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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1272963 No.1272963[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Father's rights

>> No.1272967


>> No.1272970


It's biz related when...

> 70% of your check is gone
> you can go to jail if you can't pay
> you have to pay for a lawyer
> you have to go into debt to prove you're fit
> debt becomes your best friend
> you can't move up in the world
> success becomes nothin more than a dream

All related to biz.


>> No.1272981

>All related to biz.

How is it related to /biz/? What is there to discuss here? Just don't get married, that's it. You don't need to discuss "muh evils of feminism" or whatever.

>> No.1272989


Yes as a matter of fact I do.

Also I don't see how the simple solution is "just don't get married" or "should have wore a condom" justify the current system.

>> No.1272995

>Also I don't see how the simple solution is "just don't get married" or "should have wore a condom" justify the current system

It's actionable advice.

Discussing how to change the system is more a political discussion and thus is just pointless blabbering - something that won't change by you nor the discussion. There is no purpose for it.

>> No.1272996

Is it all a matter of finance or legislation? /pol/ it is

>> No.1273002

But yeah this belongs in /pol/. You can't just say "Well it kind of relates to personal finance so it belongs here", because with that justification any thread or topic can belong in any board, since everything can be kind of related back to anything else.

Anyways, just adapt to the situation, that's what /biz/nessmen do. Poorfags always bitch and moan and think they can change the world.

Getting married and having kids SUCKS in the present time/place, you've acknowledged this. So what do you do? 1 - Don't do it and enjoy not suffering the consequences but not the fruits of it. 2 - Do it and suffer the consequences.

Nothing more to do it, just adapt to the given situation and environment.

It's like /pol/ thinking "Hurr durr if I write nigger and post all these infographics on an anime imageboard maybe blacks will stop killing people so much" - not gonan happen.

>> No.1273023


A matter of finance in the meaning of the consequences of wanting to fulfill your life with another human of the opposite sex.

>> No.1273026

so it has nothing to do with finances right? good, good

>> No.1273027

>A matter of finance in the meaning of the consequences of wanting to fulfill your life with another human of the opposite sex.

Does literally every topic not somehow relate to personal finance then? This is stupid, stop posting

>> No.1273080


You're stupid.

>> No.1273083
File: 112 KB, 960x696, 44_bill_is_the_cost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Weird, every time I type "divorce", "child support", "marriage", "fathers rights" and attach "finance" a whole bunch of results come up!

Am I doing something wrong?

>> No.1273086

Ok please explain. What kind of discussion do you want here?

You have the answers, you know what to do. Marriage and having children is a poor financial idea, you know this, we know this.

What exactly is there further to discuss? I'm just not getting it.

Basically what you're saying is:
>Marriage sucks, here's all these facts that show getting married is idiotic and financial suicide, don't do it guys, it's a bad idea. AND DISCUSS!

What's there to discuss?

>> No.1273089

The board is literally called Business and FINANCE you fucking nigger.

>> No.1273093


Why is it okay?
Why is nothing being done about it?
How are people surviving with little to survive on?
Are there any personal stories?

I get this is a NEET board and yourself may have not gone through the troubles of splitting a relationship bound by a financial contract. Though there are others out there that are suffering who've lost everything due to the one they'd loved being selfish, greedy, and using the system to their full advantage.

Now I'm wondering what others are doing to coupe to replenish the lost INCOME.

>> No.1273097

>woman takes care of child and pays day to day costs of living. State helps with housing so as not to have gangs of homeless children roaming the streets
>man refuses to contribute to day to day costs of raising a child. Spends money on beer and drugs.
You've obviously never had a child, OP. Whoever has custody is paying a large amouny of their money for everyday costs like diapers, food, childcare, etc. Women usually get custody for obvious reasons. Are you implying a man should be off the hook for those costs? If so, why don't you suggest a better system

>> No.1273098

>Why is it okay?
It's not, it's bad.
>Why is nothing being done about it?
What is suppose to be done about it? There's movements and people trying to work against it but it's pretty useless.
>How are people surviving with little to survive on?
It's not as bad as it's made out to be, it can be pretty bad but you're not really hit with 50 false rape accusations the movement you have sex with a woman as MRAs seem to lead people to believe.
>Are there any personal stories?
I know a guy who was hit with a false rape accusation in College. Nothing much beyond that other than hearing crazy feminists saying things sometimes.

>I get this is a NEET board and yourself may have not gone through the troubles of splitting a relationship bound by a financial contract. Though there are others out there that are suffering who've lost everything due to the one they'd loved being selfish, greedy, and using the system to their full advantage.

I think the point we're trying to get across to you is that WE UNDERSTAND that it's not good, but we can't do anything about it and it is pointless to discuss and unrelated to the board.

Just don't get married and have kids, that's all there is to it really.

>> No.1273104


I actually do sun.

I personally pay $500 directly to her and $100 in insurance costs on $43k. Although I'm no longer making $43k, due to the lack of overtime. I'm now making about $30k, if that. I've gone to DSS to request a lower amount, as I'm unable to pay most bills. I'm actually riding on credit for the lulz.

My enforcement agent told me "we only enter in what you made last year in the system and that's what it is", "the child comes first before taxes", and "in order to make changes, you need to file a $35 motion to see a judge". Now I'm required to miss work to attend a hearing. I may possibly have to shill out $1.2k for a lawyer. Be alright though, a 1.2k personal loan at 14.45% interest wouldn't hurt anyone. R-r-right?

I've thought about changing jobs, but I currently don't have a college education and finding a job with the work to pay ratio is hard. Plus I have sonority and 401k. But overall, I'd be able to spend more time with my daughter, which is awesome as fck. I'm scared that if I'm to change jobs, they'll keep me at the $600 I'm currently at now. As I've read that judges will keep fathers at the pay rate they were previously at, if they're to lower their pay-grade.

I basically feel like I have to work this job and if I don't, I'm going to jail.

Now to explain her side...

She receives $330 a month in food stamps as well as $500 a month in child support. She's attending college full time, getting around $2k for attending each semester. She refuses to work a job, due to "I'd lose my medicade and my food stamps will be lower" (legit quote).

Now a child actually takes only $200 a month if they're below the age of 5.

Also, it's not my fault she doesn't want to get a job.

And to wrap it all up, no government assistance programs are available to me.

But please go on about how I don't have a child.

>> No.1273105
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>mgtow fags concerned about having children

You need to have sex with a woman before that happens, so you're pretty safe.

>> No.1273106


> it's pretty useless.

Why do you say it's useless?

>> No.1273108

Ah, no wonder you were so butthurt and it felt so personal for you. LMAO

Cucks who get married and have children BTFO

>> No.1273109


> wasn't even married

Thank god I wasn't.

>> No.1273111

>he had a child out of wedlock


>> No.1273121

>child takes $200/month
Thats bullshit and you know it.

>diapers: $80/month
>food: $200/month
>clothes: $50/month
>childcare: $400+/month
>toys/crayons/etc: $20/month
>books: $20/month
>swimming class: $50/mo
>utilities: $30/month
>big ticket items (cribs, strollers, etc): avg $50/month

That's $900/month and you said you pay $500/month and half the insurance. That sounds completely accurate and correct and if I was a judge, I'd make you keep paying it.

Cry harder. You're acting like keeping a family together os any cheaper than breaking one up. I had to up my take home pay by 30% after I had a kid. You should use this as motivation to do the same instead of complaining about how unfair your life is on a Mandalorian pog enthusiast image board

>> No.1273122
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I did.

She's actually gotten bigger too...

>> No.1273124


>Thats bullshit and you know it.

No it isn't. I looked over my finances when I was with my ex and the amount spent would very from $120 - $200.

That included food, clothes, and toys.

>> No.1273125

$200 to feed a child? You're retarded. Every estimate you gave = retarded

>> No.1273127

Lies. I pity your children that you spend $120 to $200 on them every month. Two boxes of diapers a month alone is $80.

>> No.1273134


diapers: http://www.walmart.com/ip/HUGGIES-r-Snug-Dry-Diapers-Big-Pack-Choose-Your-Size/43848334

One box lasts 1 month or more. $20

wipes: http://www.walmart.com/ip/HUGGIES-One-Done-Refreshing-Baby-Wipes-648-Sheets/43226534

Wipes that last at least 3 to 6 months - $15

clothes: Go to consignment shops like my ex still does and you can get an outfit for $8. $160 for 5 outfits for each seasion.

childcare: Before split, would cost $100 a week. But now that she lives off system, $0. Also for parents whom are going through hardships, gov will help with childcare.


Crayons - http://www.walmart.com/ip/Writing-Correction-Supplies/14927412 - $0.50
Toys can be bought at consignment shop for about $3 per toy, if that.

Books: Once again, consignment shop or library.

Swimming Class: Where the fuck did this come from?

Utilities: I'll let you have i.

Big ticket items are not a monthly thing kid.

Total monthly: $135 (diapers, wipes, childcare) + every 6 months + utilities = $200
Total every 6 months: $160 (clothes) / $54 (toys 3 toys * $8)

I even rounded up on a lot of that.

But you're stupid, just stop even trying.

>> No.1273137


I pity you for your inability to raise a child if you're having to shell out for than $200 a month.

Kid prob has gucci, prada, and an iWatch attached to beats.

Just stop.

>> No.1273138

>I pity you for your inability to raise a child if you're having to shell out for than $200 a month.

You're the one who couldn't stay together with the mother of your child and now you're bitching about child support payments on an anime imageboard like a loser.

>> No.1273144


> who couldn't stay together with the mother of your child

Well of course it's my fault right?

She did nothing wrong.

Am I right?

> now you're bitching about child support payments

Ya, cause I have this thing called a computer, internet, and a personal opinion you inbred.

> an anime imageboard like a loser.

Apparently posting on an anime image-board is categorized as being a loser?

idk, I think that says a lot about you than me.

>> No.1273145

Your kid is running around with pissed diapers all day if you go through one $20 box a month. That number alone makes me question your knowledge of child raising. Probably because you havent been there for so long you're out of touch. All my numbers are accurate for properly raising a child (which is what the judge based his ruling on.)

>> No.1273147

>Well of course it's my fault right?
>She did nothing wrong.
>Am I right?

Where were you looking when you picked her out, dumbass? how did you two meet an at which point did you decide to have children dumb retard poorfag?

>Apparently posting on an anime image-board is categorized as being a loser?
>idk, I think that says a lot about you than me.

Because you're a loser who made a thread whining and yet are trying to speak from a place of superiority.

>> No.1273148
File: 109 KB, 492x480, New Marriage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the one fucking up and not profiting off the system. We have no sympathy for you.

You failed to take the proper legal steps ahead of time to protect yourself and your progeny. You fucked a lazy woman.

You failed to save money

You failed to get good credit

You failed to know the law ahead of time.
pre nup
post nup

You failed to convince the judge.

For some reason you think this judge will take kindly to a man who spends money he doesn't have on lawyers before his child. worse still at usurious interest rates.
Does that sound like someone making sound decisions. vs mother doing everything she can to better herself to not rely on her not even 43k earning ex husband.

You sound like you're not working weekends. You sound like you're not working nights.

Get to fucking work you whiny piece of shit.
Get a better job
Get a side hustle
Save more
Earn more

In 18 years do you want your kid to look back and say my dad spent his time bitching on 4chan or my dad spent his time sacrificing all his time to make a great future for me. Despite my lazy mom.

You have a money problem, not an ex wife problem. The sooner you get this straight in yuor mind the sooner you can fix it.

How many job applications have you filled out
How many side hustles are you running
Why are you spending money on government
how many raises have you fought for

Download all the shit I've got and fucking get at it and make yourself a fucking man, B/c now you've got a baby and an exwife on your back. Congratulations.
You're earning for 3.

>> No.1273150




>> No.1273151
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I'm going off the numbers from when he/she was barley a toddler. That's what she'd/he'd go through. I bought about 4 boxes and they'd lasted about 5 months when I was with my ex.

> because you havent been there for so long you're out of touch


>> No.1273154

>where is Canada
>where is mexico
>where is europe

Just Fuckin leave you wimp

Based li Sheng. OP, I li has harsh words but they are what you need if you wish to do right

>> No.1273160


> You failed to get good credit

Rocking a 700 tho.

> You failed to convince the judge.

Actually had it up until my job came up in the hearing.

> For some reason you think this judge will take kindly to a man who spends money he doesn't have on lawyers before his child. worse still at usurious interest rates.

But I haven't yet. I'm actually going to be waiting until next year when I get my new income and than I'll be making a change, as a change right now would bring to much of an impact on my child's living conditions.

> You sound like you're not working weekends. You sound like you're not working nights.


Monday: 5AM - 5PM
Tues: 5PM - 5AM
Wed: OFF
Thurs: 5AM - 5PM
Fri: 5PM - 5AM
Sat: 5PM - 5AM

Changes week-to-week.

> Get a better job

Going to college.

> Get a side hustle

Stock market blew 1.5k.
Etsy has slowed down.
eBay has been ruthless.

> Save more
> Earn more

Wish same principle was applied to others and not just me.

Just sayin'.

> How many job applications have you filled out

0 as I already have a job.

> How many side hustles are you running

Had a few till college kicked back in.

> Why are you spending money on government

Where is this?

> how many raises have you fought for

None, as I work for temp agency.

All other things I didn't reply to, I take your point with gratitude.

>> No.1273172

I wasnt trying to be mean bro. Im just saying to properly raise a kid is almost a grand a month. If your ex isnt spending that money on the kid, that is a problem you should definitely bring up in court, but dont fight to pay less. That's not fair for the kid

>> No.1273174


It's not fair but it's a political matter.

>> No.1273184

learn how to read you primitive baboon

>> No.1273185

Btw le chink I'm downloading the shit.

Is that all of it? didn't you have a few others?

>> No.1273194

Let's just become /pol/
>We should also talk about why minorities earn less.
>It's because they're inferior to whites right guys?
>technically business and finance

>> No.1273196

You can pay support without marriage

>> No.1273198

You have to be a special kind of retard for this to happen without even marriage

Ever heard of condoms? Yeah... it's this thing used for protection against pregnancy and STDs, very cheap and commonly found in convenience stores and pharmacies.

>> No.1273199


I'm guessing starting a family and re-producing as nature intended, isn't something we should be seeking out now-a-days. Due to our inability to have a functional society?

Top notch m9.

>> No.1273201
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Gov't = lawyer judges, & fees.

700 is shit C- level. better than most but still needs work.

0 apps. Fill these out even when employed.
Temp agency isn't employed. but does pay better.
but by your avg you're making 13.75 an hour. Which isn't gonna pay the bills.
Temp Jobs avg an experienced guy around 18$ an hour here. I ask for 20 and usually get it. But most of the scrubs will settle for $10.

What are you doing on wednesday and sunday. No rest for the wicked.
What are you doing the other 12 hours of the day.
A buddy of mine hacks nintendo's for $50 in his spare time. its not very involved. Just click the button a few times to keep installer going.
Since you're on college, you can probably find the rare desired amibos info for your ebay. I've heard the markup can get yuuge.

> Change next year
what happens next year. besides child growing more expensive.

> other people
if you mean your ex. The only way is to not give her cash but give her stuff. Take pictures of the receipts with your phone.
If you have issues with the executive use of money that's something to bring up with the judge if all she does is splurge.
In court the Documents are the Facts.

Get new side hustles up. College kids waste money like no tomorrow position yourself so they waste it on your goods and services.

Apply for better job and lateral transfers.

All in all seems like your head is on tight and you're having a frustrated moment. cut the shit that isn't working faster and get to the real goods

>> No.1273202

Where did it bring you to? :^)

>> No.1273204


You're fine, I've faced the reality.

> but dont fight to pay less

As said before, next year I'll be taking my income statement to DSS and getting it re-adjusted. I won't be pushing a motion to be seen before a judge. As you're correct, it's not fair for my child for me to change the living conditions due to the mother.

>> No.1273205

That's fine, pity my child. I pity you.

>> No.1273209

Women have every right to literally kill their child. And people in this thread think you should pay more? This is why more and more fathers are deadbeats.

>> No.1273215

>Women have every right to literally kill their child

Isn't it their body though? A fetus is not a human so they're not "literally" killing anything.

>> No.1273216

You might be able to get the amount reduced if she's taking benefits from the state and then double charging you for the same service. Idk. If you really feel she's jewing your kid out of a childhood talk to a lawyer.

Ask Li ( >>1273201 ) some questions. He has practical solutions to a lot of problems that can help you a lot

>> No.1273219


> What are you doing on wednesday and sunday. No rest for the wicked.

Picking up and spending 5 hours.

> What are you doing the other 12 hours of the day.

Counting travel time and prep, I have about 10.

Sleep is 6 - 7, I'm left with 4 hours that are devoted to college, browsing, watching documentaries, and stocks.

> A buddy of mine hacks nintendo's for $50 in his spare time.

Explain? I have throw away e-mail.

> Since you're on college, you can probably find the rare desired amibos info for your ebay. I've heard the markup can get yuuge.

I meant by eBay being ruthless, is I'm no longer operating it. eBay has closed the account due to, to many cases. I'd cancel orders on eBay once the orders were fulfill somewhere else. They didn't take to kindly. I know there's a method of getting a new eBay using off-set information. But time is money. Will an LLC do?

> what happens next year. besides child growing more expensive.

My income will be lower and I can go to DSS to get it re-adjusted.

>> No.1273232

>fetus is not a human

Yes it is. It's a stage of human development, classifying it as some other species is just stupid. Also it's not their body, it's inside their body.

I really don't care if you wish to kill your own children, but don't try to tell people that's not what you are doing.

>> No.1273237

>le it's your fault
>it's never the woman's fault for being guided by lawyers in an industry designed to maximize reallocating a males resource to an undeserving mother

White knight piece of shit.

>> No.1273243

2% failure rate bud
They also aren't designed to protect against STD's, so while the rate is reduced, certainly, it's not a marginal rate in the end.

>> No.1273251

>700 is shit
>le lemme tell you this from my high horse

>i ask for 20, scrubs get 10 LOL
>sent from my high horse

>apply for better job
>when factories are being shipped to mexico, entry level jobs at mcd are being outsourced to automation, when ironically it's people in their 20s-30s nowadays getting those jobs thanks to increased competition in the labor market, helped by the fact that women are in the work force, and every share gig is being shot down by the court

I mean, I guess you could work for the post office, but you're more than likely to be working 12 hours a day, 7 days a week. (thanks to amazon) And this is at a rate less than 15 an hour.

Why the fuck would any man work when he can't choose what happens with his check? I'm a huge advocate for economic freedom, and you have to have it for people to want to work.

My sister killed her child. After it was born. The reason she didn't get arrested when the police found the body? She gave birth at home and never registered the baby to be a legal person.

>still trying to justify the 1,500,000 abortions in the US alone per year

I hope your child gets aborted one day. I hope you made big fucking plans for that child.

>> No.1273261


Li isn't even white-knighting, though.

Changing OP's situation will not happen. Even if everybody rallied up against the current system right, now it'd take years. You can either game a shitty system or fail because that system "isn't fair". Go be an activist against it in your spare time, sure, but don't just decide to be in the shitter until it changes.

In any case, thanks for the infodump, Li. Downloading your shit, though I don't have a kid. One of the few benefits of being a repulsive human bean.

>> No.1273265

Just Give Up: The Post

This is why I wish for America to be invaded. At least some real men would exist in this country.

>> No.1273268
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He replaces the OS on the system and downloads a bunch of roms for it to play. Enabling it to get "free games"
Finds all the loser gamers and says I've got hot new jap game rom in english. I'll mod and install for $50 + you get other sweet games too.

> Ebay
An LLC will often require a manager listed. I don't know how much Due Dilegence ebay does but if the manager and the banned user have the same social. then they might ban you straight away. but you can always list a different manager like a trust or a shell or your attorney.
You should have an LLC any way just to be able to hide income, and other things from personal.

> 5 hours x2
make sure you read to the little one. a lot. and let her explore all the cool shit she wants. Don't just sit in the apartment.

> the other 19 x2
work goes here.

Amazon and Uber fill the gaps nicely. I'm sure there's something.

If you're working for 3 people about 75k is your target income.
Once there you're gonna want to start transitioning to more and more passive investments to focus your active time on building the warchest to get passive income.
an extra 1k a month will put you at 55k and get you breathing room.

>> No.1273269
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any requests?

I've removed Personal MBA and Speaking accounting b/c no one downloads them.

>> No.1273270

>Li isn't even white-knighting, though.

Yes he is. There is no way to know the future, and saying "you just didn't try hard enough" is not a logical argument, it's an accusation of guilt.

He is saying it's your fault your wife chose to do x, and you should have somehow known she would do x and not marry her in the first place. See the system works if you can just see into the future!

Nobody see's a black swan coming. The people here should know that better than anyone.

>> No.1273271

>This is why I wish for America to be invaded

Who's going to invade the strongest military in the world?

>> No.1273275

I didn't say give up, though.

Being a salty bitch and going broke/to jail on a principle that nobody will save you for or tell your story about is dumb. If you want to fight the system, that's fine, but you need clean hands, so to speak.

>> No.1273280

You're a fucking idiot I have two kids and don't pay anywhere near that in diapers you fucking low life.

>> No.1273283

>strongest military in the world
>female troops, officers, and generals, with a soon to be commander in chief

>need clean hands to fight the system
>when the system has dirty fists

This is why Trump will never get elected. The people that support him will never get their hands dirty. They will be beaten by Bernie and Hillary supporters until they are dead.

>> No.1273292

>>female troops, officers, and generals, with a soon to be commander in chief

Are you implying women are incapable of using technology? Or that a small minority of women in the military will somehow severely impede it?

The USAF has more ships than the rest of the world's armies.

>> No.1273297

Women are incapable of using technology. That's why they can't code or even drive. They are a small minority for now, but eventually, they'll be the majority, just like they are in college and in the work force in many industries.

Also, women shouldn't be fighting alongside men. I know female combatants that vehemently advocate that women shouldn't even be in the military.

The USAF has lost it's power thanks to the increasingly aggressive positioning and research done by China and Russia. We need to update our navy badly because we're finally being challenged and in some spots, losing those challenges by opposing navies.

>> No.1273299

So you're bragging about how your kids run around in pissed diapers all day and calling ME the lowlife?

It's not my fault your kids live in abject poverty, but it IS your fault. All of my numbers are completely accurate for raising a successful child. My kid is in the 80th percentile for height, 60th for weight, is 15 months old and almost fully potty trained, can count, knows sign language, has been in swimming since 4 months old, is testing at the cognitive abilities of a 3 year old, reads 10 books a day, and has a better vocabulary than a 30 month old. Guess what? You dont get all that from leaving your kid in their own piss so you can brag about how much money you save on the internet. Bragging about being poor: you people disgust me

>> No.1273303

I call bullshit. No parent knows the height and weight percentile. Convincing but too convincing. Youre trying to hard to win an internet slapfight.

>> No.1273324

Anon you literally find those things out at a pediatric checkup.

>> No.1273335
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>> No.1273337
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A 50% divorce rate is not a black swan. Statistically its a guarantee.

He failed to convince her that anal was the superior method for maximization of pleasure.

>> No.1273338

top kek

Li Chink you truly are our greatest poster alongside ihaz

>> No.1273339


> He replaces the OS on the system and downloads a bunch of roms

I'll check that out.

> You should have an LLC any way just to be able to hide income, and other things from personal.

Interestingly enough, she can have DSS sell off the LLC and acquire the assets. Which is another reason I'm not chasing eBay. I've tried getting partners, but the partners I've come into contact with are simple minded and greedy.

> want to start transitioning to more and more passive investments

I've thought about real estate, but she also has the rights to income generated from rentals.

I'm taking the advice on upping the income though, that's a given.

>> No.1273341


> He failed to convince her that anal was the superior method for maximization of pleasure.

I'm not into anal senpai.

>> No.1273343
File: 39 KB, 667x557, 1272001223180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for the unmarried man a nice checklist of things to do would be:

> funnel all resources away from person into other holding entities like companies, trusts, insurance, 5 flags etc... only money you can afford to risk losing half of should ever touch your person.
>Prenup & Postnup
> condoms
> money put aside for paternity test.

>> No.1273345


> If you want to fight the system, that's fine, but you need clean hands, so to speak.

Fighting against a system that earns 23 cents on the dollar for collection child support.
Fighting a system that can take any asset of yours under the phrase "it's for the child".
Fighting the system that has peasants under the notion that "you should have worn a condom", "shouldn't have gotten with her", "shouldn't have reproduced as nature intended", "should anal more often", and so on and so forth we go.
Go against a system that demonises males.
Wage against a system that makes males out to be deadbeats.
Holding the father responsible for everything, but expecting nothing of the mother.

I mean it goes on and on and on...


You get this information from the doc at check up.

>> No.1273348


Debunk time!

> funnel all resources away from person into other holding entities like companies, trusts, insurance, 5 flags etc... only money you can afford to risk losing half of should ever touch your person.

DSS can and will go after any and all assets of yours, including business, stocks, bonds, real estate, ect.

> Prenup & Postnup

Can be thrown out of court.

> condoms

2% fail rate.
Poking holes isn't hard.

Alright guys, instead of fighting for whats right - lets come up with alternatives!

>> No.1273349
File: 87 KB, 750x600, BlackSwan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

700 is barely the median fico. if you're not the exception you're the masses mired in shit. Its all in the credit secrets bible in muh link.

I ask for twenty and they give it to me.

The macro economy is shit, but that has little to no effect on your personal Micro economy. Frankly most people are broke b/c they are not doing even the minimum necessary to be considered competitive on an economic level.

I post these fucking 0 monies tutorials and go on and on about the contents and how to min/max your life and how easy money is. I'm not getting enough download frequency to keep them up for longer than the one month minimum time. Less than 1 DL a month.
Entitled people fucking whine while a handful actually research and get shit handled and expose themselves to greater and greater marginal efficiency.

>> No.1273354

In reality, your mistake is that you decided to get married and have a child before you had a career/salary that could support a household.

Now you want people to feel bad for you. They won't. Now you want the law to change for you. It won't.

>> No.1273356


Not complaining of the free information, I've downloaded it already.

I'm complaining about the fact there are others in worse situations than mine. I've heard stories that are 10x worse than mine and that I'm beyond lucky. I'm sorry, but if my situation is just a scratch on the surface as to what's actually going on - it needs to stop. People need to stop blaming males for their lust for love, wanting a family, and wanting what nature had intended for.

You all wonder why our society is in shambles. Yet you have fathers that can't be fathers and mothers that seek vengeance, while lawyers and judges fill their pockets.



> People need to stop blaming males for their lust for love, wanting a family, and wanting what nature had intended for.

>> No.1273360

I use cloth diapers, but even disposable diapers don't cost as much as you're quoting. You're in a biz/finance board you should expect people to call you out on your made up bull shit. My kids will have a much better life than yours.

>> No.1273365
File: 146 KB, 612x648, blame_me_im_a_male.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ya man, totally. It's totally just all my fault and you know we're not like a society n' stuff that can change things. I forgot that there actually in reality is no law, that it's just what the vast majority of us agree on. I completely agree that I should have done x and not y and the other 2,643,000 males should have done the same.

Sorry for being of annoyance.

I'll just drink this 5th and blame myself some more.

>> No.1273367

Just stick our heads in the sand with our asses prime for the raping.

>> No.1273369


What's your story senpai?

>> No.1273370

Again with your high horse shit.

>he didn't read muh credit bible? what a fucking pleb LMAO
>he didn't ask for 20? I DID AND I GOT IT LMAO
>macro eco is shit, but that doesn't affect the micro eco

Most people are broke because of stagnating wages and increased expenses. Back in the day, you didn't have to have insurance just to drive, which you need just to work. Nor did you have to have health insurance. Nor a fucking phone. Then you have taxes and whatnot. Do you know what poverty traps are?

>i post about how money is so easy
>but im not getting the DL frequency i demand WAHHH
>you are all entitled WAHH babies

You're a fucking piece of shit who puts the entire responsibility in the father and none on the mother. You initialize women.

>> No.1273373

1 box of 20 diapers last a month ? i feel sorry for your children

>> No.1273374

>3373 ▶
>>>1273134 (You)
>1 box of 20 diapers last a month ? i feel sorry for your children


>> No.1273375

i can tell you in one day you can use 4-7 diapers.

>> No.1273376

My sister killed her child after giving birth to it. Police investigated her. Turns out, it's not illegal to kill a non-legal person.

Every female boss I've worked under would always talk about how they're taking their man to court for child support fees. Hearing things like, "That dickbag better pay up that 15k right now" is seriously disheartening. The guy doesn't want to work because he's not going to see any fruition from it.

Every girl I knew when I was growing up was hooking on either marrying a rich man to divorce him or to get knocked up by multiple dudes to collect multiple child welfare and child support checks so they can have money to spend on clothes to show off how sexy they are.

Fucking bitches trying to poke holes in the condoms or tell me they are on birth control when they really aren't and trying to extort me for an abortion payment when they were never pregnant. It's a good thing I can read a lot of bullshit.

>> No.1273377

>no parent knows things they tell you at every doctor checkup

Lies. A box of diapers is $36 plus tax is $40. A one year old goes through a box every two weeks. You use cloth diapers. Stop talking about things you dont know about.

>> No.1273380


> My sister killed her child after giving birth to it. Police investigated her. Turns out, it's not illegal to kill a non-legal person.

What was the reasoning for killing her child? If you don't mind me asking.

> The guy doesn't want to work because he's not going to see any fruition from it.

That's the point that I'm on. I literally go to work to work.


> was hooking on either marrying a rich man

I've heard many say this out in the open with no regret, as if it's normal.

>> No.1273385

You're an impostor, not the real Li Sheng.

>> No.1273386
File: 54 KB, 480x360, 12e5b7589607be7c5ddd12a37ba2ecf587e83c22af84049b1ffe268cc9d9ad8d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nuh uh don't go down the bluepilled soapbox auto responder b/s and get the information required to fight

They can go after after assets associated with your person.

Inventory is a liability not an asset no lawyer in his right mind would go after an inventory heavy "ebay" reseller. Its worthless. What's the lawyer gonna do with over 9000 beanie babies. "Your" business is in permanent "growth" phase.

and as far as 5 flags I'd like to see the DSS go through 1 country to reclaim assets for child support. hasn't happened yet as far as I know.

Who says you "own" these businesses.
Trusts by their nature separate different rights of ownership. Named owner is the trustee.
A bank might be able to sieze beneficiaries rights. but if you're not the beneficiary but the company is. But they can't go after the grantor if he doesn't have specific control.

Who says GfFu legally own's anything beyond cc debt and a financed car.

The devil is in the details man and you're only looking at the surface.

>> No.1273394

>Learning to avoid the worst financial mistake of your life isn't biz material
>Trumpcoin is

I still love this board

>> No.1273395


5 flags?

A trust though costs much money to setup. No?

Ye, but it's easy to garnish the bank account of the llc. DSS doesn't respect the corporate Vail as the IRS does. If they're seeing you're purposely hiding behind an llc, they'll reclame it and sell off all assets at a public auction, than you owe or get what's left over. Though that's only if the lawyer can prove it and/or the judge isn't a dike.