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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 685 KB, 611x667, xrp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12751936 No.12751936 [Reply] [Original]

The XRP shill army has finally been defeated! Banks will NOT use XRP.

One of the World's biggest banks is making own stablecoin for settlements --> proof that XRP is worthless trash.

Please grab a napkin and wipe the drool off of your chin. Instead of just yelling "shitcoins!!!" like sanjeev and ranjesh just actually use your brain and consider how you can make money off of such "SHITCOINS!"

If banks are not using XRP and XRP shills have done nothing but spam "BANKS WILL USE XRP!!!" how can you make money?

***SPOILER for droolers***
Answer: Short XRP.

>> No.12751959

>The XRP shill army has finally been defeated! Banks will NOT use XRP.

I literally thought we all knew this.

>> No.12751974

How’s FLO working out for you?

>> No.12751994

JPM trying to get heat off of XRP so they can acquire more.

>> No.12751996
File: 4 KB, 300x300, redcandle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here you go ranjesh.

>> No.12752184

Who gives a fuck about your yank bank? Wow, 1 bank won't use it. Boo hoo. Fuck you lot are retards.

>> No.12752217

And here come the XRP guys. You disprove their coin and then they start with their mental gymnastics.

By 2020 XRP will have slid out of the top 50

>> No.12752227

Just sold half of my XRP stack.. this isn't good, another banks will watch this closely and follow.

>> No.12752242


XRP hating has gone to another level. Now they are really trying. They want that the normies flee, so they can accumulate more. just bought 10,000 ripples.

do you really fucking think that one banks test coin is going to capsize ripple? lol.

>> No.12752245

Lets not forget that xrp marketcap is artificially inflated. The amount of coins in circulation is extremely less. They aren’t really in the top 10 anyways

>> No.12752252


Lol sure u did deepjesh

>> No.12752280

There is no reason for xrp to be above $0.001

It’s a “cone” for people who don’t understand what makes crypto valuable in the first place

>> No.12752337
File: 596 KB, 770x900, xrpstandard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.12752358

Dont lose your faith.

They must be really scared. 24/7 the twitter bot army spreads fake news about xrp.

>> No.12752380

Are you seriously holding XRP? Literally why? Did you decide to buy crypto in December 2017? It’s a shitcoin. Sell it to some idiot and move on.

>> No.12752393

It’s dead shit living on empty hype. You got scammed in to buying it by the likes of etoro. Stop being an idiot and help yourself out for once.

>> No.12752432

And now its already flimsy usecase has become even flimsier. It has no raison d’etre and should die

>> No.12752451

thanks just bought 10,000 more :) stupid noob be poor

>> No.12753489
File: 81 KB, 378x357, 1549911800002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tell me again about how holding crypto is better than investing in the stock market, zoomies

>> No.12753573

These threads reek of desperation. The fudsters are getting increasingly nervous. Just keep telling yourself that this is a negative for XRP.

>> No.12753706

LMAO KYS you desperate cuckboy

>> No.12754339

Noob calling others a noob

>> No.12754602

Jamie Dimon has been fucking us since before the China FUD in Q3 of 2017. Cant something be done about this turd.