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12747578 No.12747578 [Reply] [Original]

Is CSW a scammer? I dont doubt what he knows but how can he release his "2001" blacknet paper and have it be word for word of the whitepaper and not realize people are going to catch it? He can't be that stupid right?

>> No.12747604


>> No.12747615

... that was the entire point of him "releasing" it

>> No.12747616

yes Creg is Satoj why do u ask?

>> No.12747617

it's not word for word
he's given those who think he's a scammer a golden opportunity to prove the australian government never received that document

>> No.12747619

but why does he make it so obvious? whats his fucking endgame? even before the fork of the fork its not like he was ever selling anything

>> No.12747626

why do it tho?
ok not word for word but close enough to where someone can say its copied

>> No.12747636

He won't admit he's lying, what most people don't get is how ferocious liars can be. As long as he keeps saying he's Satoshi, people will constantly doubt themselves and be susceptible to his lies. Even when evidence can point you straight.
>Politician lies
>All politicians are liars!
>Another politcian comes and lies
>hm, seems like an alright guy, lets vote for him
>All politicians are liars!
>Another politician comes and lies
>hm, lets vote for him
>All polititicians are liars!
Besides that, he offers enough material for speculation. Regard him as a hard life lesson if you at some point believed him. Cause he ain't nuthin but a tricksta, bringing tricknology to lure you into his web of deceit. DUH DUH DUH

>> No.12747644

hes the next version of trump. just babbles about nonsense in hopes of luring in retards with sub single digit IQ to part with their money and buy his shitcoin. wouldnt be surprised if he forked BCHSV sometime in the near future because his funds start drying up.

>> No.12747663

attention. charlatans like this are rampant in any discipline. they always stir shit up because it feeds their ego. they are often clumsy, incompetent, and in actual legal trouble because of their reckless fraud

>> No.12747690

>close enough to where someone can say its copied
>3 documents talking about the same thing are similar
I can't believe you luminescent fellows are drawing attention to this, if someone posts proof of the document being received in 2001 you guys have nothing

>> No.12747709

yea but it doesnt bode well with him changing his blog posts too. too many incidents witht eh same kind of tune. the only thing keeping me 50/50 is gavin, jon matonis, joseph vaughn pearling, and ian grigg. none of whom have retracted their statements, yet

>> No.12747754

They won't either. If he left the blog posts as is then people (and the government's) would have no doubt he is satoshi and owes shitload of tax

>> No.12747777

Is water wet?

>> No.12747786

Just bought 100k

>> No.12747795
File: 388 KB, 2041x1579, DzNUwDZU0AMzMNW.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unfortunately for him editing blog posts won't mean shit if the 2001 document is real

the evidence is overwhelming that craig is satoshi despite the desperate shill campaign against him (which just destroyed Wikipedia reputation)



>> No.12747898

Yes he is that stupid. but he also knows that there are plenty of stupider people out there who will continue to fall for his bullshit so he'll keep it going until the supply of stupid people dries up.

>> No.12747917

Yes he is Satoshi. Forget everything else, just read into what the guy did pre-2008. Before bitcoin. It will blow your mind.

>> No.12747935

He's not Satoshi. They are Satoshi. The word "we" is in the whitepaper. It was a group. It was Hal Finney and Dave Kleiman. After they died, here comes Craig Wright to the front line. He doesn't want fame yet he's on Twitter spewing his bullshit and his team at nChain are doing all the work. His grandfather created the NSA so maybe he is Satoshi based on that relationship in his genes. It doesn't matter anymore who created Bitcoin. What does matter is keeping crypto decentralized and trying to prepare for the collapse of fiat.

>> No.12747961

Gavin did go back on his statement and he said that it was a mistake to have made it without further investigation. Wright didn't supply ANY verfiable evidence that confirmed his claims. And thenhe backed out of providing further proof to the BBC journalist despite promising to do so. Then he promised to disappear from the public eye to protect his family which he clearly can't even manage to keep off of twitter for 5 minutes posting his gawdy rented house

>> No.12747993

He did computer forensics working with the Australian federal police. Then he went back and edited some of his old papers and articles to make it seem like he was involved back then. He wasn't

>> No.12748010

wheres the link for gavin? i did read andrew o hagans piece and it seems like the proof that was provided to gavin was legit. gavin confirmed it on reddit
this is what i dont understand about csw. like why? when its so easily verifiable

>> No.12748020

He’s the godfather of aussie shitposting.

>> No.12748044

gavin never went back, he said it was possible he was bamboozled
>Wright didn't supply ANY verfiable evidence
craig signed for gavin with satoshi keys in london on a new laptop in the presence of jon matonis who also confirms

>> No.12748058

Bro, how stupid are you? You clearly realise he's a scam artist, and yet here your are, trying to convince yourself that he's not?
What the fuck are you doing!?

>> No.12748065

idk i guess im a brainlet. i cant admit to myself that i got duped

>> No.12748176

You're in good company. Roger Ver almost bursts into tears whenever he talks about Craig being a fraud.

>> No.12748191
File: 236 KB, 400x393, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the evidence is overwhelmingly in csw's favor. don't listen to these psyop glownigger kikes. listen to your autism.

>> No.12748197

That got 100% debunked, no? He released the code he used and got busted, tampered to make it look legit. '$signiture' instead of '$signature'. Correct me if I'm wrong.

>> No.12748209

>the evidence is overwhelmingly in csw's favor
This is a lie.

>> No.12748217
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you mean the compromised CIA controlled @wikileaks twitter account

also those tweets were crap, brought absolutely nothing new

>> No.12748223
File: 2.66 MB, 352x240, 1544654042671.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The autism is strong with this one, remember that with great power comes great responsibility.

>> No.12748233
File: 272 KB, 1035x1269, mailinglist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gas yourself kike

>> No.12748238

what's the scam? what's the angle here?

>> No.12748240

I can't tell what the fuck is going on with ANYONE that shills this mother fucker and his shitcoin(s).

Are you trying to fuck up biz newbs?

Are you street shitters trying to pump your shit bags?

Or is it actually possible, that a human being, could be so fucking retarded to believe in this scammer?

Whatever it is, I hope it dies down because I'm sick of seeing this shit head.

>> No.12748243

i think roger is a faggot. shilled so many shitcoins in 2017
ive been wrong more times than ive been right in crypto so far so idk man

>> No.12748246
File: 74 KB, 607x558, 1538341015641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wikileaks is compromised and Assange is in prison or dead. We have shifted into a most unfortunate timeline.

>> No.12748263

Mr. Bit Coin for you.

>> No.12748277


he failed to sign publicly in his sartre post. Which you could interpret as fraud or as him doing some 4d chess shit.

>> No.12748281
File: 25 KB, 1709x161, mtgox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been right. Everyone laughed at me when I bought bitcoins OTC before there was even an exchange. They rolled their eyes when I started a merchant site in 2011 and sold shit to early bitcoin autists all over the world. They made fun of the 'magic the gathering online exchange' website I bought bitcoins from in 2011.

>> No.12748303

yea but youre probably already rich. i have like one shot at this

>> No.12748389
File: 383 KB, 1000x1000, swimsuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could buy equal BTC, BCH, BSV and ETH if you want to safe bet. if either of those 100x for some reason they will kill of the rest and if it doesn't 100x it most likely wont change your life anyway.

for me with craig, i do think he's satoshi but im not sure. he is the only guy suitable to be him. however im not betting against a multi-national company with a ton of blockchain patents, the backing of a billionaire and a genius who pumps out articles and ideas. also, nchain and coingeek are burning A LOT of money mining on a chain that nobody uses. they are clearly not running an exit scam and i just don't see a motive for craig to be a scammer. BSV really is just like bitcoin was in the past and they really are working on scaling it on chain.

that's how i see it.

>> No.12748435
File: 59 KB, 582x288, Screen Shot 2019-02-13 at 9.09.23 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a chain that nobody uses
developers are using it to build infrastructure at incredible speed, basically unparalleled in software development today. specifically @_unwriter and the hive of devs he has attracted in only the last 30 days

basically the whole crypto market and world are sleeping on this, and its hilarious. pic unrelated

>> No.12748449

fine but you know what i mean, it isn't used enough to be viable as an exit scam after paying for all that hashpower

>> No.12748503

it is much easier to stop trying to figure out how csw is scamming you and realize he is trying to help us all

>> No.12748558
File: 162 KB, 803x960, burden of proof, craig can't sign a message from satoshi's keys.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an announcement everybody!!!! *HONK* Everybody, I have an announcement!!!!! *HONK* *HONK*

*blows up balloon and makes a balloon dog* This announcement is gonna be monumental!!!!!! *sprays water from fake flower* The biggest *slaps you with rubber chicken* most amazing announcement *pulls string and bowtie spins like a fan* you'll ever hear in your life!!!!!!!!!

Get ready, for *takes off size 30 shoe, inflating a giant balloon hammer, then whacks you with it* the announcement *starts pulling line of multi-colored cloth from throat* to end all announcements!!!!!!!!

And that announcement *gets in tiny car, drives around and then gets back out* is gonna be coming to you *pulls out gun* NOW!!!! *"Bang!" flag pops out upon firing*

Here, just lean your head in closer to this sack of announcements and you'll hear it!!!!!!!



*presses a coconut pie into your face*

And there it is!


>> No.12748563

as you can see in >>12748389 i dont think he is scamming anybody, there's just no motive

>> No.12748571
File: 485 KB, 291x150, clap clap.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yay pagliacci!!!

>> No.12748725

This poster is a liar.

>> No.12748787

Thanks for this anon. You've shown me that some people would be better off staying illiterate. I'm speechless that you would think that image has any relevancy to any of this. That you see the words Craig and bitcoin in the same document and you can only think ah ha! Evidence!
There is nothing I can say to mock you that would be more insulting than the insult you do to yourself by posting that.

>> No.12748814


>> No.12748859

The only coin i could see going 100x from ur list is eth or bsv if theres a black swan event in favor of csw. We just wont have these crazy mulitple gains ever again

>> No.12749295
File: 399 KB, 664x4124, csw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are desperate forkcoin bagholders.

>> No.12749340
File: 30 KB, 400x400, cuckface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are welcome, mate!

>> No.12749376

Nice pic. I thought you'd be fatter.

>> No.12749452

If Craig is not Satoshi he is atleast more important for bitcoin than Satoshi ever was.
Also I fear that he will kill himself soon.
In the end, he is a human, try to think yourself in his position...wow the fucking pressure is killing me.