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12750296 No.12750296 [Reply] [Original]

Craig is smarter than any of you.
Admit it.
He will change the world.
You all suck ass while he wins.
He will win cause governments and companies start to see the value big blocks bring.
Corecucks and Versuckers will be sued like all the other digital money coins we had before bitcoin even existed.
Only bitcoin (SV) is different and legal.
Craigs IQ in cm is longer than any of your dicks, time to admit you sucked the wrong cock.

>> No.12750312
File: 1.68 MB, 2528x1664, 1550087769296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, stiffed and satoshipilled

>> No.12750463
File: 73 KB, 440x960, i made this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he is smarter than you but that doesn't say much.

>> No.12750486

He's a known fraud and forger of documents - Wikileaks has proven this.
Oh and you know, because Satoshi's character profile totally fit that of a vain attention whore on top of that.
Not to mention he refuses to make a post from the genesis wallet.

>> No.12750494

WikiLeaks lost its credibility by not proving any of the claims against Craig.

They fear to become useless when people can directly upload leaks to the chain

>> No.12750519

wait you think wikileaks is just about hosting files? the fuck... they could host them all on any blockchain or distributed service.

>> No.12750522

> "w-wikileaks has lost credibility"
> still no post from gen wallet
> still doesn't behave anything like the original satoshi
Wright shills are the lowest IQ trash on this board by far. Even worse than linkies.

>> No.12750531

basically if you take the worst most gullible part of cashies the absolute dregs then you get what's left for sv.

>> No.12750543

Good that proof of work will decide and not the little shit clumps which fall out of your mouth when you try to argue.

>> No.12750552

> actually tries to comment on people's ability to argue
> still completely avoids the fact that Dr Fraud behaves nothing like Satoshi did and still refuses to post from the gen wallet, which would be the easiest and most surefire way of proving that he's anything besides an attention seeking wannabe thief.
You'll keep trying to dodge this, you mindless faggots always do.

>> No.12750562

Signing a message with a key proofs you are in possession of the key, nothing else.
There will be more shit falling out of your mouth if Wright would ever do it.
And you know that, you can't be that stupid.

>> No.12750585

I like the fudders.
More time to accumulate.
Smart money is moving to BSV

>> No.12750605

in that we agree, the laughable hash left on sv is more than enough proof it's a pointless shitcoin.

>> No.12750608

it would prove at least he was part of the team even if only to bring them coffee.

>> No.12750630

>mfw i realise Craig literally stole his acronym ‘SV’ from lambos

>> No.12750631

daily reminder that cfw is a compulsive liar and a fraud:
"Wright’s mother had told me about her son’s long-standing habit of adding bits on to the truth, just to make it bigger. ‘When he was a teenager,’ she said, ‘he went into the back of a car on his bike. It threw him through the window of a parked car. That’s where his scar comes from. His sister accompanied him to the hospital and he’s telling the doctor that he’s had his nose broken twenty or so times, and the doctor is saying “You couldn’t possibly have had it broken.” And Craig says: “I sew myself up when I get injured.”’ What his mother said connected with something I’d noticed. In what he said, he often went further than he needed to; further than he ought to have done. He appeared to start with the truth, and then, slowly, he would inflate his part until the whole story suddenly looked weak."