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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 56 KB, 620x387, nat-rothschild_2463174b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12751503 No.12751503 [Reply] [Original]


What in God's name have these kikes done???

>Have been in banking since 1700s
>Control basically everything on planet Earth
>Almost NEVER mentioned in MSM
>Family is bigger than most realize, many branches have covered up their affiliation

From what I can ascertain, their plan is to move us from the current fiat system to some sort of international welfare state where we are all serfs.

Anyone have any further insights? Do you think Bitcoin and/or Monero could be the escape rope?

Once you have stockpiled enough crypto, I think the next priority should be developing any survival skills that could make you self-sufficient and not dependent on the State in any way. Because I'm pretty sure any non-compliance will mean complete and utter destitution...

>> No.12751522

My plan has always been to go off grid in Tasmania, but I recently realised that even if my predictions come true and society collapses and only small pockets of the Earth remain habitable, those habitable patches will be fought over and probably destroyed in the process. So even if I make the best call for my descendants, beat the crowd, and set up an off grid farm in the ideal location, the billionaires will just send their drone swarms to clear me out anyway.
Literally can't win.

>> No.12751528
File: 68 KB, 666x764, SAI-health-effects.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the only redpill I've got on this computer. It's a bunch of geoengineering (chemtrails) aerosol options along with the potential side effects for each one of them

>> No.12751555

Alright but chemtrails are pretty hard to believe... they already put stuff in the water system (fluoride), would they really go as far as to spray shit from airplanes? Are commercial air pilots seriously all in on this? And do you know how much shit they would need to be carrying onboard to actually spray enough of that stuff to make a difference...? Seems unlikely imo

>> No.12751556

BTW to get more to your point, yes xmr and btc are obviously good bets, but if you wanna live you need to have the following

>air purifier with hepa filter

>clean house where you vacuum after airing it out (there's nasty shit outside, covered in my above pic related)

>fresh car intake/air conditioning filters for moving in diesel infested city centers

>at least a pre filter on your water mains and a carbon filter for drinking water, preferably reverse osmosis

>eat organic as much as possible, and eat nothing with corn/50y because of all the glyphosate

There won't be mass huntings of dissidents, the depopulation will be through food, air, water

>> No.12751559
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>> No.12751576

Geoengineering is for the purpose of holding global temps down (search global dimming) so that they can keep burning oil until they decide they've burned enough and it's time to finally go renewable.

Chemtrails help obfuscate global warming just long enough so that the elite and big corps can have an orderly deinvestment from fossil fuels

>> No.12751610

This is ridiculous anon.
Jet trails are mostly water vapor from burned exhaust frozen into clouds

>> No.12751617

Global warming is caused by emissions from the sun. All of the planets are heating up. This course of action makes no sense nor does the idea of chemtrails generally. You would need thousands of commercial pilots. Nonsense.

>> No.12751650

Yeah bud wait till you realize the aerosols are only half of the deal.

They use HAARP to make the aerosols contract or disperse, thus creating and dismantling clouds at will. So when it is the time of the year for your metropolitan area/county to be cold, they go like this:

>start the morning with heavy cloud cover, make it rain

>remove the cloud cover in the evening, the humidity from the rain evaporates and removes heat with it

>clear sky at night, cool temps with high humidity

>repeat for 5 days and you've got an actual frost

So this is all well and good up to a point (Except for the chart, anyway) but here's the best part: all this HAARPing the clouds to bring the intended effects, is also HAARPing the shit out of people because we've all been breathing that shit.

This explains many people having headaches (most likely due to sinusitis), IBS, joint aches and a bunch of other shit that comes and goes at random intervals.

Listen to the people around you complain and you'll see that we're all getting the same symptoms to varying degrees.

Also be on the lookout for people getting kidney issues. Drink a lot of filtered water and add daily vitamin c supplements to your diet

>> No.12751686

Faggot CIA glowinthedark psyop, burn in hell

Same as above

Here's the actual sauce on CHEMTRAILS (water vapour spiked with light-reflecting particulates):




People just need to look up at the sky and find out the truth for themselves

>> No.12751699



>> No.12751729

You can't win alone, but you can wake some people.

They are not as powerful and don't have as much support as you think. Their power rely on money. If people can find a substitute to money, they will be powerless.

>> No.12751731

it doesnt happen if you cannot prove it goys

>> No.12751737

Rothschild thread detailed by georngineering kookery. Like pottery.

Look into FASAB. They literally just made unlimited transfer of public assets to private hands legal through an accounting rules change.

>> No.12751762



>> No.12751781

this is the funniest shit i have seen in a while

>> No.12751835

Geoengineering is fucking real, wake up. I already mentioned in my posts above that the globalists are trying to depopulate mankind, so I don't see how I am derailing the thread. Rothschilds = the globalists

>> No.12751854
File: 465 KB, 1242x2208, 81EFE709-95C6-42DD-B7F1-15C7EC666304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A direct link would be good, cant see anything here

>> No.12751892

they're responsible for all the wars

it amazes me no one has just nutted up and killed them yet. how many people you think have had family members killed in their wars, yet done nothing about it.

the gentiles truly are a goyim

>> No.12751907

Wow there's like 12 untested assumptions in your post, surely we should believe you

>> No.12751911

>Rothschild thread detailed by georngineering kookery. Like pottery.


>> No.12751925

So why don't you? I have seen zero verifiable evidence that proves they are behind anything the conspiracy theories suggest. Just alot of /pol/ talk on /biz/ about how all jews are evil.

>> No.12751931

guess again

>> No.12751951

good luck, they are hiding behind lineage demon contract

>> No.12752078

This thread is getting nuttier by the minute.

>> No.12752103

But what else are usury, QE, and other finanical machinations but tools of the devil to enslave generations.

>> No.12752109
File: 278 KB, 841x877, 1542841088489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they unironically sacrifice children to moloch

>> No.12752124

her choice of pendants are certainly strange

anyone else remember the model who was hanging out with the guy in OPs pic that suddenly went missing?

>> No.12752191
File: 23 KB, 604x154, 3452522324634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(((they))) created Bitcoin.
Their goal is to replace fiat with crypto, have our crypto addresses linked to our real life ID and have us chipped in our right hand (they will make us want this).

>> No.12752243
File: 138 KB, 992x461, 23525263221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you manage to catch the conspiracy theorists, the anarchists, the opposition, then the rest follows and you own everyone.
See trump (card) for example.

>> No.12752255

>(((they))) created Bitcoin
I still laugh when i read shite like this...
I believe in some crazy shit BUT the PoW part of BTC is why i know (((they))) where not involved. Why would (((they))) give up control? Could have made a blockchain coin without the PoW part...

>> No.12752270

Because bitcoin gives them (eventually) total control, whille tricking the sheep that it is free.

>> No.12752279
File: 3.07 MB, 2756x2756, 1550069994083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're not giving up control. Who do you think owns Satoshi's wallet? Who do you think Sergey's 650 million tokens will be going to?

>> No.12752281

The purpose of geoengineering would be to prevent global warming from hitting the point of no return and 60% of the worlds food production from being cut leading to a world war and mass starvation in the billoons of deaths. If they were trying to kill us all they just need to speed up global warming.

>> No.12752289

Csw owns satoshis wallets or at least he will in 2020.

>> No.12752291

Thanks anon, this is interesting

>> No.12752353

>Own nothing control everything
One of the Rothschild said that, it relates to trust law.

Then just creating a blockchain token would have done... No need for the PoW part! It would still have been revolutionary! It would have been easier to do! hodlin 1MM of 21MM is not their style + (((they))) relinquished control the moment it was released, the miners are in control, anyone can mine...

>> No.12752360

How exactly? Pls crawl back into your local curry store

>> No.12752372

Its probably BS but look up 'The tulip trust', we will find out in 2020 if its real...

>> No.12752424
File: 1.05 MB, 1024x609, 1513227002036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chemtrails are a ery real thing, believe me. If you want i can go out and take some pics of the sky, it's obvious as fuck it's not condensation. It stay all day long and it start very tight then widen up and finally make a sort of foggy veil. Can't remember the last time i saw a clear blue sky, i get sprayed on every single day and night. We know they spray reflective metals like strontium, barium and aluminium to stay in suspensionin high altitude. I've heard many theories but the most probables to me are :
-enhancing telecommunication capacities by having an super-conductive grid in high altitude
- our magnetic pole is shifting (it happen by cycles every X thousands years) and by doing so is reducing the earth's magnetic field who is supposed to protect us from UVA, UVB and ultraviolet rays coming from the sun. So they spray metal particule to create a reflective shield
- it's used in the HAARP program to control the weather all over the world and they use it as an economic threat/weapon
Each time i brought the subject at home i get the NPC zogbot stare from my boomrents.

t. amateur airplane pilot living in France who look at the sky everyday and saw the situation deteriorate every day for 2 decades

>> No.12752774

thinking of moving down to tassie too, try to find like minded people and form a network, plenty of indie farmers/ homesteads down there

>> No.12752795

The Rothschilds bow to the Bogdanoffs

>> No.12752999

At first I thought you were just a misinformed actual person (the solution to global warming is stopping fossil fuels, not chemtrails)

Then I saw that you are a dirty fucking deepstate pajeet working for ole bitch tits fake satoshi and it all made sense

>> No.12753043

That's a nice grid, btw the real reason is geoengineering. Research "stratospheric aerosol injections" and "solar radiation management".

Chemtrails are there to ensure fewer rays (5% or so) reach our planet's surface, to keep our warming levels lower. Geoengineering is the mail use of chemtrails

>> No.12753197
File: 163 KB, 560x311, Dr.Strangelove.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they already put stuff in the water system (fluoride)

>> No.12753258


>> No.12753276

if this is true, wouldnt the elite suffer the same health problems? sure they can drink different water but air is air. what am i missing

>> No.12753344

man becomes homo evolutis

>> No.12753455
File: 1.42 MB, 1089x4677, rothpill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Air purifiers with hepa filters, air conditioning units with hepa filters, cars with hepa filters and air conditioned offices with hepa filters.

Btw remember when Hillary had to be carried off during the elections due to pneuomonia or something? Karma is a biatch

Pic unrelated to chemtrails but it is filename related for the thread

>> No.12753532
File: 452 KB, 640x519, supremecourtIL-pill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropping redpills from the motherlode

>> No.12753556

Chemtrails are only the top of the iceberg of gov/rothschild surpression, made to make people believe (((their))) world view. Look at how the moon landings where faked. Every piece of evidence about space imagery is faked and CG!!! Windows of airplanes have curvature, I have seen no good evidence that the world is round. Not saying the earth is necessarily flat but if you dyor, there are a lot of facts speaking for it. Its one big consiparcy of the rothschilds and their subordinates in the form of NASA&co.

>> No.12753578
File: 120 KB, 960x960, 1549832489141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but how do we profit from this?

>> No.12753582
File: 2.01 MB, 1200x9300, 1510702033846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no good evidence that the world is round

Flat Earth psyop right on schedule, here are some more redpills for your troubles

>> No.12753634
File: 1.44 MB, 1004x2958, matrix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't profit from this, you do the research and tell the story, because it's the Good Fight

>> No.12753697

4chan will always be a mystery to me. How can a Rothschild thread deteriorate into a chemtrails discussion between multiple people? A mystery gentlemen. It's time for me to leave again.

>> No.12753787

Controlled opposition.

>> No.12753830

I wasn't sitting on my laptop where I keep the good redpills and I kept the thread bumped. First of all, why do you mind the extra redpill? Geoengineering is a serious issue. Second of all, here are the Rothschild redpills in the following posts of mine:


>> No.12753908

this is where truly insane people hang out because no one outside of their basement wants to be around them. oh there's also normal people like myself that enjoy watching the shitshow

>> No.12753927

Yeah living in Nevada I became convinced of chemtrails/geoengineering. It really is easy to keep people in the dark with disinfo. They’re definitely spraying. Oh well, Roths gonna Roth

>> No.12754017

MOAR pls

>> No.12754046

What psyops? DYOR man! Have you ever seen the curvature of the earth with your own eyes??? Have you ever been to antarctice ??
((They)) spoonfeed it to you sheep and try to manipulate you, while if you would rely on your senses it is clear as day that we are standing on a spinning ball in space

>> No.12754103

>any other alt-buzzwords to include?

>> No.12754163


>> No.12754173

I would like the remind everyone that regardless of theory we should

1. oppose kikes
2. weaken kikes by any means necessary
3. try to get kikes extinct by any means necessary

>> No.12754194

There is one more important hint in Matrix
But you can get it only if you watch original plot

>> No.12754206


It's ok anon I put my money into a roth ira Vanguard target date retirement index fund. I own a little bit of everything and feel very comfy : )

59 1/2 here I come!

>> No.12754220

pic related unironically posted ama on pol
they identify themselves way above kikes
also their name being evene known, moreso forced to do amas means they fucked up and are demoted bigly
also nat confirmed, they are behind eth

>> No.12754230
File: 42 KB, 400x460, 1_8ieG5NZpz0g3-mjTiMgF0Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking familiar?

>> No.12754248
File: 69 KB, 968x645, AN54420844For-Use-in-The-Ev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GW is their bloodline

>> No.12754260

Huh I do experience headaches and sinus problems a lot...

>> No.12754262

This guy doesn't look human

>> No.12754266

Monero maybe. The rest? Go to /pol/, this is old news.

>> No.12754477

I like your spirit, so here's the biggest redpill of them all:

Hitler was a Rothschild.

Even the man himself, James Corbett didn't have the balls to go all the way and just made a short clip about it, but it's still good:


There's a lot of info on this subject if you search properly for it. tldr is that Hitler's unmarried grandma worked at a Rothschild manor in Austria, and came back pregnant. Decades later, they inducted them in the family and gave him his new role of the "jew hating failed artist". Hitler died of old age in Argentina

>> No.12754490

250ml boiled water + 1 full teaspoon of iodized salt. Let it cool and then you need a syringe (minus the needle, obv) to wash your nose with. Going on antibiotics won't do shit, cleaning your nose regularily with DIY seawater is the only way to get rid of the sinusitis-induced headaches.

Make a thread about chemtrails after you fix your nose to thank me

>> No.12754548

Move up north to Canada. Soiboys can't handle our cold winters so they'll fuck off if things get hairy.

>> No.12754627

The world needs massive depopulating, but it needs to happen in shit countries first.

>> No.12754647

>The world needs massive depopulating

>> No.12754672
File: 3.67 MB, 2480x8450, elite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just dropping by with pic related

>> No.12754689

Wtf this dude could be 300 years old and used a technology to makes his body anti age and I would believe it based on how weird he looks

>> No.12754691

>implying leafland is the soiboy capital of the world

>> No.12754707

RothJews will be blasted of this galaxy by BTC Bull Runnero!

>> No.12754724

Best granny ever!

>> No.12754742

Noice mate!

>> No.12754746 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 650x650, 1546528044645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, its just a effect from incest

>> No.12754750

incest breeding does that

>> No.12754752

> gorbachev
> elite

>> No.12754756

>What have these kikes done?
They figured out compound interest before anyone else did

>> No.12754767

speak for yourself joe
t.alex jones

>> No.12754800

i agree that crypto will lead to the mark, but it wasn't created by (((them))). (((they))) will see crypto as a great way to control everyone's financial lives and reform the system to their liking... or along those lines

>> No.12754811

Wow and I thought Russell was not a bad guy after reading his "History of Western Philosophy".

>> No.12754850

You wanna know the secrets? Read this.


I was suicidal and depressed. But after reading this, I can see.

>> No.12754861
File: 59 KB, 360x284, NNSA-NSO-787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well they had no problem dropping nuclear bombs like 70 miles from Las Vegas. Pic related is from a 1950s nuke test with the photo being taken from Vegas. If they were willing to do that, then I put nothing else past them.

>> No.12754864

the escape coin is dashcoin (dash get it?)

their first big breakthrough patriarch/matriarch had an idea that they wrote down that was basically the playbook for the divine plan for the next few millenia. (year might be 1844) A breakthrough -arch is one in which a family gets above the true line of poverty in all ways (think capital in all ways)

essentially their family got so close to godhood it was able to profit off of it in what is an ongoing attempt to enact the will of a divine creator here.

There are people, lineages, with so much wealth that they can live within the shadows here - immortally in fact.

Good, bad, it's truly just a thing.

dash coin to $119

>> No.12754876

I don't get what you're worried about, all your links are about are ways of climate control, is that supposed to prove your point?
Why would they even do this? Spend trillions to keep a massive global conspiracy secret and spray a chemical mixture in the air when you can use the room that the storage of the supposed chemicals for more passengers meaning more money, rather than spend money to dump shit in the air.
It's illogical, please explain

>> No.12754883

The Rothschild's robot ant swarms will be susceptible to emp attack..

>> No.12754887

Let me guess, you’re a trump voter?
Fucking idiot

>> No.12754919

Watch this, it's probably the best video on chemtrails out there

>> No.12754972

Larp or not, a most enlightening thread.

>> No.12754988

Ehm..fren there are 3-4 more threads
one on GLP is particularly long

>> No.12755019

>Anyone have any further insights?

Yeah, they are literal vampires and have been around a lot longer than the 1700's. International banking after the development of technology was their big chance to bring ALL the livestock in line.

BTW they are psychic vampires, not blood sucking ones (those are a myth). By creating waves of misery all over the world on a whim, they can indefinitely feed and sustain their immortality. It's tough, because the more power and influence they wield, the more pain they need.

>> No.12755041

>globalists are trying to depopulate mankind

lol they are doing a piss poor job of it dont you think, dipshit?

no, they want mankind reverted to a near animal state with low IQ and dependence on the neo-nobility of true humans that control all high technology

>> No.12755101


That's an old thread and some faggot even made it into a pdf. Though, one of the most informative and positive reads from the "elites".
The guy's power level is higher than rof's apparently, since he doesn't disclose himself.

>> No.12755332

While chemtrail spraying is probably real everything else you're talking about is completely false.

>> No.12755339 [DELETED] 

Geoengineering is being done to prevent depopultation you dingus.

>> No.12755340

Dunno if ge is larp
But that guy's answers are based as fuck

>> No.12755348

He's definitely a larp

>> No.12755354

What is this anon?

>> No.12755359

Since the invention of TV they larp that they are 2-3 old farts who run modern art collects and donate to africa bahahah. Get on this level of epic

>> No.12755409

Its not a LARP. Its a fucking Rothschild. There are other AMA threads on glp and even some on /pol/ and there was even a rothschild that posted a thread here on /biz/ once. They were all saying things that were consistent with one another

Its all fucking real. Heres the basic rundown

>Roths work for ancient bloodlines that were given actual alien blood
>they use the religion and usury to enslave humanity and harvest our energy
>the plan is to use quantum computing to automate everything via AI and control humanity until theres only 500 million left, in harmony with nature according to them
>you can survive this by not aboiding meat that u did not raise yourself, growing your own crops, living clean, meditating, and only drinking distilled water

Research the Essenes. They work for them. Jesus was one and so was his wife. They are the “chosen” race. RhO negative blood type neanderthal alien hybrids.

>> No.12755410

Did you mean isn't?
Also read what I wrote. I'm implying if comforts become unavailable soiboys won't be able handle our winter. I live in Toronto and all the soiboys I work with spend 1+ hrs driving a couple miles to work in the winter since they can't handle being outside for more than a few seconds

>> No.12755415 [DELETED] 

He's trying to claim that people with rh- blood are of a reptilian alien race and uses the example that a pregnant mother who has rh- blood and is pregnant with a rh+ blood child the mother will attack the child in her womb and proceeds to call children born of a different rh blood type than the mother a mule much like when a donkey and a horse breed a mule.

However the reason that that is horse shit is because a mule is unable to consieve children yet children who come from a mother with a different rh blood type are still fertile and in reality if the mother has rh+ blood and the child has rh- blood there is no such birthing ptoblem. Therefore we are all the same species and blood differences fon't mean much.

>> No.12755425


based and rothpilled

>honey is such a pedestrian concept....but PERFECTLY relevant to our little discussion.
>No adult thinks twice about letting the honeybee toil and labor all summer...collecting the pollen...and in the autumn, the hooded beekeeper comes and takes the whole fucking honeycomb. Which of you morns for the honeybee? Which of you thinks twice of the theft of labor which has occurred?
>Zoom out, google earth style and look at the macro picture. You are the drone bees and you are harvested of your energy and labor at regular intervals, julst like our friend the honeybee. Is the a difference morality-wise? Is our theft greater than yours? Because you have an intermediary and buy your honey from a middleman, is there any difference? You american drones...has your life not been made easier by harvesting the sweat and tears of your chinese brothers??
>and whenever there are inequities, we are there...getting our "cut"
>laugh out loud
>Rothschild User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 12:54 PM

BTW part of the 'deal' they made is that they have to give hints about their true nature. Enough so that anybody who cares to look can know the truth. The game, such as it is, is manipulating and enslaving mankind despite them being able to know the truth.

>> No.12755459


>> No.12755465

He's trying to claim that people with rh- blood are of a reptilian alien race and uses the example that a pregnant mother who has rh- blood and is pregnant with a rh+ blood child the mother will attack the child in her womb and proceeds to call children born of a different rh blood type than the mother a mule much like when a donkey and a horse breed a mule.

This is what hitler believed as well that rh- blood types had super genes that were being supressed with racial inbreeding.

However the reason that all of the above is horse shit is because

1. a mule is infertile. A muke can't produce children. children who come from a mother with a different rh blood type are still fertile.


2. in reality if the mother has rh+ blood and the child has rh- blood there is no such birthing ptoblem. The birthing issue only occurs when the mother has rh- and the child has rh+ blood. Therefore, we are all the same species and blood differences don't mean much and more importantly that "rothschild" is a nazi larp who dpent too much time on pol.

>> No.12755475
File: 222 KB, 750x1334, 433B2FEF-4842-4F29-B5D6-CBFA78F01702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12755497

You should kill yourself if you really believe every redpill talked about on here.

>> No.12755515

>thread here on /biz/
could you link it?

>> No.12755520

They occasionally post on these forums to see how far along, ie “evolved” weve become. They post their secrets openly, and its funny because no one bothers to listen. Even in this thread, look at how much scrutiny people are putting on the details, meanwhile ignoring literally everything else

>> No.12755530

I dont think it archived. But it was basically a guy posted a black and white oicture of some old oil tycoon, and said “im a jew ask me anything. And yes we control you” and he went on to say he was part of the rothschild clan. He also mentioned that they work for aliens and that rhe first Aryans were black people.

>> No.12755533

The Rothschild's clan members have survived so many assassination attempts by so many people, that the other powers that be have given up trying.

They cannot be killed with current technology levels. Not even a nuclear device at point blank range can kill what they are. Their physical bodies are shells, and the psychic spirit simply moves to another appropriate host with Rothschild genetics, and of course their spawn are distributed all over the globe.

Even if you can kill one's body, it just merges with another fraction of itself and keeps going. To actually wipe them out would require the coordinated effort across the entire globe, using methods that have been scoured from human knowledge by the Rothschild's themselves.

There has even been some speculation that bringing humanity to the technological point where we DO kill all of their physical bodies simultaneously, is their goal. This would result in the instantaneous merging of a distributed psychic vampire alien spirit, and would basically be the birth of a new (and utterly terrible) godhead.

They need a population of near-humans to feed on, but also a strong and intelligent group to develop the technology that will allow for their ascension. There will be a 'great struggle' as the truth is revealed, and the good guys will 'win', by 'killing' the Rothschild family for good. In doing so, the cocoon that is planet earth will effectively burst, releasing a terror upon the universe which had been imprisoned here for millions of years, inside of humanity.

>> No.12755573

Where did you learn this? Can you tell me where they came from? In a thread on /pol/ i think they kept mentioning neanderthals and enkidu. They kept referring to rhe man of the earth was enkidu. So neanderthals evolved naturally, so were they the daughters of men that were raped by the annunaki? They keep mentioning being in tune with nature and whatnot. I can not figure it out. Hes also saying humans are a cross of alien and most likely homo erectus. But was this adam? Then where did cro magnon come from?

>> No.12755592

Isn't that the plot of the Evangelion reboot?

>> No.12755637

In another pol thread a young roth was saying they basically worship satan in a different dimension and communicate with him using an AI system theyve had since the 18th century. Their culture is an offshoot of Judaism and they soeak a language similar to aramaic (or basque?). The rabbit hole runs deep

>> No.12755667

They didn't invent crypto though and didn't account for its popularity. They ARE trying very hard to make it into simply another monetary vessel to be manipulated, and have mostly succeeded. Encryption is something they cannot overcome, and even they cannot bend physics while they inhabit physical forms that are subject to those laws of physics.

Peer-to-peer electronic cash, if it was properly used, could have been freedom from the shackles of international banking (and control that gives over a population). Instead, most of us have decided that we would rather speculate on it and trade it like a precious metal or stock, since we can turn it back into shekels.


Yahweh is the Godhead that created creatures in his image, the Nephelim. Neanderthals were lesser chattel made to help this planet develop over time, into a habital place suitable for colonization. Neanderthals were to evolve, build, destroy, and then go extinct as a form of fire and forget terraforming. Neaderthals were semi-sentient terraforming equipment, or were supposed to be.

Another species created by another Godhead invaded this universe and fucked around a little bit. They combined their DNA with neanderthals and nephelim, and this created modern humanity, which are the shell race for the psychic vampires which are the fragments of their 'sleeping' godhead. Yahweh could not bring himself to eradicate the own fragments of himself (the nephelim), because he is an unfortunately sentimental godhead. Instead, he will allow them to live and flourish for a time, knowing that the rebirth of the destructive godhead is inevitable. At which time he will attempt to solve the problem himself (reformat and reboot of the universe to purge foreign entity).


Probably so. They think it is amusing to inject their creation story into popular media. It is part of the 'deal'.


Satan from another dimension. Good way to put it. Black hat vs. white hat hacker gods.

>> No.12755669

Thats why its a fucking larp. Jews don't even believe the devil or demons exist. Jews believe that the devil is a regular angel "not a fallen angel" who tests people and works for god. Demons horns the five point demonic star are all not a part of jewish lore.

>> No.12755695

100% a larp lmao

>> No.12755717

This is called limited hangout, it's a disinfo strategy

>> No.12755724

So America then?

>> No.12755740

Some shills are here. Creepy you fucks are everywhere.

>> No.12755743

"There is a wealth of information available on Tesla's techniques. Ironically, few take the time to read them.
Very, very few.
Almost none. And Tesla's patents lay out a great starting point. But like your great aunt leaving a key ingredient out of her prize cake recipe, some work must be done.
Tesla was the real genius...not Einstein, not Edison.
Tesla had the "keys to the kingdom" within his reach! It was thus necessary to change the lock."
Cmon, let's be real here, Tesla was smart for his time, but we 100% outgrew him in terms of technology. It's just that autistic teenagers (like the person in this larp) love to suck his dick, because like them, Tesla was also an underrated autist.

>> No.12755777

I believe what you call Yahweh is actually Enlil. The sumerians wrote about this

>> No.12755783
File: 186 KB, 634x1125, 2B5A7A2B00000578-0-image-a-4_1439594974634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look its kate rothschild on a date with her black rapper boyfriend with AB rh+ blood. She cheated on her husband to bang a different species. Ooh so naughty.

>> No.12755814

In the pol thread he mentioned that the Sons of God were outsiders and they were not good, they raped humans. The offspring were the nephilim. So the aliens raped neanderthals creating nephilim. But i think they also combined nephilim dna with homo erectus to make cro magnon modern humans. But then what was Noah? He was genetically pure, but pure what?

>> No.12755822

No i believe the chemtrails because there is scientific research and a concensus around the fact that global warming will deatroy 60% of the earths resources and mass starvation/war will ensue if they don't spray chemtrails. There is also easily varifiable evidence of chemtrails in the sky that people photograph. There is zero verifiable evidence to support most of tge redpills on this board.

>> No.12755831


Could be, he is called all sorts of different things, but there is only one Godhead of this universe. The truth has trickled down throughout history and the general theme is able to be determined, but the true names for the original players are scrambled. It all means the same thing. The modern name for Yahweh or Enlil would be Root, in my opinion. As in the root user.

>> No.12755838

How so? They said chemtrails do NOT exist and anyone saying so should be hospitalised in psychiatric ward.

>> No.12755848

>What is Agent Orange

>> No.12755862

Watch this at 1.75× speed

>> No.12755874

i have read most of those “rothschild” threads as a follow up to the original rofschild thread, and the writers of all the subsequent threads are comparative brainlets. i might have missed a couple so can anyone post some links? as far as i have been able to tell, everything after the “rofschild” thread is written by copycat larpers.

that’s not to say the rofschild thread isn’t a larp, just that the OP of that thread wasn’t a brainlet, and the OPs of all the other ones i’ve seen are retarded by comparison

>> No.12755881

This is a fun read for sure... whoever is replying is on some other fucking wavelength

Any proof it's legit?

>> No.12755904

holy shit between all the chemtrail bullshit and the fantasy monster ghost story bullshit this thread got fucking annihilated by retards.anyone posting the good stuff, you know about asshole bankers and control freak globalist elites, keep up the good work, it’s easy enough for some of us to sift through the garbage and find the good info

>> No.12755911


Noah was a hologram, a projection of Yaweh since he wanted to make sure the current evolutionary path of the various creatures on planet earth survived the cataclysm he created to fix some problems with the planet.

The ark was an orbital station with physical storage of DNA records, and a DNA seeding/holographic projector to repopulate areas of the earth utterly destroyed by the cataclysm. He really did take "2 of everything", and then used the opportunity to clip off groups of organisms that weren't working out and edit others. Except he did it over the course of a couple thousand years, from low earth orbit, not from a silly wooden boat.

In a sense the flood was real, the ark was real, Noah was real in a sense. It was more akin to a software update though. Noah had kids, but they weren't the actual sons of god, just blended DNA with traits he determined would be useful to create leaders.

>why didn't Yahweh take the opportunity to purge the foreign godhead at this point in history?

Like I mentioned, if all physical bodies containing fragments of the psychic vampire god were destroyed simultaneously, it would basically result in the end of the universe since Yahweh would have to do a hard reboot. He's got other stuff going on, so he preserved small groups of humans on the planet, who were able to record the cataclysm as a flood.

>> No.12755920
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>> No.12755940
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>> No.12755939

Lol bots shills in this thread are working overdrive so that us goys don't get any info.

The following are definitely diverting/dis-info shills:


>> No.12755950

Go suck einstein or hawking dicks. Those faggots came up with pseudointellectual word salads similar to nigger rap or tron whitepaper.
Tesla is one of the most based scientists ever.
But him being Slav doesn't fall into the narrative.

>> No.12755962
File: 111 KB, 439x490, 1546834593650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go suck einstein or hawking dicks. Those faggots came up with pseudointellectual word salads similar to nigger rap or tron whitepaper.

funniest fucking thing I've read in a week

>> No.12755977

sarcasm you faggots
here have another great read, apparently from a person above rofschilds


>> No.12755996

Literally bumping your thread 15 times is somehow preventing people from getting info on a fictional story? Sure.

>> No.12756004

Einstein and Newton didn't even publish their methods or work how they came to the conclusions they did. Where as your normal scientist has to include their method and procedures. Just like how you would have to write out how you came to the answer of an equation instead of just writing the answer down without any insight in how you got there.

oh and have a ''this''

>> No.12756032

recently found out that stalin and mao could've been a controlled opposition and got me thinking if most war leaders were like that


>> No.12756060

Missed it or did you decide to not respond cause you can't?

>> No.12756079

"normal people" are perfectly content with how life is and brand those who simply desire for the truth as nutjobs.

The reputation of the scouts in shingeki no kyojin is the perfect analogy/metaphor for this

>> No.12756088

Trotsky and Mao - Yes
Opposition...cmon now. Both had the entire establishment backing their cause.
It's been released to goys as a common knowledge to the extent it's even on wiki

>> No.12756092


I can write such an interview in 2h

>> No.12756122 [DELETED] 

>passed down by divine law
These are the guys that believe they are creating life-lessons for humanity dictated to them by aliens/higher beings or w/e you want to call them. The aim supposedly being to get man to see a brother in eachother.

>> No.12756127

as >>12753908 said: you can watch the shit show on a vip seat. i don't want to meet theese crazy guys irl but here they come around the corner every now and then as a distration. usually when the cryptos are in a bear market.

>> No.12756132

it's the other way around. they spray shit in the air to increase the temperature so they can say "look goyim global warming we need to have global government to deal with this!!"

>> No.12756156

I have work but to quuckly reiterate. If you watched the lecture pointed to you would see that the alternative to spraying chemicals in the air to control global temp is half of the world starving in the next century. Once the chemicsls are in the air it takes a long time for them to discipate. Many years in fact and you dob't have to spend much on chemical geoengineering to maintain it.

>> No.12756225

The proof is in the pudding

>> No.12756265

Also the rothschilds dont have birth certificates. Some of them are 500 years old.

>> No.12756324

I didn't mean the chemtrails are the psyop. The flat earth bullshit is the psyop. So he speaks a bit of truth (trails) and then goes on a flat earth tangent to "poison the well" of information on the first part of the conversation.

>> No.12756346

They do use global warming as a trojan horse to global government, but they don't need chemtrails for that. They have the oil lobby. Chemtrails are the thermostat and it works surprisingly well and is cheap AF


>> No.12756355

try to find some of his quotes on his invention and what he claimed to achieve. Compare them to what we have now. He, along with walter russel and ramanujan, are enlightened and spoke of things that seems hundreds of years ahead of us

>> No.12756378

What I gathered from the Rothschild GLP thread was there is another lower elite family that are the ones making this new world order shit. It seems like the top of the pyramid is there to observe and make sure things dont get too out of control. Also Archons, or whatever other name there is for them, seem to be real.

>> No.12756386

I'm still reading it and I believe it's legit. One of the best things I've read on the internet... inspires me to learn more.

>> No.12756439

you guys are fucking insane, go outside or read a book.

>> No.12756470

does it matter if it's a larp or not if the message is true?

>> No.12756689

This reads exactly like some controlled op. Lots of his statements don't pop out like that Rothschild interview. I am way more skeptical of this one.

>> No.12756700

Checked and great content. GLP is definitely an isolation chamber/prison/psyop central and controlled by the lackey Soros

>> No.12756741

i fucking knew i sensed some mad autism. bullish.

>> No.12756792

I'm Canadian and winter is my least favourite season I need sun man

>> No.12756795

Bitcoin was created by the highest IQ's on earth, a Mossad piece of art, the ultimate trojan horse against nation-states, since they have to give up their sovereignty if they wanted to regulate it (it would need global action)

Satoshi's stack are Rothchild's and co.

>> No.12756811
File: 952 KB, 2000x1350, Masoneria_pasos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit is iteresting. Just look for freemasons. They were present in major places and times in history and we still basically dont know shit about them.

>> No.12756819

Which air purifier do you recommend? The Xiaomi one looks cool, however i've heard it goes into automatic mode of sorts and it sucks software wise. Also I hate that you are forced to use wi-fi to control it throught the phone. However the filtering itself seems solid.

>> No.12756853
File: 1.77 MB, 1453x9996, BTCfuture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$21 trillion in “missing money”
>21 million total Bitcoin supply

>> No.12756856

yeah they want to lock themselves in as the rich kangs for all of eternity where it's literally impossible they can be overthrown by their serfs.

>> No.12756895

Bitcoin is sovereign as-is, it doesn't matter who created it. Just benefit from knowledge being asymmetrical, aka buy Bitcoin, hold long term, enjoy being rich as fuck. Genie is out of the bottle.

>> No.12756985

There is not a single sovereign nation-state today.

>> No.12757107
File: 38 KB, 499x513, 1536046320759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ
thank you for alerting me to this

>Dash is the only ACTUALLY decentralized coin

Just listen to the first thing the guy says here to see what I mean

>> No.12757269

this is great btw.

>>12751925 see >>12754672 and you can go down the rabbit hole of how these people operate. this post only got 3 (You)'s but everyone in the world should be learning about the content in these books or at least learning about the lives of the people who wrote them and who they are.

these are the books we should be reading in high school but they don't teach you about how history has really developed, history is written by the victors and they just gloss over all of the important topics to keep everyone dumbed down. but all of this one world government conspiracy shit of shadowy round table groups controlling everything have strong documentation both in historical documents like books, newspapers, news reports, personal journals, etc. but also in the modern world when you read about some UN documents or see what the world economic forum are talking about or see whats being pushed by corporate controlled news.

>> No.12757447

they have TRILLIONS in assets such as property, PM's, land, industry, etc. Whatever currency the peons use to transact among ourselves is meaningless. you could delete their entire fiat balance, multiply it 10 and distribute it among the smartest 10% of earthlings and it would not mean shit, they would still have so much more than everyone that it would not matter. there's your rothpill.

>can btc/monero/bnb/crypto be used to lift ourselves above all the other peons ?

yes, absolutely.

>> No.12757525
File: 34 KB, 460x345, 1521174935438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>btc moons to 1 trillion each in one month

>> No.12757653

this guy is a very similar feenotoipe 2 me.

>being woke is janetically latent in me

>> No.12757785

>Go suck einstein or hawking dicks. Those faggots came up with pseudointellectual word salads similar to nigger rap or tron whitepaper.

had an out loud lol irl

>> No.12757828

>100 two digit numbers (0-99)
>two of them match

it's a conspiracy goys

>> No.12757836
File: 386 KB, 960x535, jew cock crazed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have been molesting and killing their own children for over 5k years.

These "Rothchilds" are the biggest child molesters of the pedokike cult.

All kikes are pedophiles but the "Rothchilds" snip and slurp straight from the infant phallus fountain on an hourly basis.

>> No.12757895

it is a great read with lots of truths in there. PDF download link for interested marines: https://archive.org/details/TheRevelationsOfAnEliteFamilyInsider2005

This is a different guy and he talks about slightly different things than the other ones

>> No.12757933

What are other insiders ama?

>> No.12757971

Thanks anon, I will try this. I'm guessing that's why sugar makes the sinus problems worse? Salt acts as the balancer?

>> No.12758131

Are there any dedicated forums for discussing the elite? Or for the elite themselves? Most of those social networks closed down 5-10 years ago for some reason.

I have extensive experience interacting with people 2-3 levels below the Rothchilds so I'd like to learn more. And no, I'm not rich. Probably will be poor my entire life.

>> No.12758218

in chronological order:

extra readings:

As always don't literally believe everything, try your best to distinguish the truth from the noise

>> No.12758221

All that flows into bsv obviously.

>> No.12758249

Go on...

>> No.12758278

I dont know man. Looks like larp bu all that mason shit is real. Also I had very similar thoughs about religion as this insider. Sometimes I think that we are just another SIMS game on someone pc

>> No.12758525

Reminds me of Harry Potter, Voldemort Horcruxes.

Btw I truly believe most of this. I went to an Elite Uni and had a teacher close to ‘normie’ power and key positions, and the lessons taught by him resonate. There were also clear signs of facts he Actively discouraged, but nevertheless true in a redpill sense.

He was an “agentur” as the protocols of Zion name them.

>> No.12758599


Thanks anon

>> No.12758634

... if only there was a decentralized way to distribute governance to the masses

>resolve tokens

>> No.12758644
File: 13 KB, 329x417, 12668854-634E-48DC-B35B-97AA417205C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am too black pilled now. I see the void

>> No.12758742
File: 387 KB, 423x480, stronghold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’d like to create a game as a test ecosystem

>> No.12758747

ever had the annoying dissatisfied feeling that life can't be what it seems, yet having no way of searching for an answer to it?

There are cool stuffs being mentioned in the links don't be sad fren

>> No.12758793

I saw your comment
how are items purchased in your game?
That's relevant based on the economics of resolves.

It might just be easier to copy & paste code for a sidechain to prove the value of resolve distribution.

>> No.12758848
File: 818 KB, 815x815, 1550213095874.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assuming this all isn't tongue in cheek. I'm going to be real with (((you))) for once in your life.

Whoever is paying you, I want you to look at them next time you go into work. Remember that face. It'll be on a pike along with his daughters and his wife, shortly after they were raped to death by an angry mob on national television. Their screams drowned out by the thunderous cheering of the crowd.

The mongol hordes are coming. What are you doing to insulate yourself? You think you're safe on 4chan? IP leaks have already happened on 8/v/. Any admin can leave you to the vultures with the click of a mouse. Times ticking Juden. Your flat earth psyop has only let me connect more dots about who you're hiring and why you're here.

Tick Tock.

>> No.12758863

Who the fuck making such gifs

>> No.12758873

but doctor I AM pagliacci

>> No.12758887

>rothschilds = just jews man
not gonna make it

>> No.12758894

Btw what will happen when I will change my surname for rothschild?

>> No.12758916

they will subtly fuck with your life in ways you can't really be sure about until you kill yourself

>> No.12758927

Do you think that they already reading this theard?

>> No.12758959

let me know what you think of the concept "inverting the pyramid scheme for distribution"
it really solves tokenizing governance.

I'm trying to grind out this contract at the moment, but "the forces" are against me.

>> No.12759180

>most of his answers are "youve got to figure out yourself"
yea, nice revelations

>> No.12759427

Do go on

>> No.12759435

I mean. What lines of thought did this man discourage? What lessons did he teach?

>> No.12759450


Humans are cattle, power the elite wield is extra-dimensional in nature, people are shit by design, etc.

Here is a fun one: they recruit and sustain their ranks through ritual pedophilia because the act of child abuse permanently fucks up the soul of the human doing the abuse, allowing them a measure of control and influence over that person they wouldn't otherwise have.

>> No.12759466

Look at the language. 100% a larp.
He at one time points out that it's = IT IS, its is possessive.

He then proceeds to misspell stuff in the next posts and says "THERE" instead of "THEIR".

This is some neckbeard larping in his mom's basement.

>> No.12759475

The crazy thing is that they are actually the good guys. It is we who put money over people. Us humans are the evil ones, they just exploit our actions and take their cut

>> No.12759494

I have Rh0 negative blood and so does my grandma.

Are we neanderthal alien hybrids too? yikes

>> No.12759505

You are mistaken, people are not doubting that they control people etc.

People are, and rightfully so, thinking critically about the validity of the sources.

Any sensible person would do so too. You're the sheep for just following something with such a poor validity. This would never hold up in any sort of academic writing.

>> No.12759575

This guy constantly reminds questioneers of their spelling and/or grammatical mistakes.

He then proceeds to consistently fuck up "there/their" and other small mistakes.

All Rothschild are very educated and take pride in it. The guy larping as one surely is not.

>> No.12759576

>citation desperately needed

>> No.12759611

to poison us cancer causing chemicals, than we get to pay their exorbitant medical fees to be "cured" nice racket

>> No.12759624


He was a literal cuck. Look it up

>> No.12759697

>Go on...
(((Zion))) is still just another layer of matrix
Just like the (((jews))) "ruling" goym are just an illusion
People see only what they are meant to see
Look higher than (((them))). They are just puppets that will be disposed of when shit hits the fan
Also (((Israel))) was a hub made by old NWO elites

>> No.12759705
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Hitler almost stopped them and he is coming back

lightning and sun

>> No.12759737

They're not as big a deal as they used to be
Fags today try to be like "buh their wealth is hidenn!" but really they've just declined in importance
Now they're only a bunch of very misfortunately inbred rich fags with a few billion across the whole family I think

>> No.12759739
File: 282 KB, 1200x1200, 1547109141730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blah blah blah

lightning and sun

>> No.12759740

Do you live near an amusement park? I will pay for you and your friend to go for a day. You need outside air and social interaction.

>> No.12759758

>I have seen no good evidence that the world is round.

someone never took trig in high school lol

>> No.12759792

I'm convinced flat earthers are just boomers that never had anything above Algebra in high school.

Think about it: /pol/ has the most boomes, /pol/ has the most flat earthers. Coincidence? I think not.

>> No.12759821

what's the age demographic for pol and biz? I assumed 4chan was all teens or adult neets

>> No.12759845

Don't go for brand, go for stats. As long as it has a proper hepa filter that is easily replaceable and not ridiculously expensive, it's worth it.

Fuck brands, get whatever is best for your particular case

>> No.12759862

It's quite common for people who believe in a curve to think flat earth believers are stupid but the flat earthers are the ones who actually bother asking the hard questions. It's pretty obvious if you look into this debate there's huge hypocrisy surrounding globe arguments.

>> No.12759873

lol, still believing the
>they re just kids with irony, bro argument

>> No.12759881

I know you are kidding, but I actually had to work very hard for my woke-ness. People used to tell me "good day" during the night and I'd say "good day to you too". I read and think a lot.

>> No.12759902

Why would you believe him? You can learn all this by just watching Ancient aliens right? You don't need a Roth to tell you this? I call BS but believe what you want.

>> No.12759915

They're doing a piss poor job of "depopulating" considering the earth is hitting ATHs for over population.

>> No.12759926

The only waking I do is to be baking

>> No.12759928

>someone never took trig in high school lol
the guy I replied to gave you a hint on how to figure this out.
Draw a triangle on the face of the earth, make it big (REALLY big), and measure the angles.

You are being subverted. The Greeks are the root of western civilization. The Greeks also were able to do this exact calculation. This is about destroying what they made, what WE made as a civilization.

>> No.12759937

>draw a triangle on the earth
>Measure the angles
but the angles would be just whatever kind of triangle I make. I'm not sure if I understand your excersise.

>> No.12759952

tldr: flat earth is like saying 2+2=5. 400+ nonbinary non-genders and counting. it's about subversion, confusion and control.
no they are not asking the "hard" questions. If you keep asking harder questions flat earth falls apart.

Yes I realize I am being subverted simply by talking about this and taking it seriously.

what. Ok I need to spell this out. A triangle's 3 angles will ALWAYS add up to 180 degrees on a FLAT surface. It doesn't matter what kind of triangle it is, a 3 sided shape on a flat surface always adds up to 180 degrees.

If you draw a triangle on the surface of a sphere it the angles will add up to more than 180 degrees.

>> No.12759956

Been reading your posts, wondering why do you even care this much to put so much research into something you can't change? At the end of the day you can't/won't do fuck all about them poisoning our sky's nor anything about the Rothchild's controlling the world. Its seems like a load of pointless information which will never help you besides make you look insane.

>> No.12759961
File: 63 KB, 1920x1280, 1920px-Triangle_angles_sum_to_180_degrees.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic for reference

>> No.12759970

ok thanks for spelling it out, but I fail to see how this proves anything other than revealing some interesting properties in triangles. spell it out to me even more, if you will.

>> No.12759984
File: 2.05 MB, 2489x2048, Triangles_(spherical_geometry).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you were to somehow paint a giant triangle on the earth, you could measure the angles and it would add up to more than 180 degrees.

>> No.12759991
File: 95 KB, 1024x685, Round-Earth-1024x685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Greeks actually did it like this though, using shadows

>> No.12760013

cool thank you for explaining that. I will have a look into it.

>> No.12760019

This, maybe go underground?

>> No.12760025
File: 20 KB, 112x112, 1550212237246.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad I could help.
I'm all for conspiracy theories. I love them. But flat earth is something that seems pretty easily disproved, unless the rabbit hole is so deep that the reptilians managed to rig the laws of mathematics in their favor.

>> No.12760026

great thread

>> No.12760083

Not as easy, even if you did just prove a globe earth with that, there are a lot of things being taught that just don't make add up or make sense on a globe. Such as the centrifugal force that supposedly gives the globe a bulge in the middle. But then the tides around the equator show an exact opposite effect. Where small islands only suffer from a couple tens of centimeres differences in tides even though they are supposed to be in a place where you'd expect high tides with this centrifugal bulge in mind.

A lot of the arguments for a globe against flat work just aswell on a flat. A lot of the arguments given for a globe aren't consistent with the entire narrative. Such as Ptolemy's experiment of a ship sailing away is just a bunch of nonsense. Flat earth can debate its perspective but they don't even need to since according to mainstream science today the emperical experiment isn't valid anymore as you can't see the curve of the earth standing on earth.

There isn't much validity for how these experiments were done anyway and recreatings of these experiments have always been scientifically incorrect as they don't account for errors, don't measure etc.

I will never look at mainstream science again in the same way, bunch of hypocrites if you ask me.

>> No.12760085

OP here, really surprised it went on this long lol

>> No.12760104

but they still treat is as valid and as an argument. And thats the problem with these so called scientists, they're just returgitating whatever they read in a book. Bunch of idiots cherry-picking their arguments. spoiled little brats.

>> No.12760108

I know very little about flat earth theory mainly because it sounds like a meme trend ppl are into these days but do you believe every planet is flat better yet the whole universe?

>> No.12760133

>you can't see the curve of the earth standing on earth.
You can though. Have you ever climbed a mountain or gone to the beach?

>> No.12760138

I feel like if they're challenging the shape if the planet they live on, they're probably not convinced there even are any other planets...

>> No.12760146
File: 188 KB, 687x319, EBA554D3-3139-4C5D-8FB4-16E37EE3E622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And redpilled

>> No.12760147

I haven't made my opinion yet but I understand where flat earthers come from. But when it comes to flat earth, most people seem to believe that there's a dome and firmanent and that you can't actually travel into space or land on the moon. It's not possible in their model. And possibly the moon and sun are just behind the dome, which makes the thing you think is a sun/moon from where you're standing a light refraction of the actual sun/moon going trough some glass type material.

It's basically your biblical/hinduistic idea of a firmanent that's made up of water. Stars are sound vibrating in the water giving of light. (google/youtube star in a jar)

>> No.12760156

The earth is hollow faggot glow nigger

>> No.12760171

You can't, that's perspective you're talking about. Look scientists have made it very clear that ''your size relative to the earth isn't large enough to see the curve of the earth''. That's why I say these people are such incredible hypocrites. Because they will argue with this reason when it suits them, they will say its invalid when it suits them. But people still refer to ptolemy's emperical experiment as a valid source when obviously it isn't.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuTCH9UKtHw Just the first argument he gives, I don't want to get in into all that other stuff with the tower.

>> No.12760195

And thats another thing >>12760171 instead of actual debates all we have today is this childish nonsense where the opposing party must be a bunch of idiots and should be adressed like that aswell. Look at that smug fucking guy. I never trusted him in the first place because I know he took Icke's idea of vibration in the 80's, completely ridiculed it and then 20 years later started propogating it as the truth and then ridiculing the opposing parties yet again. He's a joke. An utter joke of a ''scientist''. Just a smartass who likes to stand in front of an audience and act like a fool

>> No.12760225

>where we are all serfs.
Serfs had more rights and a better quality of life than wage slaves, not factoring in modern medicine.

>> No.12760238

Shut up OP, obey your Jewish overlords. They are the chosen ones and shall rule over you like the goy you are.

>> No.12760612

I think it's funny that you would think crypto will somehow save you. If the Rothschild are as rich and powerful as you say they could easily hire someone who could make sure you disappear off the face of the Earth. They wouldn't want anyone alive who could threaten them.

>> No.12760903

>At the end of the day you can't/won't do fuck all

Well with that attitude you definitely won't.

Read the ROFSCHILD thread, he goes into some detail about how half the power is that your opposition believes you have power and other stuff they borrowed from Sun Tzu

>> No.12761030

Like clockwork, welcome to why /pol/ is completely ruined

>implying it was ever good

>> No.12761044

It's going to be like the movie "In time" with justin timberlake

>> No.12761429

Who cares, they are not a part of my life, r-right?

>> No.12761472
File: 19 KB, 400x400, 4Zr1EnjD_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Look at the custodial wallets... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

>> No.12762052

daily reminder that hitler was right

daily reminder to buy and hodl btc

>> No.12762063


Look at those cold, empty eyes...it's like there's no one there.