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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12733495 No.12733495 [Reply] [Original]

From what I can see, most of /biz/ is into crypto just to make money, so they can live like Dan Bilzerian.

How many of you want to use Crypto for counter-economics?

(Counter-Economics is a strategy from the political philosophy called Agorism. Basically building a grey market, that is outside of the state sanctioned economy, to undermine the power of the state and corporations.)

How many here are investing in crypto because you want to see it take off as an alt currency, that can undermine the 'official' economy?

How many here are investing in crypto in case there is a global currency crisis, so they can use crypto as an international alt currency?

I support coins that want to be adopted, like: Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dash, SmartCash, etc.


Talk to me /biz/

>> No.12733506

Shutup fag

>> No.12733540
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>> No.12733546

Nice braphog

>> No.12733570


Yeah, I wish I had more pics.

>> No.12733627

what the fuck is this agorist bullshit?

>> No.12733686
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Basically building an alternative economy.

For example:

>Using crypto or precious metals to pay for services.
>Using home and community schools, instead of state or for-profit private schools.
>Using private and community gardens/farming for food, rather than supermarkets.
>Using solarpower, rather than the grid.
>Creating community programs for psychological health (eg. group therapy) and physical health, to help prevent people from having to use big pharma, or rack up large healthcare bills.


As much as possible (and it won't be possible in all regards) creating and using alternatives to the state and corporations.

>> No.12733698

>not a black hand gripping that braaap


>> No.12733703
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Dere u go op, more piccies

Question though, what about stable coins, or privacy coins. The coins you support don't seem generally to be intended to be either. Why don't you think stability or privacy are important for counter-economics?

>> No.12733710

Ideologue checking in.

The money means very little to me compared to the ideology.

If you don’t realize this is going to be the greatest and most consequential revolution in history you are a basedboy bitter brainlet

>> No.12733712


>> No.12733763

who is this semen demon

>> No.12733769

I appreciate the idea and try to use it when possible
It's good to know one skill that a lot of other skilled people need. Trading professional services (i.e. IT, mechanic work) for professional services (plumbing) is very convenient

>> No.12733783
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>> No.12733810

Who is this cream dream

>> No.12733820

is this a subtle smartcash shill?

>> No.12733831

More of this semen demon


>> No.12733838

what is the difference between a braphog and a slampig?

>> No.12733856

<1 year of uni cafeteria food

>> No.12733873


No one cares. And Dan bilzerian is a weirdo short closet fag.

>> No.12733897
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I do think that privacy coins are important.

DASH seems to be the only one that I've seen that is making a serious attempt at adoption.

(If you know anything about DASH's growing adoption in Venezuela, you'll know what I mean.)

Litecoin and SmartCash are creating a Privacy option.

>> No.12733915


Good for your friend.

I think that using and support crypto is probably our best option at undermining the state significantly.

>> No.12733933


No, I genuinely do not favour one coin.

I prefer to have multiple options.

>> No.12733946

I agree with you OP. The idea that you can use crypto to take power from big organizations and give it to the people is the best thing about blockchain imho, not all the get rich quick stuff. However, because of scaling problems you can't really use Bitcoin as a currency and you can't do much with Ethereum dapps. I don't know what the answer is.

>> No.12733973

I used to care about politics(even ran for office once-feel free to ask what it entails) now I just want to make it so I can be a NEET and enjoy my life on my own terms.

>> No.12734019
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>> No.12734029

Let's use all of our profits from Chainlink to pay back all of the student loans in toto, such that credit scores become useless data.

>> No.12734055

Check out DeroGold whitepaper op

>> No.12734335


The Alt coins seem to be coming up with different solutions to scaling.

It's another reason why I actively try to encourage a variety of coins.

>> No.12734362

damn wish i could suck on those tits.

>> No.12734619

I'm actually pushing for Monero as a coin for actually buying stuff.

>> No.12734626
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Yeah... I would consider that blackface. I'm mostly black and she is darker then me.

>> No.12734643
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>shilling for Corporate Coins™ with no regrets
I hate you crypto normie corporate fags.

>> No.12734664

fucking mutts i swear

>> No.12734670


Why just Monero?

I do like Monero though, anon.

>> No.12734803
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I bought into ETH because I saw potential of DAO smart contracts disrupting political/bureaucratic institutions.
Unfortunately it's bloated with ponzi schemes and beanie babies. And there's very little to no market demand for goody two shoe anarchist ambitions.
But maybe the strategy of a revolution disguised as a get rich quick scheme might pay off. But it looks like it may have just backfired.

>> No.12734837

Because the whole idea behind crypto is "zero trust."

If you are transferring any amount of trust to a private entity then it is no different then PayPal or an international bank.

Monero is a coin that is very hard to trace, nearly impossible (by the feds own admission.) It is the closest somewhat popular decentralized real coin that isn't far off from digital cash. Also it is asic resistant meaning a 51% compute attack is less likely to ever occur (keeping the playing field level instead of reliance on specialized hardware.)

>> No.12734859

Companies don't and want always give a shit about the user. You must keep the system controls decentralized and out the hands of the few.

>> No.12734921

Same but Eth did spark a good idea decentralized compute, but... I heard Eos is trying to fill that role better into becoming a decentralized quasi-Amazon AWS but the way the coins are handed out isn't the best solution.

I also read about Storj building a decentralized flat rate true cloud storage platform censorship resistant.

The future is decentralized.

>> No.12734926
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I am mostly interested in getting Trump re-elected. I plan on putting a couple million into this cause.

>> No.12734990

Are white girls the most beautiful race ever or are they the most beautiful race ever ? I can’t decide.

>> No.12735150

She looks like she fuck big asain dick.

>> No.12735342


>But maybe the strategy of a revolution disguised as a get rich quick scheme might pay off. But it looks like it may have just backfired.

I get where you are coming from.

I don't think it's clear which way it will play out.

I think how we respond to any economic crisis will be telling. My guess (or hope) is that crypto will go through the roof, and people will begin to trust alternatives, after the system has failed them (like in Venezuela).

>> No.12735376


Good reasoning.

I have been leaning towards Dash and Litecoin, because of the teams aggressive and visible desire to make it a genuine alt currency. (Smartcash too.)

You've reignited my interest in Monero though.

>> No.12735403


Mulatto Latinas. (not a race, but you get what I'm saying.)

>> No.12735580

Not sure who she is but this is on Green Street in Cambridge, MA. Harvard thot?

>> No.12735789


Anneliese Stenzel aka Anneleeze

>> No.12735814

>Anneliese Stenzel
Bless you anon

>> No.12735903


You can repay me, by passing on the vid in the OP Anon, if you like.


>> No.12736021

im interested in doing this for certain. also i would be happy with that woman too. provided shes intelligent and educated and not a thot. also im pretty sure i know who you are. ask me a question

>> No.12736162


Who am I?

>> No.12736346

>dash becoming popular in usa’s #1 target of the month

No thanks, not touching that one.