side because the reality of the situation is untenable.

>> No.12762021

>occupy democrats meme-o-graph
Haha. and, I'm out.

>> No.12762075

>need shoe in size 12
>we only have it in size 9
>leave store buy it on amazon for half price
>shit store closes

>> No.12762266

You jews deserve far worse than the oven. Shame all you are going to get is a bullet.

>> No.12762321

But cnn told me different

>> No.12762329

Trump is the biggest boomer of them all and even he cant save these shitty boomer businesses that should've cashed out a long time ago

>> No.12762335

>Implying liberals buy index funds

>> No.12762342

This is almost as bad a prospect for the economy as a bunch of pawnshops closing down.

My guess is their cancerous shoes were made in China and are now tarriffed so that they only make a 500% profit instead of a 1000%, so the company owners are redirecting their capital elsewhere.

>> No.12762344

>they should have cashed out long time ago.

So its not Trumps fault good glad we got that cleared up now kys.

>> No.12762353

Are you telling me you wouldn't be ashamed to be seen wearing a pair of payless shoes?

>> No.12762355
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>> No.12762369

Pulling 28% on my normie investments right now.

CNN is shit.

>> No.12762481

Why are there Dotards still on this board? This fat fuck is exactly the same garbage as every other President

>> No.12762510

that's fake news, gooo trump! he's getting those spics deported, anon! he should be re elected, MAGA

>> No.12762633

>there are shills who wage slave and post far left talking points on a hyper capitalist cigar afficanido SharePoint

The abaolute state of democrats

>> No.12762644

reminder to sage and hide Leftypol bait threads

>> No.12762668

KYS lefty faggot, you hang on DOTR

>> No.12762692

This is a troll thread
sage in all fields

>> No.12762711

>Amazon and Ebay pay zero sales taxes and at-cost shipping for over a decade giving them a 7-10% default price advantage over their competitors on new merchandise and driving USPS into a 65 billion dollar deficit so they can offer free* shipping courtesy of the US government

>hurr it's Blumpf's fault these dinosaur companies that have been unprofitable for years because they were given a different set of rules to play by by the previous administrations are going out of business !1

Here's your (You)

>> No.12762788

Two bullets each, jew. Just to be damn sure you don't become one of the six gorrilion (((survivors))).

>> No.12762799

based orange man
fuck jannies, fuck jews and fuck anti-drumpfers

>> No.12762823

>shitty ahoe company closes stores
>drumpfs fault

>> No.12763253

I find it really hard to believe workers wages our flat when there have been multiple big corporations giving out bonuses and wage increases since the corporate tax cut. Not to mention the minimum wage has gone up or is set to go up in a lot of states since last election.

>> No.12763258

Trump is unironically destroying all of our futures. Unless your a white supremacist, in which case it will be somewhat cool for you - on an emotional level. But economically you will get JUSTED since your poor. Unless your not, then DAMN... im jelly

>> No.12763272

Don’t forget. Trump called out amazon on this exact thing and the left came out of the woodwork to defend amazon.

>> No.12763274

why is trump to blame for this? they make cheap shitty made in china shoes that no one wants to buy. end of story

>> No.12763279

People are buying more of their goods online. How does this have anything to do with the President? The only brick and mortar stores that will survive are the ones that are service based or the ones dealing in higher quality stuff.

>> No.12763297

only autists and ugly chicks bought shoes from payless

>> No.12763348

>tfw I got my nige sneakers there

>> No.12763358


>> No.12763625
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